1、MIL-F-163G(SH)13 December 1985SUPERSEDING.-”“1MIL-F-163F(SHIPS)15 January 1968(See 6.4)MILITARY SPECIFICATIONFAUCETS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE, COMPRESSIONAND SELF-CLOSING TYPE, NAVAL SHIPBOARDThis specification is approved for use within the Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Department of the Navy, and is availab
2、le for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 =. This specification covers single and double, compression andself-closing faucets for plumbing installations on board ships of the U.S. Navy.1.2 Classification. Faucets shall be of the following types and classesas
3、specified (see 6.2).Type I - Standard (bibb).Class a - Compression, plain-end.Class b - Compression, hose end.Class c - Self-closing.Type II - Lavatory, self-closing, low SPOUC.Class a - Fast-closing.Class b - Slow-closing.Type 111 - Folding lavatory, self-closing.Type Iv - Elbow operated. .Type V -
4、 Lavatory, combination water supply and drainfixture (see VI - Combination supply fixture-swing spout foruse on galley sinks.Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:Commander
5、, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy,Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document orby letter.FSC 4510DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release; distribution
6、 unlimitedProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-163G(SH)Type VII - Single supply fixture swing spout for use with steamkettles and urns.Class a - Spout for overhead supply.Class b - Spout for riser supply.Type VIII - supply fixture fo
7、r pressed metal and shock mounted chinalavatories.Type IX - Lavatory, combination water supply and drain fixturesdepression type (see APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Cavernment documents.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications andstandards form a part of this specificati
8、on to the extent specified hereio. .Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listedin the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards :.(DoDIsS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDE8ALQC the otherend of the
9、tailpiece shall be provided with outside threads l/4-inch rips. Theminimum weight of each faucet, including tailpiece shall be 1-1/2 pounds plus orminus 5 percent.3.9.2 Class a. Class a lavatory faucets shall be in accordance withI figure 2. They shall operate on a cam, ball or roller bearings. Fauc
10、ets withrenewable operating unit will be considered. Overall dimensions shall be as a71specified (see 6.2). ISH 3592A.-FIGURE 2. Faucet, type 11, class a.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-163G(SH)3.9.3 Class b. Class b lavatory f
11、aucets shall be in accordance witha71figure 3. They shall be fitted with an adjusting device, that cannot be tamperedwith, for regulating the closing from 3 to 15 seconds. Overall dimensions shallbe as specified (see 6.2). Dimenfiionashown on figure 3 are approximate. Shankdesign shall be as specifi
12、ed (ace 6.2).FIGURE 3. Faucet, type 11, class b.3.10 Type 111, folding lavatory self-closin.3.10.1 Type 111 faucets shall be in accordance with figure 4. They shallbe of the cam, ball or roller bearing self-closing type. The body shall bedesigned for back mounting. Overall dimensions and position of
13、 inlet (side orbottom) shall be as specified (see 6.2). Dimensions shown on figure 4 areapproximate.a713; ABT. -!- ON FCX? MOUNTINGSH 3594FIGuRE 4. Faucet, type 111.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-163G(SH)3.11 Type IV, elbow op
14、erated.3.11.1 Type IV faucets shall be in accordance with figure 5 except that goose neck spout is acceptable. They shall have a double faucet with a rigidsnout with or without buttons. renewable seats and sleeves or renewable unitsand integral stops in shanks with union inlets. Escutcheon plates sh
15、all beprovided for the fixtures. Overall dimensions shall be as suecified (see 6.2).Spray shall be providedare approximate.j,s.6“4+when specified (see 6.2). Dimension; shown on figure 5l-%.% +fOF EL fiberboard boxesshall not exceed the weight limitations of the box specification. Closures shallbe in
16、 accordance with the applicable box specification and the appendix thereto. Level B The faucets,. packaged as specified shall be packed incontainers conforming to any one of the following specifications at the option ofthe contractor:Specification pe or classPPP-B-591 Class IPPP-B-601 Domes
