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本文(NAVY MIL-H-22251-1959 HYDRAZINE SOLUTION (22-PERCENT)《肼(用作火箭推进剂)溶解(22%)》.pdf)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NAVY MIL-H-22251-1959 HYDRAZINE SOLUTION (22-PERCENT)《肼(用作火箭推进剂)溶解(22%)》.pdf

1、t 9 . ._ . . WARY SPEcIFlCATION BYDRAZINE SOLUTION (22-PERCENT) 1. SCOPE i MIL-H-22251(SHIPS) 5 Nowember 1959 1.1 Tha rpecUicatlon covers aa aqueous solutton containng 22 percent hydrazine for use In scav- enging oxygen from water. 2. APPLICABLEDOCUMENTS 2.1 The following specfftcattons and standard

2、s, d the lssue n effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of thk speciiicatlon: . SPECIFICATIONS . - FEDERAL PPPIB-601 - Boxes, Wo 03 percent, by welght, hydrazlne or not more than 24 percent, by welght, hydrazlne when tested M specified ln 4.5.2. of chlortdes when tested as speclfled ln 4

3、 5.3. 3.5 Densltv. - The deity of the solutlon shall bu not greater than 1.015 or less than 1.011 when tested as speclfled ln C 5.4. 3.8 Total dtssolved matter. - The hydrazine solutlon shall mntan not more than O. O3 percent total dissolved matter when tested as speclfled ln 4.5. S. 4 QUALITY ASSUR

4、ANCE. PROvlsIONS 4.1 Unless otherwlse specifled hereln the supplier is responsible for the performance of all lnspec- tlon requirements prior to submlsslon for Government lnspectlon pnd acceptance. Except as otherwise speclfled, the suppller may utllbe hla own facllltles or my commerclal laboratory

5、acceptable to the Gwernment, Inspectlon records of the examlnatlqas and tests shall be kept complete and avallable to the Government as speclfled ln the contract or order. 4 t 4.2 SamDllnu, - 4 2.1 u W hydtazlm solutlon produced ln one process batch and offered for dellvery at one time ln the same t

6、ype ol contalner shallbe considered r lot for purposes of sampllng andtnspectlon. 4 2.2 SamDllnu for examlnatlon of illled contalnets. - A random sample o: fllled contalners shall be seleCted4romeach lot in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 at Inspectlon Level I, an Acceptable Quallty Level (AU)

7、- 2.5 percent defective to verify compllance wlth all stlpulatons of thls specification regardlng 1111, closure, marklng and other reqdrements not involving tests. for the tests speclfled ln 4 5. 42.3 SRZIYDM for teats. - From each inspectton lot, two contalners shall be selected at random 4 3 plsRe

8、ctlon. - 4 3.1 Eamlnatlon of fllled contalnets, - Each sample fllled container selected ln accordance wlth 4 2.2 shall be examined for defects of the contalner 8nd the closure, for svidenze of leakage, and for Watl esch sample filled container shall al80 be welghed to determine the amount of the con

9、tenu, Any container ln the 88mp10, havlnp one or mom defects, or under requlred flll, shall be rejected md LI the number of defactlve contaluera ln rny sample exceeds the acceptance number for the appropriate 88mpllng plan of Standard MIL-STD-105, the lot represepted by the sample shall be rejected

10、Rejected lot4 may be resubmltted for 8cceptonce tests provlded ulrt tbe contnctor ha8 removed or repalred rll nonconformkrg contalner8. jected segtrly to the tsta speclfled in If either specimm falls one or more of these tests, the lot shll be reected, Rujeckd lots m8y be resubmitted for acceptrnce

11、tests provlded the contractor has removed or reworked all nonconforming product. er acceDtance tests. - The sample speclmeas selected ln rccordance wltb C 2.3 shall be sub- 2 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.5 Test DrOcedurSS. . .

