1、MIL-I-233bbB bb E 7777706 0333803 7 x fl /-ob 03 MIL-I-23366B 27 April 1987 SUPERSEDING 28 October 1966 MI L-I-23366A MILITARY SPECIFICATION INDICATOR, HORIZONTAL SITUATION ID-101 3(*1/A This specification is approved for use by all Departments and agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1
2、 Scope. This specification covers design and all performance requirements for the procurement of one type of course-bearing-heading-situation display indicator, which is a component of the integrated flight instrumentation system. The indicator displays course, bearing, heading, situation informatio
3、n and flight director information controlled by remote circuits. 1.2 Associated equipment. The course bearing heading situation indicator manufactured in accordance with this specification is a component of an integrated flight instrumentation system conforming to MIL-S-23535. The other components a
4、re the remote atti tude director indicator manufactured in accordance with MIL-1-23524 and the flight director computer manufactured in accordance with MIL-C-23367. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications and standards form a
5、 part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the sol ici tation. Beneficial comment
6、s (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Systems Engineering and Standardization Department (Code 531, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100 by using the self-addressed
7、 Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC NIA THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS q/ PAGES. FSC 6610 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pub1 ic release; distribution is un1 imi ted. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSPEC1 FIC
8、ATIONS FEDERAL BB-N-411 QQ-C-320 QQ-N-290 QQ-P-416 PPP-B-585 PPP-B-591 PPP-B-601 PPP-B- 63 6 PPP-B-640 PPP-B-1672 MILITARY MIL-P-116 MIL-M-3171 MIL-W-5088 MIL-E-5400 MIL-C-5541 MIL-L-6085 MIL-S-7742 MIL-M-7793 MIL-A-8625 MIL-C-14806 MIL-T-18303 MI L-S-23535 MI L-I-23366B - Ni trogen, Techni cal . -
9、Chromium Plating (Electrodeposited). - Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited). - Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposi ted). - Box, Wood, Wirebound. - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard, Wood-cleated. - Boxes, Wood, Cleated Plywood. - Box, Shipping , Fi berboard. - Box, Fiberboard, Corrugated Triple-wall. - Boxes, Sh
10、ipping, Reusable with Cushioning. - Preservation, Methods of. - Magnesium Alloy, Processes for Pretreatment indication masked when not in use. g. h. Power warning indication. i. Course-bar flag alarm. j. Bearing information presented by two independent rotating pointers, read against a compass card.
11、 Bearing pointers and mode windows. 3.13.1 Miniaturization. Modern techniques oi miniaturization, plotting and hermetic sealing shall be exploited to the greatest extent practicable, increasing ruggedness, reliability and service life. 3.13.2 Amplifiers. Five amplifiers provided as a part of the ind
12、icator shall be designed with redundant circuits such that the indicator will conti nue to operate, though with reduced performance, should parti al fai 1 Ure of the amplifier occur. All five channels may be constructed on a single circuit board assembly. 3.13.3 Integral lighting. The indicator shal
13、l have red integral lighting in accordance with the requirements of MIL-L-25467. The mode light signals of the indicator shall be in accordance with the warning lights requirements of MIL-STD-411. The case shall not be used as grounding for the lighting circuit (see 4.6.2 and 4.6.19). ANVIS
14、 compatible lighting. When required as specified in the contract or purchase order, aviator night vision imaging system (ANVIS) conpatible lighting shall be in accordance with MIL-L-85762 (see and 6.2.1). 9 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-I-233bbB bb 99999Ob 0131L2 MIL-I-23366B
15、 3.13.4 Visibility of dial. The pointers, numerals, Indexes and all other specified markings on the dial shall be visible from any point within the frustum of a cone whose side makes an angle of 39“ with a perpindicular to the dial and whose small diameter issthe aperture of the case. 3.13.5 Dial ma
16、rking. The scale and other markings on the dial shall be as shown on Figures 1 and 2, including the dimensions of the markings. The style and proportions of the letters and numerals placed on the dial shall conform to MS33558. All markings shall be made with lusterless white material of Color No. 37
17、875 of FED-STD-595.The background of the dial shall be finished with lusterless black material of Color No. 37038. The dial marking material shall be of a qualitiy sufficient to ensure durability of the markings in service use 3.13,6 Numerals. Numerals shall distinctly indicate the graduation to whi
18、ch each applies. If practicable, each numeral shall be placed so that the center of the mass of the numeral is on the radial line joining the appropriate graduation and the center of the dial. Any confusion resulting in doubt as to which graduation the numeral applies shall be cause for rejection. W
19、hen several numerals are used in one group, the space between the numerals shall be not less than 1/64th inch. 3.13.7 Presentation. The presentation shall be as shown on Figure 2 and shall consist of a rotating-card type azimuth ring, a lubber line, a heading marker, a course arrow, a to-from arrow,