17、ticPPP-B-621 Class 1PPP-B-5B5 Class 1PPP-B-636 Type SF, Domestic class14I.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-163G(SH)o10The gross weight of wood type boxes shall not exceed 200 pounds; fiberbOard bOxesshall not exceed the weight li
18、mitations of the applicable box specification.Closure shall be in accordance with applicable box specification and the appendixthereto. Level C. Packing shall be accomplished in a manner which shallensure acceptance by common carrier at the lowest rate and shall afford protec-tion againat p
19、hysical or mechanical damxge during direct shipment from the supplysource to the using activity for early installation. The ahipping containers ormechod of packing shall coaf.armto the UriiformFreight Claeaification Rules orother carrier regulations as applicable to the mode of transportation and ma
20、yconform to the contractors commercial practice.5.3 !&!l?&. In addition to any special marking required in the contractor order, marking of the packagea and shipping container shall be in accordancewith MIL-STD- 129.6. NOTES6.1 Intended use. Single and double, compression and self-closlng faucetscov
21、ered by this specification are intended for pLumbing installations on boardships of the U.S. Navy.6.2 Ordering data. Acquisition documente should specify the following:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(1)Title, number, and date of this specification.Type and claas required (see 1.2).Type of handle r
22、equired (see 3.3).blarkingrequired for handlee (see 3.6.1).Size and weight of type I faucet required (see 3.8.1).Overall dimensions for type II, class a faucets (see 3.9.2).Overall dimensions and shank design for type II, claas bfaucets (see 3.9.3).overall dimensions and position of inlet (side or b
23、ottom)for type 111 faucets (see 3.10.1).Overall dimensions and whether apray ia required for type IVfaucets (see 3.11.1).Length of spout for type VI fixtures (ace 3.13.1).Whether type VII spouts are to be class a or b (see 3.14.2).Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking requirementsif other th
24、an those specified (see 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3).6.3 Provisioning. Provisioning Technical Documentation (PTD), spare parts,and repair parts should be furnished as specified in the contract.6.3.1 When ordering spare parts or repair parts for the equipment coveredby this specification, the contract should s
25、tate that such spare parte and repairparts should meet the same requirements and quality assurance provisions as theparts used in the manufacture of the equipment. Packaging for such parts shouldalso be specified.15Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
26、from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-163G(SH) on board repair parts. On board repair parts shall be furnishedfor shipboard installations in accordance with table III for each type valveinstalled, with the exception of type IX valvea which shall be in accordance a71with Drawing 803-5959206.I TASLE III. on board
27、 repair parts.Item QuantityComplete faucecRubber discs, packing and sealsSprings and screwsHandles or handwheels1 for each ten faucetsinstalled.100 percent for each faucet.1 set for each five faucetsinstalled.1 for each ten faucetsinstalled. Type V faucets and repair parts for type V taucets
28、are for replace-ment or repair of existing lavatories only. For lavatories in accordance withDrawing 805-1623970, type IX, combination water supPly and drain fixture shall besupplied.6.4 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revisionto identify changes with respect to the previ
29、ous issue due to the extensivenessof the changes.Preparing activity:Navy - SH(Project 4510-N221)L 16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I1.STANDARDIZATION WCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL(SeeI.utmctiom - Rew?se Side)OCUWENT NuM0E17 2. DOCUMEN
30、T TITLEMIL-F-163G(sH)Faucets, Single And Double, CompressionAnd Self-Closing Type, Naval ShipboardNAME OF S1.lnUITll NO ORGANIZATION 4, TvPEOF OFIQANIZATIOIA fMtioIUJ1 VENOOR1 uSE ROOREaS(simct. city, L7titi. ZIP CA) a75MAN”,AcT”REFi, n OTMEe (Smclb), -R OBLEM AREASk P.rr Numt.r .nd Wording:b. .%cOm
31、-dMWo.dl”O:c. R-n/R.,l. ”al. for ROconlml.dtiio.:REMARKS. NAME OF SUBMITTER (id. Fimf, Ml) - OLX1.and b. WORK TE LEPUONI! NUMER (1acimA8 AmCo&) - Oc.tlmmlMAILINQ ADORESS (S fm,l. City. Slmh. ZIP Cod8) - OF.SIOIIDI 0, DATE OP 8uBu1SSION (YYMMDD)- - . .&-UUA“:fi+1426PF!EV1OU9 EDITION IS OPSOLETE.7-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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