1、MIL-H-16313D(sH)31 August 1982SUPERSEDINGMIL-N-16313 C(SIPS)6 June 1961(See 6.7)MILITARY SPECIFICATIONHE,ATiRS, FLUID, FUEL OIL ,NAVAL SHIPBOARDapproved for use by the Naval Sea systemsThis specification isCommand , Department of the Navy, and is available for use by allDepartments and Agenctes of t
2、he Depar LinenL of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 scope. This specification covers self -contained steam hea Lers usedfor hea Ling fuel oil prepara Lmry to delivery LO centrifugal purifiers a“d gasLurbines .1.2 Classification. Fuel oil bea Lers shall be of Lbe following Lypes,as specified (see 6.2.1):Type B -T
3、ype C -Type D -Extended surface tube Lype wiLh fuel oil outside Lhe tubes ,the tubes having longitudinal fins and being individuallyencased by Lubes of larger diame Ler (See 3.3.1).Extended surface tube Lype wiLh fuel oil outside Lhe tubes ,each shell enclosing more than one tube element (see 3.3.2)
4、.Shell and bayonet tube type, with steam inside and fuel oilouLside the Lubes; tubes being either plain or exLendedsurface (see 3.3.3).2. APPLICABLE OOCUMENTS2.1 Government documencs .2.1. I Specifications, and standards. Unless otherwise specified, thefollowing specifications and sLamdards of the i
5、ssue lis Led in that issue of theDepar LinenL of Defense Index of Specifications and SLandards (OODISS) specifiedin the solici LaLion for” a par L of this specification Lo Lhe exLenc specifiedherein .Ber.eficial coum!enLs (recommendations, addi Lions, dele Lions) and any per LinentdaLa which may be
6、of use in improving Lhis documen L should be addressed Lo:Commander , Naval Sea Sy?Lems Command , SEA 55Z3, Depar LinenL of the Navy,Washing Lo” , OC 20362 by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing aL Lhe end of Lhis documentor by leLLer.FSC 44
7、20Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIL-MIL-H-16313 D(SR)partSPECIFICATIONSFEDERALHI-P-46 - lackin;:Asbestos, Sheet, Compressed.TT-P-28 Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resisting (1200” F),PPP-B-601 - Boxes , Wood , Cleat,:dPlywooccific.:tion to
8、the extent .sDcci.fied herein. The issues of the documents which., .acs indicated as DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the current DoDISS andcl?,:sLlppLem?nt Lhcretn, if applicahlc.AMERICAN I.RON AND STEEL INSTITUTE (AISI)Steel Products :!an,al.(Application for copies should beSLee L Insti.cu
9、te, 150 East h?nd Street,AMERICAN SUCLETY FOK TESTINGaddressed to the Arm?rican lrn andhteW York , NY 10017. )AND NATERIALS (ASTM)A ?7 -Ali3-A 05 A 106 A 5 -A 515 -A 515 -A 675 -Mild- to :4edium-Strength CarbonSteel Castings forGeneral Application.Pipe, Stee L, Black and Hot-Dipped , ZincCoated Weld
10、edand Seamless. (DOD adopted)Forgings , Car be, sree L, for Piping Components .seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature SerVi Ce.(DOD adopted)Pressure Vessel PLaces, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate-Te”sile Strength. (DoD adopted)Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate-and li
11、gherTemper acurc Service. (DoD adopted)Pressure vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate-and Lower-Temperature Service. (lkID adopted)Steel Bars. Carbon, !jot-Wrought, Specia L Quality,Mechanical Prop Lecbnica groupsand ,sin,uFederal agencie s.)2.3 Order of precedence. In Lhe even L of a Conflict b
12、cLween Lhe LexL ofLhis Spccif LCaLlot and Lhe rcfer,:nces cLrd herein, Lb? Le.?L of Lhis specifica-tion shall. Lake prcceclclce.3. RF:QUIRENXXTS3.1 Firs L arLicle. When specified (see 6.2.1), a sample shall be suh-jec Led Lo firs L acLicle inspecLLon (see 14.3 and 6.3).3.? HflLerials. MaLerials show
