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本文(NAVY MIL-M-19556-1956 MOUNT GUN LAUNCHING SYSTEMS ROCKET AND GUIDED MISSILE PROJECTORS GENERAL SPECIFICATION《枪 火箭及制导导弹炮架瞄准起动系统的通用规则》.pdf)为本站会员(ideacase155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、i- MIL-M-19556 10 m 9977706 0300387 T = /-. 4 MIL-M-19556 (Nflrd) 17 July 1956 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROJECTORS, GENEFULL SPECIFICATION MOUNTS, GUN; MUCXHING SYSTEMS, ROCKEY AND GUIDED MISSIU; 1. SCOPE - 1.1 Scope. This specification presents the general requirements for the deswdevelopment and nia

2、nufacture of gun mounts, rocket and guided missile launching systems anci projectors which are unier the cognizance of the Bureau of Orcnance. The general mquiremants of this specifica- tion, when accompanied by the requirements of a specific gun nrount or hunching system specification, will establi

3、sh those parameters of the design and manufacture of a particular gun mount, launching system or pmjector to insure the delivery of equipment which WiU provide the percl forrirance required with minimum maintemnce and maximum safety. Ehe equipment covered by this specification will herein be referre

4、d ta as %mounts and launching system“. 1.2 Classification, This specification shall apply to all classes and all types of mounts and launching systems, 2. APPLICABLE DOClMI3NTS 2.1 The following specifications, standards and publicatioils, of tbe issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids, f

5、arm a part of tbis specification to the extent noted herein. SPECIFICATIONS Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited) Chromium plating (Electrodeposited) QQ-2-325 Zinc Plating (Electrodeposited) QQ-S-365 Silver Plating (Electrodeposited) QQ-P-kL6 Plating, Cacmium (Electrodeposited) MILITARY p.eaning and Pre

6、pxration of Ferrous mi Zinc Coated surfaces for Organic Protective Coatings Licensed by Information Handling ServicesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-M-L755b LO 9797706 0300388 I MI L-14-19 5 56 (N Ord ) -s Y .- F KILC-915 Cable,

7、Card and Wire, Electrical (Shipboard Use) 2 - - - . _. Equipment, EZectrlc Power, Basic Requirements for (Naval Shipboard Use) Motors, Alternating Current (Ship- boar use) Relays for Electrical Equipmnk (Naval Shipboard be) Enclosures for Electric and El- hnic Equipment (Haval Shipboard Us e) Cables

8、, Electrio, (Reduced Diameter mes) (Shipboard Use) Contmliers, Motor Starters, and Master Switches. = Alternating Current, Naval Shipboad Use Synchros, 60 Cycles, iiS olts Motors, Direct Current, (Shipboax Use) Solenoid, Electrical, General Specification for Luricating Grease, Pneumatic Fittings, El

9、uid onnection Hose Assemblies, Aircraft Hydiiaulic -ad Pneumtic, Hi Hydraulic, AifCmft Chemical Filnrs for Alminum and AluminUmAlloys . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-N-Zq55b 10 9779706 0300387 3 = . - _. 31 I L-M - i 9 5 56 (N O

10、rd ) MIL-T- 8 504 MIL-P-% MIL-A- 86 25 MIL-C-16232 MIL-W-16878 MIES-1689 2 MIL- x-X6910 .- i, MIL44-17060 MIL-F-17111 MIL-T-17Il3 MILS-1724s MIL-H-18 766 MIL-F-18870 P NAVY DEPARIMEXC 4285 42B10 Tubing, Steel, CorrosionJiesistant (18-8) Annealed, Aucmft Hydrauic System I I Pneumatic Components, Aero

11、nautical, General Specification for Anodic Coatings for Aluminum axx Aluminum Alloys Coatings, Phosphate, Heavy (Manganese and Zinc Type) and Phosphate Treating Solutions Wires Electrical (Insulated, High Temperature) Synchros, 400 cycle Interference Measurment, Radio Methods and Limits: 4 Kilocycle

12、s I to lo00 Megacycles Motors; Alternating Current, Integral HP (Shipboard be) Fluid, Power Transmission Tests, Shock, Vibration ani 1nci.L riation for Electronic l!pipmt Synchros, 60 Cycle (Standardized) mauiic Equipment, Ordnance i Shipboar Fire Control, Optical and Associated Equipment Intended f

13、or Shipboaild Use, Genelril. Specification for De Sigear Tooth Form m. B6, 6-1946 Gear Tqlerances and Inspection ASA B6.7-l.950 Invoxute me-Pitch systenn ASB B6e84.950 .A B609-V50 , Design for Fine-Pitch Worm Gearing ASA B29.1-1950 Fine Pitch Stzait Bevel Gears Transmission Roller Chahs aiYi Sprocke

14、t Teeth * Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I _ .- MIL-M-19556 (Nord) American Standards Association, cont td ASA B29.2-1950 Inverted Tooth (Silent) Chains and the Anierican Society Yurh 18, New York.) Sprocket Teeth (Copies of these st

