1、MIL-STD-I04C31 OCT 1986SUPERSEDINGMI L- ST D-104B31 DEC 1970MILITARY STANDARDLIMITS FOR ELECTRICAL INSULATION COLORAMSC N/A FSC 6145DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr
2、om IHS-,-,-., ,.,.$,.- ,-MIL-STD-104C .DEPARTIYIEilT OF D.EFENSEWASHINGTON, DC 20301Limits for Electrical Insulation ColorMIL-STIJ-104C1. This Military Standard i“s mandatory for use by al-l Departments andA,gencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Recommended corrections, additions or deletions sho
3、uld be addressed tothe Commander, .Naval Air Systems Command (AIR-52021), Department of theNavy, Washington, DC 20360.: ,13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONTENTSPage8h1.22.3.4.:1%15.2.26.ISCOPE . . 0 . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . .
4、 . . . . . .0. a71 .*.*Scope .0.00.*.*0.Classification . . . . . . . . . . a71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . 0.,.0 . .11.1REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 . . .00. . . . . . 1,DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. a71
5、. . . . . . 1 . .GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Not applicable) . . . . . . . . . . . a71 . . . .0DETAIL REQUIREMENTS . .0 . . . . . . . . . * . .* . . . . . . . . . . . .Class 1 colors . . . . . . . . a71 . . . . . . . . . a71 . a71 . . . . . . .“. a71 . a71 . . . . . . . . . .Class 2 colors . . . . . . . .
6、 . . . . . . . . . . a71 . . . . . . . . a71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Limits for Class 2 colors (white, black and grayexcepted) .a71 .LimNOTEScolorts”for”white, black and gray, Class 2 colors .0.,.a71 a71 .a71 a71 .a71TABLEnotation chart - Class 2 color cards .a71 iii22222235Provided by IHSNot for
7、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-104C1. sCOPE*1.1 Scope. This standard establishes definite limits for electricalinsulation colors as used on wire and cable insulations. .The limits of aspecified color define the extremes established for that color.
8、 The nominaldefines the hue, lightness and saturation (chroma) considered most desirablefor the”specified color.1.2 Classification. Colors.shall be in two”classes as specified. Whenthe class is not specified, either class may be used: -Class 1: Colors in this class are for the most part, highlysatur
9、ated, bright high-gloss colors for plastic and other insulatingmaterials where the characteristics of the material permit the useof these colors.Class 2: Colors in this class are characteristically lesssaturated, low-gloss colors, for fabric, rubber and otherinsulations for which Class 1 colors are
10、not practicable.2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS2.1 Other publications. The following document forms a part of thisstandard to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, theissue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for ProPosal shallapply.Electronic Industries Association Standa
11、rd ,.KS-359 dated EIA Standard Colorsfor Color Identification andAugust 1968 Coding(Copies of EIA Standard RS-359 maybe obtained from ElectronicI ndustriesAssociation, Engineering Department, 2001 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, DC20006. )3“. DEFINITIONS3.1 Munsell system of color notation. The three
12、attributes of color inthe Munsell system are defined “asfollows.: ,. ,-3.1.1 Hue. The hue of a color is the attribute describable as red,yellow, green, blue or purple, or.as intermediate between some adjacent pairof these. The hue notation indicates the relation of the color to these hues.3.1.2 Valu
