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本文(NAVY MIL-STD-2191-1992 REPAIR WELDING WELD CLADDING STRAIGHTENING AND COLD ROLLING OF MAIN PROPULSION SHAFTING《主推进轴系的焊修焊包层矫正和冷轧》.pdf)为本站会员(terrorscript155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、NOTE: MIL-STD-2191 has been redesignated as a Standard Practice. The cover pagehas been changed for Administrative reasons. There are no other changes tothis Document.MIL-STD-2191 (SH)5 NOVEMBER 1992SUPERSEDINGNAVSEA 0900-LP-014-1010JUNE 1966AMSC N/A FSC 2010DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pu

2、blic release; distribution isunlimited.INCH-POUNDDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSESTANDARD PRACTICEREPAIR WELDING, WELD CLADDING, STRAIGHTENING,AND COLD ROLLINGOR MAIN PROPULSION SHAFTINGProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-2191(SH)I1. l%is nili

3、cnry scandnrd is approved forusoby theNaval Son Systems Command,Dopartnent of the Navy and is available for use by all Doparcaents and AgencLes oftheDepnrcmentof Dofenso.2. Beneficialcortments(recouroendacions,additions,deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of usc in improving this docwncnc

4、should be addressed co:Commnndar,Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 5523, Dopnrcment of the Navy,Washington,DC 2D362-5101by using the self-nddrossodStsndardlzntionDocumentIm.provcmentProposal (00.Form 1426) appaaringat the end of this document or bylctcer.II. ii AProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduc

5、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-Paragraph, .$.sco

6、pe APPLICABLE DOCUUSNTS Government documents .specifications,standards,and handbooks .Other Government documents,dravings, andpublications Non-CovcwLmmrtpublicacions Order of precedence DEFIN1fIOliS.Cmrernl Uald build-up Cladding .Compleced weld GStW.RALRSQUIREUSNTS Repairs .-Major repairs W.aldingo

7、fmajorrcpnirs .Minor cepairs Cracks .Cold rolling after.voldirigor scrnighcening Shaft mncorial .Carbon steels Alloy steels.Other shaft macorinls UELDINC RSQUIRSWNTS Welding procedure qunlificor.ionSpecific qualificationrequizemants Essential elements ”.Inspectionand test requirements .Welding quali

8、fications .Cladding qualiffcaCiOns Testassambly Thickness Cross qualification MIL-S-23286 materials .Materialsnot listedinNIL-S-2328hWelderperformancequalification.RECJ3RDRSQUIRSKENTS .Records Welding electrodeconcKolinspaccion .Repairs llondastmctivocesci .111112233333334k6+L6fl.2kIi555566666777778

9、8I. iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-.-. . . - . . . . . . .HIL-STD-ZIYICSHJcmTENTs - SonchuedParagraph

10、.5.110.h.5.2lo.h.5.310.6.5.610.4.610.4.710.4.811. .Visunlimpoctf.on tiagnacicparticla and liquid pamtronc inspection Ultrasonic inspection RECEIPT INSPECTIONOF WELDING FILLER MATERIALS Responsibility .Contractor inspection Receiving activ

11、icy inspection .Nonconformingfiller a75ntorinls .WELDINGHATSRIALS AND PROCESSES .Approved filler mncerinls .md procossos RSPAIRRQVIRS!UZNTS .Apprwal .Major repairs Minor repairs Defect removal .Repair by fairLngin .MinOrpitcing Cracks andsrnmiepits .Additional crack and pitting requirements Submarin

12、oshnfts .Surface ship shr.frsWeld repair NaterialsrequiringapprOval .Preparocionforwarding Preheat Welding sequence .Post.weld heat treatment .Stress relief pOsitiOn .Heating methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Temperaturemnsurcmmt during stress relief .Int

13、emadiate stiess relief .Hardness tasting forstressraliefWaldingposition.DistortionmnasuremontduringweldingSTRAIGHTENING Shaft mntorial New ahnfts Used shafts.Procedure.Determine location,magnitude,and type of band .Kerhods .Hotstraighmning .Mu88s9999991010:1313131313M141616141416141515151516;:161616

