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本文(NAVY MIL-M-81715-1969 MANUALS TECHNICAL SHIP WEAPON INSTALLATIONS《舰武器装置技术手册》.pdf)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MILITARY SPECIFICATION MANUALS, TECHNICAL, SHIP WEAPON INSTALLATIONS This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1 . 1 This specification establishes specific requirements for preparation of a technical manual describing ship installation o

2、f air launched weapons. The document shall be titled Ship Weapon installations Manual (SWIM). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of General Requirements MIL-P-38790 for Preparation of Printing Production of Technical Manuals; General Requirements for Standards Military MIL-STD-12 MI

3、ESTD-444 Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Technical-Type Publications Nomenclature and DefinitionB in the Ammunition Area Licensed by Information Handling Services- - MIL-il-1725 Til W 9777906 0227q7 Lf = MIL-M- 81715(AS) Publications Military DOD 5220.22-M industrial Security Manual for Saf

4、eguarding Classified Information 2.2 Copies of documents required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as di- rected by the contracting officer. The preparing activity shall comply with any deviations to MIL-M-38784, as de

5、fined in the TMCR (Technical Manual Contract Requirements), and shall prepare a control document. In the event of conflict between this specification or MIL-M-38784 and the control document of the pro- curing activity, the procuring activity control document shall apply. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General.

6、 The SWIM (Ship Weapon Installations Manual) shall provide data to enable cognizant naval activities to design the facilities and general ar- rangements necessary for weapon handling, stowage, assembly, testing, and maintenance aboard ship. The manual shall be based on sound engineering princi- ples

7、, techniques, and analyses. Practices, procedures, and techniques contained in airborne weapons and missiles general maintenance, loading, tactical, and other technical manuals shall not be duplicated. 3.2 Preparation of SWIM. SWIMS shall be prepared in accordance with the general requirements of MI

8、L-M-38784 unless otherwise specified herein, or in the I - procuring activity control document. The procuring activity shall specify the cover color, cover and paper stock, and the form in which the manual is to be furnished (reproducible copy, negatives, printed copies, etc. ), Printing, binding, a

9、nd nega- tives supplied shall be in accordance with MIL-P-38790. 3.3 Nomenclature. Weapon and component nomenclature shall conform to MILSTD-444. When specific nomenclature pertinent to the SWIM under prepara- tion is not listed in MILSTD-444, it shall be furnished by the procuring activity. 3.4 Abb

10、reviations. Abbreviations and acronyms shall be limited to those in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-12 and MIL-STD-444, except for those deviations permitted by MIL-M-38784. 3.5 Publication references. References shall be made in accordance with MILM-38784. Pertinent information containe

11、d in existing military technical manuals shall be referenced and not repeated except where specifically required for job performance and clarity, as defined by the procuring activity control document. .2 Licensed by Information Handling Services3.6 Security classification. The requirements establish

12、ed by DOD 5220.22-M shall govern the handling of classified material. The SWIM security classification level shall be specified and reported by the procuring activity on form DD 254, and shall be marked in accordance with MIEM-38784, and the procuring activity control document. 3.6.1 Paragraphs, pag

13、es, and classification criteria. When information in paragraphs on the same page of a SWIM is of the same classification level, individual paragraphs need carry no classification marking. However, when the paragraph classification levels differ, each paragraph shall be separately classi- fied and ma

14、rked (U), (C) or (S) aa appropriate (see figure 1). If possible, in- formation with different levels of classification shall be separated into different paragraphs. When such separation would destroy context or continuity, the entire paragraph shall bear the highest classification of any item within

15、 it. 3.7 nlustrations. Aii illustrations shall be prepared in accordance with MILM-38784 and the procuring activity control document. Each illustration shall be referenced in the text. The foldouts (including tables) in the procuring activity control document shall be followed, except for rare insta

16、nces of simple weapons, as defined by that document. 3.8 Writing style. Writing style shall be in accordance with MILM-38784, and the procuring activity control document. 3.9 SWIM format. The SFVIM shall consist of front matter, text body, and back matter. 3.9.1 SWIM front matter. The front matter s

17、hall be in accordance with MILM-38784 and shall consist of the following: a. b. List of effective pages c. Foreword d. Table of contents e. List of illustrations f. List of tables Cover page and title page Cover and title page. The format for the front cover and title page for each SWIM shal