13、e. The value of a color is its lightness. The value notationis a measure of the lightness ranging from”O for black to 10 forwhi.te.3.1.3 Chroma. The chroma of a color is thedeparture from neutral. The chroma notation is afrom neutral.strength of the color ormeasure of the departure1Provided by IHSNo
14、t for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.MIL-STD-104C3.1.4 -Munsell notation. A color is recorded in Munsell,notation in theform.H.,V/C, where H is he hue notation, V is the value notation.and -Cis thenotation for chroma.Forexample, the Class 2 light l.iniitb
15、rown card (TableI) has the followi,ngMunsell,notation: 3.5 YR 3.212.3, whichindicates thatthe.col,oris3.5 yellow red in hue, 3.2 in value, and 2.3 in chroma. ;3.1.5 Neutral. Neutral color (N) is defined in the”:Munsell.systemascolor having neither hue nor chroma. White, gray and black are neutralCol
16、ors. The.principal attribute of,white, gray ,andblack is value. .It willbe noted that the limit chips for these colors have a hue notationand also alow chroma not.ationyindicat.inga slight but measurable h”ue (see 5:2.2):4. GNERALREQUIREMENTS.( Not applicable)5. “DETAIL REQUIREMENTS5.1 Class 1 color
17、s. Class 1 colors sha”Standard RS-359.1 be colors asdefinedby EIA* 5.2 Class 2 colors. Class 2 colors sha1 be colors as defined by thelimit cards of Appendix A of this standard” and by the CIE (Commission Inter-natio.nalede lEclairage) data and Munsell notations “ofTable I; also by para-graphs 5.2.-
18、1,through of this standard.* 52:1.Limits for Class2 colors (white, black and gray excepted). ,Colors.shall be deemed as meeting the applicable requirements of this standardfor Class 2 colors (white, black and gray excepted) if, by direct comparisonwith the ,limit cards of Appendix A, direct
19、comparison with Munsell charts, or”spectrophotometry, all the following requirements aremet (Munsellnotationsfor all Appendix A limit cards are listed in Table I): 1them. 1“or the ,otherHue. The hue stiallbe either intermediate to those of thegand dark-limit cards
20、or within one (1.0) Munsell hue step ofValue. The value shall be either intermediate to those of theght and dark limit cardsor within 0.3 Munsell value step of orieofthem.,. Chroma. The chroma shall beequal to”or greater than that of,atleast one ofthe applicable light or dark limit cards. ,5.
21、2,.2 Limits for white, black and.gray”, class 2 Colors. . White, Class 2; shall be any color with Munsell valuenot less than, andMunsel1 chromanot greater than, the dark limit whitecard. It is desirable for white to have the highest possible value orreflectance and to have no significa
22、nt hue. Clear (unpigmented) insulation .shall not be considered as being white in color. Black. Black, Class2, shall be any color with Munsell valuenot greater than 2.8 (reflectance not greater than 5.7) and Munsell chroma notgreater thanO.5.2“”Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or
23、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-104C* Gray. Gray, Class 2, shall be any color intermediate to thelight and dark limit graycards of Appendix A.6. NOTES6.1 Intended use. .,6.1.1 Class 1 colors. Class 1 colors are applicable to all insulation :”materials which will acc
24、ept bright, highly saturated (high chroma) pigments.In general, plastic insulations intended for use where exposure to direct iun-light is infrequent can be furnished in Class 1 colors. Wherever possible, Class 1 colors are preferred to Class 2,colors and should be specified.Violet may be used where
25、 purple is specified.6.1.2 Class 2 colors. Class 2 colors are applicable to all insulationmaterials which will not accept Class 1 colors particularly where colorpermanence is a factor. In general, fabric and rubber materials.may requreuse of Class 2 colors, although Class 1 colors should be specifie