14、16171717171717ivProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-2191(SH)I .IPnragraph

15、 - ConcirruadDuring tempering Afcerccmpering .Scrass roliof .Cold rolling iacnlizedheating (hoc sPOtting) Hot spottingprocedure Dial indicators .;.Cold straightening Cold peening Machining.or grinding a

16、fter cold strnighcening Vibracionsupporc .Vibrauxyforcas Ot.hormethods .C4MDROLLINC .Cenernl requircmenta New shafts Refurbishedshafts Procedure .Finish requirements Roller sizes Rocircionand face .Shafts Newshnfcs Repaired shrifts.RollLng tapered sectionsof existingshaft Lubrication .Roller loads I

17、nspection Final finishing .SHOT PESNINC RQUIRRCtNTS Shot peening requirements .NOTES Intended USE Issue of DODISS .F.acilicyapproval .NAVSEA authorized representative Subject term (key vord) listing .!pJJcJ17171717lalg1818lg19191919191919202020202020202020202021212121212122222222I. vProvided by IHSN

18、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-2191(SH)Tnble I.Ix.111.Figuro 1.2.3.CONTSNTS - ContinuedTABLEFiller materials and specifications Prahencingand post-weldhcac r.reammntrequirements ROllOr loads .FIGUREJoint design for weld rcpnit in solidshafting

19、 Joint design for weld repair in hollowshafting Methods of supporclng shaft for straighteningby vibration .viProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-141L-STD-2191(SH)1. SCOPE1.1 -. This standard concains minimum requirements for weld cladding,r

20、epair welding, mechnnicnl straightening,and cold rolling of new ond refurbishedmain propulsion shafting and for repair welding of rudder stock: for ships of citeU.S.Navy.2. APPLICABLE DOCUHENTS2.1 Governrmnt dacumenc.2.1.1 Specifications. standards.and handbooks. The folloving specifi-caclom, scandn

21、rds, and handbooks form n part of this document to che extentspecifiedherein. Unlass otherwiscispecified, che issues of chose documancs arec.hoseliscad in the isstm of the Dopartmnc of DefenseIndexof SpecificationsandStandnrds (00DISS) and supplement cheroco, ciccd in the solicitation (see 14.2).SPE

22、CIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-S-13165 -HIL-E-21562 -nIL-E-22200/l -liIL-E-22200/3-tlIL-E-22200/lo-HIL-S-23284 -MIL-E-23765/l -KIL-E-23765/2 -lUL-E.2f03/l -MIL-E-24h03/2 -KIL-R-81841 -.Shot Peening of Metal Parts.Electrodesand Rods - Volding; Baro, Nickel Al10Y.Electrodes,UoldLng, Mineral Covered, Iron-Powd

23、er,lm.Hydrogan tIodlumand High Tensile Steel, asWelded or Stress-RelievedWeld Application.Electrodes,Welding, Covared: NickelBaseA11oY:and Cobalt BaseAlloy.Elcctrodos,Welding,HinornlCovored,Iron-Powder,Lotr.HydrogenMedium,HighTensileand Hlgher-Strength Low AlloySCeels.SteelForgings,Carbonand Alloy,f

24、orShafrs,Sleeves,PropellerNuts,Couplings, and Scocks(Ruddersand DfvLng Planes).Electrodesand Rods . Velding,Bare,Solid andAlloyed Cored, Ordinary Strangth and tin AlloySteel.ElectrodesandRods - Welding,Bare,Solid,orAlloyed Gored,Mu AlloySteel.Electrodes- Welding, Flux Cored, OrdinaryScrcmgth and Law

25、 AI1OYSceo1.Electrodes- Welding,FluxCored,LOW-A11OYSteel.RotaryFlapPecningof Netd Parts.1.IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-. .141L-STD-2191(SH)STANDARDSIMILITARYMIL-STD-248 - Welding and Brazing Procedure and PerformanceQualification.MI