13、n in Lablc I shall be used as Lhe basis fordesixn. If use of n sLlbsLiLu Le maLerial. is approved by Lb? conLTac Ling acLLvitY,Lbc l?lallLlfclcLLIKcr sha Ll includv Ldouble tube sheets with condensate rcmova L space bctwccn the t,be sheet.q, theinner tube secured in the outer tube sheet a“d tbe oure
14、r t,be secured i“ theinner tube Sbcct ; a stca” hcauble t,bes exte”di”g into the she Ll from c.ach end and steamriuns appropriate to the subdivided steam and condensate spaces. Tubes shall be fasce”,:d to the t,be sheets by roLLerby we Lding, or by a combination of the two.Anotherthe shell,si
15、de connec -expanding ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-16313D(SH)I3.3.3.3 lJhere nonwelded expanded Lube joints are used , the Lube expandershall he nd.jusLed so LhaL Lhe dep Lh of expansion does noL exLend fur Lher LhanwlLhin l/
16、8-L”ch of the inner face of Lhe tube sheer. For joints of this type,Lhe holes in Lhe Lube shee L shali be drilled and reamed 0.005 inch larger thanLhc nominal “Lube dlame Ler with 0.002 inch Lolerance, and holes for 5/8-incho,tLsldc diameter and larger shall he provided with two grooves approximatel
17、yl/6L-inch deep by 3/32-inch wide. Ninlm,n!thickness of Lube sheets shall be 3/4 inch for 5/8-inchouLside diameter Lubes or larger and 1/2ouL side diame Ler. The inner Lube sheet sbal LLhe shell and sL,?am head flanges and Lheand Lhe shell flange shall be so securedbroken when Lbe sLea
18、m head is removed. The sLeam head, outer tubebe removable. The inner Lube shee L, Lhe.inch for tubes less Lhan 5/8-inchbe of Lbe sane diameter as Lhose ofjoint beLween Lhe inner tube sheet,by Lhe bolting LhaL iL will nOt besheet , and inner bayonet Lubes shallouter tubes, and baffles shall al
19、sobe removable as a uni L. A guide pl.3Le, drilled for Lhe inner tubes , shall beprovided Lo facilitate reassembly. If specified (see 6.2.1), the baffles shall be so arranged thatLhey can be moved backwards and forwards a dis Lance equal Lo the space beLweenbaffles by a sLem exLending Lhrough
20、 Lbe blanked end of Lhe shell. A handwheelor crank shall be fitted Lo the sLem, and a yoke shall be provided close toLhe bandwheel or crank Lo support Lhe stern. The stem shall be provided wiLh apacking gland. Holes for Lubes in the baffle shall be of such diame Ler Lhat aminimum clearance exists be
21、Lween Lubes and baffles, so that a scraping acLiOnoccurs Lo clean off accumulated deposits on the Lubes. The handwheel or crankshall be of such size Lhat the baffle assembly can be moved readily by one manwhen Lhe tubes are fouled and tbe packing gland is adjusted to prevent leakagewlLh full fuel oi
22、l pressure in Lhe shell. If specified (see 6.2.1), the hea Ler may he of Lhe evaporatorLYPe , in which an intermediate fluid , waCersLearn, is used Lo Lcansfer heatfrom a primary hea Ling CO1l to the bayonet Lype fuel 011 heating elements. Anevaporator secLion, wiLh Lhe.primary bea Li”g coi L
23、 roo”nted on iLs cover, shallbolL co Lhe hea Ler in place of a steam chest cover. A filllng connection shallbe prov.iciedon Lhe evaporator . Condensable reLurn piping shall be providedbetween Lhe condensate chamber and Lhe evaporator section. A connection shallbe provided for a safe Ly valve in such
24、 a 10ca LiOn Lhar Lhe valve can be usedfor initial p,Irzing of alr from Lbe intermediate fluid sys Lem. A pressuregae cocncc Lion shall be provided for Lhe intermediate fluid sys Lem.3.4 SLandardiza Lion. Each cOn Lrac LOr of hea Lers shall sLandardlze tbeproposed equipment as far as possible, holdi
25、ng Lhe number of models and sizesoffered Lo Lhe Government to a minimum commensurable to the range of Capaci Lyand Lhe ,peraLLng pressures which may be required. The grea LesL possibleinterchangeability of service parts among the several models and sizes shallbe developed by each contractor. Parts b