20、 a course bar, two bearing pointers, a selected course window, a distance window, a power-off warning flag, a course bar flag alarm and a miniature airplane symbol behind the cover glass of the Instrument to present a pictorial display of the navigation situation. 3.13.8 Lubber line and airplane-. T
21、he lubber line and the airplane shall be as shown on Figures 1 and 2. The airplane may be painted on the inside of the lighting wedge to comply with this requirement. azimuth ring and shall read under the fixed lubber line located at the top of the indicator face as shown on Figures 1 and 2. 3.13.9
22、Aircraft heading. The aircraft heading shall be displayed on the 3.13.10 Azimuth ring signal input. The input synchro control transformer shall be a high impedance type EP AY500-5, or electrical equivalent, which shall receive an input from a synchro device similar to the standard synchro test trans
23、mitter described in section 4, 3.13.11 Azimuth ring servo system. A servo follow-up system consisting of a control transformer, motor and necessary feedback and amplifier shall drive the azimuth card and rotor of the input control transformer to a null. It shall be capable of receiving a change of h
24、eading at any rate between O and 60/sec, without hunting. There shall be no appreciable hunt or oscillation in the servo system while the input compass signal is changing or stationary. The servo system shall position the heading indication, under the lubber line, to within +.5O of the position of a
25、 standard synchro test transmitter (see 4.6.30). The design of the azimuth card gearing shall result in operation as would be achieved in the system shown on Figure 3, The electrical pin connections of the azimuth card servo system shall conform to that shown on Figure 3 (see 4.6.4). 10 Licensed by
26、Information Handling ServicesI L I MIL-I-233bbB 66 U 9977906 OL31L3 T U I MI L-1-233668 I 3.13.12 Azimuth card control transformer zero. The azimuth card control transformer shall be zeroed with a positive rotation reference at an index reference of 270“. With the XI, Y and 2 leads of the azimuth ca
27、rd control transformer as shown on Figure 3 and the excitation voltage of the standard synchro test transmitter Cl to Hl in phase with the power input pin A to pin BI: a. The azimuth ring shall position at O“ (north) when the rotor of the standard synchro test transmitter dial is at O“. b. If the di
28、al on the rotor of the standard synchro test transmitter is continuously rotated such that its heading indication increases, the azimuth ring heading shall increase (counterclockwise rotation) accordingly, and voltage IC to Hl of the control transformer shall be in phase with the excitation voltage
29、Cl to HI. 3.13.13 Command heading. A means of selecting a desired heading both automatically and manually shall be provided. A heading marker shown on Figures 1 and 2, which can rotate around the azimuth ring, shall be driven by a servo system when excited by a remote device similar to the standard
30、synchro transmitter specified in section 4 and manually by a knob at the lower left corner of the indicator. There shall be no visible interaction between the knob and the servo motor such that when the remote synchro device is driving the servo system, turning of the knob should have no lasting eff
31、ect on the heading marker position. The heading marker shall rotate in synchronicity with the azimuth ring after it is set. The heading knob shall be connected with the heading marker in such a manner that clockwise rotation of the heading marker . will produce clockwise rotation of the course arrow
32、, and vice-versa. The turning ratio between the knob and the heading marker shall be between 8 and 10 to 1. The azimuth scale reading indicated under the heading marker shall be the desired heading. The heading set knob shall be as shown on Figure 1. The backlash between the command heading marker a
33、nd the azimuth card shall be not greater than .25. 0 3.13.14 Heading marker servo system. A servo system similar to that described in 3.14.11 for driving the azimuth ring shall be employed for positioning the heading marker in response to a remote input signal. The servo shall be capable of receivin
34、g a change of command heading at any rate between O to 60“/sec without hunting. There shall be no appreciable hunt or oscillation in the servo system and it shall position the heading marker around the azimuth ring to within one degree of the position of the test synchro. (The design of the differen
35、tial gearing shall result in operation of the heading marker with respect to the azimuth ring, remote synchro command input and knob command input as that shown on Figure 3). The heading marker servo system shall conform to the electrical connector and pin wiring shown on Figure 3. 3.13.15 Heading m
36、arker signal input. The heading marker servo system shall receive its input signal from a transmitting synchro device similar to the standard synchro test transmitter descri bed in section 4. The heading synchro device shall be capable of operation as a control transformer and a transmitter as shown
37、 in Figure 3. The XI, Y and Z load shall be equivalent to an EP AY-500-3, 3.13.16 Headi ng datum control transformer. The headi ng datum control transformer shall have the general impedance characteristics of an EP AY-500-5 e 11 Licensed by Information Handling Servicesor equa 3.13 the hea MIL-1-233
38、668 and operate as shown on Figure 3. 17 Heading command and heading datum control transformer zero. Both ing command and heading datum control transformers shall be zeroed with a positive rotation referenced at an index reference of 270“. Both synchros shall be zeroed in the following manner: a. b.
