1、NOT MEASUREMENTSENSITIVEMIL-HDBK-288B14 JANUARY 1991SUPERSEDINGMII,-HDBK-288A(MC)9 AUGUST 1989MILITARY HANDBOOKREVIEW AND ACCEPTANCEOFENGINEERING DRAWING PACKAGESAMSC N/ distributionis unllmlted.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-YII.-HD
2、I3K-288HFOREWORD1. This military handbook is approved for use by all Departments andAgencies of the Department of Defense.-)- . Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) andany pertinent data which may be of use in improving this documentshould be addressed to: Commanding General (
3、PSE), Marine CorpsResearch, Development and Acquisition Command, Washington, D.C.20380-0001, by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of thisdocument or by letter.3. This handbook supplements DoD-STD-1OO, and other applicabledocumen
4、ts. It provides information and a recommended procedure forreviewing and accepting or rejecting engineering drawing packages(EDPs). This handbook is not designed to supersede the requirementscontained in other specifications or standards, nor is it an attemptto combine all of the requirements from t
5、he individual specificationsor standards.4. The EDP is an important and costly part of the military equip-ment.a. A substantial percentage of contract dollars is spent ontechnical data. The EDP, as the major component of the TechnicalData Package (TDP), is one of the most expensive data items purcha
6、sedin the course of a systems acquisition. The EDP is used to evaluateand validate a design concept, to maintain proper configurationcontrol to support quality assurance functions to provide technicaldata for competitive reprocurement of spares and end items, and asthe major source of technical info
7、rmation for logistics supportthroughout a systems life cycle. The EDP, supplemented by equipmentspecifications and quality assurance procedures should containenough information to allow any competent manufacturer to purchasematerials and components, manufacturer test, inspect, and deliverarticles id
8、entical to or interchangeable with those delivered by anyother manufacturer using the same EDP. The EDP should not requireany additional data, instructions, manuals or company standards tofulfill its intended purpose.b. Discrepancies in the EDP, or limitations placed on its usetcan lead to the procu
9、rement of unusable spare parts, unreliable orinoperative equipment, or multiple configurations of the same item.A poor EDP can also prevent competitive reprocurement of spares andend items due to technical difficulties and high cost. It is impera-tive that EDPs procured in support of DoD materiel ac
10、quisitions bereviewed and audited for accuracy adequacy and completeness= AnEDP is validated by using it in the manufacture, inspection? and testof the items it depicts. Unless otherwise specified in the procure-ment contract, the manufacturer validates the data furnished to theGovernment. An EDP is
11、 verified by Government monitoring during draw-. _ .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-288Bing preparation, technical reviews of completed drawings, andconfiguration audits. Verifications are normally performed by theGovernment
12、to ensure compliance with contract data requirements.5. This handbook details procedures to be followed in monitoringand reviewing EDP preparation, and provides guidance to the drawingreviewer concerning what to look for when reviewinq an EDP. Thishandbook also provides a method for documenting and
13、reporting thediscrepancies discovered during EDP reviews.RI I b n -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-288E3CONTENTSPARAGRAPH1.l.l1.
14、. =.=.=.-=ODOOOOO”OOOO=OOOPurpose a71 mm*.* a71 .*m* a71 *9* a71 *a71 *=*a71Scope 9*.*.*,.-.a71 *e* .Applicability .oac.a-.=”Application guidance =”.=. a71 .=APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .Government documents a71 9* a71
15、a71 *8* a71 *O* a71 *Specifications, standards and handbooks=.Other Government documents, drawings, andpublications a71 -O a71 ea71 *a71 a71 a71 09* a71 a71 a71 0a71 oa71 *a71 a71 a71 *a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71Non-Government publications a71 m*m* a71 *O* a71 *9DEFINITIONS a71 .*a71 .*a71 a71 a71 .a71 .9a
16、71 .-a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *.*a71 a71 *_a71 *a71 -a71 a71 “a71Definition of terms Altered item drawing .Assembly drawing .a71 .-*.*a71 . . .- a71 .- a71 * . a71 -Associated list a71 a71 a71 9-D.a71 *a71 a71 9.a71 a71 a71 .a71 a71 .Commercial item Contract data requirements list (CDRL),DD Form 1423 a71
17、 *Da71 O*.a71 -*.*9m*9-a71 0Contracting officer a71 .* .* a71 . . . a71 a71 e a71 . a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 . a71 . a71 . a71 a71Contractor OOOData item description (DID), DD Form 1664 a71 oooDesign activity .a71 9.a71 m a71 -a a71 a71 . a71 a71 a71 a71 * a71 a71 *.a71 .a71 .Detail drawing a71 a71 a71 a