15、ardards may be obtained from of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New 3. RJQUIRPIENTS 3.1 Geneml Requirements 3.1.1 Oonfonnance. Mounts, launching systems, their components an3 assaciatea equipments shall be designed, manufactured, and inspected in acmrdance with the instructions contained

16、in OP 400, this specification and the applicable detail specification. All parta shall be manufactured in accordance with dimensions, tolerances, finish, and similar data as specified on applicable drawings and in .applicable spcifications which have been approved by the Bureau of Ordnance. 3.1.2 Sp

17、ace, Weight, Assembly and Installation considerations shall be in accordance with th e instructions contained in OP 400. in addition. w the out of balance moments shall be kept to the mininaum consistent with proper opelation. 3.2 Envbonmental Rewirments 3.2.1 Clhatic Conditioris. Mounts arrd launch

18、ing systems shall be designed and constructed f or operation under the climatic extrems aa set forth for Wperation Ship World-Widett h MILSTD-210. When necessarg to meet these requirments the equipnusnt shaU. be designed to meet re- quirements of Condition II specified in NAVORD OS 63I.d within the

19、shipis structure the mininun temperature at which specified performance is attained shall be 32.F but the4equipmentS shall start and operate satisfactorily, bu% not necessarily at specified rates and accuracies at 0F. Maximum protection shaU be provided to prevent . damage due to temperature, humidi

20、ty, dust, sand, rain, snow, salt water spray and atnosphere, and winds. This protection shall not interfern with proper operation of the equipment. 3.2.2 Moisture and Mgus Resistance. AU. material used shaU. be selected for moisture and fungus resistance or be treated to gcovide this msistance as re

21、quired iJs NAVORD OS 654i before painting. Interior Surfaces. Castins, forgings, and weldments which are to contain working parta such as shafts, bearin, gears, etc, and hydraulic fluids, where contamination would adversely affect the functioning of mechanisms, or where corrosion would aff

22、ect the strtxb tural streng*, shall be cleaned and protected in aocordance with the requiremente of Specification MIL-C-19052. - I-_ Phosphate Coatings. phosphate coatings, where specfied, sha. conform to the requiremnts of Specification 1c-16232. platjng, in general, is not requ

23、ired on exterior surfces, plating flaking and causing damage to the equipment. It is much better to use corrosion resistant materjal or paint as provided for herein, AU plated ap joints, riveted, screwed, or bolted together shall be plated before joining together, but after ali machining operations

24、have been completed. When making tack or spot weldments, plating may be removed bm the weld areas prior to welding when it is necessazy ta -=-ri- . . - -_ -r-S4?- - k 1 develop maximum strength at the neld. Subsequent to welding operations, the areas shall be repaired by hot metal. swaging or by the

25、 application of a sealing naterial to prevent entrance of moisture. Plating of mefial surfaces shall be in accordance with the requirements of the appi- cabe specification for each type as follows: a. Nickel QQ-N-290 b. Chmnbm W-C-320 e. ziarr QQ-2=325 Type 11 Class 2 d. Silver QQ-S-365; e. Cadmium

26、. QQ-Pd6 Type II Class A Silver plating shall not be used where arcing or corona is likelyto occur. Bright platings sha not be used on exterior surfaces. 3.5 Mechanical Equipment 3.5.1 Bearings. The use of anti-friction beafi-j,ngs, wherever practica3 ble under the conditions

27、 of loading, is preferred, Ba31 bearins shall conform to the requiremerrts of Navy Deparhient Specification 42B5 ard roller bearings shaU conform to the requirements of Navy Department Specification 42B10. 305.2 Coupling of ShaftSe The ohoice of the type of connection and the design of them be such

28、thzt iz Sizble joint will be secured urder all coditions of servie. Shafting for tramiscion of accurate angular motion, largo torque loads, and reversing lcas should be inaccordance with- the requiranents of Standard NAVORD OSTD 60. Involute splines are preferable, and when used, shall conform to th

29、e racommeiadations set forth in Standard ASA BS.15-1950. Involute serra- tions, 0. Meaeuremnts of aUowances and tolerances far gears shaU be In acco-e with the recoimended practices of standard Au B6.64946. 3.504 Husbgs. Geai -ve ud other mechanical ericlosures shall bewatertl. t Standard $Hts of Sp

30、ecification MIL-Z-4343. No other lubricant or orsnic coinpound skU. be used in the pneumatic syb, or in any application where eontamiriation of the pretic sys- tai is psible, 3.7 WmUC EqUiPmt 3.7.1 General, HraUc equipnt shall conform to the sequireioents of SpacifisritTon MIM-18766 and be designed

31、for operation with the hgdraulic fluid specified in Specification L-F-l?ll. The use of UbIe 4dmmlic lines must be approved by the! Bureau of rdnance. Piping, tuhing ad .fitthgs for hyr+uis equipmint shall confora to OSPD 63, Smew connections in accordance with Specification MIEF-S- am pemtte for tub

