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本文(NAVY MIL-E-85113-1979 EXPLOSIVE PLASTIC-BONDED EXTRUDABLE POWDER PBXC-203(I)《PBXC-203(I)塑料粘结可挤压粉末炸药》.pdf)为本站会员(wealthynice100)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、12 July 1979 MIL ITARY SPECIFICATION EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED EXTRUDABLE POWDER, PBXC-203( I) This specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is avai 1 able for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE. 1.1 Scope

2、. This specification covers the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of one type of pl astjc-bonded, extrudable explosive material, referred to herein as PBXC-203(1). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for

3、 bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIF ICAT IONS Federal O-A-51 0-T-634 Acetone, Technical Trichloroethylene, echnical . Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, de etions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improvin

4、g this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Engineering Speci fications and Standards Department (ESSD), Code 93, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) apDearinq at the end of this d

5、ocument or by letter. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling ServicesF7548 64 5 PUBLICATIONS MIL-E-85113 (AS) Carton, Pack i ng , Reusable- Col lapsible for High Explosives, Assembly, Detail s, Packing and Mark i ng . Code of Feczral Regulat,Jns 49 CFR 171-179 Tran

6、s port at ion. (Copi es of speci ficat ions, standards, drawings, and pub1 ications required by contractors in connection with specified procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications. The following documents fo

7、rm a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless of invitation for otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date bids or request for proposal shall apply. American National Standards Insti tute (ANSI) ANSI/ASTM D792-66 (75) Specific Gravity P1 astics by Di sp for. ANSI/ASTM

8、Ell-70 W i re-C1 ot h Si eve Purposes, Speci f (Application for copies should be addressed to National Standards Insti tute, 1430 Broadway, New and Density of acement , Tests for Testing cation for. the American York, NY 10018.) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM E300-73 Recommen

9、ded Practice for Sampling of Industrial Chemicals. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-E-85113 13 E 7777906 O363788 2 M/ 3. REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 General mat

10、erial requirements. 3.1.1 Character or quality. The PBXC-203(1) shall be a . free-flowing, off-white to cream-colored material in the form of agglomerate;-consisting of grains of RDX conplying with MIL-R-398, Type II, Class I, surrounded and held together by a thermoplastic waxlike binder in accorda

11、nce with Drawing 2881593. 3.1.2 Chemical and physical characteristics. The PBXC-203(1) shall have the fol1 owing chemical and physical characteristics: be not less than 0.65 gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Volatiles. The moisture and other volatile content of the PBXC-20-1 be not

12、more than 0.10 percent. Composition. The composition of the PBXC-203(1) shall be as specifid in Table I. Each material used in the manufacture of the PBXC-203(1) shall meet the requirements of the applicable document specified in Table I. Bulk density. The bulk density of the PBXC-203(1) sha

13、ll TABLE I, Composition. Percent by weight Batch Ingredient 91.0 test and measuring equi pent of the required accuracy and precision and of the proper type and range to secure measurements of the requi red accuracy. Commerci al inspection equipment shall be employed where appl icable for al 1 tests

14、and examinations specified in 4.4. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that proper cal ibration procedures are followed. Government approval of all inspection equipment is required prior to its use for acceptance purposes. 4.3.6 Test Conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, the fol lowi

15、ng test conditions shall apply: (a) Temperature: Ambient (between 18 and 3593. Licensed by Information Handling Services(b) Alti tude: Normal ground el evat ion (c) Humidity: Ambient (not to exceed 95 percent re1 ative) i 4.3.7 Special working environment. The contractor shall provide adequate facil

16、ities for the formulation and testing of the PBXC-203(1) to be delivered in accordance with this specification. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the minimum standards for workina environments of MIL-STD-l695(AS) 4.4.1 Preparation of test samples. The lot or batch sample,

17、 as appropriate, shall be reduced to the quantity required for each of the following tests prior to the start of each test. The sample shall be reduced in accordance with ASTM E300 for solids, utilizing the splitter method. Any unused portion of the lot or batch sample shall be returned to its conta

18、iner. The dried samples obtained in the test of 4.4.3 shall be used for the tests of 4.4.4 and 4.4.6. 4.4.2 Bulk density. The bulk density of the PBXC-203(1) shall be determined in accordance with MIL-STD-650, Method 201.3. The PBXC-Z03(I) shall meet the requirements of to be accepta- ble. 4

19、.4.3 Volatiles. The volatile content shall be determined as follows: Transfer a minimum of 30 g of the sample to a predried, tared 100-millimeter (nun) by 15-mn Petri dish and determine the weight of the dish and contents to the nearest milligram (mg). Place the dish in an oven maintained at 100 +2“

