1、I.“.MIL-R-85111A(As)10 December 1980SUPERSFZ)INCMIL-R-85111 (AS)23 February 1978!lILITARYSPECIFICAIIONRECOVERY ASSIST, SECURING AND TRAVERSINGsYSTPX FOR LAMPS MS 111 HELICOPTERThis specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command,Department of the Navy, and Is available for use by
2、all Departments andAgencies of the Department of Defense.sCOPE1.1 IQJ?-s. This specification establishes the performance, design, devel-opment and test requirements for the helicopter Recovery Assfst, Securing andTraveKSing (RAST) System.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Issues of documents. The following
3、documents of the fssue in effect onthe date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of thisa71 specification to the extent specified herein:SPECIFICATIONSFEDERARR-W-410 Wire Rope and StrandTT-E-490 Enamel, Silicone Alkyd Copolymer, SemiglossTT-P-645 Primer, Paint, Zinc-chromate, A
4、lkyd TypeMILITARYNIPS-901 Requirement For High Impact Shock Tests For ShipboardNachinery Equipment And SystemsHIL-c-915. General Specification For Electrical Cable And Cord ForShipboard UseMIL-E-917 Electric Power Equipment, Basic Requirements (NavalShipboard Use).Beneficial comments (recommendation
5、-s,additions, deletions and any per-tinent data which may be of use in Improving this document should beaddressed to: Engineering Specifications and Standards Department (Code93) Navnl Air Engineering Center, Lakehurst, NJ OB733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Propo
6、sal (DD Form 1426)a71 appearing at the end of this document or by letter).mProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-851 11AMIL-C-5541MIL-S-8660MIL-Q-9858MIL-P-15024DOD-E-15090DoD-P-15328MIL-E-15936NIL-c-16173MIL-E-16400MIL-M-17060DOD-P-1
7、7545MIL-C-18255MIL-N-18307I MIL-T-22361L-C-24176I MIL-F-244021 MIL-P-24441DoD-P-24555MIL-C-45662 MIL-s-81733Chemical Conversion Coating On Aluminum and AluminumAlloysSilicone CompoundQuality Program RequirementsPlates, Tags And Bands For Identification of EquipmentEnamel, Equipment, Light-gray (Form
8、ula No. 111)Primer (Wash), Pretreatment, Blue (Formula No. 117 forMetals)Enamel, Exterior, Gray, No. 27 (Vinyl-alkyd) (Formula No. .122-27)Corrosion ProtectiveapplicationElectronic, Interiorment, Naval Ship andCompound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-Communication And Navigation Equip-Shore, Ceneral Specific
9、ationMotors, 60 Cycle, Alternating Current, Integral Horse-power (Shipboard Use) a71Primer Coating, Alkyd Red Lead Type, Formula No. 1i6:AndFormula No. 116DCaulking Compound, Synthetic Rubber Baae, Wooden DeckSeam ApplicationNomenclature And Identification For Electronic, Aeronau-tical, And Aeronaut
10、ical Support Equipment IncludingGround Support EquipmentThread Compound, Anti-sieze, Zinc Dust petrolatumCement, Epoxy, Metal Repair and Hull SmoothingFilter, Filter Elements (25 Micrometer Absolute) , andFilter Differential Preaaure IndicatorsPaint, Epoxy-polyamide, General Specffication ForPaint,
11、Aluminum, Heat Resisting (650 Deg. C), Lnw Emis-aivity (0.40 or Less)Calibration System RequirementSealing and Coating Compound, Corrosion InhibitiveI-2-a71IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71I10i .0!IIL-V-S1940MIL-H-t13282SII-567-1ST
12、ANDASDSNILtr,wtyI1I.-SCD-1OSI.I114-STU-109MIL-sTD-167-IHIL-STD-280$,SNAEC 700,000PUBLICATIONSNAVSEA 0902-001-5000Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, And l)thecTechniques ForElectromagnetic Compatibility And SafetyElectrical Connectors And Associated Hardware, SelectionAnd Use OfRequirements For Employing
13、Standard Electconic ModulesInterface Standard for Shipboard Systems, Section 300 -Electric Power, Alternating Current.Human Engineering Design Criteria For Military Systems,Equipment And FacilitiesSelection Standard for Shipboard Use Of Electric Connec-tors And Jacketed CableFailure Classification F
14、or Reliability TestingRecovery Assist, Secure and Traverse SystemCener;llSpecifications for Ships of the United StatesNavy, dated 1 January 1980(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required bycontractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob-taine
15、d from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this speci-fication to tbe extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, theissue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposalshalL a
16、pply.sTEEL STRUCTURES PAINTING COUNCIL (sSPC)SSPC-SP-10 Surface Preparation Specification No. 10(Application for copies should be addressed to the Steel Structures PaintingCouncil, 1400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.)-quirementsfor hydrauLic fluid. The unit shall contain a controltest panel which wiil
17、permit Local control, operation and observation of)crfticf.lanceof the mnit for maintenance purposes. The prime mover of the unitSIIJLIhe ;IneLectric not,or,conforming t“ MIL-1-170600 The Recovery AssistWind, :indIlydraulicPower Unit shal1 conform to the installation and Interfacecequircmc:nt.sof In
