1、 .ImmzEilMIL-G-2161OC(SH)21 November 1989SUPERSEDINGI (.MIL-G-2161OB(SHIPS)1 March 1967(see 6.6)MILITARY SPECIFICATIONGASKETS , HEAT ERCHMJGER , VARIOUS CROSSSECTION RINGS, SYNTHETIC RUBBERThis specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command,Department of the Navy, and is avaiable
2、 for use by all Departments andAgencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 x. This specification establishes the requirements for syntheticrubber gaskets for use in heat exchangers.1.2 Classification. Synthetic rubber gaskets shall be furnished in thefollowing types, as spacified (see 6.2):Typ
3、e I - Compound utilizing a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrileas a basic material.Type 11 - Compound utilizing elastomeric polysiloxans as a basicmaterial.2. APPLICABLE DOS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 S ec cat 0 sD ifi i n . standards. and handbooks. The following specifica-tions, standards,
4、and handbooks form a part of this document to the extentspecified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the.issues of these documents arethose listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications andStandards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).Bene
5、ficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:Commander, Naval Sea SysternsCommand, SZA 55Z3, Department of the Navy,Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImp
6、rovement Proposal (DD Form 1L26) appearing at the end of this document or byletter.AMC N/A FSC 5330DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-2161OC(SH)SPECIF
7、ICATIONSFEDRRALTT-T-656PPP-F-320MILITARYMIL-P-4861MIL-L-19140STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-190MIL-STD-407MIL-STD-413MIL-STD-758- Tricresyl Phosphate.- Fiberboard; Corrugated and Solid, Sheet Stock(Container Grade) , and Cut Shapes.- Packing, Preformed, Rubber, Packing; Packaging of.- Lumber and Plywood,
8、Fire-Retardant Treated.- Identification Marking of Rubber Products.Visual Inspection Guide for Rubber Molded Items.Visual Inspection Guide for Elastomeric O-Rings.- Packaging Procedures for Submarine Repair Parts.MIL-STD-2073- 1 - DoD Miteriel Procedures for Development andApplication of Packaging R
9、equirements.(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications,standards , and handbooks are available from the Naval Publications and FormsCenter, (ATTN: NPODS) , 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099.)2.2 Non-Goverrunent publications. The following document(s) form
10、 a part ofthis document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, theissues of the documents which are DOD adopted are those listed in the issue of theDODISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, tbe issues ofdocuments not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the
11、 documents cited in thesolicitation (see 6.2)AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM).D 395 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - CompressionSet. (DoD adopted)D 412 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension.(DoD adopted)D 471 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property
12、 - Effect ofLiquids . (DoD adopted)D 573 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration in an AirOven. (DoD adopted)D 2240 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property -.DurometerHardness. (DoD adopted)D 3767 - Standard Practice forRubber-Measurement of Dimensions(DoD adopted)D 3951 - Standard Practi
13、ce for Commercial Packaging. (DoD adopted)(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society forTesting and Materals , 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-2161OC(SH) “SOCIE
14、TY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINESRS , INC. (SAS)AS 568 - Aerospace Size Standard for O-Rings,(Application for copies should be addressed to the So8. - - -I 4.5 Wg,g. .as specified in table III (see 6.3). Tests shall”be conducted on samples
15、selectedin accordance with 4.6.3 from intermediate lots on which first article tests wereOualitv conformance inspection shall benot performed.TABLS III. Qualitv conformante inspection.1- Test method,fter oil immersior -J-Afteristilled Afterot water steammmersion exposureAfterovenagingmediumLo. 1 oil
16、medium,0.3 oilPropertyinspectionRequire.ment nitiallITensilestrengthUltimateelongationHardnessVolumechangeCompressionsetIdentifica-tion markingWorkmanship4. Irable Irable Irable ITable I3.5 4.
