1、. . . t . 9999906 2035347 279 MIL-P-16594A (Nord) 30 June 1955 SUPERSEDIRG 10 September 195i NAVORD os 1649 8 December 1944 (See 6.3) MfL-P-16594 (Burn) mmuir SPECXFICATION PROJECTILES, BOMBS, ROClWiS, AM) GUIDED MfSSILE VARIIEADS, INERT PARTS, MArmTFAcTURE OF 1. SCOPE 1. This apccification covere g
2、eneral requirement8 for the mnufactiire of the Inert parte of projectiles, bambs, rocket8 (rocket head8 and rocket motors), and guided miealle warhead8 for the U.S. Navy. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The f ollowlng specif icatione, etandarde, drawinge. and pubicationa, , and other8 listed on the appl
3、icable Bureau of Ordnance tiat o? Draulng8“,. aketch or detail drawings, of the.ieaue in effect on date.o invitation for bide, form a part oil thie epecification: SPECIFICATIONS NAVYDFZAR. . General Specificatione for the Xnepcton of Material, and appli- cable appendices, lncludlng the foUowing: App
4、endix II? Metale, Par% A - Definit5On8 and %tit8 Appendix VII - Welding: Part D, Section D-lQualificatloq of Welding Proceasce, Part F, Section F-1-Fabrication Teete for Reilletance Part Q, Section G-l-Qualiflcatlon of Equipment, General Part 0, Section 6-2-Qualification of Spot and Seem General Wel
5、ding Welding Equipment - Automatically Timed Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-9Ob 2035348 LO5 MXL-F-16594A (NGrd) STANDARDS MILITARY JAN-STD-19 - Welding NIL-STD-20 - Welding MIL-STD-129 - Marking BREAU OF ORDNANCE Symbole Tema and Def
6、inition8 for Shipment and Storage NAVORD WTD 66 - eign of Inepection wgea PUBLICATI ON6 E3uREAU OF ORDWLNCE OP 400 - General Inetructione for the Deeign, Manufacture and Inepection of Naval Ordnance Equipment (Coplee of epeclflcatlone, etandards. and drawinge required by contractors in connection wi
7、th opecific procurement functlone ehould be obtained from the procuring agency or ae directed by the contracting officer). 3. REQUImNTB 3.1 General requiremento.- Item8 shall be manufactured In strict accordance with the true Intent of the applicable epecificatlone and with the data shown or referre
8、d to on the drawinge. It la the contractora reponeiblllty to eatlafy the lnepector ae to conformance with the true Intent of the terme of the contract, applicable epeclficatione and applicable drawinge. cept a8 rn$lfied herein, general requiremente ahall be In conformance with Ex- I i OP 400. 3.1.1
9、Dlfcrepancies. - Any discrepancy between drawlnga and apecificatione, or between any parta of drauinge or apeciflcationa, or any ambiguity In the language of any part of the complete epecification shall be referred to the Bureau of Ordnance via the cognizant lnrpector (see 6.2) for inter- pretation
10、or clarification and the decieion of the Bureau of Ordnance a8 to the true intent of the applicable drawinge and epecificatlons ahall be final. Contractore ehall not take advantage of any diecrepenciee, error8 or omlseiona of details but shall furnieh lteme In accordance with the true intent of the
11、applicable drawing8 and specificatlone. 3.1.2 Unauthorizeh practices.- Failure of applicable epecificatlons to prb clude epecific practices or treatmento ahall not be interpreted ae permitting any auch grertice or treatment which the Inepector coneidere deletariou6 or questionablc. Alteration of def
12、ecta by hammering, peening, filling of voib or building up of ama8 by eoldering, ueldng, metel eptiying, etc., 2 - 1871 - _ - I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-9999906 2035349 041 defornation - clther Lat or cold - after cpecfieb fihy
13、aiCaX propaptiem bva been obtained by heat treatment or cold work, etc., ohaU h conoidcred ap an unauthorized practlco unlcse apcc1Pl.c authorization ha been obtained from the Bureau Qf Ordnacce in each Pnstmaa OF unloaa much prUcticeg r directly PUthQP1Zed in the appi$QAbk+ pfi$fh3Qk2l, polr and re
14、welding of weld8 in accorance with generallyacccpted procedurea is permi.ssible except for piecea which have been heat treated prior to the proposed reptiir or rewelding. PR PncPal, Qh PO- 3.2 14aterial.- AU. materiala ehaU conform otricty with epecificationn and requirenents liated herein cr the ap
15、ecificatlons and requirements shown on t3e applicable drawing8 unleso apecific approval ln writing covering ta de- parture therefrom ahall have been obtained from the Bimau of Ordnance (see 6.2) prior to manufacture or uae. (See ano 3.3). 3.2.1 Alternate naterialn ami deeign8. No reference in the ap
16、plicable epeclficetiona or drauinga to allowable alternate materiale or d128if-aetrimeutal to the melding procoss. Velds shall. havo shear strensths equal to or greater thin the values spwcified on the applicable drawings. Test speoimens for shear strength shall be aatual produotion parts, portions
17、thereof, or speoial test spechens which oonfonn to prouction prts with rrispeot to material, thicknosc, surface conditions md ruasa istributiuc of mtc -ia1 within the throat of the maohins. ields shall be free of crock6, PltL, tip piok-up or other defeots not acceptable in beFt cornneroial practioe.
