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本文(NAVY MIL-T-8676-1953 TESTING OF AIRCRAFT ROCKET LAUNCHERS《航空火箭发射器测试》.pdf)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MILT-8676 (Aer) 31 October 1963 Superseding -143 31 October 1947 HILI TMY SPECIPI CATI ON TESTINQ as AIRGRAIPZ ROCKET LAUNCHERS TM8 specification ha8 been approved by the Bureau of Aeronautics, Department of the Bavy I scam 1.1 This specification eetaliahea the requirements for determining the euit-

2、 ability of rocket launchera for service use on Naval Aircraft. a. APPLICABI3 S!ECIEICAT-INS, STAXDARDS, DRAVINGS AEiI OTHER PUBLICATSCBS 0.1 This epecificstion, subsidiary epecificatione and other publication8 of the iasue in effect on date Of invitation for bidr, form a part of this Specification

3、to the extent opecified herein: SPECIF1 CATIONS Fe der e. QeM-151 General Specification for Inqmction of Metais Hili tarx WIbA-8591 Denerd Design Criteria for Airborne Stores and Aeeociated Suepenei on Equi pent (Copies Of this specification and applicable specification0 can be obtained upon applica

4、tion to the Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station, Johnaville, Pennsylvania, Attention: Technicd Records Diviaion). 2.2 prec-uence - If the requirements of thie specification and the applicable detail epecificstion are in conflict, the requirements of the applicable detail specification shall have p

5、recedence. 2.3 Definitions - 2.3.1 Rocket Launcher A rocket launcher i8 a device rigiiy attached to the aircraft mtructure. for suspending and rslsi?.sing rocketa from aircraft while io flight. 2.8.2 Rocket Launcher Adapter - A rocket launcher adapter ia a device for suapening and releasing eub-cali

6、bsr rockets from the stanard aircraft rocket launcher in- 6tdhtiOXi. 2.3.3 Release - Release, as applicable to rocket launchers, is the- operation of the mechaaian to parnit dieengagesent of the rocket from the launcher. i8 specified, release shal be ascertained by an actual withdrawal of a device w

7、hich simulate8 the engaging lugs of the rocket. Wherever release 2.3.4 launching - Liuncbing ir the rux4isful firing of tbs rocket. 2.3.5 ArPiing - Ani= ia tbs procera of nndaring $h rocbt nose fure opor- able won release. r Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

8、t license from IHS-,-,-MGT-8676 (Aer) 3.1 General - The Fpecific tests to which a launcher will be subjected will be specified in the applicable detail launcher specification. The order of conducting the tests shall be at the ciiscretion of the testing authority, to be accomplished i? the most pract

9、ical, expeditious and economical manner, unloss a specific testing order is directed by the Eureau of Aeronautics. Data for each launcher tested shall be recorded separately, and each launcher shall be identified by its serial number or other suitable means of identifi- cation. 3.2 Design Criteria -

10、 The design criteria to which suspension equipment is designed is contained in 14ILA-8591(Aer) and is referenced herein for infomation purposes only. 4. SAMPLING, INSPECTION, ANU l%ST PRCEDIES 4.1 General Test Conditions - Unless otherwise saecified, all tests shall be conducted at the existing abie

11、nt temperature and at normal rated voltage. At temperatures other than existing munbient temperatures, all parts of the launcher shall be completely stabilized at the specified test temperature prior to conducting the tests. 4.2 Attitude - Unless otherwise specified in the tests, the release of roc-

12、 Icete shall be conducted in an attitude simulating horizontal level flight, with the rocket launcher rigidly aounted. 4.3 Phvcical Cwracterietics - 4.3.1 Appearance - Each launcher ahall be photographed as necessary to il- lustrate clearly it s appearance anti general arrangement. 4.3.2 Weight Each

13、 launcher shall be weighed and the weight recorded. 4-3.3 Adaptability - The adaptability of each launcher to each Of the various types of rockets specified for the item shall be verified. devices shall not interfere with loading of or the operation of the launcher. Commonly used rocket suspension 4

14、.4 Electrical Characteristics - 4.4.1 Binimum ueratirig Voltage On a test etand using a sustained tmpulse and necessary electrical equipment, determine the following: Release - The minimum operating votage necessary to actuate the mechaniem which locks the rocket on the rocket launcher. 4.4.

