1、IlNCti-POUNDlMIL-HDBK-244A6 APRIL 1990SUPERSEDINGMIL-HDBK-2441 AUGUST 1975MILITARY HANDBOOK. .GUIDE TO AIRCRAFT/STORESCOMPATIBILITYAMSC N/A FSC 15GPDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approvedfor public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit
2、hout license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244AFOREWARD1. This military handbook is approved for useof the Department of Defense.by all Departments and Agencies2. Beneficial comments (recommendations,additions, deletions) and anypertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should beaddresse
3、d to: Naval Air EngineeringCenter, Systems Engineering andStandardizationDepartment (Code 53), Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using the -StandardizationDocument ImprovementProposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at theend of this document or by letter.3. This handbook was developed by the Department of Defe
4、nse with theassistance of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Sub Group (JOCG) foraircraftistores compatibility in accordance with established procedure.4. This document provides basic guidelines for accomplishing compatibilitybetween military aircraft and airborne stores or weapons. The-handbook isnot in
5、tended to be referenced in purchase specificationsexcept forinformationalpurposes, nor shall it supersede any specificationrequirements. Every effort has been made to reflect the latest informationonaircraft/storecompatibility. It is the intent to review this handbookperiodically to ensure the compl
6、etenessand currency.5. This document is intended to assist engineers in the design and testing ofaircraft, suspension and employment equipment, and airborne stores orweapons. It is expected that the engineer using the guidance provided by this.handbook will assume the responsibilitytodetermine and a
7、pply the latesttechnology available in each particular area of interest. Major effort hasbeen placed on standardizingthe types and methods of testing between the U.S.Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy to demonstrate aircraftlstorecompatibility.,Quantitative values provided in this handbook are the
8、bestavailable at this time based on past experience but are to be viewed asrecommendations since each design or test effort should be dealt with usingfull consideration of available information.iiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HD
9、BK-244ACONTENTSPARAGRAPH1.;:*.a71 Successful airborne weapon systemDetailed engineeringdata-APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.Government documents.Specifications,standards,and handbooksOther Governmen
10、t documents and publicationsOrder of precedence.DEFINITIONSAircraft.Aircraft/store compatibility. .=-+=.*Carriage.Certification of a store.Critical conditions.a71 .a71 .Employment.Free flight (of a store).G-jumpa71 Hung store.Interval.“Mixed load.a71 .“Separation.Store.SubmunitionSuspension and rele
11、ase equipment.Aircraft store ejection cartridgeAircraft store ejector rackAircraft stores management systemArmFuzing systema71 .Jettison.Sway braces,PJGJ1111222691010101011111111111111111212131313131313131313. . .111Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
12、 from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244ACONTENTSPARAGRAPH4.; ;:”. REQUIREMENTS.Basic design areasa71 a7
13、1 a71 .Types of compatibilityrequirementsType I.Type II.a71 ,.TyPe IIIType IV.Compatibility at the design stages.i. Aircraft designStore installationcriteria*.Carriage :.*:.a71 a71 .M
14、ission requirements.a71 .*.-”. -Selecting carriage location of airframe.Performancea71 .Stability and controlLifting and control surfaces.Engine inlets*Airframe functional components andsystems.Boundary layer disturbancesor separationStability.and control during storeseparationPreflight access panel
15、s ,Separation,*.Separation during design phase.Separation problem area.Separation analysisFactorsSeparation analysis data.Analytically derived dataSuspension equipment data.Experimental data.*a71 .a71 a71 Six degrees of freedom computer analysis.Choice of axes system.Separation criteriaStore-to-airc
16、raftclearances and fit.Electrical interface.Categories.PAGE14141414 _1515,:16 -1616“16161717171718181818181919;:2024242424252525272727iv.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244ACONTENTSPARAGRAPH
18、 and training. 28Multiplex circuits. 28Test circuits 29Electrical connectors“ 29 ._Pin function assignment.Location of electrical disconnects. :Electrical release systems design 30Guidelines for armament systemsafety 30Mechanical interface.Saf
19、ety devices. ;In-flight 33Interlocks. 33Jettison. 33Grounda71 :.”- 33Accessibility 34Loading or off-loading. 34Checkoutand preparation. 35Aircraft structure.Carriage loads. ;:Flutter and vibration 35Mechanical instability. 36Landing loadsa71 .a71 .a71 .a71 a71 36Aerodynamics 36Flying qualities. 36St
20、ore carriage locations. 36Store carriage and separation aerodynamics.Stability with external carriage. :;Stability with internal carriage. 37Engine ingestion of missile exhaust 37Optimizing carriage aerodynamics. . 37Choosing carriage class 37Internal carriage aerodynamics. 38Weapon bay design 38Ext
21、ernal carriage aerodynamics. - 39Wing mounted stores 40Pylon design parameters” 40Drag count (index) system 41Environment 41Store related equipment within aircraft 41Aeroacoustic or acoustic.Thermal.a71 .a71 %Nuclear hardening 42Electromagnetic 42Design guidance 43Electroexplosivesubsystems 43Electr
22、omagneticinterference. 43Electrical bonding and lightning protection 46vProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244APARAGRAPH5.