17、 - - - -4.9 .-.4.7.1 -6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, . .(MIL-G-2161OC(SH)4.6 Samuling. Sampling shall be as specified in 4.6.1 through m. For purposes of ssmpl
18、ing, examinations, and tests, a 10t shallconsist of all material of the same type, form, and dimensions produced underessentially the s“ameconditions, and offered for delivery a one time.4.6.2 nations. For the examinationspecified in 4.7.1, representative samples shall be selected at random fromlot
19、in accordance with table IV.TABLR IV. $li ne for visual and dimensional examinations.Lot size Sample size Accept Reject u U WMajor defects2-8 2; o 19-90 8 0 191 - 280 32 .1 2281 - 500 50 2 3501 - 1200 80 3 41201 - 3200 125 5 63201 - 10000 200 10 1110001 - 35000 315 14 1535001 - over 500 21 22Minor d
20、efects2-8 2 0 19-15 3 0 116 - 25 5 0 126 - 50 8 1 251 - 90 13 z. 391 - 150 20 3 4151 - 500 32 5 6“501 - 1200 50 8 91201 - 3200 80 14 153201 - over 125 21 22 All defective ite or, reduce materially the usability of the unit of productfor its intended purpose. A minor defect shall be a defect that is
21、not likely to:1) reduce materially the usability of the unit of product for its intendedpurpose; or, 2) depart from established standards having little bearing on theeffective use or operation of the unit. Total defects shall be major and minordefects combined.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod
22、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-2161OC(SH)II4.6.3 Samvline for tests. Representative samples shall be selected atrandom from each lot that passes the examinations of 4.7.1 in accordance withtable V for the first article tests or the quality conformance tests specifi
23、ed in4.4 or 4.5, as applicable.TABLS V. Samoline for tests.lot size numberof gaskets in lotup to 8081 to 170171 to 350351 to 700701 to 14001401 to 2500Sample size, number ofspecimens required for each lot l./123457 When test specimens camot be prepared from the gaskets, substitute samplesshall be pr
24、ovided in the form of pieces of rubber having dimensionsappropriate to the tests required. The substitute samples shall have anequivalent cure and be selected from the same material used to make up the lotof material offered for delivery (see 6.3)4.7 .4.7.1 Visual and dimensional examinations. Each
25、of the samples taken inaccordance with 4.6.2 shall be subjected to surface examinations for workmanship,dimensions, and tolerance. HIL-sTD-407 and MIL-STD-413 shall be used todetermine and evaluate visual defects. The dimensions shall be determined inaccordance with ASTM D 3767. Any gasket having on
26、e or more defects shall berejected and if the number of defective or nonconforming gaskets exceeds theapplicable acceptance number of table IV, the entire lot represented by the sampleshall be rejected.4.7.2 Nonconformance. If any of the $amples in the first article inspectionor quality conformance
27、tests ars found not to be in conformance with the require-ments of this specification, the lot which it represents shall be rejected.Furthermore, additional samples shall be taken from each subsequent lot and shallbe subjected to the test or tests wherein the failure occurred until foursuccessive lo
28、ts have passed the failed test or tests (see table V for number ofslek to be tested to represent each lot). Each lot shall be accepted onlyafter satisfactory results are obtained on the failed test or tests by all thesamples taken to represent the lot.6.8 . Tests shall be as specified in 4.8.1 throu
29、gh Tensile Drouerties. The tensile strength and ultimate elongationshall be determined in/accordance with ASTM D 412. Die C specimens that are 0.080f 0.010 inch thick shall be used for determinations of tensile properties , exceptwhen O-rings are being tested, the test specimens shall be
30、 O-rings of suitabledimensions (such 8s AS 568 or equal) and the mean values”shall be determined.8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-2161OC(SH) Joined (sulited) rinzs. Rings which are not molded and cured inring configuratio
31、n, but are joined (spliced) to form the pkoper configuration,ashall be tested to determine the strength properties of the bond join. For thisevaluation, all tensile property determinations required for first article tests(see 4.4) or quality conformance tests (see 4.5) as appropriate, shall beconduc