12、i NOTE: Hpdrazl ln taxfc rad safety prec8utlm8 am teqaJrad rhso. h8ndlW. Avold inhalatlon of hydra- zlne vapars and contact of the solutlon wlth the skln. Rubbr gloves Md goggles should bo worn. 4.5.1 Sedlment. - FU1 two smdl test tubes of the slme siza to neu the top alth 8 thoroughly mked sample,

13、stopper and place In 8 test tube nck for 24 hom. At the ead of this time, axamhe the tubes for color and sediment. If no sediment L evident, shake oob tube vlgrously 8nd compare with the other tube. If the two samples stlll have the same PppearPnce Md are free from clots, jelly or 8ediment, the samp

14、le shall be considered free of sedlment and suspended matter. . 4 5.2 pvdraZhe content. - Wer one mllllllter (m!.) d sample, at room temperature, by means of a one ml. volumetric pipet to a 100 ml. volumetrlc flask contaLatng about 75 ml. of freshly prepared dlstllled water. Dtlute to the 100 ml. ma

15、rk with riame dbtllld -ter. ML. by hertlng the flask. From thls flask take a 10 m?. allquot, uslng a 10 ml. volumstrlc pipet, and place ln a glass stoppered 250 ml. Erlenmeyer flask which contalns 10 ml. of freshly prepad. dbtllled Wptar. Md 10 ml. d carbon tetrachloride .nd 25 ml. of cbncentmted hy

16、dmchbrlc act& (lut chemfcals used ln the test shall be of reagent grade. ) Tlhgte with O. 1N potasslum iodate solutlon with frequent vlgotous shaking untll the aqueous layer chmges from 8 dark brown to 8 llght yellow. At thl8 pou, dd the Sodata solutlon a drop Pt 8 time vlgorously shaklng after each

17、 sddltlon mtll the lodhe color just dhppevs from the carbon tetrachlorlde layer. Calculate the percentage hydrazlao 88 follows: . f Hydrazine (percentage by welgbt) - O. 534 - M d Where M. - ml. of todate solutlon added d density of the hydrazlne solutloa. 4.5.3 mlorlde content. - Transfer tan ml.,

18、of sample, at mm tempedure by means of a 10 ml. volumetric pipet, to a 250 mL. Erlemeyer flask. Md 25 ml. of dtstllled water. Acidlfy cautlously to lltmus paper by slowly addlng ACS e concentrated nltrlc acld and then add 5 ml. excess. Whlle holdlng flask ln 8n ice bath unU nactlon ls complete, 8Uow

19、 solutlon to return to mom temperature. Add 10 ml. of O. 01N silver nitrate solutlorr. Add 5 ml. of 8 ferrlc nitrata indicator solution. The lndi- cator ls prepared by dlssolvlng 100 grams of Fe(NO3)3. QH20 La dLtUed water containing 10 ml. con- centrated ACS grade nitric acld and then dllutlng to 1

20、 ltter with distilled water. Titmte the solutlon wlth O. OlN potassium thlocyate untll a permanent reddlsh brown color perskt8 throughout the solutlon. Calculata the percentage chloride as follows: Chloride (percentage by e.) - 6A-(0*003548) d Where A - ml. of O. OlN sllver nttrate added. B - ml. of

21、 O. 01N potassium thlocyurate Med. d 9 density of the hydrazine solutlon. 45.4 pensltv. - The denslty shall be detennlned by ASTM Method D941-55. 4.5.5 Total dlssolved matter. - Approxlmately 100 ml. of SOluUon, rCcurStely weighed, Shall be evaporated (without flltratica) ln mordance wtth paragraph

22、f (method B) of ASTM Method D1069-58. 1 : 4 8 InsDectlon tocedures. - For Naval purchises, the gene- Inspectton procedures shall be ln ! accordance wtth General Speciilcations for Inspection d aterlal. I ! I . -I I _. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

23、ense from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-22251(SEIIPS) 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 ckaalnu. - flydrazlne 8olutbIl shpll be prchqed in l-poond Prtpnuua JI D.GU polyethylEe bottles wlth 8cmw cap closures. Bottles &all be f0rnlSh.d with polpethybe crps md liners. Closures 8hU be 808led with 8 self-8hrlnling type b8

