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本文(NAVY MIL-T-23449 A-1969 TRANSMITTING SET RADIO AN PRT-5( )《AN PRT-5( )广播电台传输装置》.pdf)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NAVY MIL-T-23449 A-1969 TRANSMITTING SET RADIO AN PRT-5( )《AN PRT-5( )广播电台传输装置》.pdf

1、.- 5 1 . z - .- 28 JULY 1969 Supersecling MILj T -23449 (WP) 1 February 1965 M ILITAR Y SPEC IF CATION TRANSMITTING SET, RADIO AN/PRT-5 (*) This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1, SCOPE shall transmit d Preproduction and inspection for Aircra

2、ft Electronic Equipment, Format for * Nomenclature and Nameplates for Ae rona u tica 1 E 1 ect ronics and Associated Equipment - e Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-23447A 58 7777706 0352225 T m, Mi 1,- -2344 9A (AS) Federal Speci

3、fications QQ -320 QQ -S -763 Naval Air Systems Coxiimand Chromium Plating, Electro- Steel Bars, Shapes, and Forg- ings , Corrosion Resisting . . . deposited AR -5 AR -10 Microelectronic Devices Used in Avionic Equipment, Proce - dures for Selection and Ap- proval of Maintainability of Avionics Equip

4、ment and Systems, General Requirements for Standards MIL-STD-781 Reliability Tests, Exponential Dis tribu tion 2.1.1 Availability of Documents . (1) When re uesting specifications , standards, draw- number. Copies of this speciication and applic- able specifications required by contractors in connec

5、tion with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to the Com- manding Officer, Naval Su ply Depot, Code 105, 19120. ings, an a publications, refer to both title and 5801 Tabor Avenue , Pliila $ elphia, Pennsylvania, 3. R E QU IR EM ENTS 3, 1 l%prociuction - This specification

6、 makes provision for preproductiuii testing. 3.2 larts and Materials - In the selection of parts and materials, fiilfilliiieiit of- major design objectives shall be the prime considcra tion. In so doing, the following shall govern: ( 1) Microelectronic items shall conform to require- ments specified

7、 herein. (2) Other parts and materials requirements shall conform to Specification MIL-E -5400. $ -2 - -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-rnxxl , iiours witli rcasonabie servicing aiici rcpiace - ment of prts. Parts requiring schcdulc

8、d replaccincnt shall be spe- cified by the contra ctor. 3.3.2 O erating Life - The equipment shall have a total 3.3.3 Reliability in Mean Time Between Failure (MTRF) - The equipmeiit, including any Built-in-Test provisions, shall have 1,000 hours of mean (operating) time between failures when tested

9、 and accepted as outlined under the requirements 4.4.2. 3.3.4 Interchangeability - The equipment shall meet the intercliaiigcabili ty requirements of Specification MIL -E -5400. -3 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.3.5 Provisions fo

10、r Maintainability - Built-in test equip- ment, construction, and packaging, and provisions for test points shall be as specified in Specification AR -10. 3.3.6 Nomenclature and Nmeplates - Nomenclature as- signment and nameplate approval for equi ment identification shall be in accordance with Speci

11、fication MIL- i? -18307. 3.3.7 Standard Conditions - The following conditions shall be used to establish normal performance characteris tics under standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. Tempera ture Room ambient (25CIS“C) Altitude Normal ground Vibra ti on None Humidity Input vol

12、tage power Room ambient up to 9vc relative humidity 18. O f O. 5 V DC 3.3.8 Service Conditions - The equipment shall operate satisfactorily under any 01 the environmental conditions or reasonable combination of these conditions as spedified in Specification MIL -E- 5400 for Class I equipment, except

13、 as modified herein: Vibration - The equipment shall operate satis - factorily when subjected to the vibration requirements of Curve IV of Specification MIL-E -5400, Altitude - The equipment shall withstand without change the forces due to explosive decompression associated with a re

14、ssure differential of sea level (29.92 inches Hg) to 40,000 feet P 5.54 inches Hg). 3.3.9 Warm-up Time - The time required for the equip- ment to warm-up prior to operation shall be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed one second under standard conditions and five seconds at extreme service condit

15、ions, 3.3.10 Input Power Rcqiiireinents - The transmitters shall operiitc from c? battery capable 01 providing 72 hours continu- ous operation at 25C with at least 250 milliwatts output from each transmitter at the end of this period. Low temperature operation capability shall be at least 48 hours a

16、t 0C with at least 125 milli- watts output from each transmitter at the end of this period. The maximum intput power at 25C shall be 250 milliamperes at 18.2 volts . -4 - i / Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-2344.9A (AS) 3.3.11 C

17、ase Sealing - The assembly, including the an- tennas, shall be weatherproof, watertight, and dustproof and shall be capable of immersion in sea water for a period of 24 hairs at a depth of two feet and a period of five minutes at a depth of 50 feet without leakage or electrical or mechanical damage

18、to any compo- nents, Methods of sealing shall be such that after being opened for inspection, maintenance, and battery repxement, surfaces can easily be reseZed to meet the requirements of this paragraph. 3.4 Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to cs tablish the requirements f

19、or satisfactory performance apply to performance under both standard and extreme service con- ditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the perhrmance under the standard conditions will be speci- fied.