20、C and heat for 2 hours minimum. Place the dish in a desiccator and let it cool to rom temperature. Weigh the dish to determine the loss in weight. Save the dried sample for use in the Licensed by Information Handling Servicesof 1 be TCE) the Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-E-85113 13 -

21、777790b 03b377b 1 i! MIL-E-85113(AS) (d) Transfer the slurry into a tared, fine-or-medium porosity, fritted glass crucible which has been con- nected to a vacuum filtering flask. Carefully rinse any residue remaining in the beaker into the cruci- ble, using three 5 ml portions of the RDX-saturated W

22、ash the residue on the crucible with three 20 ml port ions of saturated TCE. Remove the crucible from the filtering flask and wash all discernible residue from beneath the frit with unsaturated TCE. Dry the crucible and its contents for 1 hour at 80 The granulation of the PBXC-203(1) shall be determ

23、ined in accordance with MIL-STD-650, Method 204.1. The PBXC-203(1) granulation shall meet the requirements of to be acceptable. . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-E-85LL3 13 W 9799906 0363777 3-W MIL - E -851 13 (AS 4.4.6 Vacuum thermal stability. The vacuum thermal stability of

24、the PBX -203(I) shall be determined in accordance with MIL- STD-650, Method 503.1, except the temperature shall be 100 +2OC and the test shall be run for at least 48 hours. This determina- tion shall be run in duplicate. The average of the two determinations shall meet the requirements of to

25、 be accept ab le. PBXC-203( I) shall be determined in accordance with using the special test equipment described in and pellets prepared in accordance with 4.4,7.2, Tetryl pellets of the same size and weight as the PBXC-203(1) pellets shall be tested concur- rently as a standard of c

26、omparison. The impact sensitivity of the PBXC-203(1) shall met the requirements of to be accepta- ble. 4.4.7 Impact sensitivity. The impact sensitivity of the Special test equipment, The fol lowing special equi ment is required. (a) ERL-Bruceton type drop test machine, 337 cm maximum

27、 drop height (calibrated in 0.1 log units), and equipped with “type 12 tools“ (see Drawing LD 70518). (b) Peak reading noisemeter (microphone, amp1 ifier, and peak reading voltmeter) with adjustment provided in either the amplifier or voltmeter for zeroing out background noi se. The equi vent shall

28、be equivalent or superior to the following: The amplifier of the noi semeter shall be capable of a voltage gain equivalent to 50 decibeis (dB) and equipped for varying the gain. The noi semeter shall have a response between 100 hertz and 20 kilohertz and shalT be equipped with a dynamic type microph

29、one with an output level within the range of -60 to -52 dB. Preparation of impact sensitivity test samples. From each lot sample selected in acc rdance with, prepare 25 pellets for the impact sensitiv ty test as follows: (a) Weigh the powder nto 35 13 mg portions. ! 13 Licensed by In

30、formation Handling ServicesMIL-E-85LL3 13 H 7979906 0363778 5 Sl MIL -E -851 13 (AS) (b) Using a press which is fitted with a torque wrench or other device to indicated pressure applied, pelletize each portion into 4.7 mm diameter pellets at 206,850 ki 1 opascal s (kPa ) at ambient temperature. Dwel

31、l time is not required; release pressure as soon as 206,850 kPa has been reached. Place the samples on soft paper in a vacuum desic- cator containing fresh, indicating-type desiccant. Maintain an absolute pressure of 0.5 to 1.0 mm of mercury (Hg) in the desiccator for a period of 30 minutes. Close o

32、ff desiccator from the vacuum source and allow the sample to remain in the closed desic- cator for not less than 15 hours. Allow the pellets to remain in the desiccator until the time the tests are to be conducted. (c) NOTE: Only whole, unchipped pellets shall be used in the impact sensitivity deter

33、mi nation. Test procedure. Impact sensitivity tests shall be performed on the 25 sample pellets prepared in accordance with using a drop test machine specified in (see Figure i). The peak reading noisemeter specified in shal be used in conjunction with the drop

34、test machine to determine when an explosion occurs. Adjust noi semeter so that room noise is zeroed out and noise (created by striker falling upon a 35-m9 pellet of inert powder from a height of 300 cm) wi cause the indicator needle to rest at an average reading, which is one-fourth total scale. (In