32、ted on spliced ring specimens. If dimensions of the ring being acquiredprecludes a specimen being tested on a tensile test machine, appropriate sizespliced rings shall be used to represent the actual rings (see table V, footnote1). These substitute rings shall be spliced in a manner identical to tho
33、se ringsoffered for delivery (see 6.3).6.8,2 Jlardness. Hardness shall be determined with a Shore A durometer onmolded specimens at least 1/4-inch thick in accordance with ASTM D 2240. Thehardness readings shall be taken 3 seconds after firm contact is made between therubber and the presser foot of
34、the durometer.4.8.3 Oven aging. Oven aging shall be conducted in accordance with ASTMD 573 with the following exceptions:(a) Type I material shall be aged for 168 1 hours at 100 2 degreesCelsius (“C) (212 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (“F) and(b) Type II material shall be aged for 168 f 1 hours at 150 f 2-
35、C.(302 3.6”F). Tensile m ouerties after oven acing. The tensile properties afteroven aging shall be determined by the procedure specified in Hardness after oven acing. The hardness after oven aging shall bedetermined by the procedure specified in Volume chane after
36、 oven azing. Volume change after oven agingshall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 471. Three specimens , 1 by 2 by0.080 f 0.010 inches or three small O-rings (such as AS 568 or equal), shall beused. Compression set after oven acing. Compression set shall bedetermined in accordance with
37、 ASTM D 395, except that three O.500 f 0.010-inchthick specimens shall be tested, and the specimens shall be deflected 25 percentduring oven aging as specified in Immersion in medium I-10.1 oi. Test specimens for the individualtests shall be immersed in medium no. 1 oil conforming to AST
38、M D 471 as follows:(a) Type I material 168 f 1 hours at 100 2C (212 f 3.6”F) and(b) Type 11 material 168 f 1 hours at 150 f 2C (302 f 3.6”F) Tensile uroDerties after immersion. Tensile properties afterimmersion in medium no. 1 oil shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 471and as descri
39、bed in 4.8.1. Tensile strength shall be based on the swollen cross-sectional area.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-2i610C(SH)IIii) Hardness after exuosure. Hardness after exposure to steam shall bedetermined a. specified i
40、n 4.8.2./ after exuosur . Volume change after exposure to steamshall be determined as specified in , .10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iIIMIL-G-2161OC(SH)h.9 Examination of markinvs. The a75aterial shall be visually e
41、xamined todetermine compliance with 3.5./4,10 Inspection of Dackagiqg. Samplepacks, and the inspection of thepreservation, packing, and marking for shipment, stowage, and storage shall be inaccordance with the5. PACKAGING(The packagingacquisition.)5.1 General.5.1.1 through 5.1.3.requirements if sect
42、ion 5 and the documents specified therein.requirements spacified herein apply only for direct GovernmentGeneral requirements for packaging shall be aa specified in5.1.1 Naw fire-retardant requirements.(a) Lumber and nlvwood - When suecified (see 6.2), all lumber andplywood (i;ciuding laminatd veneer
43、 “materiai”used in shippingcontainer and pallet construction members, blocking, bracing, andreinforcing) shall be fire-retardant treated material conformingto MIL-L-19140 aa follows:Lavels A and B - Type 11 - weather resistant.Category 1 - general use.Level C - Type I - non-weather resistant.Categor
44、y 1 - general use.I (b) Fiberboard - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), fiberboard usedin the construction of class-domestic, non-weather resistantfiberboard and cleated fiberboard hexes (including interiorpacking forms) shall be in accordance with the flame spread andthe specific optic density requirements of PPP-F-320.5.1.2 Subma i e a. For submarine applications, the level Apreservation requirements .? Co DO:Os:.1426 “PREv1ou3 EOITION IS O& OLETE.IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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