20、3,4.1 Operation I- The AN/PRT-5 provides two output fre- quencies via two antennas. %dh frequencies, the 8364 KHz and the 243 MHz, are transmitted simultaneously. The transmitters are modulated by a sweeping pulse modulated signal. provided to activate the unit. 3.4.2 Frequency Tolerance - The outpu

21、t frequency tol- erance shall be kO,OOSY, for each transmitter under any combin- a tion of service conditions. A switch is 3.4.3 Frequency Characteristics - The output frequencies of the unit shall be 8364 KHz and 243 MHz, crystal contro2led and fixed tuned, 3.4.4 Modulation Characteristics - The HF

22、 and UHF carriers shall be pulse modulated (PM) with a rectangular wave, periodically varying, audio frequency tone, The reccan ular wave rier on-time for 10-15% of the cycle on HF and 45-55: of the cycle modulation dia11 provide a maximum/minimum duty cyc B e with car- on UIlF. The rectangular audi

23、o modulatin wave siia F 1 periodically sweeps per second. The au CF io retrace from 300 f 20% to 1000 f sweep in tone from i000 f: 20 to 30Of 2 i? lz at a rate of 2 - 3 Zvc Hz shall require no more than 1 millisecond. 3.4.5 Transmitter Power Output - Each transmitter shall have a minimum average pow

24、er of O. 5 watt (peak envelope power to be 1. O watt nominal on the UHF transmitter and 5. O watts nominal on the IiF transmitter) at 18 f O. 2 V at 25 C. conditions the output shall be 250 milliwatts minimum at 18 Sto. 2 V. For extreme service I- -5 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

25、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-23447A 58 7777706 0352227 7 J MIL-T -2344% (AS) 3.5 Detail Requirements - The Transmitting Set, Radio AN/PRT-5 shall meet the IollowKg requirements: 3.5.1 Function - The. Transmitting Set shall provide for operation on lam-held in a life raft,

26、 and floating, supported by a flotation ring, It shall float in an operating position and shall not be damaged by complete immersion while transmitting. Fail safe keying shall be provided. Should the modulation or keyer sig- nals to either transmitter module fail, the transmitters shall re- main on

27、with full peak power output, In addition to fail safe keying rovisions, should either transmitter module fail, it shall not af- Fect the performance of the other. 3.5,2 Form Factor - The transmitting set when packed for stowage shall be enclosed in a package 6 inches in diameter by 16 inches long. 3

28、.5.3 Contents - lhe transmitting set shall consist of the foilowing assem- . (1) Battery and case assembly Transmitter-Antenna assembly Float assembly Mooring line Carrying case Battery and Case Assembly - A case shall be Drovided to house the battery. It shall be equipped so as to be pened

29、for battery replacement and/or normal-periodic mainte- nance. A complete set of operating instructions for placing the beacon in operation on land or sea shall be placed on each of two opposite sides of the case. Transmitter-Antenna Assembly - The Trans - mitter-Antenna Assembly shall contai

30、n the antennas, the HF and UHF transmitters, and modulators, off-on control, and test cap. This assembly shall niount to the battery case with an O-Ring seal. Antenna Systctn - The antenna system shall consist of two vertical monopole antennas, one each to traiismit on 8364 Biz and 243 h41

31、-1z, respectively. The RF impedance of each antenna shall match the RI? output impedance of the transmitter module to which it is connected. The I-IF antenna shall be tele- to extend to 9 feet above the top of the transmitter case. welded and drawn er QQ-S -763 to provide a teiisile strength of It s

32、copinF shal consist of ,012 wall minimum type 304 stainless tubing 120,000 to 140,OO 6 p. s. i. -6 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-T-2344A 5A 9Ob 0152230 3 f MIL-T -23licilcl bc rcpaired and the test started over, except that t

33、lic 10-iiiiiiiitc vihratiui period need not be repeated when it is certain tlit faillit-e was riot a result of the vibration. Should repct- itivc faiiiirtbs OLCII-. corrective action shall be taken to eliminate this defcct froI;i future equipment. A record shall be kept of all failures. The periods

34、specified above may be composed of three- hour periods to conform with standard working hours. 4.4, 1.3.1 Vibration - Tempera ture Ambient room I1 umidi ty Ambient room Vibra tion Any selected frequency within the range of a0 to 30 cps (ex- cluding resonant points) and a minimum amplitude of +3 gs.