26、L-STD-271 - Requiremont8 for NondestructiveTestingMethods.HIL-STD-27S - Welding and Casting Standard.(Unlessothczwise inditoted,copies of federal and military specifications,scnndnrds,and handbooks arc available from the ScandardizncionDocuments OrderDesk, BUYS. 40, 700 RobbirrsAvenue, Philadelphia,

27、PA 19111-5096.)2.1.2 llgs. doc w nnd nub 0. The followingother Covomnimc docrmmncs, dravings, and publicationsform a Parr of thisdocumenc to the cxcent specifiedherein. Unless othervise specified, the issuesarc chose ciced in the solicicacion.PUBLICATIONSNAVAL SSA SYSTEMS CD3UWND (NAVSW0900-LP-003-8

28、000- Metals,SurfaceInspectionAcceptance Standards.O9OO-LP-OO6.3O1O. Hull StructureProduction - RepaiC Wc+ldsU1trnsonicInspectionProcedure - AcceptanceStandnrds for.0910-LP-105-1300- SSN and SSB(N) SubmarineMain PropulsionShafting,TRS Volunm Pare 1 RefurbishmentProcedures. (S9243-AT-TRS-Dll/0203-0S6-

29、009A)O91O-LP-1O5-MOO - Surface Ships Main Propulsion Shafting,TRSVolume 1 Part 1 Refurbishment Procedures.(s92ft3-Au-TRs-011/0203-0B6-501A).(Applicationfor copies should be addreaaed co theScandardf.zationDocumentsOrder Oesk, BLDG. 6D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094.)2.2 ?Jon-Go.errm

30、encu.bliceti. Tho followingdocument(s) form a pare of .this docunmnt co the extent specifiedheroin. Unless otherwise specified, theissuesof the documents which arm 000 adopted are chose liscad in the issue of choDODISS cited in the solicitation, Unless othervise specified, the issues ofdocummttsnoc

31、llsced in the DDDISS are the issuesof the documents clced in thesolicicacion(sea 14.2).AMICAN SOCISTY FOR TSST2NC AND MATSRIA3S (AS314)E8 - Standnrd”Tesc Hathods of Tonsion Testing of Metallicltacarials. (DoO ndopced)(Applicationfor copies should bo addressed to che American Society forTestins and H

32、aterinls, 191$ Race Street, Philadelphia.PA 19103.)AMERICAN WELDING SOCIHY (AWS)A3.0 - SctrndardWelding Terms and Oefinlcions Including Terms forBrazing, SolderingThermal Spraying and T3mrmal cutting.(DoD adopted)A5.01 - FillerTi?JlialProcurementGuidelines.2“Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

33、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-2191(SH)(Applicationfor copios should bo nddrossod co tha American Welding Society,Inc., 550 N.U. L-e.JouneRoad, P.O. Box 3510b0,Miami, FL 33135.)(Non-Goverrtmentstandards and othor publicationsaro normally available fronthe organization

34、sthat preparo or distributethe documents. These documents alsomay ba available in or through librariesor other informacfoml services.)2.3 Order of nrecedenco. In che event of a conflicc bacwecn the text ofthis document and the referencescited herein, the text of this document takasprecedence. Nothin

35、g in this document,however, supersedes applicable laws andregulationsunless n specific oxcmpcionhas bean obcnlned.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Canernl. Excepc as noted heroin,welding nomenclature and definitionsshall conform co AUS A3.D.3.1.1 !Jeldbuild-un (b . . Void build-up %s deposiclng veld metal chncis c

36、ompatible to the base material in metallurgicaland mechanical propertiesforthapurposeof restoringweldeddimensions,thicknesses,or orherconfigurationrequirements.3.1.2 Cledd. Cladding is a surfacingvariation that depositsor appliessurfacingmatoriol, usually to improvocorrosionor heat resist.?nco.3.1.3