39、 C. d. e. With the standard synchro test transformer positioned to zero indication on its dial and locked, and connected to the heading command and heading datum control transformer as per XI, Y and Z notation indicated in Figure 3, the standard synchro test transformer shall be excited with 26 V, 4
40、00 Hz. The heading marker shall be positioned to O“ (north) on the azimuth card and the voltage IC to H of the heading command control transformer rotor and heading datum control transformer rotor as shown on Figure 3 shall be null. If the heading marker is rotated clockwise around the azimuth ring,
41、 the voltage Cl to Hl of the heading command control transformer rotor and the heading datum control transformer rotor shall be in the opposite phase sense as the voltage IC to Hl of the standard synchro test transmitter from zero (north) to 180“, null at 180“ (south) and shall be in the same phase
42、sense as the voltage IC to Hl of the standard synchro test transmitter from 180“ (south) to O“ (north). If the heading marker is set on O“ (north) on the azimuth dial and if the rotor of the standard synchro test transmitter is rotated to indicate an increasing heading (dial counterclockwise) the vo
43、ltage Cl to Hl of the heading command control transformer and the heading datum transformer shall be null at O“, in the same phase sense as the excitation voltage IC to Hl from O“ to 180“, null at 180“ and opposite to the phase sense of IC to Hl from 180 to O“. If the transmitter winding of the head
44、ing command control transformer is excited with 26 V AC such that the voltage Cf to Hl is in phase with the power excitation ground to phase and the heading marker is set on North, then the voltage XI to I and Y to Z shall be in phase with Cl to Hl and voltage XI to Y null, If the heading marker is
45、rotated clockwise to East, the vol tage XI to Z shall increase before decreasing. 3.13.18 Heading marker servo zero. The heading marker command control transformer shall be connected to its servo system. The standard synchro test transmitter shall be connected to the heading control command transfor
46、mer as per the XI, Y and 2 notation on Figure 3. The excitation voltage of the standard synchro test transmitter Cl to Hl shall be in phase with the servo power excitation voltage, pin A to pin C. The following conditions shall be sati sfi ed : a. The heading marker shall position to O“ (north) on t
47、he azimuth ring when the dial of the standard synchro test transmitter is at O“ I 12 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-I-23366B b. The heading marker shall rotate in an increasing heading indication on the azimuth ring (clockwise) when the dial of the standard synchro test transmitter is
48、rotated in an increasing heading indication (dial counterclockwise). c. If the dial of the standard synchro test transmitter is rotated in the increasing heading indication, the voltage Cl to Hl of theheading command control transformer shall be in the same phase sense with the voltage CI to Hl of t
49、he standard synchro test transmitter. 3.13.19 Command course. A means of selecting a desired course both h automatically and manually shall be provided. A course marker shown on Figure 1 which can rotate around the inside edge of the azimuth ring, shall be driven by a servo system when excited by a remote device similar to the standard synchro transmitter specified in section 4 and manually by a knob at the lower right corner of the indicator. Turning of the course knob shall have no lasting effect on the cour
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