1、INCH-POUND IImMIL-F-24385F(SH)AMENDMENT 15 August 1994MILITARY SPECIFICATIONFIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT, AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM (AFFF) LIQUIDCONCENTRATE, FOR FRESH AND SEAWATERThis amendment forms a part of MIL-F-24385F(SH), dated 07January 1992 and is approved for use by all Departments andAgencies
2、 of the Department of Defense.PAGE 22.1.1: Delete the following under Federal Specifications:“PPP-C-1337 Containers, Metal, with PolyethyleneInsert.TT-E-489 Enamel, Alkyd, G1OSS, Low VOC Content.l2.1.1: Add the following under Military Specifications:“MIL-D-43703 Drums, Shipping and Storage, MoldedP
3、olyethylenetrPAGE 175.1.1: Delete and substitute:“5.1.1 The AFFF liquid concentrate shall be furnished in a 5gallon or in a 55 gallon plastic container as specified (see6.2d).tlPAGE, a and b: Delete and substitute:“ Fifty-five qallon container. The 55 galloncontainer shall be molded
4、 polyethylene, size 4, conforming to MIL-D-43703.” Delete last sentence.Preparing activity:NAVY-SH(Project 421O-N496)*AMSC N/A FSC 4210DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release;distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-