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本文(NAVY MIL-I-81537-1967 IGNITION ELEMENT ELECTRIC MARK 13 MOD 0《MARK 13 MOD 0电动点火器元件》.pdf)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIL-1-81537 13 = 999990b 0359567 T W MIL-1-81537 (AS ) 26 May i967 Superseding - WE- 4783 2 September i965 MILITARY SPECIFICATION IGNITION ELEMERT, ELECTRIC, MARK 13 MOD o This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This document govern

2、s the manufacture, assembly and preparation for delivery of the MARK 13 MOD O ignition element and the methods of inspection and tests upon which product acceptance will be based, 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2,1 The ,following specifications, standards, drawings, and publications, of the issue in effect

3、on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. SPECIFT CATIONS Bureau of Naval Weapons os 9862 MIL-P- Propellant, Double Base ( Nitrocellulose-Nitroglycerine ) Preservation, Methods of STANDAKDS Milita-y MIL-STD-O MIL-STD- Sampling Procedures and Tables

4、for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and storage Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-1-81537 13 W 779970b 0357568 1 O MIL-I- 81537AS) DRAWINGS Bureau of Naval Weapons 19 613460 613457 PUBLICATIONS Ignition Element, Elec

5、tric, MARK 13 MOD o Firing Test Fixture, Ignition Element (Output and Electrical mctioning ) BUSANTIA Instruction 4030 .i7 Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking; Navy Policy for WR- 43 Preparation of Quality Assurance Provisions ( Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publication

6、s required by contractore in connection with specific procurement functions ehould be obtained from the procuring activity or as directe, by the Contracting Officer. 9 2.2 Other publications, The following document forms a part of this specification0 Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect o

7、n date of invitation for bids shall apply. CODE OF FEDERAL REGUUTXONS 49 71-78 Transportation, Interstate Commerce Commission, Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, De C. 204CX2.

8、 Orders for the above publication should cite the latest edition and supplements thereto o ) 3. REQUIWS 3.1 General. 3.1.1 The MARK 13 MOD O ignition element -,vered by this specifica- tion shall be manufactured in accordance with I9 613460 and all documents listed thereon, Provided by IHSNot for Re

9、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-1537 13 m 9999906 O359569 3 m MIL-1-81537 (AS) 3.2 Ma3ierial. All matFil3 used in the manufacture of the ignition elments shall. conform strictly with the specifications referred to on the respective Bureau of Naval Weapo

10、ns drawings unless specific approval in writing covering a departure therefrom hete been obtained from the Navy design activity prior t mnufac.ture. When alternate materials or methods of manufacture are specified on the drawings, Lhe bidders selections shall b clearly stated in the propeal, 3.2.1 P

11、repGduction sample Unlerss otherwise specified by the procuring activity, a preproduction sample of i46 ignition elements shall be manufactured using the same methods knd procedures prposed for the production lot, for the purpose of determining that the contractor, prior to starting pxiduction, ia c

12、apable of producing item which comply with the technical requirement8 of the on%rat o The sample shall bs tested as specified in 4.3*2 and ia 3.3 Primary components. Fos the purposes of this specification the loaded spacer c-hrge, Bwrsau of Naval Weapons Drawing 2302165 of w) 613460, is defined as a

13、 primary component, See 4.3.3. 3.4 Cleanliness and condition of parts, All parts shall be free of chips, dirt, grease, rust and all other foreign ma=terials. There shall be no burrs nor other imperfections of manufacture which would harmfully affect either the assembly or the functioning of the prod

14、uct. cleaning methos used shei.11 no% be injurious tQ any parts nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning agents used, The 3.5 Brp losive components, volatiles. The primer composition used in the loaded spacer (Bureau of Naval Weapne Drawing 2302165 of i3 613460) shall have a maximum

15、ure content of 0.5$ at time of loadin$ a8 determined in aceordance with 4-7.1. the primer composition, the loaded spacar (Bureau of Navti1,Weapons Drawing 2302165 of JJI 613460 shall be dried at 1000 - 120 F for ti minimum of 16 hours. ment, if more than four hours elapses befgre theofr assembly int

16、o ignition elements, the units shall be fried at 1QO hours immediately prior to their being assembled into an ignition element. 3.6 Insulation resistance, Prir .to assembly of bridgewires in the subassembly, .the insulation resfstance shall not be less than 50 megohms at a relative humiity of legs t