15、1.2 Arming- The minimum voltage to affect positive arming using standard arming wire with a 100-pound force applied in the direction of rocket travel. Noter T:he minimum voltage for Unlatch and Arming shall be determined by measuring th minimum current and converting tr, voltage using the coil resis

16、tances at a teinpera- ture of 75O 2 10F. The minimum voltage shall be 20 volts or less. 4.4.2 Hold-in Eise of Latching Device - If the launcher contains a return lock- ing latch, the time interval fron the end of R Y uilli-second electrical impulse to the time the locking latch returns to or tends t

17、o retun -7 the 1o:ked position shall be determined. suitable timing device, approved by the Eureau of Aeronautics, shall be used. The test shall be conducted under the following voltage and temperature conditions: 11 (a) (b) (c) 32 volts and 120 (d) 20 volts ad -70F (e) 32 volts and -7OOF (f) 20 vol

18、ts and +16O0F 20 volts ad 75O 10F 32 volts and 75O 2 10B Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-!43676 (Ber) 4.5 EemDerature Bise - 4.5.1 Continuous Duty Electromametic Unit - Continuous duty electromagnetic units as defined for Aviation

19、 Armament am those units which when energized continuously from a 30 volt D. 0. power source while in an mbient temperature of lWF (37.8OC) will not ex- cae where ground lead is inaccessible, tests 4.5.1 ad 4.6.2 sul be omitted.) An alternating test emf of 1000 Volts (me) shall be applied between th

20、e coil winding and ground. (If one leed of the coil is grounded, this connection must be broken before applying the tet voltage.) The Voltage shall be increased from zero to test voltage within i12 ninute and shall be main- tained at test voltage for a period of one minute after which it shall be gr

21、adually reduced to zero- The freq-CY of the alternating current may be of any value between 50 and 100 cycles Wr second, and the ahape of the Vave ahall be such as conforms to goo* commercial practice. The voltmeter method : E -Y=, 4 MIbT-8 676 (Ae r ) acceptable value of insulation resistmcQ, as sh

22、own by some suitable measuring device shall be an indication of failure. 4.6.2 Insulation Resistance - (This test applies to units where the ground lead is accessible and can be broken.) of 105OC (221OF) for class A insulation, 125OC (2570F) for class B insulation or 2050C (401F) for class C insulat

23、ion for a period sufficient for temperature stabilization. resistance shall then be measured by mean8 of a constant potential %eggern or by the volt- meter method under a potential 3f 500 vdts D.C. and allowed to cool in an atmosphere of loo$ relative humidity until stabilized at room temperature, a

24、fter which the insulation resistance shall be rnessured as described above. Under either temperature condition, a measured insulation resistance of less than one megohm shall be cause for rejection. The unit shall be subjected to an ambient temperature The insulation The unit shall then be removed f

25、rom the heat 4.7 Performance Under Icinp Condition .II 4.7.1 Freeze Test - With the device of peragraph 2.3.2 assembled with the launcher, the rocket launcher shall be placed in the latched position and standard arming wire swivel loops inserted in the arming wire retainers. reduced to -20F, after w

26、hich it shall be placed in an atmosphere having a temperature of approxiroately 100F and a relative humidity of approximately 90$ until all evidence of frost ha6 disappeared. Retaining all the condensation practicable, the temperature of the item shall be reduced to -2OOP. The temperature of the lau

27、ncher shall be The following tests shall then be performed: Release Mechanism - The launcher shall be released electrically with a 20 volt, 20 millisecond impulse to test operation. Arming Mechanism - With the arming mechanisai set on safe, the force required to pull the swivel loops

28、 of a standard Havai arming wire out of the arming wire re- tainers shall be measured. This force shall not be lesa than four pounds nor more than eight pound 8 Positive Anuinq a Perform the test of paragraph herein, IJote; room temperature, dl three tests shall be ccmpleted within t