35、 any test, a reading over this average one-fourth-scal e reading shall be classed as an explosion.) 1 (b) Prepare inert pellets frm tripentaerythritol (technical grade) in accordance with the procedure speci fied in 14 Licensed by Information Handling Services,610 FLINT PAPER (PER P-P-105)

36、1114 IN. r 2 112 IN. R 1 EX P LOW E - IF- 1 114 IN. 6114 IN. 1114 IN. FIGURE 1. Drop-test firing tools. n 15 Licensed by Information Handling Services_ - MIL-E-851L3 13 7779706 0363800 T W I Test each pelletized sample of PBXC-203(1) on a fresh, 1-inch-square piece of flint paper conforming to P-P-1

37、05, Class 1, Grade 5/0. (The grade and. manufacturer of flint paper used is critical to the impact sensitivity results obtained.) Clean the anvil and striker with acetone, conforming to O-A-51, and wipe dry with a clean cloth after each drop. (Resurface the anvil and striker after every 30 explosion

38、s.) Determine the explosion point and a nonexplosion point by dropping the striker from various heights (beginning at 40 cm or 1.6 log units), raising or lowering the drop heights as required until an ex- plosion is obtained. The drop height shall be raised or lowered in increments of 0.1 log units.

39、 A fresh sample shall be used for each drop. After an explo- sion is obtained, the drop height shall be lowered the specified increment or increments until an ex- plosion is not obtained. When the approximate heights of explosion and nonexplosion are determined, 25 samples shall be tested (raising t

40、he striker one increment if no explosion occurs), continuing one increment at a time until an explo- sion does occur, and then lowering the striker similarly until a fresh sample does not explode. Repeat the process until 25 samples have been tested Determine the impact sensitivity of tetryl using t

41、his same Drocedure. I s aFlus sign-(+) and a nonexplosion as a minus sign (-). The 50-percent explosion point or height shall be calculated using the drop heights recorded for those conditions (explosions or nonexplosions, whichever occurred the least number of times). For example, if more nonexplos

42、ions occurred than explosions, the drop heights associated with each explosion will be used in the 16 I Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL -E -851 13 (AS) calculation. The terms for the 50-percent explosion point calculations shall be obtained from a table similar to Table IV which is comp

43、leted with test values as follows: (a) In column la“ the drop heights in log increments are recorded, beginning with the lowest drop height at which a test (explosion or nonexplosion) was o bs erve d. (b) In column IIb“ arbitrary consecutive numbers are listed. (e) In column IC the number of tests o

44、bserved at each corresponding drop height are recorded. (d) In colunn “b-c“ record the quantities obtained by multiplying the values listed in column “c“ times the number listed in column Ib“ for each cor- responding drop height. TABLE IV. Sumnary of fire, no-fire chart. 1 a b I C I b-c I I I I I i

45、O I I 1 I I 4 l I I 1 N= A= I The equation used is as follows: Log of 50 percent point, in cm = c t O.l(A/N t 1/2) (if nonexplosion values are used) or Log of 50 percent point, in cm = c + O.l(A/N - 1/2) (if exptosion values are used) 17 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-E-851L3 13 0b 036

46、3802 3 li where: c = lowest drop height at which a value used in the calculation was recorded in column Ia“. co 1 umn IC . N = the sum of test values 1 isted in A = the sum of the quantities listed in c o 1 umn. II b-c II . 4.4.8 Extrwdability. An extruded simple of PBXC-203(1) shall be prepared as

47、indicated in and the density of the sample determined and calculated as indicated in 4,4.8.2 and The density of the extruded sample shall meet the requirements of to be acceptable. 4,4.8,1 Preparation of extruded sample. Prepare the PBXC-203(1) test sample as follows: Dry th

48、e PBXC-203(1) for at least 2 hours in a circulating air oven at a temperature of 70 +2OC. Using an extrusion die with a 3:1, pour the PBXC-203(1) into cavity, which is maintained at eduction ratio of the extrusion die 70 52OC. Lower ram head to vacuum posit on and evacuate until a pressure of 25 TI

49、or less of Hg is obtained. Maintain this vacuum while extruding the material. Exert sufficient pressure for extrusion, 103,425 kPa maximum, and then extrude the PBXC-203II) at a rate of at least 25.4 mn; per minute through a 1.1 inch di amcter extrusion di e. Repeat steps (a) through (d) until a sufficient quantity of extruded PBXC-203(1) is obtained for subsequent testing. Cut or machine the extruded sample into lengths of 25.4 to 152.4 mm. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesJ MIL-E-85LL3 13 m 7997906 0363803 5 m MIL -E -851 13 (AS ) Density deter

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