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本文(NAVY MIL-STD-2177-1989 DEPOT REWORK SPECIFICATION AIR-LAUNCHED WEAPONS ARMAMENT ORDNANCE MISSILE LAUNCHERS AND PECULIAR SUPPORT EQUIPMENT PREPARATION OF [Superseded SAI AS 2177 1]《.pdf)为本站会员(brainfellow396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-2377 SD W 99999LL 0306298 5 W DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON, DC 20361-0001 Depot Rework Specification, Air

3、-Launched Weapons, Armament, Ordnance, Missie Launchers, and Peculiar Support Equipment; Preparation of 1. Thls Military Standard is approved for use within the Naval Air Svstems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available fer use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2

4、. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Systems Engineering and Standardizatlon Department (SESDI, Code 93, Lakehurst, NJ (38733, hs u

5、sing the self -addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-2377 SD = 9999933 0306299 7 I MI L- STU- 2 177 ( AS i Pa

6、ragraph 1 . 1.1 1.2 2 . 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 3 . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3 .hO 3 .il 3.12 Y . i3 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.16 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 4 . 4.1 4.2 4.9 4.3.i 4.3.2 5 . 5.1 5.2 r1 . . CONTENTS I SCOPE . Purpose . Scope . REFERENCED DOCUMENTS overnment documents Specifications an

7、d standards Other owernment documents and publications Ordep of ppecedence . DEFINITIONS . Configuration . Configuration control . Contract bata Eequirements List . Uepoc level repair Depot level repaipable Designated overhaul point . Equipment . Failure . Failure analysis Failure diagnosis . Govern

8、ment inspectiontsl Hardware Inventory control point . Inventory manager . Item Overhaul Quality . Repair Repairable item . Bepiaceabie item Rework Source. maintenance . and recoverability code System GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Format and style Technical content . Se zur L t.$ Security classification . Sec

9、urity ciassification markings IiETAILED REQUIREMENTS . Cieneral . Section 1 . secc . 101s :! Page 2 a 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 a 5 5 5 6 ti 6 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- -. . MIL-STD-2177 SD m 9999913 0106300 T m M

10、IL-STD-21?7(AS) 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5,4.3.6 5.4.3 7 5.4.3 7.1 5.4.3 7.1.1 5.4.3

11、.15 5.5 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 Section 3 . General description . eneral requipements Policy Hardware rework flow Rework assessment testing . Detailed requirements . Economical repair limitation Material review board . Spareirepair parts support General . Rep

12、air parts Repair part; deliveries . Government- and contractor-furnished repair parts Accountabiity and control of repair parts . Repair parts disposition Rejected repair parts . Configuration management Receiving . Incoming functional test Disassembly. repair. and assembly . Fault repair criteria .

13、 Faiiure diagnosis . Failure analsis . Level of repair . Rework assembly examination . Rework acceptance inspection Additional xnspection . Weight and balance Environmental conditions Repair completion . Repair turnaround time Facilities Reliability monitoring and data collection Section 4 . Section

14、 5 . Reusable containers . Marking for shippment and storage . Selection of protection levels Storage . Hazardous material Section 6 . Intended use Ordering data . Data acquisition and reporting 6 . NOTES . 6.1 Intended use 6.2 Subject term (key word) listing . 8 8 0 a B 9 9 9 9 10 30 10 10 10 10 11

15、 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 18 19 19 19 iv I: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-2177 SD 9999911 O106301 I B I 1. SCOPE 1.1 purpose. The purpose of this standard is to stan

16、dardize the preparation of a depot rework specification, hereinafter refesed to as “specification or depot rework specification eovering organic and commercial depot-level rework of air-launched weapons, armament, ordnance, missile iaunoheps, and peculiar support equipment (PSE). The specification s

17、hall contain specific provisions for performing depot-level maintenance by designated overhaul points; including receipt, inspection, repair, test, and final acceptance of repairable items. The specification shall provide for dedicated facilities; resources; and detailed requirements for inspection,

18、 repair, overhaul, and maintenance of weapon replaceable assemblies (WRA) and shop replaceable assemblies (SRA). The attribute requirements of WRAs and SRAS. and the performance requirements of the end item, shall be defined therein. The specification produced in accordance with this standard shall

19、be used to establish a depot-level rewopk program as a separate contract procwement which will be coordinated with the weapon system apepatisnal and program. 1.2 ScoDe. This standard establishes the. format, contents , and ppocedures fop the preparation of depot PewoFk specifieatio

20、ns for air-launched weapons, amnament, ordnance, PSE, and missile launchers. i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-STD-2177 SD 777771-OLOb302 3 W 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 aovernment documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards.

21、Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation form a part of this standard to the extent specified hereln. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-

22、P-116 MIL- M- 38784 Preservation, Methods of Manuals, Technlca: General Style and Format and Requirements STANDARDS MI 5 I TARY MIL-STD-12Y Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-794 MIL-STD-96 1 Definitions of Item Levels, item Exchangeability, Models and Belated Terms Parts and Equipment, Proced

23、ures for Packaging of Military Speclficationc and Associated Documents, Preparation of * OTHER GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT CFR PUEiL I CAT I O NS ISOD5220.22-M NAVAIRINST 4423.3B Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information Policies, Procedures and

24、 Responsibilities for Assignment and Application of Uniform a Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability iSMBhFr, Codes Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a MIL-STD-ZIJ77 SD m 99999IJL 0106303 5 m NAVSUP PUB 505 Packaging and Materials Hand

25、ling, Preparation of Hazardous Materiais for Military Air Shipment DLAM 8200.1 Defense In-plant Quality Assurance Program (Copies of specifications, standards, sther Bovernment documents, and publications required By contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained fr