18、71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 Da71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 0a71 a71 0a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 9*a71 a71Engineering drawing a71 .a71 a71 .a71 a71 .a71 9 9 a71 * a71 a71 a71 a71 * a71 a71 a71 .Engineering drawing package (EDP) .CEngineering study (ES) a71 *.a71 a71 .a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 .a71 8Existing
19、 item .a71 a71 *a71 Oa71 a71 *a71 *.*m*a71 *.9 9*Monodetail drawing .Multidetail drawing Reviewing activity .0-.-Selected item drawing *a71 *.*a71 9a71 a71 9.a71 a71 a71 . a71 a71 a71 a71 a71Source control drawing a71 80a71 0a71 9a71 a71 0a71 a71 *90a71 a71 *a71 0a71 *Specification control drawing T
20、echnical data package (TDp) a71 *.OCOOOOOOOOQOOOAcronyms used in this handbook .GENERAL REQUIREPIES a71 a71 aa71 *ba71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 aa71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71EDP .a71 . a71 a71 a71 * a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 * a71 a71 a71 .* a71 *9* a71 a71 * . a71 .* .* .* a71 a71 a71 .Reviewing
21、 the EDP m*.*a71 *9*a71 000=Principal phases of EDP reviews a71 .*9*-,000-.0Reviewing activity .Familiarity with requirements coReviewing the CDRL .a71 a71 a71 a71 . a71 a71 e 9 . a71 a71 a71 a71 * .* a71 . . a71 . . a71Contractor indoctrination a71 oa.-”oeooTechnical reviews of theEDP .o.00.o*mPAGE
22、11111222335555555555555666666666678888889910.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PARAGRAPH4.
23、 of drawing preparation * .*.Reviewing for technical content a71 a71 *a71 9a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 Oa71 *Followon review .a71 a71 9 . a71 a71 9* 9 a71 a71 a71 9* a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71
24、 . . . . . a71 -ES .Final review .Review of previously documented discrepancies.Review for completeness a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 *a71 .a71 a71 a71 m*a71 _a71 .a71 a71Review of drawing media Original drawings Master pattern drawings a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 .a71 a71 a71 a71Microfi
25、lm/aperture cards a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 .* a71 . a71 a71 a71 a71 .9 a71 .0. .*Recommending acceptance or rejection .Acceptance of the EDP a71 .a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 O a71 a71 *. a71 a71 * a71 a71 * 90Rejection of the EDP a71 a71 *a71 *a71 a71 9a71 a71 a71 Oa71 a71 a71 *a71 9*D99*a71 *General g
26、uidance for reviewing EDPs .DETAILED REQUIREMENTS a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 90a71 a71 *a71 9a71 a71 *Reviewing for correct material and mechanical. ,a71speclflcatlons .O.OOOO.OMaterial specifications Castings and forgings Mechanical specifications a71 a71 a71 -m.a
27、71 a71 .a71 a71 a71 a71 *General requirements .Thread data a71 a71 *.a71 .a71 a71 .a71 m a71 . . a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 . a71 a71 * a71 .* a71 a71 * a71 a71 9 . .Spring data Gear data a71 *a71 a71 a71 . . . . a71 9* a71 a71 . . a71 - a71 a71 * a71 a71 a71 * . a71 . a71 .Bearing data a71 0a71 .06a71 a71
28、 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 6a71 a71 a71 e a71 * a71 a71 a71Sheet metal data .Plating and finishing data .a71 *a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 0Reviewing assembly drawings a71 a71 . . . . . . .*Reviewing detailed drawings a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 9*Reviewing drawings of electrical and.electronic systems .Gene
29、ral .-a71 *.*a71 a71 a71 a71 . a71 a71 . a71 e* .* a71 . . . .* 8.* a71 * . . a71 . .Wiring diagrams and wiring harness drawings Schematic, logic, and interconnection diagramsPrinted wiring board drawings a71 . . . 9 . a71 a71 a71 -. a71 .- a71 mReviewing control drawings .Specification control draw
30、ings (SCD) a71 * a71Criteria for designation .Reviewing SCDS a71 *9a71 *90a71 a71 00a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 9a71 9ba71 a71 *a71 a71 O9a71Source control drawings (SOCD) a71 a71 a71 *a71 a71 *a71 0a71 a71 O*a71 a71Criteria for designation a71 0a71 a71 * a71 a71 0 a71 a71 a71 0 a71Reviewing SOCDS a
31、71 a71 a71 wa71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 Oba71 a71 a71 a71 *6*a71 a71 a71 a71 a71Selected item drawings .Altered item drawings a71 a71 a71 9a71 8a71 a71 00a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 *a71 a71 co9Reviewing lists associated with the EDP a71 00000Parts lists (PLs) a71 .a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a7
32、1 a71 a71 a71 * a71 .* a71 a71 . a71 a71 . a71 .Data lists (DLs) a71 -aa71 *a71 a71 0a71 a71 a71 a71 -9a71 a71 -a71 a71 0a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 00a71Index lists (ILs) a71 9a71 *a71 a71 *a71 a71 90a71 *Oa71 *a71 a71 *,00a71 a71 *a71 a71PAGE1010111111121212121212131313131515151516161617171718181819202020
33、212223232324242525262627272828eA -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PARAGRAPHMIL-HDf3K-288BPAGE6. NOTES. *m.* a71 999me e* a71 *9 *9 a71 *m *9*.* a71 *96.1 Intended use .6.2 Subject term (key word) listing APPENDIXFIGURES1.
