1、/“,0 . . . . .(.- MIL-F-8815Dz der 1976SUPERSEDINGMU-F-SE 15C29 September 1972MLiTARY SPECIFICATIONFILTER AND FILIZR ELEMEfWS, FLUID mssm. HyDULICLKNE, 15 MICRON ABSOLUTE AND 5 MICRON ABSOLUTE,TYPE II SYSTEMSGENERAL SPECIFICATION RTbfs specification le apprmmd for use by all Departmetiand Agencies o
2、f tbe Depmlxnent of Defense.1. SCOF73.1.1 * - This specfflsation covers hyd.nmlic line filter aet3em-biies cnd filtar elements wMch mtaln all particles larger than 15 nticrmm and 5micmne end are suitable for use se specked In 6.1, and tk applicable specifien-tfmtelmet.c 1.2 Cinsslfieation - Hydraull
3、c EUter assemblies shall he of tkefoilowfng type, class, styles, micron ratfngs, end sizes. as specified (see 6. 2).TIMhydraulic filter element sbsll be ettlk?r cleanable or noncleanable as specified .tn b appikabla specfficatlan sheet.)cTyp If (MIL-H-5440) - For -820F to +27SoF fluid temperature ra
4、nmClam S000 (MIL-H-5440) - Filterandfilterelementebalibefirnishedsuitableforoperatingp18sEun3sup to andIncludfng 9.000 pamde per square inch fpsi).Stye. eizes, micron mtings, and part nambers ehslf he as specified lothe applicable specificatim sheet.2. APPLICABLE DOCUhlENTS2.1 Issue of documents - T
5、be following documente, of tbe fseuefo effect cm date of lnvttstlon for bide or mqueet for pmpoeai, form a pert oftMs epeclficatlon to the extent spectlied bamln.,peaUnent data wMch may ha of USEIn fmprovlng Uds IMm-F-8815DSPECIFICATIONSPPP-B-566PPP-B-636PPP-B-676MilitaryMIL-P-116MIL-B-117MIL-H-5440
6、MIL-C-5501MfL-H-5606MIL-H-60S3ML-H-6775MIL-H-25475MIL-F-61836MIL-H-83282.STANDAR.,lwitttaryMIL-STD-1 OS“.MIL-STD-129MIL-STD-130MIL-STD-7942Boxes, Folding, PaperboardBOX, FiberboardBoxes, SetupPreservation, Methods ofBag, 51eeve andTubing-InteriorPackagingHydraul.tc Systems, Aircraft, Types Iandff,De
7、-sign,Inatallatfon, and Date Requirements ForCaps and Plugs, Protective, Dust and Moisture SealHydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, Al,m, Mitisileaud OrdnanceHydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, for Preservationand TestingHydraulic System Components. Afrcreft end Miesfles,General Specification forHydraulic
8、System, Miaaile, Dasfgn. fnstaUation, Teetsand Data Requirements, General Requirements forFilter and Dieposai Element, Fluid Pressure, Hydraulic3 Mfcrnn Absolute-I.-”Hydraultc Fluid, Fire Resfetant, Synthetic HydrocarbonBase, AircraftSampling Procedures and Tables for IqapectIon byAttributesMarking
9、for SbIpment and storageIdentification Marldng of US Military ProIwYParts and Equipment, Procedures for Packagingand Pecking of;. . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-8815Dc Military (contd)MIL-2TD-SI O Environmental Teat MethodAN
10、815 Union, Flared TubeAN929 Cap Assembly, Pressure Seal Flared Tube Fitflng -AND1OOS4 Fifflnge, Installation of Flared Tube, StrelghtThreaded Coaaedors63A109 Cleaning Machine Hydraulic Fflter ElementPUBLICATIOtiAir ForceAFTM-T. O. 9H3-1-1 Cleanhxg end Testing fnetructione for WovenWire Hydraulic Fil
11、ter Elemeata(When requesting alicable documents, refer to both title end number.Coplea of ooclaedfled documents may be obtained kern the Commanding Officer.Naval Pubiicetione atxl Forms Center, 5801 TeborAvenue,Pbiiadelphfa,Pennsylvania 19120. Rqueste for copies of cieaatfied documents atwuid be(add
12、reeaed to the Navel publications and Forma Center, via the cognizantGoveromeat repreeeotative).a71 2.2 other pub iicatione - The following documeata form a partof this speciEcaiion to the extent specified be rein. Uaiesa otherwise lndiceted.the iaaue in effect on date of invitation forbide or reques