18、 sentative welds shall be seotioned and examined and shall show sound fused nuggets of dianeter at least twioe the thiohess ofthe thinner menber. shall be the contractors responsibility to satisfy the inspeotor that the required quality of welds is consistently mintainod. fiaation shall be interpret
19、ed as limiing the Inspeotor in using additional teats to assure that all welds are satisfaotory, noted herein or on the appioabe drawiqa, the following doouments apply Repre- It Ngthing in this speoi- In addition, excopt as JAN-STD-19 MIL-sm-20 Goneral Speoifioations for Inspeotion of Katerial, Appe
20、ndix VII, Tielding, including Part D - Seotion D-1, Part 3- Seotion F-1, Part G Section F1, Part Q = Seotion G2. 3.9 Cold worked steel parts, strese relieving of. = 3.9.1 Ileat treated corqonents. = Heat treatsd oomponents on whiah cold work - operations have been authorized (see 3.1.2) shall be ade
21、quately stress relieved to assure freedom from susceptibility to orauking or subsequent di3tortioa as a result of unrelieved stresses. 3.9.2 Cold formed ooxponentPz - Conponents produced by ood forminp, oparrtions which reduce duotility appreoiably or induoe appreciable internal stress shall be adeq
22、uately strei relieved to assure keedom fron eusoeptibiiity to oraoking or subsequent distortion a8 a result of unrelieved streseer. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVLSIOXS ions,w and ar otbrwiae oonaidered neaeumry, to a16uro oonformanoo with the requlrrtmsntr 5- 1874 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu
23、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-9999906 2035352 b3b m I .- - MILP-16594A (YOrd) of the aontraat and all anhoaiated applloabl documenta, The “Aooeptaaoe Inspootion InstruatiouR“ ail.1 nonnally be trtmsmitted by th9 Proouring Activity by official oorr03pondence, at the time
24、hapeation oogaitance i8 aosipod. 4.2 Threaas. - !Che follod-ng exception to the “not go“ gaging prtrotioe a8 giwn SILndbook Eu, nSorm Threaa Standards for Fedora1 Service8t and supplsmsilt thereto, shall apply totha items oowred by this specifioatiori; 4.2.1 “Not 60“ GnKinf;. - An appromd “not go“ g
25、age shall not enter or be entered for a distanoe greater than four turns, whiohever is lesa. aistance greater than one half the length of the threads or 6. EllIPARlT1311 I;Y)R Di3LIVERY 5.1 Padcing. - Iteme ahall be prepared and paoked for ohfpmesnt as shown on the ap;licablo drawings or a6 otherwis
26、e speoified, 5.2 Karkin , - Eaoh paoking oontafner shall be marked as ohown on the applicab e awings and in aooordanoe with Standard MILrSTD129, 60 NOTES 6.1 Intended use. - Sea 1,l 6.2 Corres ondenoe. - After the oontraot has been negotiated, ail teohnioal clarifiaation of drawings or speoification
27、s, approval of chemioal oomposition, and to other techniaal data shall be forwarded to the Bureau of rdnanoe via the oognitant iusi)ector, aorreapon + ence relating to alternates, waivers, lndifiOatiOn6, reviaiona, 6,3 Relation to NBVOR.3 OS 1649. - Paragraph 5.8 o supersedes the requirements of iJA
28、VOKD OS 1649, Speoiiioatim For Spot and Seam Vielding For Anmunition Components. (Steel). , Notioe, - When Government drawings, speoifioations, or other data are used !or any purpose other than in oonneotion with a uefinitelyrelated Government procarenent operation the Vnited States Govenunent there
29、by inour6 no rea- ponsibility nor any obligation whatsoevert and the faot that the Government nay have formuated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specification or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or .otherwise a8 in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or oorporation, or oonveying any rights, or permiijsion to manufaoture,uae, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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