17、han 80 percent when measured in accordance with 4.7 02 o After consolidation of After removal of the units from the drying equip- - 120 F for a minimum of- four 3 *7 Bridgewire. 3.7.1 Bridgewire agsembly, cont.lnui-by. All assemblie8 shall pass the continuty test of 4*( .3. Provided by IHSNot for Re

18、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-81537 13 I 777770b 0357570 T U 3,8 Igniter assembly, loading o The consistency of the ignition charge and the loading procedure shall be regulated to secure an ignition charge which is free from internal voids while avoid

19、ing damage to the bridgewire. such that the charge is flush with the top of the cavity and the bridpwire is completely covered. AL1 external surfaces of the igniter assembly shall be free fmm any of the ignition charge, necessary, external surfaces may %e cleaned of ignition charge by means of a clo

20、th wet with butyl acetate. shall be dried at a tempem=ture of 100 - 12O0F for a minimum of 12 hours. After removal of the units from the drying equipment, if more than 4 hourd elapses before their Bssembly into ignition elements, the units shall be dried at 10p - 120 F for i9. minimum of 4 hours imm

21、ediately prior to their being assembled Into an ignition element. The ignition charge shall fill the cavity Where The charged igniter assembly 3.8,l Ignition charge. The ignition charge shall be compounded by an approved method which maintains the weigh% composi-tion of nonvolatile constituents pres

22、cribed on Bureau of Naval Weapons Drawing 155843 of I9 613460. The finished ignition charge when ready for buttering into the igniter assembly shall be a uniformly mixed slurry in which all of the prt%les are wetted. such that the 1iquf.d will not separa-te from the mixture when the dish is tiltedo

23、addition of pure butyl wetate OP by evaporation of the solvent. advisory procedure for preparing and loading the Ignition charge Is given in 6.5 e The consistency shall be AdJustmentis of the corlsisstenay may be obtained by the An .3.9 Ignition elementl inspection. 3e9.1 Visual inspection. The comp

24、lete ignition element hll be free of the visible defsetps noted in 4.7.5 o 3.10 Bridgewire resislanee. The bridgewire resistance of each completely assembled ignition element manufactured, when measured electrically as s eeifiea in 4.7.4, ssixt be not less than 0.08 ohm nor more than Ool E ohm, 3.11

25、 Testa o 3.ll,l Electric sensitivity. 3.ll.l.l No-fireo The ignition element assembly shall not function *hen an electrment of 2,GO ampares is applied in accordance with . An ignition element which fires is csnsidared defective ant3 is sufficient came for rejection of the lot represented, 4

26、 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-81537 13 7779906 0357571 L E MIL-I-81537(AS 1 . 3.1101,2 All-fire. The ignition element assembly shall fire when an electric currant of 3000 amperes is applied in accordance with 4.7.6,20 defecti

27、ve and is sufficient cause for rejection of the lot. An ignition element which does not fire is considered 3,ll,2 Functioning. Ignition elements from each production lot, selected in accordance with ba7.7, shall meet the requirements listed below when subjected to the %est prescribed in 4.7.7. in 4.

28、7.7, the ignition element shall fire in a period of time not to exceed 15 mill$ssonds. When fired as prescribed in 4*7.7, the ignition element shall cause the puncturer of a brass; diaphragm 0?008 thick, (Bureau of Naval WeEpona; Drawing 2302112 of I;D 613457) and subsequent thereto, guccessfully ig

29、nite a charge of approximately 0.080 gram of dou%le Use propellant, OS 9862, Typs I. element which fails to fire in the prescribed time or to meet the output requirement shall be considered defective and shall cause rejection of the lot representad. An ignition 3.12 Workmanship. Ignition elements sh

30、all be constructed and finished in a manner to assure compliance with a11 requirements of this specificatLon, dimensions, fidahes and ccaaiiingo o l?articu,lar a.f;tentlon should be directed to 4, Unless otherwise specified in the contmct or purchase order, the supplier is respneible for the perfoma

31、ncs of all inspection reqdrements as specified herein. Except ias otherwise specified, the supplier may utlllzs his own facfEft%ss or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Governmento The veminenests and qxaminations o . ClElssili- Require- cation - Item Nature of Test ment - Te and marking. (

32、MJ.6) The inspector shall ascestain that th e packing and packaging of the electric ignition elements and the container markings conform. to Section 5 of tge document. 4,7 Tests. - 4.7.1 Determining moisture content. Transfer appkximately 2 .O gmma of the primer composition from the repreeentative s