35、The eqiiipment shall be vibrated (nithout vibration isolators) for a period of 10 m mites rior to the beginning of the 24-hour period of teniperatiirc cycling P defined by 4.4. 1.3.2). Where feasible. the equipment shall he operated diiring this vibration period for the purpose of detcc tins flaws a

36、nd imperfect workmanship. Operation within the specified limits of satisfactory performance is not nec- essaril!. required during the vibration period, The direction of vibration should he sertical to the normal mounting plane for 5 minutes and lateral to the plane for 5 minutes. Where it is not fea

37、sible to vibrate the equipment in two directions, the vertical direction shall be used. 4.4. 1.3. 2 Teiiiperatcirc Cycling - Each unit shall be opera tcd throui$ i1 iiiiiiiiiiiiin o 8 teIiipcratiire cycles as defined by thc folloi ins: iiigii rcriipcratiir-cs IPF i 30 riii. opcratc -t 1S min. Temper

38、a turc stahiliza tion period. 2-1/2 hr, operate + 15 min. Temperature stabilization period, Low Temperature 85“F f 5F -11- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-23447A 5B m 7777706 0152235 2 m M LL-T-23/!9A (AS) 4.4.2 Reliability Assu

39、rance Tests - Reliability qualifi - cation tests shall be conducted to determine the equipment MTBF in accordance with MIL-STD-781. assurance tests shall first have passed the individual tests, Prior to the acceptance of equipments under the contract or order, a minimum of three (3) equipments shall

40、 be tested as outlined in MIL-STD-781. The number of equipments to be used shall be in accordance with Table 5 of MIL-STD-781. Test level E shall be used. The Accept-Reject Criteria for Test Plan II shall be used. Each equipment shall be operated a minimum of 300 hours. 4.4.2. 1 Length of Heat Porti

41、on of Cycle - After stabi- lization at the high teniperature limit required by test level E (t55c) the equipment shall be operated 3. O hours during each cycle (as per Equipments selected for reliability of MIL-STD-781B). Performance Characteristics to be Measured - The following equ

42、ipment CharacteristicS are to be measurea during the stabilized heat portion of the cycle: (1) Modulation (per 3.4.4) (2) Frequency Stability (per 3.4.2) (3) Power Output (per 3.4.5) 4.42.3 Failure Criteria - In addition to the require- , whenever er formance characteris tics fall ments of MIL-STL,-

43、/81 below the requirements of 3.4, at east one failure has occurred. If subsequent analysis reveals that several parts have deteriorated? each shall be counted a failure, unless one caused the other parts to fail. 4.4.2,4 Test Details - ?rie test details such as the length of the test cycle, the len

44、gth of the heat portion of the cycle, the per- formance characteristics to be measured, special failure criteria, preventive maintenance to be allowed during the test, etc, ? shall be part of the test procedure to be submitted and approved by the pro- curing activity prior to the beginning of the Qu

45、alification Test Phase of the Reliability Assurance Tests. 4.4.3 Special Tests - Special tests shall be conducted on a quantity of equn the purpose of checking the effect of any design or material change on the performance of the equipment and to assure adequa te quality control, The equipment selec

46、ted for special tests may be selected from equipments previously sub- jcctcd to the reliability assurance tests. P -12- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-23447A 58 7777706 0352236 4 ML-T -2349A (AS) 4.4.“3.1 Special Test Schedule

47、- Selection of equipments for special tests shall be made as follows: (i) On an early equipment after an engineering or material change. (2) Whenever failure reports or other information indicate additional tests are required. (This will be determined by the procuring activity,) Scope of Tes

48、ts - Special tests shall consist of such tests as approved by the procuring activity. previously approved for the preproduction tests shall be used when applicable, When not applicable, the contractor shall prepare a test procedure and submit it to the procuring activity for approval prior to conduc

49、ting the tests. 4.4.4 Equipment Failure - Should a failure occur during Manufacturing, Kun In, Keliabiiity, or Special Tests, the following action shall be taken: (1) Determine the cause of failure. (2) Determine if the failure is an isolated case or design defect. (3) Submit to the procuring activity for approval, proposed corrective action intended to reduce the possibility of t

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