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1、MIL-D-8 1992Et(A)27 JULi 1994SUPERSEDINGMIL.D-8199WAS)8 December 1980MIUIARY SPECIFICAISONDIRECTIVES, lECHNICA PREPAWTFON OFThts speclflcoflon k approved for use by the Naval Afr Systems Cammond, Department of theNavy. and k available for use by all Deportments and Agencies of the Department of Defe

2、nse.1. SCOPE1.1 !?YPQSQ. rnk sPeclflcalan idenes the requirements for Preparation af foalletter type Technical Directives 00s) used to direct the accomplishment and recording of modificationsto Weapons, Weopon Systems. Support Equipment (SE), Including Automatic lest Equipment (ATE),Noval Alr Mainte

3、nance Trainers (NAfv5T),Operaflonal Fllght Trainers (OFT), related equipment, ond cornpotion software system Items procured by or for the Naval Alr Systems Command (NAVAIR).1.2 Software Svstem Items. For the purposes of this specltlcatlon, Software Systemffems Include the follawlng:a. Akbame Scftwar

4、e.b. Aufomatlc lest Equipment (ATE) and Pecullor Support Equipment (PSE) soflware. (See 3. 1.3.)c. Tra!ner soffwore fon(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Mlsslon Trainers (MTs)Weappn $ Dlsfribufion Is unlimited. =1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-81

5、992B(AS)2. APPUCASLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Issues of Documents, The followfng documents, of the issue in effect on doteof Invltatlon for bids or request for proposal, forma pCrrtof this specification to the etient specmedherein:PECIFICATIONSM!Q!YML-M-9868 Mlcrofilmlng of Engineering Documents, 35MM,Requireme

6、nts forMIL-P 15024 P10t9S, Identification - Infarmatlon and Marking forIdentfflcation of Electrical, Elecfronlc and Mechan-ical EquipmentMlL-P- 15024/4 Plate, Identlficatlon, ModiflcatlonMIL-N-18307 Nomenclature and Identification for Electronic,Aeronautical, ond Aeronautical Support Equipment, Incl

7、uding Ground Support EquipmentMIL-M-38761 J1 Microfilm and Tabulating Cards Used far RecordingEnglneerlng Drawfngs and Associated DafoMIL-P38790 Printing ProductIon of Technical Manuals: GeneralRequirements farMIL-M-81927 Manuals, Technical: General Style and Format of(Work Package Concept)MIL-M-81

8、930 Manua!s. TechnlcakRequirements farSTANDARDSwMlL-STD-l)MIL-STD- 12MIL-SID-804MIL-STD-207716MM Silver Halide Microfilm;Englneerlng Drawing PracticesAbbreviations for Use on Drawings, and In Speclfi-cations. Standards, and Technical DccumentsFarrnots and Coding of Aperture, Copy and TabulatingCards

9、 for Engineering Data Micro-Reproduction SystemTest Program Sets, General Requirements For2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-81992B(AS)DRAWINGSNaval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft DMslon28638-5SECS)363 Modficatlon Platesf4JBUCAl10N

10、$Peoo rtment of DefenWDOD 520). 1-RDOD 5220.22-MInformation Securtty Program RegulationIndustrla! Security Manual far safeguardingClaslfled InfarmatianDODISSDepartment of the Navy0PNAVINST47U12OPNAVINST 8KCJ.2NAVAIRINST 5215.12MILITARY BULLERN 544NAVAIR 01-1MDNAVAIR 02MrXIAeranautlcal ReaulrementsAR

11、-4 1Department of Defense Index of Speciflcatlonsand StandardsThe Naval Avlatlan Maintenance Program (NAMP)The Naval Alame Weapons Maintenance Pmgram (NAWMP)The NAVAIR Technical Dlrectlve SystemUst of Specmcatlans and Standards (Book Farm)Weight and Balance Data ManualManagement and Procedures Manua

12、l, NAVAIRTechnical Dlrectlve SystemTechnical Directive Development and Acqulstflonof Integrated Lcstic support far AeranautlcalWeapon System ChangesI (CaPles Ofspecrncaflans, standards, drawings, and publications required by contractors In cannectlonwtih specflc procurement fi.mctlans should be obta

13、ined from the procuring activtiy or as directed bythe contracting officer.)3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-81W2B(AS)2.2 Other Publlcatlon$ The following documents form o part of this specfflcotlonto the extent speclfled herein,

14、 Unless otherwise indicated, the latest military-appraved Issue In effect ondate of Invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.IEEE STD X0 Reference Designation far Electrical and Elec-tronics Parts and Equipments(Appllcatlon for copies should be oddressed to the Instlfufe of Technical

15、and Electronic Engineers, Inc.,345 East 47th Street, New YoilL New York 11X117.)3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Technical DlrectlveS. Formal TDs shall contain Iwfructiam and information whichdirect the accomplishment and recording of a matetial change, repasttlonlng, modification, or altera-tion In the character

