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本文(NAVY MIL-T-19029 E-1970 TIMER (FOR TORPEDO MARK 37 MODS 0 AND 3)《37号0及3型鱼雷定时器》.pdf)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NAVY MIL-T-19029 E-1970 TIMER (FOR TORPEDO MARK 37 MODS 0 AND 3)《37号0及3型鱼雷定时器》.pdf

1、. - -. m-13029( os) 37 AUUSt 1970 MIL -T - 190293 ( OS ) 31 ay is Silpe-fseding . . MiLITARY SPZCIFIC-4TION TIMER . (Zor Torpedo Wrk 37 Mods O and 3) This s3ecification has been approved by %he Naval Ordnance Systems Command, Depwtment of the Navy 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. Tks specification establishes th

2、e requirements for the procurement of a timer, NAVOF) Drawing 877432. 20 APPLICABIE Domas 1- 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of in- vitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of this specifica- tion to the extent specified herein. Processes for Corrosion Pro

3、tection for Coating, Zinc Chromte, Low Moisture Sensitivi%y Anodized Coakings for Auminum and Aluminum Alloys U THIS DOCUMENT CONTAI NSLPAGES Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-m-19029:( os) 2m-ti-16878 Wire; Electrical, Lnsula-i;elvita%

4、ion for bids or request Tor pro- posD 620039 or s;D 620297, consists of a 400 hertz (Hz) ii5 volt root mean sqwe (rms), 3-phase motor which drives, through appropriate gearing, four sets of camactuated switches and a continuous tne potentiometer. A cover enclosing %he timer can be removed to permit

5、its ajustment. 3.2 General requirements 3.2.1 Data required No data is required by this specification (other than reports accompanying samples submitted for-preproduction and periodic production testing), or by applicable documenlloy parts. Ibgl3esim and magnesium alloys, If shall be anodized in acc

6、ordance wikh MIE-A-8625, Ty-pe i, used, shall be treatied in accordance ikh MIL-?4-3171, Ty-pe III, followed by priming in accordance wi,%h ML-?-8585, two coa%s. moisture, xhngus, and corrosion resistant in accordame with detail re- quirements specified in the drawings and specifications listed in L

7、D 620039 or LD 620297. not specified in these docments, the item chi1 confo-rm to the require- ments of OS 6341. FerroG mekl parts. Electrical sheet-steel assenbliss shall be processed by accepted commercial methods to provie protection against corrosion. 3.2.5 Moisture, luagus, and corrosio

8、n. The timer shall be rendered . I 90 degrees plus or minus 2 deGees; i80 degrees plus or minus 2 degrees; 270 degrees plus or minus 2 degrees. . The end of the winding shal%e connected to the start of the winding at the zero degrees tap. The end of the winding shall be within 2 mechanical degrees o

9、f the stwt of the winding. (e) Linearity. Pius or minus one percent. (f) Resolution, A minimum of 1000 turns of wire per potentimeter. -. (g) (h) The potentiometer shall be capable of- withstanding 1000 volts. m, 60 Hz between its terminais and its chassis mount. The potentiometer shaU be capable of

10、 withstanding any environ- menta condition that may result from testing the timer as specified in 3.4. 3.3.2 . 3 Internal eonii-bions. There shall be no electrical connections made between the motor circuit, any of the mitch circuits, and the poten- tiometer circuit. timer Trame. No circui% within t

11、he timer shall be connected to the Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I . NIL-T-17027E 13 777770h 03001707 : - _ - - - - m-19029( os) 3.4 Znviromental requixments. Eie timer shall meet the other ap- plicable sequirements of this speciTic

12、ation during or after the tests derine or speciIie in 4.4 3.4.1 Vibration. The timer shall meet the following vibration re- quiremen-h : Vibration, nonopeFatlhg. The timer shall show no damage and shall meet all the perforaance requirements and product chazacteristics of this specification a

13、fter being tested as in Vibration, o9erating. The timer shall show no dqe and shall meet all the performace requixenients and product chazacteristics of this specification during and spattered or excess solder, metal chips, and other foreign ma$ter. Burrs and shasp edges, as well as

14、 rosin flash, .she be removed. 3.6 WorkmanshiQ. The equipment, including ail pazts and accessories, shall be construc-i;ea and Iinished in a manner to ensure compliance with all the requirements of this specification. Particular attention shall be paid to neatness and thoroughness. of soldering, wik

15、ing, .marking of parts and assemblies, -regnation of coils, plating, painting, machine screw Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - MIL-T-17027E 13 I 7779706 0300L71 7 E -. -_ - - - _ - mJ-Y-L“rZ( os) asseniblage, velcing, rive%ix, razing