37、 mPlated ve3,Q. WoldLng is complacodwhen preheat is removed and thematerial has coolad to ambient tamperucuroand the weld has been visually accepcedand 15 ready for ocher nondestructive cesc (NOT)inspections.4. CSNSRAL RSQUIRSKSNTS4.1 . Repairs shall include replacementof shafting sectionsor Iflanue

38、s.buildinz UD of erodad or corroded arms. repairof d/iuu3KOdboltholesorkoyviys; and rep;ir”of cracks. Repairs shall also icluda rowori by grinding.4.1.1 Mnlor Repnir shall bo consideredmajor if i.tinvolvesjoining two sactions of .ni however, they shaLl bethoroughlyinstructed in such changes prior to

39、 productionuse of the modifiedprocedure.6. RECORD REQUIREMENTS6.1 Jts.cord.i. The quality control system shall include che preparationandmnlntsnanceof written records. Records shall contain, as a minimum, the follov-ing information. (Vendor inspectionor a75ill curtificoco records will fulfill thereq

40、uirementsof this section for that portion of the required informationconcained theretn.)(s) Welding procodure qualification records in accordance withUIL-STD-246 and as required herein.(b) Welder and welding operator qualificationrecords in accordancewith t41L-STD-2f18.(c) Nondestructive test (NOT)

41、procedurequalificaci.n records inaccordancewith uIL.sTD-27L.(d) NDT personnel quslification records in accordance with HIL-STO-271.Unless ochervlse specified, all required recordsshall be maintained by theaccfvfty and be available to NAVSSA or its authorized representative chroughoucthe lifo of the

42、contract and for 3 years after delivery. At theexpiration of therecord rerention period, NAVSILhor its authorizedreproscncativesshall be given awritten notification. Disposicion of records shall be ai agreed upon by NAVSEL%and the contractor.6.1.1 YeldLnE lctcod C suectiqll. Records of inspection re

43、quiredby section 8 shall cntain te jollowing:(n) Hanufaccurers certfficacionand test results for compliancevichthe applicable spocificncien.(b) Date of inspectionand signatuta of inspector. 7IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,- .-. . .,III

44、L-STD-2191(SH)6.1.2 141L-sTD-2191(SH)9. WELDING UATSRIALS AND PROCESSES9.1 AuorO d filler mnr.rials and orace=. Repr.asenrativefillar materialtypes and specications shal; be as specified in table 1. lhe use of otherprocesses and a75areriala will be permitted, with approval (sea 16.4), for theInconde

45、dapplication. Unless ocherwiso specificallyapproved (see 14.4), thamaximum henc input shall be 55,000 JOU1OS per inch for materials listed in 6.2.2.I.,. 10 “.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HXL+TD-2191(SII).IProvided by IHSNot for Resa

46、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-IMIZ-SZD-2191, I I I ?! I1 I I I A II I 1 I . 112Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-2191(SH) Equivalentfiller materials meeting AWS specificationsmay be substitut

47、edfort41L-typa Elllor LOaCOrlCIS.Acquisitionof AWS electrodes shall be in accor-dance with A!lSA5.01, 10C classificatione% and S3, for covered and bareolaccrodas,respoccivoly,anda cerclfieditemized cast accordancevith scheduleJ is required. See 4.2 and Filler materials selected fo

48、r those staels shall be 4s approved on a casebasis (see 14.4). lllL-10018-141conforming co t41L-E-22200/10is an acceptable alternate.W 141L-7018-Hconforming co MIL-E-22200/10is an acceptable alternate. CorrosLon roslccanccladding consumablesnro applicable for all shaftmaterials for steels included or not includedin NIL-S-23284 or shafts withoblicerncedshnft a75arkings. Pounds per square inch(lb/inz)10. REPAIR REQUIREMENTS10.1 .10,1.1 . Approval is required for major repairs (see 16.4)andrequires tho following information:(0)(b)(c)(d)(0)(f)(g

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