24、 effects.Rate of pressure and temperaturechangeEngine ingestion of armament gas.Gun gas ingestionRocket gas ingestion.Infrared flare smoke ingestion.Foreign object damageChaff ingestionGunpod installations.Inter
25、nal VS. external”gunpodinstallationAdvantages.Disadvantages.Muzzle blast pressure wave.Vibration”generated at gun muzzleAircraft gunfire vibration reportGunfire report objectivesVibration at gun mountsa71 .,*a71 a71 .Acoustic environment.Human tolerance acoustic level.Aircraft structure sonic fatigu
26、e.Mounting and load characteristicsFunctioning in flightHard mounting of gun.Soft mounting (recoil.adapters) of gun.Recoil loads.Gun barrel support.“Pitch or,yawdue to burst firirigAmmunition depletion CG shiftGun system power.Feed and ammunition initiationpower.Feed and storage systemGun.gas.*Corro
27、sive effect.Internal gas accumulationGun compartment and storage area.Muzzle gas“.Flash suppression.Temperature effect of gun gasExample of temperature effectSafety.Cockpit controls, displays, and management.Stores management controls.Sight controls.Manual sight controls43444444 _4445454546464646464
28、6474750505050505052535353.53535454545454555555;:5656575758585858viProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244ACONTENTSPARAGRAPH.!
29、 electrical caging and radarRadar-out control.Gun controlControl of other
30、 munitions*Emergency release of storesBomb bay door control.Missile guidance controlAir-to-air combat mode quick change selection controlStores management displays.Control panel displays.Head-up”displaySuspension equipment designShape criteria.a71 .,Electrical/mechanical/plumbing interfaces.=,.,-Ele
31、ctrical connector selection.Stepping switchesStrength.Material selectiona71 Employment characteristics.Ejection velocityEjector piston locationStore acceleration requirement.Free fall stores*Power augmented weaponsEjector force.,Cartridge firing pin selection.Cartridges.Store/loading and handling.Fu
32、zing and armingMechanicalarming unitsElectrical arming units.Digital arming,Conflagration hazards.a71 Existing suspension/employmentequipment.Carriage environment.ElectromagneticElectroexplosivesubsystemsElectromagneticinterference (EMI).Electrical bonding and lightning protectionElectrostaticprotec
33、tion.Electromagneticinterferencefilters.ElectromagneticenvironmentSpecial purpose launchersand adapters.Store design.59 ._595959595959595960:616161626262:63636465:2656666666666:6767676768viiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1MIL-HDBK-24
35、“ parametersRelease conditi.ons.Carriage environment.Droppable storesAircraft pyrotechnic equipment .Classes of airborne stores.Dispensers,.Class 2 dispensers.Dispensing operation.Dispenser jettison.Store aerodynamics*Trade offs.Drag.Free-bodydrag.-:-.
36、-.”.-.Installation factorSupersonic“.StabilityDestabilizing effectsStability factors for various store classes.Analysis of store clearances and.fit.Store electrical interface.a71 .Store electrical connectorsStore pin function assignments.*.Connector location*Store power requirements.“Connector keywa
37、y.Store mechanical interface”.Store mechanical interference!All-up”delivery o aircraft.:Store lugs,Sway brace compatibility.Ejector areas*.Weight and”centerof gravitySpecial equipment and services.Store structural requirements-oStore/aircraft structural interfaceDeformation at interface.Carriage loa
38、ds irnposedon storeStore flutter and vibrationStore dynamic response.Landing loads imposedon storeStore environment. .Store aeroacoustic parametersStore thermal environment68696969 _.696970707171717172727272727273757575767677777777787878787879 “79797979808080808181. . .Vlll ,Provided by IHSNot for R
39、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-244APARAGRAPH5.”.
40、 vibration- -, ., . . . . .broreStoreStoreStoreStoreStoreStoreStoreelectromagneticcrlterla.electroexplosivesubsystems
41、electromagneticinterference.electrical bonding and lightning protectionengine electrostaticchargingelectrostaticprotection.EMI filterselectromagneticenvironment.Loading and handlingStores design as a function of AGE and GSE requirementsPackagingTransportation.Assembly.Cradle area.Strongback and sway
42、 brace areasHoist band areas.External protuberances.Flight line assembly or removalSpecial tool requirementsMarkings.Adapter cables and store suspension requirements.Fuzing and arminga71 a71 Fuze and weaponMechanical fuze connections.Mechanical fuze characteristickElectrical fuze connectionsand char
43、acteristicsDigital fuzing.Reliability and maintainability,Storesystem effectiveness.Mass properties variationMass properties tolerances.ConflagrationStore fire protectionStores management system.Stores management equipment.SMS electrical interfacesElectrical connectorsPin function assignments.Locati
44、on of electrical connectorsElectrical input power.SMS mechanical interfaceControls and displaysGeneral design criteriaHelicopter application.8181828282 .82 -8282:83838383838484848484848484858585868686868687878787888889898989;:ixProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit
45、hout license from IHS-,-,-PARAGRAPH6.
46、. AND ANALYSESGround tests.Test planHind tunnel testsEffect of stores on aircraft:Test models;.Test data“Effect of aircraft on stores.Test models for aircraft effect on stores.Hind tunneltests for store se
47、parationWind tunnel test data for store separation.Wind tunnel facilitiesIsolated store aerodynamic tests.Storemodel :.$a71 .-.-*,Store model capabilities.Store and suspension equipment characteristicstests.Structural response during multiple store releaseEjector performance tests.Store testsStore s
48、tatic tests.Testfixture ,Designlimitandyieldloads .Design ultimate loadFailure loada71 a71 .a71 a71 Liquid-filledstores tests.Accelerated loads test“.Test methodExternal protrusions load tests.Vibration.testsExternal store configurationspylon influence coefficient.*Jig-mounted pylon ground vibration
49、Airplane ground vibration .Acoustic testsEngineering analyses.Engineering analysis parametersPhysical compatibilityr.eviewApplicable carriage locations.:Suspension method.“.Alignment“Quantity per carriage location.Ground/structureclearance.Stores configuration.*9191919191 -9292929293939393959595959696969696969797979797979797Yl:;10010110
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