16、, ad freedom 02 ?arts from all bums and sh- edges. The standards of vor-kmaship exhiljited in any approved preproduction sample, subject to any qualification stated in the Goverments notice of approval, shall be detexpinati-ve of the requirenm-rbs of the contract relative to worhnship insofar as not

17、 speciricall,y covered by applicable specifications. 4. QUaITY ASsuR;1Ncr: FROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Uniess otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the perform- ance of aU. inspection requirements as specified herein. wise spciTied i

18、n the conkract or order, the supplier may use his om or any other facilities suitable for the perforname of the inspectionre- quirements specified herein,. unless disapproved by the Government, The Government reserves the right to perform ay of the inspections set forth in the specification where su

19、ch inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services coniorm to prescribed requirements. Esrcept as other- . 4.2 Classification of inspections. ,Inspection .of the timer shall be classified as follows: (a) (b) Preproduction inspection ( pwagraph 4 . 4) Quaity conformace inspection (pa

20、ragraph 4,5) (c) Periodic production inspection (paragraph 4.4) 4.3 sampling 4.3.1 fieproduction. A preproduction sample of fve timers, manu- factured in accordance with 3.2.2, shall be sdjected to the preproduc- tion tests detailed in 4,4 at an activity designated by the procuring activity. defects

21、 in the sample. prior to the approval of- the preproduction sample, shall be at the sup- pliers risk. each sbipment of units of product shall be a separate “inspection lot“ and may differ from the quantity specified in the total order or con- tract. In any event, all units of a single “inspection lo

22、t“ shall be made to tne same design, vith the same materials and manufacturing tech- niques, and-shall be part of one continuous production run. 4.3.3 Periodic nrouction saziples, From each succeeding lot or grand lot o? 300 or less that bave passe6 the quality confo-rmance inspection of 4.5, a rand

23、om sample of five timers will be selected for submission to an acti.:ity designated by the procuring activity to detemine compliance of the samples with the requizements of the contract, specification, and draw- Acceptance of the preproduction sample shaU be based on no -her production of %he timers

24、 by the supplier, 4.3.2 Lot size. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, * 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-:a -T - i9029x ( c s ) ings. i2icatiop and pertinent bawings requkrements and withstand the tests spec- ified i

25、n 4.4 and 4.T. Failillre 02 the periodic production sample %o coqly with these requirements dil recuit in the rejection of %he lot, as deter- mined by the procwing activity. and periodic production s-les, after satisfactorily passing the quality conformance inspections detailed in 4.5, shall be subj

26、ected to the Iollow5ng tests and examinations. - Certified inspection data covering the results of preproduction and periodic production inspections shall be forwarded to tne procuring activity, 4.4.1 Vibration Moun-bing. The thrs shiilbe considere6 satisfactory if they meet d1 spec- 4.4 Pre

27、production and periodic prduction inspection. The preproduction The timer, less pack or packaging, shall be mounted rigidly to a. vibration device by means of its four mounting holes, w5th the mounting base horizonta3. to the vibration device, and testea as specified in and 4.4.1,3.

28、Vibraiion, nonoperati%. The timer shall be subjected to the “Vibration, nonoperating“ test of 1-82590( os) meet the requirements of “Vibration, operaking test of MILE-82590( OS) shall mset the requirements of and thereafter shall. Vibration, operatiile;. The timer- shall be

29、 subjected to the a?d during and thereafeer 4.4.2 Temperature and humidity High tenperzture and humidity, nonoperating. The timer shall be subjected to the “Bgh temperature and humidity, nonoperating“ test of Mu-i-E-8259O(S) and thereafter shall meet the requteements of High

30、 temperature, operating. The timer sG1 be subjected to %he “High temperature, operating“ test of MIL-E-8259O(os) the test temperature, shall meet the requirements of to the “Low tenrperatrme, nonoperating“ test of KIL-E-82590(OS) theremter shall meet the requirements o 3 . 4.2 . 3 . ad, whi

31、le at Low teeerahre, nonoperatiq, The timer shall be subjected and Low terirperature, operating. The timer shall be subjected to the “Low temperatus, ogerating“ test os“ MIL-E-82590(0$) at the test temperature, s!iU meet the requirements of 4.4.3 Motor input, power. Apply th

32、e applicable input voltage speciTied in (a) to tks tiaer motor, when driving both the switch and the potentiometer loads shall not exceed the limit specified in 3.3.Li (c). 4.4.4 Startips response %me. series with timer circuit 1. minal and the remaining terainal on the relay coil across a 2

33、6 volt dc plus and, while The power drawn by the timer mo%or Connect the coil of Relay 812303 in Connect the remaining circuit 1 timer ter- 10 _. ;: . %. -c_ . -. I - i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-19029Z( OS) or rainus 10 pe

