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本文(NAVY MIL-P-29005 B-1989 PUBLICATIONS PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS FOR TRAINING DEVICES《用于训练器材有计划的维修系统的出版物》.pdf)为本站会员(Iclinic170)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIL-P-29005B TM m 9999906 0226069 7 m MIL-P-29005B (TD) 19 Januarv 1989 SUPERSEDING 1 January 1976 MIL-P-29005A (TD) MILITARY SPECIFICATION PUBLICATIONS, PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM, FOR TRAINING DEVICES This specification is approved for use within Naval Air Systems Command of the Department of the

2、Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requirements for the development and preparation of Planned Maintenance System (PMS) publications for training devices. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Governmen

3、t documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standard. The following specifications, standards and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specificati

4、ons and Standards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-M-38784 - Manuals, Technical; General Style and Format Requirements Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this docum

5、ent should be addressed to: Naval Training Systems Center, Code 4323, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826-3224 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC N4618 TMS S DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A

6、Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 01643 I THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 47 PAGES. 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-27005B TM W 7777906 0226070 5 a MIL-P-29005B (TD) MIL-M-

7、38790 - Printing Production of Technical Manuals General Requirements for. MIL-M-85337 - Manual, Technical; Quality Assurance Program, Requirement for STANDARDS MIL-STD-12 - Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, Specifications, Standards, and in Technical Documents (Copies of specifications, standards,

8、 handbooks, drawings, publications and other Government documents required by contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity.) 2.3 Order of Precedence. In the event of a conflict between the te

9、xt of this document and the references cited herein (except for related associated detail specifications, specification sheets, or MS standards) the text of this document shall take precedence. Nothing in this document, however, shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemp

10、tion has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. The PMS publications shall provide general and specific instructions required to perform planned maintenance for training devices. The system consists of a series of maintenance requirements that provide a basis for planning, scheduling, and execu

11、ting scheduled maintenance. Coverage shall be included for vendor procured equipment components, and for operational equipment components unless otherwise specified herein or by the procuring activity. Requirement Cards (MRCs) (see and a Sequence Control Chart (SCC) (see and shall

12、be prepared in accordance with this specification. Manuscript and reproducible copy shall be delivered as specified in the contract, The PMS publications shall consist of Maintenance 3.1.1 Scope of Dlanned maintenance. Planned maintenance pertains to scheduled preventive-type maintenance rather than

13、 corrective maintenance. The MRCs shall contain all procedures and instructions required for performance of scheduled maintenance on a training device, and list any special tools and test equipment, consumable material, and replacement parts necessary to perform such maintenance. acceptance criteria

14、 of those contained in Test Procedures/Factory Acceptance Procedures Reports that will provide a basis for evaluating equipment condition, shall be included. Troubleshooting, repair standard shop practices, and other strictly corrective-type maintenance procedures shall not be included as part of pl

15、anned maintenance. Theoretical explanations of the equipment except as required in cautions or warnings shall also be excluded. Performance standards and procedures including key 0164E 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-29005B (T

16、D) The scope of the pIanned maintenance shall not exceed the maintenance concept of the contract. planned. maintenance actions described in the MRCs. The SCC shall graphically display the sequencing of all 3:1.2 General manner of Dreparatin. Except as otherwise specified herein, preparation shall be

17、 in general accordance with MIL-M-38784. MRC preparation. MRCs shall be prepared for 1:l printing on preprinted forms supplied by the procuring agency. on the card, shall be 4-1/2 by 7-1/2 inches. On classified supplemental MRCs (see, the height of the image area, including security

18、 classification markings, shall not exceed 4-1/2 inches. Type size and face shall be the same as or similar to that shown in figures 1 through 25, with 9-point minimum type size. (Note that the figures are enclosed with dashed lines representing the outside edges of the card being illustrated.) shal

19、l begin on a new card, followed by the continuation cards as needed until the MRC procedure is completed. See for MRC numbering and 3.1.7 for for preparation of illustration. The image area, centered Each new MRC procedure Manuscript. Manuscript copy shall be prepared and submitte

20、d on preprinted forms, Reproducible CORY. Reproducible copy shall be prepared and submitted on preprinted forms. SCC meparation. side only. size shall be 30 by 36 inches. The size of the SCC shall be determined by the complexity of the device and the number of MRC procedures involv

21、ed. The image area shall be sized to allow a 3/4-inch border on all sides of the chart. Type size and font shall be the same as or similar to that shown in figure 26. Manuscript copy and reproducible copy shall be full size black on white. The SCC shall be prepared for printing on one Minimum size o

22、f the chart shall be 20 by 24 inches and maximum Changes and revisions. Changes and revisions to existing PMS publications shall be ordered by the contracting/procuring activity to reflect maintenance requirements and improve text or illustrations. Changes. A change is any alterati

23、on of the PMS publications already in existence accomplished by replacement, addition, or deletion of cards, but not in sufficient number to require a revision. Change symbols. Changes to the MRC text shall be indicated by a 1/16-inch vertical line approximately 1/16-inch to the right of

24、 the image area margin (figure 16). Symbols shall indicate only those changes made in the current change. applicable blocks (figure 26). Illustration changes shall be made in accordance with the requirements of MIL-M-38784. Changes to the SCC shall be indicated by shading of the Change n

25、umber and data. The latest card change number, followed by the date of the change shall be located just above the upper 0164E 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-29005B TM m 93iiOh Oi26072 9 W MIL-P-29005B (TD) right-hand card bor

26、der (figures 10 and 11) of each changed MRC. Page, the latest change number and date shall be located just below the original date of the PMS publications (figure 1). For the Title Revisions. A revision shall be necessary when the cumulative total cards affected in a particular card set, i