18、l be in accordance with MIL-M-38784, and the procuring activ- ity control document. Type size, paper size, and reproduction image area of covers, title pages, text, and art shal conform to the procuring activity control document. The SWIM shall carry a NAVAIR series number, assigned by NAIXF (Naval

19、Air Technical Services Facilities). The date, assigned by the procuring activity, shall be the 1st or 15th day of the month. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL M- 81715 (AS) List of effective pages. A list of effective pages shall begin on the back of the title page. procuring acti

20、vity control document. Format shall be in accordance with MILM-38784, and the Foreword. Each SWIM shall contain a foreword which describes the purpose of the manual, number of sections and identification of the procuring activity. The foreword shall be the first right-hand page following the

21、 list of ef- fective pages and shall not be numbered. It shall carry the word ffFOREWOFLDtf in the lower right-hand corner. Format shall be in accordance with figure 2 of this specification. Table of contents. The table of contents shall be in accordance with MIL-M-38784, and the procuring a

22、ctivity control document. List of illustrations. SWIMS containhg 10 or more illustrations shall include a list of illustrations. Format shall conform to MILM-38784, and the procuring activity control document. List of tables. SWIM! s containing 10 or more tables shall include a list

23、of tables. Format shall conform to MILM-38784, and the procuring activity control document. 3.9.2 SWIM text body. The body of the SWIM shall consist of the following sections, each of which shall be carried in order and context: Section I Introduction II Applicable Documents III Weapon Data IV Ship

24、Installations Each section shall begin on a right-hand page. If a section is so short that it could be completed on that page, the following section shall begin on the same page. Format shall conform to figure 3 of this specification. All section titles and major subdivision titles shall always be c

25、arried; all primary side heads shall also be carried in ail SWIM1s. If a primary side head does not apply to a particular weapon, that side head shall still be carried foliowed by the words cnle on W-pal air prtuure. Tdd maximum volume oi iIr requlrtdto cqente three air Impict wrenches Is 25 elm. Un

26、e i5/0-lnch air hme Imm air icurce to wrenches. Blre o1 thread In .Ir blet of the S/B-Inch drlve. 1/4-lneh xzT-: ePpiclty must be pmvidcd wrench li lor I/B-lnch three rrenchei N. P.T. over Alr cutlet. the it&; on *ere IM ire uncntad. *wL BALANCER. The hwi nil 2 bi II are mt hued With the pliilorni i

27、tid. Ai opllol eguipmed, they muil be pmaired by the uilng actlvlty. Tue hac roe1 bilinccn sup- ply Jr ta the Impie1 vrewhci In iddllon lo dlering i convsnlcnt and ex4cdlenl mcthdd uilllrlry these wrendlci diring bomb iiiombly 3-6.(C) HCBE - - CLAIIBIFIED PARAGRAPH - qenllOM. UNCLASSIFIED 4 PARAGRAP

28、H $1. NZE PLUG WRENCH. The hiZC-phrg wrench (ace Ilgire 3-3) li i mimillyrqMnted Iool. designed to remmc fuie phgi on the lft ed o1 I& 61, Kk 61. Kk 63. ind Y111AI bombi. Phgslcil chincleriiUci o1 hi wrench irt In table 3-1. npin 14. NM Ph# wnach Non The YIlTAl hbs. &i lo ltir sinic- lure, UUU w idJ

29、Ustable wrench In plie. Of the mie plug wrench. To aiieci remonl, i rpIir!g-laded .hrR O(L the wrench li aligned rlth i corNwmdhg hole ln tbc me plug. The wrench li piihed o& the mc phy unUI the spring-ladcd shdl is regia- led In the hole iDd then Cd to remove the Ph. se. IIREADYONMUILANDAOTS. m ove

30、rtitid mo(yrill and hoist. ire mi iimcd with tb. bomb uMmbb plilforni ibn4 and mwt k procured by me wing icurlty. ne momrili -ris ho Jr hotit wed lor bomb lrunlcr. t li io ln mi.4 hmersr, that the absence of the martiad monorill and hdib dll idvenely decl opnuon o the bomb uiembly agitem. Ipuipmint

31、pmL&d mith th. ipkm li In *l. s-I. Figure 1. Sample of Page Classification and Text 13 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-M-BL7L5 TM W 777770b 0228757 O W FOREWORD I This ship Weapon hiieillritlon Manual deiorlhi the iaaiItiei repulred for ship compatibility of Gutded Msefle SX-2. This mau

