1、I INCH-POUND IMIL-S-901D(NAVY)17 March 1989SUPERSEDINGMIL-S-901C(IUAVY)15 January 1963(See 6.8)MILITARY SPECIFICATIONSHOCK TESTS, H.I. (HIGH-IMPACT) SHIPBOARD MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT, AND SYSTEMS, REQUIRES FORThis specification is approved for use by the Department of theNavy, and is available for use b
2、y all Departments and Agencies ofthe Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 scoDe. This specification covers chock testingrequirements for ship board machinery, equipment, SysteM, a71ndstructures , excluding submarine pressure huli penetrations,(see 1.2.5). The purpose of these requirements is to varify
3、theability of shipboard installations to withstand shock loadlngswhich may be incurred during wartime service due to the effectsof nuclear or conventional weapons.1.2 Classification.1.2,1 Test categories. Tests shall be classified inaccordance with one of the following test categories, asspecified (
4、see 3,1.2 and 6.2.1):Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) andany pertinent data which may be of US. in improving thisdocument should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea SyutomsCommand , SEA 5523, Department of the Navy, Washington. DC 20362-5103 by using the self-addressed S
5、tandardization DecumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the and of this.document or by letter .AMSC N4571 AREA ENVRDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release;distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from
6、 IHS-,-,-MIL-s-9olD(klAvY)The lightweight test 18 a test performed onLightweight.the lightweight shock machine (8e* figure l).Medium-weiflh, The medium weight test is a teat performedon the medium weight shock machine (see figure 2).Heavyweifiht. The heavyweight test i8 a test performed on astandard
7、 or large floating shock platform (8ee figures3 and 4).1.2.2 ck firades . Items to be tested zhall be classifiedin a71ccordance with one of the following gradeo, as specified (See3.1.3 and 6.2):Grade . Grade A itemu are items which a71re a71ssentialto the safety and continued combat capability of th
8、. ship.Grade B Grade B items are items whose operation 18not essential to the safety and combat capability ofthe ship but which could become a71 hazard to parsonnol,to grade A items, or to the ship a71s a whole as a resultof exposure to shock.1.2.3 Equipment Claases. Items to ba tested shall b.class
9、ified in accordance with one of the following classes a718specified (see 3.1.4 and 6.2):Class 1. Class I equipment is defined as that which isrequired to meet these shock requirements without theuse of resilient mountings installed between thoequipment and the ship structure or foundation.Class IL C
10、lass II a71quipment is defined a71m *hat s#hichis required to meet these shock requirements with th.use of resilient mountings installed between theequipment and the ship structure or 8hipboardfoundation.Class IIL Unless otherwise specified (see3.1.6.3(:), class III equipment is defined as thatwhich
11、 has shipboard application both with and withoutthe use of resilient mountings and 18 thereforerequired to meet both class I a71nd class 11requirements.1.2.4 Shock test tv. Tests shall be classified in accor-dance with one of the following type8. as specified (see 3.1.!Sand6.2):Type A% A type A test
12、 itia test of a principal unit. Thisis the preferred test. Principal units are items which a71rcdirectly supported by the ship structuro or by a foundationwhich is directly attached to the ship structure, and items2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
13、from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NAVY)mounted in piping systems, ducting systems, and similarsystems which are supported by ship structure. The shockresponse of a principal unit is primarily a function of th.rigidity and mass of the item and the shipboard mountingstructure, the shipboard mounting location, a
14、nd theconfiguration of the item. Such items typically includediesel-generator sets, air conditioning plants,switchboards, radio transmitters, steam generator, missilelaunchers, and valves (if installed in piping which ifJsupported by ship structure).Type B. A type B test is a test of a subsidiary co
15、mponont.Subsidiary components a71ro items which are tho major partsof a principal unit. The shock response of tho 8ub8idiarycomponent is significantly affected by that of theassociated principal unit and all a71ssociated subsidiarycomponents. The shock responses of the a71ssociatedprincipal unit and
16、 all associated subsidiary components a71resignificantly affected by that of the 8ubidiary oomponent.Examples are the diesel engine of a diesel-generator 8et,the electric motor of an air conditioning unit, or thepower supply section of a radio transmitter.TYne c. A type C test is a test of a subasse
