1、L L. . i Y- . *r .- MIL-STD-1322A / Notice 3 15 October 1984 UNIT LQADS OF AMMUNITION AND IZPIDSIVES FOR DOMESTIC AND OVERSEAS SHIP“ Make the following pen and ink changes to Appendix B, pgs 18 and 19. a. Para 40.3.2. la. Add the following, “Samples for testing may also be made on a dunmy unit load
2、set up for this purpose and tested in accordance with para. 40.6. b. Delete para. c. Change para. to read. “quarterly“ instead of bthly“. d. Redesignate sub-paragraph, c and d as, b, and c respectively. e. Change para. 40.5 to read “at least 12 inches overall
3、 and at least 8 inches between -_- . If f. Change para. 40.6.1 as follows. Delete the second and third sentences and substitute the following: “Activate the tensile tester and apply the load to the test specimen until it reaches 500 lbs. above the minimumvalue required or fails. Record the results a
4、s follows: (1) failed below 1900 lbs for 3/4 in. or 3000 lbs for 1 1/4 in. (2) failed beyond (1) above but before the test limit: i.e. 2300 lbs. (3) fl failed beyond test limit, see (2) above. “A tensile tester pull rate of approximately O. 2 inches/Tllinute should be for 3/4 in. and 3500 lbs. for 1 1/4 in. used. I THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS / PAGES. h * Activity: Review Activity Preparing Activity NAVY - os Licensed by Information Handling Services