13、t for proposal shall apply.Soziety of Automotive EngineemARP 598 Procedure for the DeterminationofPexticulateContaminationof Hydraulic Fluids by the Peticle Count MethodARP 785 Procedure for the DeterminationofI%tiicolateContaminationinHydraulicFluids by the Control Filter Gravimetric Procedure(Appi
14、ice.tion for copiee abould be addreaeed to the society of AutomatizeEogfneere, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendeie, PA. 15096).3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,MIL-F-8815DAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute .3ANSI Y14. 5-1973 Dimension
15、ing and Tolerencing for EngineeringDrlmge .(Application for copiee should be addreesed to the American NationalS,., “ Tba raUef tmlve design abaU be of the ncnzdjuetatile type.l.-3.5. 6.2.3 WItb the filter azeembly installed with the bowl low horizontal,the design eball incorporate provisio
16、n to prevent inbcrne contaminen tafromsccu- mulating or settling where entnment with reiief valve flow will occur. 6 ,. ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .c(MIL-F-8815Da71 LXfferential preaaure tndtcator - FUtar assemblies eb
17、elllnoorpotate en tntegrel nooelectrtcal davtce that wtll gtva vtauat wemtng byIatng a red lodlcator when the dtffemntial pmssum acmee tfm element exceeds70 a71 10 patd. Inadvertent actuattng shell mt occur under a temporary flow a-or a 20g stmcfc oed. roel contamlnetton ekatl not advereely effect t
18、ba mmnaloparetton of the dtfferenttel pressure fndlcetor. U nacesaary (such as for low actuation force) dastgn feetmws ebell be Incorporated to provtde the indicator pinwith poalttve protacttoo egatnat external conteminan ta Wtltch mtlt tmpada normalopam.tfon. -e actuated, the red todicator shell Iw
19、matn extended untit maetmanually. Wban the tndicetor fs tn the maet poattton, it shell be htddan fmm vtew.Tba tndlctir ehafl not actuate below 100” a71 15” F flutd taropemtum. The tndtcatoreball be red fn color. Automettc shutoff - 6tylea A and B ftlter tmuetnge shall bepmvtded wttb so eutoma
20、ttc ehutoff davtce to prtwrmt dminaga frwm tlm flowbetween ttm fnlet and outlet pxte of the filter heed when the flttar bowl endelement am removed, end to pmvant atr tncluaton fn excess of 2 cc. upon re-assembly. The davtce for style B filter fweingao shall allow rated flow throughtfm ftlter Laxu3tn
21、gat a dtfferenttaf preseum not to aacead 200 pat tn the event thattfm fflter element 1s not tnatalled to a filter aaaembly. TM davtce abalf sa tleakage, cycttng, end atr tocluaton teats apactftad under 4.7.1. S. 3.3.6 “ Performance - “a71 .S.6.1 Ftlter eaaembllea, ftltar fxmatngao end filter elemant
22、e shallperform sattafactortly when subjected to ttm tests spectfted hereto.3.6.2 _ - Ftlter eaaembltes 6hell watand 25,000 tmpulaecycles at 275” F flutd tempamtura and 75,000 impulse cyclee et 225” F wttboutevldeoce of leakage or .3tIuctumd fdlure.3.6.9 Eouatng end element praaaum drop - The maxfmum
23、 pneaumdrop et mted ftow between tb blat end cmtlet of ttm filter kmatng only, shall mtexceed 15 pat wttb a fzwa-tlow dummy element tnatalled (s88 4.7.1. 2). Tbs .maxtmum pmasum drop at rated flow acmaa the r element shall mt exceedtk value specified tn the applicable specification sheet. 3.6.4 Burs
24、t preesum - Nlter kesembltes shell withstand a burstpmsaum of 7,500 pat.c3.6.5 Proof pressure - Ftlter eaeambltse ebell wttbeteod a proofprmmurw of 4,500 paf at 275-F fluid temperature.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.,-.,MIL.F-8815D