18、stallation Control Drawing,-5-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-85111AM.IE(:700,000, and, when conbied with other unitssvstem cunfifiuration. shall cunfor,to the svstenof the RASTperformancesystm into arequirements of3-.4.1. The i
19、ncl!drum of the unit shall be unoathle with the shall possess an effective drumc:tpacityof 95 feet of that Recovery Assist Cable; shall incorporate a fric-tion brake to prevent drum rotation during non-operation of the recoveryassist winch; and shall include provisions to positively guide the Recove
20、ryAssist Cable onto and off of the drum. Traverse Winch. The Traverse Winch shalL be composed of a winchdrum powered by a hydraulic motuc which ceceivcs hydra,llicpower from theReeuvery Assist Winct)and hydraulic Pouer Unit. The Traverse Winch sbalLconforn to the installation and interface re
21、quirements of Installation ControlDrawing, NAEC 700,000 and, when combined with other units of the RAST systeminto a system configuration, shall conform to the system perform.?ncerequire-ments of 3.4.1. Tbe winch drum shalL possess sufficient wire cope capacity toobtain an effective system traverse
22、length of 90 feet; the wire rope shallconform to RR-W-41O. The winch shall be capable of exerting a pull force onthe traverse cable of 5000 lbs minimum at cable speeds uf 3 f .5 in/see. and12 ? 1.2 injsec when driven by hydraulic power fron Recovery Assist Winch andHydraulic Power Unit. n addition,
23、the winch shall be capable of exerting apull force of 3400 Ibs without stalling. The Traverse Winch shall contain afriction brake that, when activated shall hold a cable tension of 10,000 lbsminimum withuut slippage. Recovery Assist Cable Assembly. The Recovery Assist Cable Assemblyshall cuns
24、ist of 5/16 inch diameter wire rope conforming to RR-W-41O with oneend terminating in a svaged fitting compatible with the Cable End Fitting.The Cable End Fitting shall empluy a shear pin which shall fail at a cabletensiun of 6000 t 500 Lbs. The Recovery Assist Cable End Fitting shall bedimensi,nall
25、yand functionally compatible with the RAST messenger cable endfitting, winch locking mechanism and main probe being provided in SN-60Bhelicopters conforming to the requirements of SD-567- Kopc Accumulator. The Rape Accumulator shal1 be composed of asingle acting hydraulic cylinder around wh
26、ich the Recovery Assist Cable (see3.2.2,3) is reeved. When compressed by tension in the Recovery Assist Cable,the hydraulic cylinder shall discharge the hydraulic oil into nitrogen-oilaccur.lul.ltors. Tbe working volune and nitrogen precharge pressure of eachaccumulator shall be chosen to dampen cab
27、le tension excursions during systemoperations as defined in The Rope Ace,.lmulatorshal1 conform to theinstallation and interface requirements of Installation Control Drawing, NAEC71J0,000,and when combined with other units OE the RAST system into a systemconfiguration. shall conform to the
28、system performance requirements of 3.4.1.The unit SIUJ11employ NIL-N-93232 hydraulic fluid. :NoveableSheave Assembl . The ltovcableSheave Assembly shallcouform to the installation and interface requirements of Installation ControlDrawing, NAEC 700,000, and, when combined with other units of t
29、he RAST systeminto a system configuration, shall conform to the system performance require-ments of Electrical Cable Reel. The Electric Cable Reel shall provide for othe paying-out and stowage of the electric cable carrying electrical power and-6-1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod
30、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-851 11Acontrol signals to, and condition signals from. the Rapid Securiru?Device.The reel sall have sufficient capacity to accommodate”a Rapid Seuring Devicetraverse distance of 90 feet. Electric cable employed shal1 confarm to MIL-C-
31、915. The Electric Cable Reel shall conform to the installation and inter-face requirements of Installation Control Drawing, NAEC 700,000, and, whencombined with other units of the RAST system into a system configuration,shall conform to the system performance requirements of 3.4.1. The cable reelsha
32、ll generate a cable retraction force in accordance with the followingminums and maximum: 40 lbs minimum: 80 lbs minimum when 90 ft cable isextended; and a maximum of 150 lbs under any condition of extension up to 90ft. Electrical connectors shal1 be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-1353.Electrica
33、l cable supplied with the reel shall be 150 feet in length. Control Console. The Control Conxole shall contain all of thesystem controls, indicators, and switches to be employed in the normal opera-tion of the RAST system. The console shall conform to the installation andinterface requirement