33、ample to a tared weighing dish, weigh to the nearest 0.1 milligram, calculate the weiaht of the sample, tranefe; weighing dish and sample to a vacuum drytng oven, dry at +71C f 2 C and 28 f .2 inches of mercury vacuum until constant weight is obtained. the percentage of moisture in the original samp

34、le. The loss of weight is calculated as 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-1537 13 M 7777706 0357575 7 MIL-131537 (AS) All-

35、fire test . The ignition element shall be conditioned at +7F f 5OF for a period 1 hour longer than that required to reach thermal equilibrium and then fired in the firing test fixture, IID 613457. The firing circuit shall contain a resistor in series sufficient to regulate the current to 3.0 O amper

36、es measured to within an accuracy of 1%. Any ignition element which fails to fire within 0.100 milliseconds after current application shall be considered defective and shall cause reJection of the lot represented. -0.000 4,7.7 Functional test. The number of ignition elements selected from each produ

37、ction lot for the functional test shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table I of MIL-STD-105, Inspecgion Level II. The ignition elements shall. be conditioned at +70F 4 5 F for EI period 1 hour longer than that required to reach thermal equilibrium and fired in the firing test fixture, I

38、9 613457. In addition to the sample of ignition elements for thetests of 4.7.6,1, and 4.7.7, ten additional ignition elements shall be furnished from the production lot for investigative purposes, Criteria of acceptability, 4* Response time and output. Each ignition element sh

39、all be mounted in the firing test fixture, L 613457, and the firing circuit shall contain a resistor in series sufficient to regulate the current to 5.0 amperes measured to within an accuracy of 15. interval between the application of current to the ignition element and the detection of explosive di

40、scharge (firing) shall be measured using an electronic timer or equally responsive instrument accurate to 1.0 percent. The timer is activated by an applied puise to the ignition element and is stopped when the explosive discharge severs a graphite or wire link in the pulse circuit. The 0!008 thick b

41、rass diaphragm, Bureau of Naval Veapons Drawing 2302112 of CD 613457, used to measure the output shall be located 2!814 A 0!015 from the face of the ignition elements closure disc when assembled in the test fixture. The 0.080 gram of double base propellant, OS 9862 Type I, shall be loaded in the fir

42、ing test fixture as prescribed in I;D 61957. Any ignition element which fails to meet the requirements of 3.11.2 shall be considered defective and shall cause rejection of the lot represented, The firing 4.8 Retest. There shall be no retests 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networki

43、ng permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.8.1 Test failure. If test failure is attributable to an assignable cause, excluding the test ignition elements, original test results should be discarded and the complete test reconduted. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELXVERY 5.1 Preservation and packaging. 5.1.1 Le

44、vel A. Not applicable. 5.1.2 Level B. Not applicable. 5.1.3 Level C. When directed by the procuring activity, ignition elements which are intended for expenditure in preproduction sam9le testing and for production lot acceptance tests or shipment to the pint of assembly into a cartridge shall be pac

45、kaged in accordance with Method III of MIL-P- and with the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71-78, For a definition of Level C packaging, see 6.4. 5.2.1 Level A . Not applicable 5.2.2 Level B. Not applicable. 5*2.3 Level C. Wheri directed by the procuring activity, ignitlon elements, which are int

46、ended for expenditure in preproductiofi sample testing and for production lot acceptance tests or shipment-to the pint of assembly into a cartridge and are packaged in accordance with 5.1.3, shall be packed to afford protection against damage during direct sMpment from the supply source to the first

47、 receiving activity for immediate use. the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71-78, Level C packing, see 6.4. Supping containers shall be in accordance with For a definition of 5.3 Markings. 5.3.1 Special markings. Marking of exterior containers shall be 5.3.2 Normal markings in accordance with the

48、 Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71-78. contract or order, mit packages and shipping contaifiers shall be marked in accordance with the reqdrements of MIL-STD-129. In addition to the markings required by . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

49、HS-,-,-MIL-1-81537 13 W 7797706 0357577 2 I MIL-1-81537 (AB) 6. NWES 6.1 Intended use. This ignition element was originally intended 6.2 Ordering information . Procyrement documents should specify for use in the MARK i7 MOD O impuise cartridge. the following: I a. title, number and date of this specification; b, whether preproduction inspection is required and if 80, specify th

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