16、lsflcs of the equipment to which tl applies. A TD shall be used to direct that parts ormaterial be added, removed, ahered, relocated, or changed from the exlsflng configuration, To ensurecomplete understanding of the TD, nomcommon abbreviatlans and acronyms shall be spelled out.3.1.1 Parts of a Tech

17、nical Directive. When an Engineering Change Proposal k approved by a NAVAIR Change Control Board (CCB), TDs may be prepared and issued In parts to (1) ac-complish distinct parts of the total directed action or (2) accomplish action on different configuratlansof affected equipment, as approved detail

18、ed InstructIons or required kits are developed and becameavailable. tie basic Issuance of a TD wIII always be assumed to be Part 1, although ttwill not actuallybe Identffled as such in the TD number. Subsequent Issuances shall be Identified, using arable numbers,as Part 2, Part 3, etc.; e.g A-7 AFC-

19、217 Part 2. The category and subject of each TD part will be as es-tablished by the Technical Directive Detail Data Sheet (TDDDS). lhe Lssuedote far each part shall bethe date the specific part was Issued; the rescission date will be assigned at the same time (see 6,2.1),3.1.2 Cofecrorfesof Technica

20、l Directives. Tne NAVAIR CCB shall assign each TD acategory In accordance with NAVAIR C02 Instead it shall Includesufficient data to esfablsh what has been modified (type/modeI/sertes, Part number. etc.) and readltYdetermine that the modfflcatlon has been accomplished. The We headings under MomHours

21、 Requiredis still necessary to show how many people, then skill and how many hours Htook to complete.3.1.3 S= (alForm“Date-; and the name of the month shallbe initial caphal letters (see figures 1 and 3). Interim changes shall be superseded by a formal changewtfhln 180 days. The formal change shall

22、reflect the issue date of the Interim change. The hue dote willbe cdgned by NAVAIR/PMA(F). Resclsslon Date. The rescission date is the dote when It is antlclpafed that theTD wfll have been campleteiy Incorporated, Included in applicable documents, and otherwise served Itspurpose. Maximum resc

23、ls.slonIntervals far formal TDs are as follows: Immediate -2 years: Urgent -3years; Routine -8 years and Record Purpose -3 years. The rescission date shall be stated as 30 June or31 December and shall appear Immedlateiy below the Issue date. lhe wards “Rescission”;.Dote”; andthe name of the month sh

24、all be Inltlal caplfal letters.a. Where amendments add or change Instructions, the date of the rescission shall be the sameas the amended TD.b. Where only a change In rescission date or the assignment of a new rescission date to an exkt-Ing TD which has posed Ifs rescission date is required, an amen

25、dment to the affected TD shall be Issued.Such amendments shall clearfy Indicate the reason far the changed date under “Purpose of Amend-ment.” Securitv Marklrms. The sacurify classitlcallon assigned by the procuring actbftyshall be shown an the first page, In the upper and lower right hand co

26、mers as shown In figures 1 and 5,and in accordance wlfh DOD 5202. lR, 5220.22M and MIL-M-81Z!7(AS). SDeclal Handling. When specified by the procuring actlvify, TOS containingclassrned Information which maybe Ilable to Inadvertent disclosure to foreign governments or foreignnatlanals shall b

27、ear the following notice: Y3PecialHandling Required - Nat Releasable to Foreign Natlamals When h Is determined the classmedTD Information maybe released to certain foreign gaverc-ments or farelgn nationals, the fallowing notice shall be used: Special Handllng Required - NotReleasable to Farelgn Nati

28、onals Except (insert name of notions to which disclosure Is aufhortzed) byauthority of date . . Distrfbutlan Stotement/Destruction NotIce. A dlstributlan statement and destruc-tion natlce required under DOD DlrectMe 5230.24 shall be Ir?cludedan all TDs above the tile, number,and code. lhe s

29、tatements shall read as followsDISTRIBURON STATEMEIW c. Distribution authorb.ed to U.S. Government agenciesand their contractors to protect publlcaflans required for official use or faradminlstraflve or operational purposes only, (see issue date). Other requests for thedocument shall be referred to

30、Commanding Oftlcer, Naval Air Technical SendcesFacility, 70) Rabblns Avenue, Phladelphla, PA 19111-5097.7DESTRUCTION NOTfCE, Far unclasskled, Ilrnlted documents, destroy by any methodthat will prevent disclosure of contents or consfructlan of the document.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

31、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-81992B(A8) Dlstrtbutlon Statements for ForeIon Mllifarv Sales Directives, Technical directivesunique to foreign mlltiary sales progroms shall Include the fallowlng disfrlbutlon statement:PISTRIBUllON STATEMENT. This lnfarmatlan k

32、 furnished upan the candttlon that tt orknawfedge of tts possession will not released to onother nation without specificautharfty of the Department of the Navy of the Unlfed States; and that ttwill not beused far other than mllltary purposes; that Indlvfdual or corporate rights orfglnatlngIn the Inf