17、mbly.Subassemblies are items which are a part of a principalunit or a subsidiary component. Tho 8hock response of thesubassembly is significantly affected by that of thea71ssociated principal unit or subsidiary component, but theshock response of the principal unt or subsidiary component .is not sig
18、nificantly affected by the subassembly. Examplesare thermometer, gauges, meters, relays, and reaistor8.The distinction between subassembly and assembly or part asused herein may be different than that used in variousequipment specifications or other acquisition documents.1.2.5 Mountinl locati. Items
19、 shall be clarnsified inaccordance with one of the following mounting locations aboard.skJip,a71s specified (see 6.2):Hull mounted. Hull mounted items aro those mounted on:For surface ships. Tho main structural members of theship including structural bulkheads and 8tructuralbulkhead stiffeners below
20、 the main deck, and shellplating above the waterline.For s Theship including,hullstructural bulkheadmain structural members of theframea , structural bulkheads, andstiffeners.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NAVY)Deck mount
21、ed. Deck mounted ite are those mounted on:For surface ships. Main deck a71nd a71bovo. a71nd d*cks,platforms, and non-structural bulkheads below tho wtndeck .For Sl OenoralSpecifications and Testn for(Shipboard Application)MIL-W-21157 - Weldment, Steel, Carbon andLow Alloy (Yield Strength30,000 - 60,
22、000 PSI).MIL-E-22200/l - Electrodes, Welding, MineralCoveed, Iron- Powdor, Low-Hydrogen, Medium and HighTensile Steel, As Welded orStrecs-Relieved Weld Appli-cation.STANDARDSFEDERAL”MILITARYFED-STD-H28MIL-STD-22MIL-STD-298(Unless otherwise indicated,Screw-Thread Standards forFederal Services.Welded
23、Joint Design.Nondestructive Testing,Welding, Quality Control,Material Control a71ndIdentification and Hi-ShockTest Requirements For NavalShipboard Use.copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, a71nd handbooks a71re available from theNaval Publications and Forms Center, (ATTN: NPODS),
24、5801 TaborAvenue , Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099,)5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NAVY)2.1.2 Other Government drawins. The following otherGovernment drawings form a part of this document to the extentspecified herein. Unless
25、 otherwise specified, the issues are thosecited in the solicitation.DRAWINGSBUSHIPS 1O-T-2145-L - HI Shock Testing Machine,Lightweight.BUSHIPS N0807-655947 - HI Shock Testing Machine, MediWeight.BUSHIPS 645-1973904 - Floating Shock Platform, GeneralArrangement and Details.(Application for copies of
26、NAVSEA drawings should be a71ddressedto: Commanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, (Attn: Code 802),Louisville, KY 40214.)2.2 - ona. The following documentsform a part of this document to the extent specified herein.Unless otherwise specified, the iaauea of the documents which areDoD adopted shall
27、 be those listed in the is-u. of the DoDISS citedin the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the Issuca ofdocuments not listed in the DoDISS are the issues of the documentscited in the solicitation (see 6.2).AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI)B46.1 - Surface Texture (Surface Roughness,
28、Waviness and Lay). (DoD adopted)Y14.5 - Dimensioning and Tolerancing. (DoDadopted)Y14.6 - Screw Thread Representation. (DoD adopted)(Application for copies should be addressed to the AmericanNational Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY10018.)AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS)A2.4 - Sy
29、mbols for Welding a71nd NondestructiveTesting, Including Brazing. (DoD a71dopted)A3.O - Standard Welding Terms and Definitions,Including Terms for Brazing, Soldering,Thermal Spraying, and Thermal Cutting.(DoD adopted)6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licen
30、se from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NAVY)(Application for copies should be a71ddremaad to the AmeriuanWelding Society, Inc., 55o N.W. LeJeuno Road, P.O. Box 351040,Miami , FL 33135.)(Non-(30vernment standards and other publtcatione r normallyavailable from the organizations that prepare or distribute thedocu
31、ments. These documents also may be availablo in or throughlibraries or other informational services.)2.3 Order of Precedence. In the event of a71 conflict betweenthe text of this document and the references cited herein (exceptfor related associated detail specifications, specification sheetsor MS #
32、tandard8), the text of this dooument takoa preued*nao.Nothing in this document, however, #upar#edes a71pplicable lawsregulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTSand3.1 Shock testing requirements . Shock testing roquir*mentsshall be met either by shock testing of the item
33、 in accordance with3.1.1 through 3.1.15, or by extension of previously approvod shocktests in accordance with tabli-t of T . Requirements uontainedherein are intended to establish general shock test criteria, andto provide a basis for selectlon by the contracting activity orcontractor of d