26、ui LL Lo Lhe same drawings shall beinterchangeable. I“ “o CaSe shall parts be physically Interchangeable orreversible unless such parLs are also interchangeable or reversible wiLh regardLo fllncLion, performance, and sLrength.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho
27、ut license from IHS-,-,-3.5I 3.63.7MIL-H-16313 D(sH)Threaded par Ls. Threaded pacts, shall. conform Lo FED-sTD-H28.Weldin. Welding shall he in accordance with MIL-STD-278.Pain Ling. Pain Ling shall be as follows:(a) InLernal surfaces shall not be pain Led.(b) Fxternal sLeel surfaces shall be thoroug
28、hly cleaned and coatedwiLh two coa Ls of bea L resis Ling pain L in accordance wiLhTT P-28.3.? Space envelope and weigh L. Space e“vclope and veigh L shall be heldLo a minimum cOnsis LenL wiLh sLren KLh and reliability.I3.9 Inclinin R, piccbi”g, and rolling. Hea Lers shall meer the performancert!qui
29、remen Ls specified in Lhis specific aLiOn when Lbe ship is under any of the01 lowinE conditions :(a) Up LO 5 degrees from Lhe normal horizontal position in Lhefore and afL plane (permanently inclined).(b) Up to 15 degree. LO either side (permanently incllned).(c) WiLh Lhe ,essel rolling up LO 45 deg
30、rees from Lhe verticalLo eiLher side or pitching 10 degrees up or down from thenornal horizontal plane.KOLe : Degrees are measured from the horizontal fore-and-afL plane, upor down for Lrim and piLcb, and from Lhe ver Lical Lo eitherside for lisL a“d roll. Tbe conditions for permanen L lis L androll
31、 or for Lri” zt”d piLch shall not be considered additive.3.IO Shock resistance. f specified (see 6.2.1), fuel oil hea Lers shallbe grade A, hull mounted class L i“ accordance with MIL-S-901.3.11 Capaci Ly. A combination of Lwo or more heaters designed to group asa cOrnpacL bank shall be used LCIhea
32、L Lhe fuel oil for urifiers in fuel oilLrans; er svs Lcms and gas Lurbines in fuel oil service ;ys Lems (see 6.2.1).These hea Lers shall be connected in parallel. The hea Ler bank (or subdivisionLhereof) shall hea L fuel conforming LO MIL-F-16884 (NATO F-76) from 30 to 70degrees Fabrcnhei L (“F) in
33、fuel Lrans.fer sysLems and from 40 Lo 85 F i“ fueloil service sysLems aL a flow raLe from 15 percen L (minimum duLy) Lo 100 percent(maximum d“Ly) of full load cequiremen Ls (see 6.2.1).3. IZ press t,res and Lempera Lures.3.1ol Pressures . SLandard fuel oil Opera Ling pressure will be 150pounds per s
34、quare inch (lb/in2). eaters subjec L to fuel oil filling pressureshall wiLhs Land 200 lb/in2. SLandard sLeam supply pressures will be 150 and600 lb/in2. OLher Opera Ling pressures may be specified in Lhe cOntrac L ororder (see 6.2.1) if circumstances require, buL it is inLended Lhat sLandardLines of
35、 hea Lers designed for Lhe above conditions will be used as widely aspossible. lL Lhe minimum duLy cond iLiOns , steam pressure in Lhe opera ringpOr Lion of Lhc bank shall be not less than 5 lb/in2 (see 6.2.1).o8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro
36、m IHS-,-,-MT.i.-ll-l63l3D(SR)3.12.2 Temper aLures. The maximum sLeam Lcmpera Lure is LhaL of saLura Liona71at the operating sLeam pressure. The maximum fuel oil side Opera Ling Lempera-LLlre is Ltle saLura LiOn temperature of Lhe Opera Linp, sLeam.a713. 12.3 Allowable pressure drop. When hea Ling fu
37、el aL maximum duLycOnd iLiOns, Lhe pressure drop across Lhe hea Ler shall noL exceed 20 lbfinz.3.13 Connections. Excep L as specified S.n, co”neccio”s for fueloil, sLeam and condensable service shall be flanged. ROOL connec LiOns shallconform Lo Draw LnK B-214. Flanged connections shall be 1
