1、I with slots on the four sides sf the inner tube; four spring loaded locking devices bn the outer tube; swivel baee plate on one end c the inner tube; swivel baee plate and screw jack on the outer tube. The entire shore shall consiet of only two separable parts, otherwise there shall be no 1-e parts
2、. nie shore muet be ready for we without the use d any tools. 9.3.11 Surface finish. - The surface shall be finished in accordance with goo8 commercial practices and shall be free from fins, scale, cracks, seams, burrs, orfmy defects which may affect the service- ability or durability at the shore.
3、3.9.12 Workmanship. - Workmanship shall be firat class in every respect. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unlese otherwise specified in the contract or purchasle order, the supplier ta responsible for the performance of all inspeetion requirements aa specified her
4、ein. Except aa otherwise specified, the eupplies may utilize hie om facilitfe or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. ahe Government reserves the right to perform any of the inepection set forth in the specifications, where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies
5、and services conform to prescribed requiremenfa. gecified in 4.4 and 4.5. Production shall not be started until the preproduction inspection report has ken approved by the bureau or agency concerned 4.2 Prepraduction inspection. - Preproduction inspection shall consist d the examination evidence e9
6、exxcs0vvg lawmesa Length when clooeQ more than maximum pscifid Length when opened lee5 than the minniniun opeciied ilGa Of en pk!C CQilahlCtiOIl Total welght more than the maximum opecled Swivel baoe angle less than that minimum specified Lack of uniform painting Holes missing from swivel bases Mark
7、ing, manuacturers nue or trademark missing, illeaible, incorrect or no0 Permanent; 4.5 Quality mormance teste. - Each of the eample shores eelected in accordance with. 4.3.3 shall I be tested in accordance with 4.6 to verify compliance &th load tests. Any eample ehore which does not meet the require
8、ments for proofload shall not be offered for delivery. U the number al nonconforming shoroo In any ample exceeds the acceptance number for that ample, thie shall be caw for rejectton d the lot represented by the sample. 4.6 Test procedures. - 4.6.1 LoPd test (extended mition). - ahe amembled shore e
9、hall be placed in a vertical position in a jig eo &I$ the end having the ball and Bocket adjustable base is at the top and against a bracket welded to a horizontal otee1 member. The lower end rest- on tor, of a calibrated hydraulic jack eaumed with a I I maximum pressure for the extended shore 08 ap
10、ecfied in tablea I and II. Retain unde hour. Aftsr release Si pressure, there shall be no visble distortion of any part and the tubes shall I teleecope freely. I I tube ln the first s& d elote 00 that-the BensiSn will be applied to the four spring loaded locking devices. I 6. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY I ever, not more than two shores at any one size &ali be in one package bee 6.1). I Licensed by Information Handling Services6.3 Marlsing. - Containers ekii be marked in accordance with the ruppliero cornmerciai practica #noHudm ing the following: Licensed by Information Handling Services
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