34、etailed shock test requirements (see 6.2) which mustbe tailored to suit the design, function, and a71pplication of thespecific item to be tested. Contractor development of reauirement. Whereacquisition requirements are not specified in the contract (see6.2), the contractor shall develop the r
35、equired information on thebasis of this specification and on the basis of the contractorsknowledge of the design, function, and intended application of thoitam requiring tesfta. In cases whero information requir.d by thecontractor to permit development of detailed testing requirementsis not availabl
36、e to the contractor, such information h-n berequested from the contracting a71ctivity or a71cceptance a71uthority. *T 11-C as shown onfigures 7 through 12. If the required mounting fixture is notspecified, an appropriate standard fixture shall be selected by thecontractor (see, or th
37、e contractor may recommend the useof a nonstandard fixture which complies with for approvalby the acceptance authority. When the equipment has been mountedfor test upon a71 standard fixture, its position upon the fixtureshall not be changed during the course of the teat. Medium weight
38、 test fixtures. For medium weight shocktests , items to be tested shall normally be a71ttached to the mediumweight shock machine anvil table by means of the standard mountingfixtures referred to in and If the requiredmounting fixtures are not specified, appropriate standard fixt
39、uresshall be selected by the contractor (see, unless useof one or.more nonstandard fixtures which comply with is10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NAVY)recommended by the contractor and approved by the a71cc
40、eptanceauthority. Note that two different test fixtures shall be selectedfor testing of a given item: one fixture is used to support thetested item on the shock machine in its normal irhipboard mountingattitude (to produce shock loadings in the vertical direction) * anda second fixture is used to su
41、pport the tested item in an inclinedposition (to produce shock loadings in the athwartship direction).Additional criteria for selection and use of medium weight testfixtures are contained in through a71nd in3. Mounting Fixtures for base-mounted items (mediumweiht t
42、ea a71 For the portion of the shock test series which isintended to produce shock loadings in the vertical direction (see3.1.8.2), base-mounted items (items mounted to horizontal surfacesa71board ship) shall be attached to the anvil tabla by means f thstandsrd mounting platform shown on figures 13 a
43、71nd 1*. For tlloportion of the test series which is intended to produce shockloadings in the athwartship direction (see, base-mountoditems shall be mounted for tests on a standard inclined fixture(see figures 16 and 17) or on a similarly designed nonstandardfixture. To facilitate install
44、ation of some items on themedium weight shock machine, items may be inclined 90 degrees -(using a mounting fixture such as shown on !igur* 15). lklountine fixtures for bulkhead mowed items (ht tst). For the portion of the shock test series which isintended to produce eihock loadings in the
45、vertical direction (see3.1.8.2), bulkhead-mounted items (items mounted to verticalsurfaces aboard ship) shall be attached to the anvil table by meansof the standard bulkhead fixture shown on figure 15 or by asimilarly designed, nonstandard fixture. For the portion of thetest series which is intended
46、 to simulate shock loadings in theathwartship direction (see 3.1.6,2,3) , bulkhead mounted item shallbe mounted for shock tests in any of the following configurations:(a) Mount the item in an inclined position upon a standardinclined fixture (figures 16, 17, and 18 showapplicable fixtures) or upon a
47、71 similar nonstandardfixture.(b) If considered practical by tho shock test facillty (andif within the limitations of 3.1.2(b), mount the itemupon a verticl test fixture (such as shown on figure15) and then mount this a71ssembly upon an inclined testfixture of the type shown on figures 16 or 17.(c)
48、Mount the item horizontally (inclined 90 degrees11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-901D(NA)relative to it= shipboard mounting poaitionl won th.standard mounting platform shown on figures 13 a71nd 140Mounting of bulkhead mounted i
49、tems in this fashion forshock tests is subject to prior approval by theacceptance authority.3. Special requirements for inclined mount . Wheninclined fixtures are used, the item to b. tested shall b. mountedon the fixture such that the item 1s inclined in the same directiona71s the item would incline aboard ship if th ship were to rollabout its fore-and-aft a71xis (see 6.2). If tho item ia to booriented
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