34、rcepsration of circuit 1 yon the the the applicable voltage and frequency ssecified in is ap- plied to the tuer motor until steady-state operation OCCIES in circuit 1. Repeat this test 24 tiraes. mately 15 degrees, for each successive test, fromthe rest position it had at the stast of the pr

35、ecedag her and phe voltage drop Contact bounce. Using the identical test setup specifiedt in A standard one kHz per second oscil- The duration of the contact . The potentiometer shall be checked for com- . 4.4.7 Operating life. For this test there my be used a new timer or a timer thah has b

36、een under test and overhauled. ified in, and in adition, connect a source of90 volts rms plus or minus 3 percent, 400 Hz plus or minus 2 percent to the voltage supply tei-_irinals of %he potentiometer. Operate the timer for a totai of 199 kors, always maintaining the input voltages and frequ

37、ency within the spsciried limits. At the end of each 30 minutes plus or minus 5 minutes or operation, stop the tiner. shall be allowed to cool to dient tempera%ure before it is again started and operated as described above. the timer operation shall be checked as specified below. During this test no

38、 maintenance shall be perlormd on the timer. While the timer is operat- ing in the steady-state condition, performance shall be within limits spec- iI“ied in (c),, and performance shailbe within limits specir“ied in Use the test setup spec-. If the manufacturer so r

39、equests, the timer Once during each 10 hours of operation Wnen the- timer is started, - Il annei “stop counting Ctmnnei Channel - Te st Connect to Trigger Polarity Op eration . common 1 circuit 1 positive - - - - - negative 2 c-ircuit 1 positive circuit 2 positive independent 3 circuit 2 positive -I

40、- negative . cornon- 4 circuit 1 negative circuit 3 positive independent negative circultl 3 positive I- 5 comon 6 circuit 1 positive circui-t; 4 positive independent 7 circuit 1 oosikive circuit 4 negative independent 8 circui% 1, -0sikive - posit ive see 15 - Provided by IHSNot for Resal

41、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-19027E 13 7777906 O300378 1 - - .-_ 7- KL-i-l9O29Z( OS) Set channel oFration to “inclependent,“ Reset ens electronic counter so that zero te is read, XiCiin 0.5 second maxiraun after the electronic comter begins %o

42、 com% due %o the application of %he “start or count“ triggering voltage, switch channel operation to “common. I Test data comec6ion. 913 data % 52 f2.m . Test 5. 52 +2 IBS Test 2. 625 +.6 EIS Test 6. 30 +io 111s Test 3. 52 12 MS Test 7. . 445 I10 ms“ Test 4. 10 53 ms Test 8. 1.250 f27 EIS

43、4.5 . 5 . 4 Potentiometer operation 4.j.5.4.1 Connect termin least two complete cycles of potentiometer opera- tion. It shall be as s-pecified Ln The voltage variation shall not be errat-ice Potentiometer resistance. Using the Wheatstone bridge, measure the potentiometer r

44、esistance bettieen termlnals 4 and 6 and 5 and 6 on P152. Fach readiizg shall be 25O ohms plus or niinus 5 percent. Dielectxic tes%. Apply test voltages to the timer terminais, Observe the rise and fall of the potentiometer output voltage. as specified in No arcing or breakaowa of i

45、nsulation shafl occur. - i6 .-*- :I * -. . 495872 and may be shipped individually in smali lots. in accordance withMIL-533-147, Load me III (see 6.2), Pdletizing. When specified, Level A packs shall be palletized 5.2.3 Level S. Not applicable 5.2.4 Leval C. The tirner shall be packed to affo

46、rd protection against damage during direct shipment from the supply source to the first receiv- ing actikitF lor iameaiate use. Containers shall comply with comon car- rier regfiations applicable to the mode of transportakion. . -. 17 f -fi :i i *%. - L:-2 85 - -_ - -1 ZI _r-. - c i Provided by IHSN

47、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - _- I flIL-T-17027E 13 E q9q7706 0300LO T . - - rnL-T-l9029Z( os) 5.3 Ikrking 5.3.1 Normal rmkiazs, Level A. Unit packs shll be marked in accord- ance trith tne requirments of PEL-STD-129 and ID 495872. chail be mrke

48、d in accordance vith the requirements of MIL-STD-Ego wke with the serial nmhers of the units contained within. 5.3.2 Normal mws, Levei, C. Unit packages and shipping containers 5.3.3 Serial nmbers. Unit packages and shipping containers shall be 60 XGTES 6.1 Intended usep The timer is intended for us

49、e in Torpedo Mk 37 Mods . o and 3. 6.2 Ordering data, 3rocurer;?ent documents should specify the following: (a) Title, nuher, and date of this specification. (b) Any exceptions to this specification. (c) Required lev21 of preservation and packaging (see 5.1), (a) Required level of packing, including palletizing (see 5,2) (e) inspecti

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