1、- MIL-P-82739 (1) 13 9999906 03b2787 b h-aI/-s MIL-P-82739(OS) AMENDMENT 1 1 March 1988 Ei I L I TARY SPEC I FI CAT I ON PROPELLANT GRAINS , NOSOL-318 This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-P-82739(OS), dated 17 October 1985, and is approved for use within the Naval Sea Systems Co
2、mmand, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 3 3.3,3 Delete in its entirety and substitute “3.3.3 Grain integrity. The propellant grains shall be homogeneous without cracks (see 4.6.2).“ PAGE 4 Add: “ Relative quick
3、ness and relative force measurement (DP/DT). A DP/DT of not less than 248OK psia/sec shall have developed during the elapsed time from initiation to 020 second of a test shot (see“. PAGE 5 Add: “ Relative quickness and relative force measurement (DP/DT). The DP/DT shall be measured-a
4、s specified in MIL-STD-286, method 801.1.2, for closed bomb method and IHSP 85-208 for computer determination. Add: “4.7 Inspection of packaging. The sampling and inspection of the preservation, packing, and container marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of MIL-P-270 and 49 CFR 170-1
5、90“. lfJ PAGE 7 Add: “6.4 Subject tem (key word listing). Double base propel lant Ordnance devices Propel lant charge Propellant grains Preparing Activity: Project No. 1377-N910 Navy - OS Beneficial comnents (recomnendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improv
6、ing this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, Standardization Branch (3730) , Indf an Head, MD 20640-5000. - AMSC N/A Page 1 of 1 FSC 1377 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: . Approved for pub1 ic release; distri bution is un1 imi ted. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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