34、s of Installation Control Drawing, NAEC 700,000, and,when cinnbinedwith other units of the RAST system into a system configuration,shall conform to the system performance requirements of 3.4.1. In addition,the console shall provide for effective operator voice communications with thehelicopter and o
35、ther ahip stations; the following specific provisions shall beincorporated:a. A three-position microphone keying switch shal1 be located on theRecovery Assist Tension Lever. The switch shall be spring-loaded to thecenter-off position with switch action away frnm the operator providing keyingof the r
36、adio channel, and switch action toward the operator providing keyingof the interior ship channel .b. PrnvisiorM in the console shall be made for incorporation of Govern-ment furnished communications components consisting of one modified AN-6949enclosure mndule, one 12 volt dc power supply (5” x 4“ x
37、 2“ maximum size), one24 volt dc power supply (5” x 4“ x 2“ maximum size), one line filter (5” x 4“x2 “ maximum size), one transformer (3” x 4“ x 2“ maximum size), two headsetawith microphones, and aaaociated mating connectors and cables. Tail Probe Grid. Tail Probe Grid components shal1 conf
38、orm to theinstallation and interface requirements of Installation Control Drawing, NAEC700,000 and to the interface requirements of the SN-60B tail probe conformingto SD-567-1 . Tailguide Winch . The Tailguide Winch shal1 be composed of twowinch drums, port and starboard, driven by separate h
39、ydraulic motors. Hydrau-lic power shall be derived frnm the Recnvery Assist Winch and Hydraulic PowerUnit. The Tailguide Winch shall conform to the installation and interfacerequirements of Installation Control Drawing, NAEC 700,000, and, vhen cabinedwith other units of the RAST system into a system
40、 configuration, shall ccnformto the system performance requirements of 3.4.1. The Tailguide Winch drumsshall have a usable capscity of 40 feet of wire rope conforming to RR-W-41O.Provisions shall be incorporated to limit the tension applied to the tailg”idecables, from either winch drum, such that t
41、he tension does not exceed 4000 lbsat the drums in any mode of Tailguide Winch operation.-7-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-85111A3.2.2.10 Electronic Components Asswnbly. Except for sensors and certainswitching relays, the Elect
42、ronic Components Assembly shall provide the cen- a71tralized assembly of electronic components and c.ircultelements required toeffectively control applicable units of the “RASTsystem in response to commandinputs Erwn the Control Console. The Electronic Components Assembly shallconform teRA.STYtemint
43、o a system configuration, shall conform to the system performance require-ments of 3.4.1.a71a713.2.2.14 Traverse Winch Valve Assem. The Traverse l.inchValve Assembly .shaLl conform to the installation and interface requirements of InstallationControl Llr.wing,NAt!C7C0,00, and, when installed and com
44、biner!witl:otherInits of tilePAST system into a systen configuration, shall conform to thesystem performance requirements of Tachometer Sheave. The Tachometer Sheave shall cnform to theinstallationd interface requirements of Installation Control Drawing, NAl?C700,000, and, when instal
45、led and combined with other units of the RAST systeminto a system configuration, shal1 conform to the system performance require-ments of a$t and ship compatibility Compatibility requirements are de-rived from the basic requirements that the system, wheu installed on any ofthe various clas
46、ses of LAHPS MK 111 ships, wil1 operate satisfactnrily withthe LAMPS MK 111 aircraft.3.3.1 Aircraft compatib3.3.1.1 Aircraft interface criteria. All deck.equipment of the systemshall be dimensionally compatible for operation with the LAMPS HK III helf-cupter under both static and dynamic conditions
47、associated with landing an6traversing of the aircraft. Ll”itsof the RAST system shrillconform to tbcinterface requirements of SD-567-I. The Papid Securing Device shall satisfac-torily interface with all normal aircraft configurations with the prohe lockedin any position within the device. Tir
48、e impact. The P.SPshall be capable of withstanding, withoutpermanent deformation, the ultimate load of a LAMPS MK 111 helicopter mainwheel landing impact (as defined in SD-567-1) while supported on a track whicl?does not suffer permanent deformation. Tire hazards. The corners and physical pro
49、jections of the RSD,-track, and other deck equipment shall be designed to minimize potential damageto helicopter tires.3.3.2 Ship compatibility3,3.2.1 System installation. AII componefltsto be supplied under thisspecification shall meet the size and weight criteria and other installationrequirements of the Installation Control Drawing, NAEC 700,000. Individualtrack, tail probe grid and associated components shall be procurefion thebasis of their requirem
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