27、ncluding the current changes, plus cards affected by previous changes, total 60 percent or more of the total cards in the card set. 3.1.3 References to other wblications. PMS publications shall include all procedures and illustrations required for performance of planned maintenance. activity, reeren

28、cing may be permitted but only in cases where data can be better presented by reference. for each task shall identify the specific paragraphs, procedural steps, and illustrations in the referenced publication. The referenced publication shall be included in the Test Equipment, Parts, Materials, and

29、Special Tools List on the MRC for each task for which referencing is required. publications included in the procured Technical Data Support Package (TDSP) shall be referenced. equipment components of a training device shall be permitted only upon approval by the contracting/procuring activity. When

30、specifically approved by the contracting/procuring When referencing is authorized, the MRC text Only those References to technical manuals supporting operational 3.1.4 Publication numbers. The MRCs, supplemental classified MRCs, and associated SCC shall be identified by publication numbers (NTSC P-X

31、XXX) and dates assigned by the contracting/procuring activity. 3.1.5 Abbreviations. The use of abbreviations shall be held to a minimum. Abbreviations used shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-12 where applicable or shall be in consonance with applicable approved source data such as device maintenanc

32、e manuals. 3.1.6 Nomenclature, Hardware nomenclature shall be consistent within the PMS with what is used in device maintenance manuals. 3.1.7 Illustrations. Illustrations shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-M-38784. maintenance manuals and shall be utilized for multiple application, Figure num

33、bers shall be omitted. Titles, where applicable, shall clearly identify the illustrations and shall be located on the card immediately above the illustration. describes the maintenance procedure which requires illustration. Where practicable, they shall be identical to those used in the The illustra

34、tion shall immediately follow the text that Work area illustrations. Work area illustration cards (figures 5 and 6) and illustrations on SCCs (figure 26) shall be line drawing floor plans/equipment outlines or perspective views of the training device. work area illustrations shall be prepare

35、d in accordance with figure 5 or 6 by dividing the floor plan/equipment into work areas and identifying the areas by numbers as shown. The method selected to illustrate work areas for a training device shall be the same on both the work area card and the SCC. If the The O164E 4 Provided by IHSNot fo

36、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a MIL-P-290058 TM m 777770b 0226073 O m MIL-P-29005B (TD) drawing is prepared for the SCC and reduced for the work area card, the reduced drawing lettering shall be no smaller than 9-point. Work area numbers shall normally

37、conform to Unit Reference Designations. conformance must be approved by the contracting/procuring activity, lubrication symbols shall-be as shown in figure 19. reduced to a point where legibility is affected. authorized. for the standard symbols. Any exception to this 3.1i7.2 Lubrication svmbols. Sh

38、apes and relative sizes of authorized U Sizes shall not be No other symbols are Special notes as shown in figure 18 may appear on lubrication 9 illustrations when necessary to explain circumstances not otherwise provided Svmbol amlication. The lubrication symbol shall have a contrasting le

39、ader line extending to the point on the diagram or drawing that requires servicing (figure 17). designated by a lubrication symbol, in one view, shall not be redesignated in another view. it more clearly. use of several leader lines branching from the main leader to designate adjacent points of serv

40、icing provided the following conditions are satisfied: A point of servicing which has been The points of servicing shall be designated in the view showing The symbol may designate more than one point of servicing by a. The points of servicing are located on the same or related parts having the same

41、nomenclature. The points of servicing appear in the same view on the diagram or drawing. b. c. The points of servicing require identical service. Alternate method, Lubrication charts containing a large number of points of servicing having the same lubrication symbol shall be designated wit

42、h numbered leader lines as shown in figure 18. Svmbol arrangement. - The arrangement on each succeeding card need not correspond to the arrangement of the first card. shall be placed adjacent to but not so close as to crowd the diagram or drawing. arrangements: Lubrication symbols Lubricat

43、ion symbols on charts shall conform to one to the following a. Start at the upper left corner of the chart and progress numerically in a clockwise direction around the diagram or drawing, b. c. Arranged in vertical rows from top to bottom. Arranged in horizontal rows from left to right. 3.1.8 Warnin

44、gs. cautions. and notes. Warnings, cautions, or notes shall be provided on the MEKs in accordance with MIL-M-38784. 0164E 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-290058 TM m 999990b 022b074 2 m HIL-P-29005B (TD) Warninns and c

45、autiong. Warnings and cautions shall precede the Warning and cautions instructions to which they apply (figures 13 and 14). shall not preceded the TEST EQUIPMENT, PARTS, HATEBIALS, SPECIAL TOOLS table when it is present on a MRC. death to personnel could occur if the procedure were not followed care

46、fully. A caution shall be used when damage or destruction to a device or degraded operation could occur if the procedure were not followed carefully. A warning shall be used when possible injury or poteg. Notes shall precede the instructions to which they apply A note shall be used when an e

47、ssential operating or preventive (figure 14). maintenance procedure, condition, or statement must be highlighted. A note shall appear marginally aligned with the arabic numerals of the MRC steps, in upper case letters (NOTE:) followed by a colon. The statement shall be indented two spaces from the c

48、olon. margin as the word NOTE. MATERIALS, SPECIAL TOOLS table only when it pertains to assistance required (see figure 14.) Subsequent lines shall begin at the same A note may prece 1 WEEK, 13 WEEKS, and 52 WEEKS. A11 cards in the Periodic section of the MRC set shall be arranged by order of periodi

49、city, They shall contain clearly established procedures designed to The MRC requirements shall ensure The MRC procedures shall be such that each period of time being The SDecial MRCs. Special MRCs (figures 14 and 15) shall include the preventive maintenance requirements other than those of daily or periodic intervals as described in and Special MRCs shall be 0164E 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

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