26、om the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Order of-precedence-. In the event of a conflict between the text of this standard and the references cited herein, the text of this standard shall take precedence. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

27、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-STD-2177 SD = 99999LL O106304 7 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Configuration. The functional and physical characteristics of hardware and software as set forth in technical documentation and achieved in a product. 3.2 ConfiRuration control. The systematic evaluation

28、, coordination, approval or disapproval, and implementation of initial configuration, and changes from that initial configuration. 3.3 Contract Data Reauipements list (CDRL,) (DD Form 1423). A form that specifies the data required to be furnished. The form defines the content-preparation and distrib

29、ution instructions for each report or other data item. 3.4 DeDot level reDq A. The highest level of repair performed at designated maintenance activities to augment stocks of serviceable material. Depot level repair normally consists of examination, test, repair, modification, alteration, modernizat

30、ion, conversion, overhaul, reclamation, or rebuild of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, components, equipment, items and weapon systems; and the manufacture of critical non-available parts. Depot repair is normally accomplished at a designated Navy, other servicets) , or contractor(s1 activity. 3.5

31、Depot level reDairable. Any atem, component, or equipment that is source-, maintenance-, and recoverability (SM by installation of all approved engineering and field changes; and by repair or replacement of papts ana components that have failed or are of marginal quality due to wear, deterioration,

32、or damage so as to preclude premature failure. 3.17 Quality. Used exclusively in this standard to refer to the completeness of content of the technical repair standard for use at the UOP in terms of reliability, accuracy, retrievability, and operability. 3.18 HeDair. The process 95 retusning an unse

33、rviceable item to operational status by repair or replacement of parts or components that have failed or ape of marginal quality due to wear, deterioration, or damage. 3.19 iej-airable item. An item which, when capable of being serviced, can normally be economically restored to a serviceable conditi

34、on throueh repair procedures performed by a government facility or commercial overhaul facility. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.20 Fieplaceable item. A non-repairable item or one that is not economically feasible to repalr. 3.21

35、Rework. The generic term which includes repair, updating, parts replacement, restoration, reconditioning, and preventive maintenance. 3.22 Source, maintenapce. and re-overability-code. A six digit alphabetical code, assigned by the item manager in accordance with the approved maintenance concept, re

36、flecting authorized levels of hardware repair, disposition, and source of spare/repair parts. 3.23 Svstem. An item made up of two or more equipment tsets! or components, each having their own identity and nomenclature, and arranged and interconnected to perform a specific operation. Provided by IHSN

37、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-2177 SD 9999911 0106307 2 -1 MIL-STL1-2177 (AS I 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Format and style. Depot rework specifications produced using this standard shall be military specifications prepared in accordance wi

38、th MIL-STB-961 and as specified herein. 4.2 Technical content. The depot rework specification shall provide the detailed instructions, procedures, and supporting technical data for an effective and efficient method of perfepmfng the depot level rework of an item(s1 covered by the specification. The

39、specification shall contain sequentially numbered sections In accordance with MIL-STD-g61, DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, and as specified in 5.1 .through 5.7.3 herein. 4.3 Qryrity 4 3 * 1 s.c,Pat-_cla.s.s_-ria.-n - Unless otherwise unavoidable, the depot rework specification should not contain classified i

40、nformation. When classified information niwst. he included, Lhe security rlassification shall be assigned by the procuring activity. Marking, handling, production, and packaging of all classified material shall be in accordance with DODINST 5220.22-M. BB Form 254 (Contract Security Classifications S

41、pecification) identifies and indicates the sensitive equipment features requiring security classification. 4.3.2 - marking, handling, and production of all classified material shall be in accordance with MIL-M-38784, Security classification. On foldout pages. the security classification shall be 60

42、placed as to be visible when the printed page is either folded or open. . I. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-STD-2177 SD 9999911 OiOb3O 4 5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 5.1 General,. This section contains detailed format requirements

43、for preparing the sections of a depot rework specification. 5.2 Section 1. Section 1 shall be titled SCOPE,. and shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-O61 and as specified herein. The scope shall provide a brief summary of the purpose, organization, and contents of the specification; and shal

44、l identify all repairable item($) by nomenclature, designation, and part number. If the specification is for a repairable end item, identification of the eub-item(s) shall be included in tabular form. A detailed description of the end-item overall dimensions shall be provided in tabular form. 5.3 Se

45、ction 2. Section 2 shall be titled APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS, and shall be prepared in accordance with MIL- STD-961. 5.4 Section 3. Section 3 shall be titled REQUIREMENTS, and shall be prepared in accolidance with MIL-STD-O61 and as specified herein. 5.4.1 General description. Section 3 shall contain a p

46、aragraph titled General desmiption which shall provide a brief description of the end item, including physical and functional characteristics. Appropriate drawings, diagrams, and specifications shall be referenced therein. The major assemblies and subassemblies (such as guidance sets, seekers, radom

47、es, controls, modules, trays, and containers) shall be identified by nomenclature, and their interface and application within the prime system described. Major assembly and subassembly baseline configuration identification shall be provided in tabular form. Part numbers, national stock numbers, and

48、manufactuFers codes shall be provided, if available, to better identify the end item and provide interface definitions. 5.4.2 repair parts orders; repair parts deliveries; government- and contractor-furnished repair parts; replenishment actions: accountability and control: configuration control; and

49、 usage, consumption, and inventory reports (Note: The depot rework specification shall not require data items to be generated. Such requirements shall be included only in the CDRL). Rep-s.rarts. Section 3 shall include a paragraph titled Repair parts which shall require the DOP to provide services and facilities to maintain

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