38、50-pound series forvclding neck or integrally cas L flanges in conformance wiLh kNSI B16.5 modifiedfor flaL face.3.14 Relief valve fiLLin Z. Each heater shall be provided with a flangedfiLLing for a I/J-inch relief valve o“ Lhe fuel oil side. This fitting shall beloca Led so LhaL iL can be used as a
39、 chemical cleaning cOnnec Lion, unless al/-inch flanged ven L fitLing, suitably loca Led for Lhis purpose, is fiLLed.3.15 VenLing and draining. Each heater shall be provided wiLh a l/2-inchflanged drain fiLLing. This fitLing shall be located so LhaL it can be usedas a chemical cleaning connection in
40、 conjunction with Lhe relief valve fitting(or vent fiLLing). Each heater shall be fiLLed with a l/2-inch flanged fueloil side ven L fiLLing if the fuel oil side is noL self-venting.3.16 Fouling facLor. In computing the design overall (service) coefficientof heat Lransfer aL maximum duLy, Lhe followi
41、ng minimum fouling resistances shallbe applied:leaLer Cype Youling resistanceB 0.005c .005D .002Performance aL duLy pOin Ls oLher than Lhe maximum shall be computed on a “cleanLube” basis in order LhaL pressure on Lhe sLeam side will show as Lhe lowestvalue which may be encountered for Lhe given duL
42、y pOin L. Calculations ofcOefficien Ls shall be based on fuel oil side area, wiLh Lhe effec Live o“Lsidearea being used for finned Lube heaters.3.17 Technical daLa. The cOntrac LOr shall prepare the following technicaldata in accordance with the daLa ordering documents included in Lhe cOn Lract oror
43、der (see 6.2.2), and as speified in 3.i7. l through 17.1 Drawin Ks. DcawLngs shall be furnished in accordance wiLh the daLaordering docurremenr dra,wi”s, fnr ,guid.a.ce of Lhr: shipyard in desig”i”g a71Lhc fO!lndaLion sLruc L,re for Lhr hea Ler(s) , fOr ins Lal!a Lin:l Lbcrcof, and forcOnn
44、ec LiOn of Lhe hea Ler(s) Lo exLernal pipin. The draw LnK sbal.L show LheSPaCe rqtlired fOr rcmova. and r6?P1.?f_,:menL of L,lhes.3. 17.1.2 The assembly draui.nfi sha Ll show complete lonHiLudi”al andtransverse cross -sectional views of Lb,. bea Ler. This rlrawinq shall. show Lherela Lio”ship of all
45、 parLs and Ibcral ,se of enlarged views or sec LiO” S shallbe made LO ilLus Lra Le fesLures (of Lhe design. The assembly drawing shall con Lain a LiSL of m.aLerials showingnames , identifying numbers, maL,?riaLs and ma Lerial specific .aLins for all parts.The i,denLifyitlg numbers shall al
46、so be shown adjacen L LO Lbe parLs depic Lcd inLhc ,arious views, wiLh arrows poin Lin LO Lbc par Ls.3. 17.1.3 D,:Lai L drawings (ofall m,ajor par Ls or s,basstimbli.es such asshe LLs. L,be bundles and sL2am I,e:ldsshal 1 be t,rrliSb,:,i. Tbc drawtns shallhe completely dimensioned, wiLb Fl”lsbes and
47、 wcldin symbols indi caLed, asrequired for manLIfacLure.3. 7.2 Cer Lifi caLion daLa sbt?eLs. Cer Lifi caLLOn cf.aLn shee Ls shall beprepared wiLb a dual Labula Lie” Lo cover Lhe maximum d!.lLy and minlmurn duLyconditions of one bank (see 3. 11). hnr e.ac!lcondi Lf.on Lbe fol.lowin enLrie,5sha Ll be
48、shown:FLlel oiL working pressure, lbfln.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(1)(m)(n)(0)(P)(q)(r)(s)(L)(u)R.CILEof fuel oj 1 flow, pounds, per hour.Fuel oLL inlet Ll?mperaLue, 6?.Fuel oil ouLLe L LEmpera Lure, “F.Fuel oil pressure drop Ib/inz.Steam supply pressure, lb/in2.!iLeam supply Lempera Lure, F.
49、SLeam pressuce in bca Ler, lb/in2.Steam condensed, pounds per hour.SLeam side bydros Latic LeSL pressure , lbjin.Fuel oil side hydros LaLlc Les L pressure, Lb/i”2.Fuel oil side hoL oiL tesL pressure, lb/tn2.Effec Live hea Ling surf.?ce, square a bank, which is recommended for use aL Lhc various sLandard flow r.ales,including full load, maximum duLy and minimum duty (see 6.2.1). For each ofthese $Landar
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