25、3.6.6 Filtration - Filter element efficiency shall be ee specified intbe applicable epeciflcation sheet. Fitter eiem60t sbail not unioad wban awbjactad to intennittant .hydraulic puking or etati up flow conditions as found in typical bydrmdic ayeteroe. Filter elemente abail not be aena
26、itive to veriatione in con-taminant concentmtion, type sod/or distribution above tba ebaoluta rating. Filter elements eball be so deeigmid tbet under gormdbendlfng tba filter media wtil not be damnged or degraded. Niter element ftltemiag media conetmction ebaif be such thatit is O3Bubb
27、le “tot buildup and collapae pofnt 4.7.2; 1.2Relief valve opexation (if applicable) by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .(IWIGF-8815DTABLE I. Qualification Tests (Centd) .Filter Eiement No. 3 Ref
28、erence(2nd ioweet bubble point)Examination of product (See bfIL-il-8775)Bubble point 4.7.2 .1.1.1Immereion 4.6.3Bubble point atati point of filtmtion point Element No. 4 RefertmceEaamfnation of product ee ML-H-8775)Bubblepoint
29、 - 4.6.3Bubbiepoint etart point and abreaton migration point Make functional checke only ooe time, omitting any r6quired repeated cycling.VABLE IL Quality Coofonnance TestsIndividual teat Reference. .
30、Filter HousingExamination of product (See BnL-E-6775)Proof pressure devicesReiief vaive “4.7.1 .3.1.2Dfffereutiei preseureindicator 4.7.1 .3.2.2Automatic ehutoff 4.7.1 . eiements oniyExamination or product (See MIL-H-8775)-W * rmance bubbie point Elem
31、ent preasum drop (cieenebleeiements) . 4.7.2 .6.2.1Filter eiement relief vaive (if eppilcabie) 4, by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . .MIL-F-8815DTABLE IL Quality Conformance Teste (Cent d)7. . .Samplingteats ReferenceFiltera
32、eeemblieeand61terelementsCleanliness 1 of epeciflcation eheet -no samples taken)Degree of filtration element efficiency) Vibration - The iliter assembly, filled with
33、 tlm test fluid,ehali be vibmted for 15 minutes at a frequency of 120 10 cps and a doubleamplitude of O.014 inch in a direction pareliel to the bowl axle of the assembiy. Degree of cleanliness - The filter sesembly”abail be tranaferradto a staod and flush with 2,000 miiliilters of prefiiter
34、ed hydraulic test fluid atrated flow. and the effluent collected. The contaminant ievei of tb effluentSample SWI ha determined in accordance with ARP 785. The contamioent valueobtained shell not exceed 1.75 milligrams maximum.* 4.5.3 Inspection iot - For purposea of quality conformanceinspecting, a
35、iot shall be defied as all fflter aesemkdiee manufactured underessentially the same conditions and offered” for acceptance at one time, or allfIitSr elements _ufactumd fmm one convoluter act-up. Elements wufacttu=d.in excess of contract quantity may be piaced fn stock end accepted for later con-trac
36、ts (within 3 years) based on prior tests of the specific lot.4.5.4 Repoti of faiiure of sampiimg teat - When a ftMerelementfails to pass a sampling teat, the entire iot represed sbaii be rejected. AU,.faiiure of the teated units and elements sbail be rspofied immediately by tele-phone or meesage. Fu
37、ll Pafiiculare concerning previous simtiar, feiiures, thecurrentfailures and action taken to correct the defects sbeil be submitted ta theprocuring agency in wrttfng. The iot repreaentad by the unsatisfactory sampleshall not be msubmttted unl apprtwai of resubmiaaton baa been Issued by theprocuring