26、d if theiruse is practicable.* 6.2 Appendix A. Appendix A to this standard consists of a series oflight and dark limit color cards which may be used-for making direct compar-ison with the insulation. Pertinent CIE data and Munsell notations areprinted on the reverse side of each card.* 6.3 Subject t
27、erm (keyword) listing.ColorElectrical insulation colorInsulation color*- 6.4 Changes from previous issue. The margins of this standard-aremarked with asterisks to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, .corrections, deletions) from the previous issue were made. This was done as aconvenien
28、ce only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any.inaccuracies in the notations: Bidders and contractors are cau.tion.edtoevaluate the .requirements of this.document based on the entire contentirrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previousissue.Provided
29、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, MIL-STD-l(I4CCustod.ias: , . . , , .pre,paring. acti. vity: ,. . . .Navy - AS Natiy- AS e-Army -CR ,. “., . . ,.-, -(rojbct No. 6145 -1 OH) “ , “ ,Air Force.- 17Retiiew. activities:Navy - EC, Y.DArmy.- MI,.WC
30、Air Force - 17t. “Defense Supply Agency - IS ., ,NationaSecu.ri”tyAgency *User activ.iti:es:Navy - MC, OS, SHArmy - AT”,AV fAir Force -. .Review/user information is current-as of the da.teof this :documetl% . . “ -futurec oordination.of chanqes to this document, draft circulation. shou-ld.tie” -. :
31、based”on theinformation in-the current Federal-Supply Classification Listing “. .“:of DOD Standardization Documents. ,.4.,. .0Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-104CTABLE I. Color notation chart - Class 2 color cards (see Note 1)
32、.Color limit cardsup. #1MIL-STD-104(See Note 2)L.l. t. ICoordinates Daylight Munsell H V/Creflectance,percent7.4 3.5YR 3.2/2.36.6 2.5YR 3.0/4.06.1 3.OYR 2.9/ 5.OR 3.9/11.26.6 5.OR 3.0/10.06.2 3.OR 2.9/6.7 “.25.7 1.5YR5.6/12.719.8 10.OR 5.0/14.019.2 10.OR 4.9/13.6x I YLightNominalDark.378 .34
33、2.435 .355.364 .337.530 .313“.549 .302.457 - .299.542 .384.577 .367.575 .363.415 .419.468 .459.477 .444.339 a71447.308 .495.264 .477.238 .275.225 .261.228 .252BrownRedOrangeLight.NominalDarkLightNominalDarkYellow 62.9 2.5Y 8.2/7.659.1 2.5Y 8.0/12.050.5 O*5Y 7.5/11.5LightNominalDark39.5 7.5GY,6.7/7.2
34、30.1 10.OGY 6.0110.011.2 2.OG 3.9/8.0Green LightNominalDark20.1 6.5B 5.0/4.819.8 7.5B 5.0/6.010.9 10.OB 3.8/4.8Blue LightNominalDark1-.307 .247.278 .171.265 .225.317 a71 330.310 .319.305 .311 11=9 7.5P4.0/5.56.6 5.OP 3.0/10.05.4 0.5P 2.7/4.2Purple LightNominalDarkLightNominalDark 31.8 3,5GY 6.2/0.72
35、4.8 N 5.5/0.018.0 5.OPB 4.8/0.3.3ECINOTES :59.3” 3.5Y8.0/4.0”1. The liaht and dark limit color notations of this table define the cardsof App&dix A. See 5.2.1 through for applicable extensions to these limits.*2 a71 Appendix A contains light and dark limit cards only. .Munsell color chips. -
36、of proper notation may be used .for nominals and for applicable colorlimits beyond the range of the Supplement 1 cards.5u. e. .SOVERNMENT PRINT INS OFFICE: i 9s6 - 70*-osb/*sv6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-/1IIIIIIIII1IIII(II,I.HAfW
38、MANUFACTURER“cl OTHER fspdry j: ,PROBLEM AREASa P. CDWSV41 Numb.r and Wording:b. RacomrrmmSod Wording.C. Ro8son/Rat, on81e for f!ocarnmmtjavn,ifi MAi+K5 .,“NAME OF SUBMITTER & amt, Flmf, Ml) - OmlonsI b. WORK TELEPHONE NUM9ER (fnc/Ud# AmoCti) OptlOnlAILING ADORESS (Shvrt. CltY, Shti, ZIP Cd)-Optional S DATE OF SUBMISSION (YYMMDD).,- - . . -NIJ.SZ”E%14zb PREvIOUS EDITION IS O#SOLETEa-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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