34、.Preparing an Engineering Study a71 a71 O* a71 a71 a71 a71 0a71 a71 9a71 *Sample Format of an Engineering Study CoverSheet Sample Format of a Table of Contents a71 o*m*e* a71Sample Format of an Introduction to anEngineering Study a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 .a71 a71 0a71 a71 a71 a71 9a7
35、1 999a71 *a71Sample Format of a List of General Comments Sample Format of a General Comment,Engineering Study a71 a71 *a71 a71 a71 *. a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 a71 .a71 co.a71Sample Format of a List of Reviewed Drawingsto Which Only General Comments Apply a71 000000Sample Format of Specific Comments .Samp
36、le Format of a List of Missing Drawings 292929303334353637383940Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M1l.-HI3HK-288R1. SCOPE1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this handbook is to provide guid-ance on the review of engineering drawing packages (ED
37、Ps).1.2ment the1.3intended1.4the userdrawingsScope. This handbook provides a method to review and docu-w of EDPs.Appliability. The information contained in Section 5 isto be selectively applied to the review of specific EDPs.Application quidance. The contents of this handbook guidein reviewing devel
38、opmental design and product engineeringof military-equipment. The Government or an authorizedrepresentative shall review EDPs during the full-scale engineeringdevelopment and production/deployment phases of system acquisitions.When tailoring the methods and information in this handbook to thereview
39、of specific EDPs, follow these principles:a.b.Every system is different, and so is every EDP. The numberand types of drawings in an EDP vary according to the systemthey depict. Thus, the number and types of drawings to bereviewed vary from one system acquisition to another.The techniques and standar
40、ds used to review an EDP must betailored to the type of design an EDP depicts. For example,the review of a wiring diagram requires a completely differ-ent approach than the review of an assembly drawing of amechanical system. Section 5 is written with this in mind.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo rep
41、roduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-288B?- . APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The followingspecifications, standards? and handbooks form a part of this docu-ment to the extent specified herein. Unless othe
42、rwise specified, theissues of these documents are those listed in the issue of theDepartment of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS)and supplement thereto,SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-D-5480MILD-8510MIL-M-9868MILK-9877MIL-M-13231MIL-T-31000MIL-M-38761and are referenced for guidance on
43、ly.- Data, Engineering and Technical:Reproduction Requirements for- Drawing, Undimensioned Reproducible,Photographic and Contact: Preparationof- Microfilming of Engineering Documents,35mmr Requirements for- Cards, Aperture- Marking of Electronic Items- Technical Data Package, GeneralSpecification fo
44、r- Microfilming and Photographing ofEngineering/Technical Data and RelatedDocuments: PCAM Card Preparation,Engineering Data Micro-ReproductionSystem, General Requirements for,Preparation ofSTANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-12 - Abbreviations for use on Drawings, andin Specifications, Standards andTechnical D
45、ocumentsDoD-STD-1O() - Engineering Drawing PracticesMIL-STD-130 - Identification Marking of U.S.Military PropertyProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-288BMIL-STD-275 - Printed Wiring for ElectronicEquipmentMIL-STD-804 - Format and
46、 Coding of Aperture, Copy andTabulating Cards for Engineering DataMicro-Reproduction Systems(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the NavalPublications and Forms Center, (ATTN: NPODS), 5801 Tabor Avenue,Philadelphia, PA
47、 19120-5099. )2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawinqs, and publications.The following other Government documents, drawings, and publicationsform a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unlessotherwise specified, the issues are those in effect on the date ofthis Military Handbook a
48、nd are identified for guidance only.H6 - Federal Item Name Directory for SupplyCatalogingDoD 5220.22 - Industrial Security Manual forSafeguarding Classified Information(Cataloging Handbook H6 is available from Commander, DefenseLogistics Services Center, Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084. )(DoD Directive 5220.22 is available from the Naval Publicationsand Forms Center, (ATTN: Code 1052), 5801 Tabor Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099. )2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents form apart of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless o
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