32、ai conbins bur reotione: I motion I - riitroduction Section II - Appltcable Documents Seotion Di - Weapon Data eotion IV - 9ilp Instaiiations recommendations. or additionai information caiicerning this manual shall be dirsotsd to: COMMANDIN0 OFFICER NAVAL AIR ENOINEERINO CENTER PHLADELPHIA, PA., 181

33、12 ATTN: CODE NE-4 OR FOR PROOF / COW ONLY information contained in the manual or recornmeidatloas proposing ohnngee to the mud ohall be aubmt#sd by an Unaatisho- tory Mataral/Condttional Report in accordance with NAVAIRINST SWIM Figure 2. Sample Foreword Page Licensed by Information Handling Servic

34、esMIL-M- 81715 (AS) 1-1. PRP08E AM) SCOPE. SECTION I INTRODUCTTON 1-2. PURPOSE. This Ltp Weapon In- abwage focliitiea, and support systems stailations Manual (SWTar) fe a gut& or required for ahtp tnskiaoo of &e MkX oogntzant naval activities, to effect shlp Mod O Fragmentatton Bomb. This man- insta

35、iiation of the Mk 8X Mod O Frag- ua ertabitshes the crltaria mesapry b mentation Bomb. hure Alp compatlhtiity of tbe weapon. IIECTION U APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2-1. MILITARY DOCUMENTS. 2-9. NON-MILITARY WCUMENTS 2-2. Tbs following documents of the 24. The followfng documents of the issue In effect on t

36、he date of th16 SWIM contract (or preparation order), form a part of thla manual tu Le extent speclfled herein. hereln. traue in effect on the date of this SWIM contract (or preparatton order), form a port of thle manual b the extant spectfted BULLETINS ORDNANCE PAMPHLETS OP 4 Ammunton Anoat OP 2216

37、 Aircraft Bombs. Fuees and AEEOC- sied Components OP 2173 Hnadllng Equip Volumes ment for 1 andB Ammunttion ExplosIves Aviathn Armament Bulletin No. 957, Rev. A, Vol. 1 SERVICE MANUALS w37 hlODEL 9109 w37s Air Impact Wrench, MODEL 9110 Thor Power Tool W37H Co., Aurora, Ill. MCQEL 9817 SERWE BULLETIN

38、S Bulleth Atr Impact Wrench, No. 12190 Thor Power Tool IS May 10665 Co., Aurora, li. i-1/24 -. . , . Figure 3. Sample Text, Sections I and II 15 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesUIL-U-BL7L5 TU W 7777706 02287bL 7 W MIL-M-81715 (AS) UNCLA88IFiED NAVAIR XX-XlC-XX pipure 3-2. Assembled AM-OB, A

39、IM-BC, and AIM-OD Guided Missiles UNCWIPIED 3-3 - - . .- - . Figure 4. Sample Illustration of Weapon Models 16 -. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-M-8L7LC TM M 7777906 O228762 O MILM- 81715 (AS) NAVAIR xx-xxx-xx NITI yo04 TIRE DOYD IN WIRE CRATE COIYIWIATION Figure 5. Sample Weapon Packa

40、ging Iilustration 17 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMILM- 81715 (AS) NAVAIR xx-xxx-xx NB I. FIN ASEMBLY MAY BE ROTATED 00,22$0,4500R 67hFROY %OF SUSPENSION LUGS. )5.? 2. AWROXIMATE WEIBHT. 527LBS v 3. INDICATES C.G. VIEW A-A FIN ROTATED 45. Figure 6. Sample Weapon Dimensional Data Illustra

41、tion 18 . F Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-M- 81715 (AS) n s G W O f P f W d O 4-2 Figure 7. Sample illustration of Weapon/Skid Load 19 -? Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-M-81715 TM M 9799906 0228765 b M UNCABSFiED NAVAIR xx-x)(x-xx Figure 8. Sample Flow Chart 20 Licensed

42、by Information Handling ServicesMIEM- 81715 (AS) 4-21 r Figure 9. Sample Time Cycle Chart 21 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-M-L7L5 Til 7777906 02287b7 T = UNCLA88IFIED NAVAIR Xx-XXX-XX CONVENTIONAL STOWAGE ARRANGEMENT OF SHRIKE MISSILE 4-19 - _/- Figure lo. Sample Illustration of Stowage Arrangement 22 , -7. !., ! il Licensed by Information Handling Services

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