38、agency.4.6 Test conditions -I 14,:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .MIL-F-8815Dc 4.6.1 Teet fluid - Uniess otberwiee spectfietf, the bydreufic fluidused for eli teets shell conform to MIL-H-5606 (with on fme water). For qualityconfor
39、mance tests, hydtauiic fluid conforming to MIL-H-6083 or MIL-H-5606(with no fmM water) maybe used.-* Test ftuid cleeniineas - For quatttj confonmmc e tests endcrtticei quefificetton teats the test fhdd ebell be. precleeoed to a clemees Ieequal to CiSSS 1 of NAS 1638.a71 Test ftuid fi
40、ltretton - Unless othemiee speciiied, the testftuid shell be continuously ftltered through a %micmn absolute fflier conformingto MIL-F-S1SS6(A.9) or a filter with equivcleot eiltciency during testing.4.6.1. S Test fluid te mpereture - uniess othexwtse epecifled, theactual tempemture of the test ftui
41、d ehail be 100” * 10” F.4.6.2 Temperetam - Unlese otherwise epecifled, the tests sbeU becintducted at a mom tempexatum of 70” to 90” F, measured within 12 inches ofthe test sample.4.6.3 Immersion - Prior to performing the quelifioeiion tests, filterelements shalt be immersed in bydreultc fluid (see
42、4.6.1) for a period of 72 Jre( at a fluid temperature of 275” F end 72 bum at a fluid tempemtum of -65” F. Allinternsl parts ehell be in contact with the test fluid du tide period. Afterimmersion, tb filter ehall mmato in this fluid at room temperature unffl futhertests are conducted.4.6.4 Test sir
43、- The sir used b pmesurtze the test apparatus sheifbe mtered thmugba O.4S-tttictwn membrane filter (type EA hfillipore, or equiv-Sieni) .4.6.5 Weight, meeeummant of - Precision (of WetgtdnQ - Uttteee otbe=iee epecified, allWOQS SW be measured with a precisfon of one part in one thousand or be
44、tter. Static electricity, elimination of - A desice to eliminate staticelectricity shell be in proximity to the filter memb renediec, ortoiim penonwhich it =s, wimnever SOYobject or materiel is being welg to a precision of* 0.1 gram or Hner. Ttm ago of tlm device ehall not exceed tb value sta
45、ted bythe manufacturer as its xated eervfce life. .c 15Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-8815D .-* 4.6.6 Test duet, source ofsuppl - All teet duet ueed for teete eballbe obtained from the Naval Air Jletilopment Center (NADC), (Att
46、ention of Code30211), Warmineter, Pa. 18974, and AsH be the lot of teat duet curmntiy in uaeat NADC.,. ,.4.7 Test metboda - -4.7.1 Nlter aeaembiy - Proof prestire -a71 Proof pressure (Qualificatio - Fiiter aeaemblies sbailwithetand proof preaaore se specified herein without evidence
47、 of permanentdeformation, meifuoction, or external leakage. Tim?filter aea?mbly ehall be .filled with teat fluid and maintained at 275” F for 72 hours. Prmf preaaare of4,500 pei sIMI1 then be eppifed at leaet twice whiie at 275 F and beid for 2 minutesat each application. The preaaure shall be reduc
48、ed to zero between applications. .Tbe activity reaponaible for qualification aball have the prerogative 10 conductadditional teats to vaiidate compliance of the filter aeeemblies tith the iongevltyrequirements apacified in 3.5.1, end veri the manufacturerta amiiysis.a71 -f pmeaure (quaiity
49、 conformance) - Proof preasura(4, 500 pet) ahaii be applied at leaat twice et room tempmature end held for 2minutes at each application. Tbe pressure abell be reduced to zero betweenpmseum applications. There, abaii be no evidence of pemnaneat deformation,maifonction or external leakage.a71 Housing p end the manometerreading in inches of water at which this bubb
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