33、ormation, whether patented or not, will be respected; that the Inforrnatlonwill be provided the same degree of securHy afforded If by the Department ofDefense of the United States. Title, Number and Code. The ttle comprkes sfandardtzed descriptive wardingas specified In 3.2, fallowed by a num

34、ber to differentiate between directives of the same title series and centered Immediately belaw a TD Code furnished by the procuring octlvtty, e.g., A7 Airframe ChangeNo. 227, Avionics Change No. 334, TF W Powerplant Change No. 18, VAST System Change No. 23. Thettile, number and TD Cede shall be loc

35、ated In the upper center of the first page as shown In figures 1,3,I and 5, and the title and number In the tap center of each succeedlna aaae, TDs which Involve safefvof fllght shall have the word SAFEIY added an the tap of every pagalla-ting the title. When TDs oreIssued In parts, subsequent Iwuan

36、ces shall be Identified as indicated In 3.1.1. Amended TDs shall Includethe deslgnatlan Amendment No. 1,2 or 3 (use Arabic numerak), and revlslans shall be Identified by theward “Revlslon”and an alphabetic Identifier. Statement of Attention. An appropriate attentlamgalnlng statement shall bep

37、laced an the first page below the tttle when the detailed Instructions of the dlrectlve affect operatlac-al or maintenance procedures In any manner which may concern and require the attention of person-nel not normaliy having an Interest In TDs of that particular title. The fallowing note will be pl

38、aced an thefirst page below the tttle:NOTECommanding Officers will be responsible far bfinglng this change to the attention ofall personnel cleared far operation of the affected equipment/system,3.3.2 Sublect of Technical Dlrecthe. The subject shall be o brtefstatement Identlfylngthe applicable comp

39、onents In the fallowing order: Standard “AN”mmenclature, nomenclature as Idewtreed In the respective Maintenance Instruction Manual (MIM) and Illustrated Paris Breakdawn (IPB) anda brief phrase to Indicate the action required, e.g., AN/APM-XXX. TEST S RADAR, modification”afjStandard “AN”deslgnafians

40、, mllifary speclflccrtlans and nomenclature designations In accordance wtthMIL-N-183D7 shall be used where applicable. The subject of the dlrecfive shall be on the first page only.NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC will incorporate the work untt code n will be listed under references; contents of the Installation”da

41、ta Pack-oge will be listed In Detailed Instructions), when oppllcable, shell also be ctted under this element. Emglneering drowlngs and other design/installation documents shall be referenced by Contractor andGovernment Enttty Code (CAGE) drowfng/documenf number and revislan designator. Technlcol mo

42、rwok affected are not considered references unless actually used as a source, The contractor may refer-ence contractor documents (Englneetfng Job Sheet (EJS) or Change Notice (CN) for example) ondcontmcf numbers which are relevant and known to USN personnel revfewfw and/or U51n9the technicaldirectiv

43、e. All references must be referred to In the text. References in Amendment$ Tne references listed In the boslc TD ond amend-ments ore not to be repeoted. If a new reference Is Introduced nan amendment, h Is to be lettered Incontinuous sequence from the basic TD or preceding amendment.3.3.4 En

44、closures. All enclosures which are appended shall be Identified and lMed.3.3.5 Documentation Affected. All documents requiring revlslon as a result of the TDshall be Lsted. Drawings, tapes, and Logistic Support Analysis shall be Identlfled by number; and techn!-cal manuals (Including Maintenance Req

45、uirements Cards) by publication number, title and latestboslc/revlslon/change dote that does not Include the modtied conflgurafian. If sectlonalzed, the af-fected section of the manual shall be Identlfled. When an exktlng TD is supeneded, a statement to thiseffect shall be included. For tape-only ch

46、anges (3.1.3) M all affected documents not recorded as kttparts In the SUPPV data paragraph of the TO.3.3.6 Purpase of Directive. Each TD shall include a brief explanaflon of Ifs purpose shall summartze the new features end/or capablllfies resulting from the modification, andany condition

47、s such as hazards, failures, or accidents fhaf necessitated the change action. When avail-able, Information such as ocfual and predicted failure rates of the ald/unmcdlfled parts and thenew/modified ports, respectively. shall be Included. The feature heading of an amendment or revisionto an exlsflng

48、 dlrectlve shall be changed to etther “Purpose of Amendment or “Pumse of Revtslon Inthe latter case. bath the reason far the ortglnal TD and the necesstty for publhhlng the revfslon shall bespecified. For taponiy changes (3.1.3), sufficient Information to fuliy descffbe corrections or improve-ments

49、made since the last version of the tape was distributed and a complete explanation of theproblems corrected, or Impmvements provided shall be Included.3.3.7 AcsDllcaflonData. This paragraph shall esfabllsh the Identily and appllcoblltty tospecfflc aircraft and models of all hems affected by Iktlng applicable aircraft bureau numbers, trainerserial numbers, engine serial numbers, applicable engine modular sertal numbers and If appropriate,equipment/component seflal numbm and If assign

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