24、nd or equ1dCaL S& 8h8ll COV8f CW externally, exteadhg well down the neck of the bottle fand allghtly opor the top edge ai the COP. when drled, the band shall conform to cmtau of the cap and neck cd the bottle 8nd ptsvsnt looasntng of the cap. Band shall be treatetf to lnhlblt the growth of fungus. 5

25、.2 Packlnu, - 5.2.1 mel + - A quantity of 12 alt packages shall be packed In milad wood, wood-cleated ply- wood, or flber boxes conformlag to Speclficatlon PPP-B-62l (class 2), PPP-B-601 (wetsea8 typa)? or PPP-8-636 (claas 3), rt the option of the cgntmctor. Shlpplng contalnars shall be provided wlt

26、h putb ttons. Wood or wood-cleated bars sh8U be provlded wlth liners, md full slze tap rod bottom pads. Separators shall be placed betwean layers of alt packagem. The cellsformed by the p.rtitlcns shall be of such slze tbat the unit contalwrs contact all four sldes of the cell. U neces-, rdditlcal c

27、ushioning shall be effected by Lasertton .ol cellulose rrnddl4 or slmllar mabrlal to prevent movement within the boxes. Boxes shall be closed md stnpped Ln aocorctpnce wl the rppliable box speclflcatioa oi ameadlx thereto. 5.2.2 Jmel B. - A quantity of 12 unlt packages shall be packed in nalled wood

28、, wood-cleated ply- wood, or flber boxes confomLDp to Speclflcation Pm-B-621 (closa 11, PPP-B-601 (domestic type), or PPP-B-638 (class 2), at the option of the contractor. Shlppbg contatnars shall be prwlded with portl- tlons. Wood or wood-cleated baa08 ahall .be provlded Mt?) llners, and full slze

29、top and bottom pads. Separators shall be placed,between layers of unit packages. The cells formed by the partltlons shall be of such slze that the mlt containers contact all four sides of the cell. If necessary, addltional cushlonlng shall be effected by lnsertlon of cellulose wadding or slmllar mat

30、erial to prevent movement within the bozes, Box closure shall be a8 specified ln the sppllcable box specUl!atlon or appendlx thereto. cornmtm carrier and safe delivery at destlnatlcn. Shlpplng containers shall conform to the Code of Federal Regulatlohs and regulations of common carrlers urappllcable

31、 to the mode of transportation. packages and exterior shipplnq conlahers shall be marked in 8ccordance wlth Standard MIL-STD-129 and BS follows: DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNJJGHT OR AOMNS“ HEATED SURFACES. 6.2.3 bevel C. - Hydrazlne solution shall be packed ln containers whlch wlll bure acceptance by

32、5.3 Markina, - In additlon to any specfa1 marking requlred by the contract or order or hereln, wlt 6. N6TES 6.1 Orderlna data, - Procurement documents should spclfy the followlnq: “. (a) Tltle, number, and date of thls speciflcatlon. (b) Quantlty of hydrazlne solution requeed. (c) Lwel of packing rT

33、equlred (see S. 2). Notlco. - When Governent drawtngs, 8pecificatlons, or other data are used for any purpose other than Ln connectlon wlth r dsfhltely related Owernment procuremeal operation, &he Unlted States Govern- ment thereby lncur8 no rrspmslblllty nor my obllgation whatsoever, and the fact t

34、hat the Government may have famUat8d, furnished, or k my wry rupplled the.sald drawlnp, speclflcatiops, or other data Is not to be regarded by implication or otherwlse 8a In my manner llcenalng the holder or my other person or . corporation, or convsplag any rights or permlsaon to mmuflckve, use, or 8e.U any patented laoentlon that may in my way k relatad thereto, Proparlug rctlvlty: Navy - Bureau of Ships (Project 68109013Sh) 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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