32、ang sizes one inch O .D. or 3/4 ips or below, flange cormactions shall be required for larger sizes. shall amfolla to the requirements of Specifications 3IIE.P-5514, HIL-P-SL and Standard OSTD 63. Micronic type filters shall be provided in all hgdraulic systems unless otherwise approved. shall be us

33、ed in contact with hydraulic fluid. 12 ts Of SpoLi, MCL-F-f;509 and Stardard Packings and gaskets No cadmium plating Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-il-17556 10 m 479970b 0300393 b . -. -_ - - -*Y - - a*. . _ 3.7.2 Prevention of T

34、rapped Air. Hydraulic equipment shall kt3 designed with vents and valves to prevent the accwnilation of trapped air in any part of the system. in order that the system my be checked to make sure that it is full of oil before putting the system into operation. drainage shall be provided. . Vent plugs

35、 or valves shall be provided Accessiale low point 3.7.3 Noise and Vibration. Noise and vibration, such as caused by turbulence or cavitation in the hydraulic equipmentor by unbalanced moving parts, shall be minimized by proper design. Noise and vibration transmitted from other equipment shall be min

36、imized by proper selection and design of mountings, couplings, and similar parts. 3.8 Electrical Equipment 3.8.1 Electric Power Equipment. The electric power equipment shall conform to the requirements of Specifications Ma-E-917, MIL-N-lgb, MIL45-253l and MIL-M-17060. This equipment shall operate sa

37、tisfactorily under a 5 per cent variation in power supply frequency and a 10 per cent variation in power supply voltage, or not more than 10 per cent varia0 t9 on of the two combined. However, maximum perfonnance of the installa- tion need be atbhed ody at-noma1 voltage and frequency. Variation in v

38、oltage and frequency within the limits stipulated above shall result in no more than a proportiopal change in response for control functions. - 3.8.2 Controllers, Motor Starters, and Master Switches. All CO- trollers, motor starters and master switches associated with the function- ing of the mounts

39、 or launchers shall conform to the requirements of Specifications KL-E-9l7 and MIM-2212. All associated control cir cuits, incluing motor control circuits, shall operate nonnaiiy on nominal voltages of li5 volts root-mean-square (m) alternating current. . 3.8.3 Electronic Equipment. All electronic e

40、quipment shall conform to the requirements of Specification MiL-F-18870. where practicable. magnetic or transistor types of amplifiers ani controls are prefd to vacuum tube devices for reliability and shock reasons. ments of mication FIL-R-2033. 3.8.4 Relays. 3.8.5 Cable alid Wiring. Unless otherwis

41、e specified, external cables tractor. men funiished dth the equipment, external cables shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-C-91S or KU-C-U94 and shall have the ends sealed in accordance With NAVSHIPS 250-h3s. All internal wiring shall be furnished by the contractor and shall confom to Spec

42、L fication MIG1?=16878 or FIL-C915 Each tenninal shall be marked for proper and cpnvenient identification during ins tallation and maintenance. Wire and teminal designations shall be suhitted to the Bureau of Ordnance for approval. Electric relays shall be in confohance wth.the require- .I connectin

43、g separately mounted equipment will not be furnished by the con- I I Wire and cables shall be installed ta avoid Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-L7556 LO M 777770b 0300LlOO 7 M iI i .A -. contact with rough or irregular surfaces

44、 or sharp edges, under service conditions. Wires shall not be bent sharply where they enter insulation riiaterial. Where wires run through holes in metal (partitions, shields, and the like), they shaU be protected by grommets. 3.8.6 Synchros. Unless otherwise specified, synchro units Will be furnish

45、ed-Government Applicable informtion on synchro units is contained in the following Specifications: 60 Cycle-il5 Volt Synchros, MILS-2335; 60 Cycle Standardized synchros, NIL-S-1724S; and 400 Cycle 3.8.7 Solenoids. Solenoids Shan conform to the requirements of Sychros, MILS-168920 . . Specificakion X

46、II,4-404Oo 3.6.8 Radio Interference Suppression. Radio interferem e produced by the power ani control equipnext shall be restricted in accordance with the requirements of Specification MIL-1-16910. 3.8.9 Electrical Enclosures; Electricel enclosures for mounts or launching systems shall be spraxtiat

47、if Pelow decks or h5thin protective structures; submersible (15 foot head) if exposed to the weather; all to cononn to the reuirements of Standard MIL-CTD-108 and Specification;-2036. interrial wiring attached ta tho inside of the enciosure as specified in Specification MIL-E-2036. Each encl

48、osure shal be prcvided xi“ MIL-F-lm-The princi pal electric power and control. cmpoiarats su Suitable tedal. Each control panel, unit and - r- . - Navy type cable terminal tubes, Terminal 3.8.U Accessibility of Uectrica3 Conqonenl;s. Electrical connectio*, switches, lamps, synchros and sim- be readi

49、ly accessible for adjustment, replacement, inspection, repair, etc. A11 control syn- chros shaU hve a convenient, simple and readily accessible vernier means of zeroing arri positive clamping. 3.8.12 Terminal Boards. Terminal boards of standard Navy Types shown Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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