29、he shortest practical time in order to retain the effects of icing. If tests of paragraphe,, and are conducted at 4.8 gibration Tests - 4.8.1 htWA1 Frequency Vibre.tion Test - The unit shall be wired for operation and shall be vibrated in each of its three principal axes, in

30、turn, to determine the occurrence of the natural frequency of any of ita canponent parts. a simple harmonic motion with the fiequsncy varied from WO to 3000 cycles per minute in suit- able steps and the muplitude mdnt8ined between O?Wa and 0!005 (total displrcement between !O06 and 0010). Vibration

31、shal fillow approximately The launcher shall be tested RS followe: shall be vibrated until it is determined whether or not a naturel frequency of any of its parts occurs within the frequency range. Latched Condition - With the launcher in the latched condition, it paragraph 2.3.3 her

32、ein, it shall be released electricdly while it is being vibrated. Durinp Release - With the launcher set up for release as defined in Latchiw Device - If the test item contains a return locking latch, With the timing device specified wire launcher a8 specified in paragraph 4.6.2 and vibrate.

33、 in paragraph 4.4.2, determine the holding tine of the locking latch at the existing ambient temperature and at 20 volts D.C. Note: The functional teats of paragraphs and, respectively, shall be conducted at 500 cycle increments. i“ ,Ii Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

34、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIGT-e 676 (Aer) 4.8.2 Destructive Vibration Test - Upon completion of the tests specified Vibration shall follow ap in paragraph 4.8 herein, the item shall be vibrated in each of its three principal axee, in turn, for a total of nine hours (three h

35、ours in each axis). prOxitaly a simple harmoriic notion and the frequency shall bs maintained at 3000 cycles per minute. tricd or mechanical failure, or the mechmical loosening of any part, during the test, ahdl be considered failure of the unit to pass the test. The amplitude shall be 0.03 inch (to

36、tal displacement of 0.06 inch). Any ele- 4.9 Immct Tes3 - The launcher simll be secured to the carriags of an in- pact machine in a maner which permits the installation of a dummy rocket, .nose down and perpnicular to t.he impact plane, ThB launcher shall be in a latched condition, and the assembly

37、shall be subjected to increasing transient decelerating forces unti1 effected. The release of the dummy rocket, prior to the fdlure of the latch shear pin, shall be con- sidered failure of the unit to pass the test. 4.10 Performance Under Sand Conditione - 4-10.1 condition with a dry mixture compose

38、d of four parts Fuller Earth and one part medium grain building sand; (excess mixture shall be eliminated by twping the item vigorously). following tests shall be performed at room temprature: Dry Sand Test - The item swl be packed or filled in t6e latched The Release - sive releases shall

39、be made with a 20 volt, 20 milLi- second impu3. se. “Safen Arming - With the arming mechanism set on safe, the force required to pull the 6Wiel loops of a standard Xavd arming wire out of the arming wire retainers shall be masured. This force ahdl not be less than four pounds nor nore than

40、eight POWds. Positive Arming - The electricd arming mechanism &all be ener- ad the fact that the anning wire retainers are giced with 20 volts D-C immediately verified. shall be 4010.2 Frozen Sand Test - mon completion of test 3.l,0.1.3 above and re- taining all of the sand mixture practica

41、l, teEit 4.7 shall be repeated in its entirety. 4.11 Latch Test - 4.11.1 Launcher Latch Test - An inert loaded rocket of the largest size specified shall be Placed on th8 launcher (rigidly mounted), and the following tests shall be made: shear with a 1500 pound (&loo Pound) force applied ho

42、rizortally Eorwar on the rocket. %ear Mechanism Test - The shearing mechanism &dl be required to Latch SDrinR Test - The latch spring shall be required to hold the rocket under a 200 pound force applied horizontally forward on the rocket when the mechanism is in the released or unlocked pos

43、ition. 4.12 Salt Spray Test 4.12.1 General - The launcher shall be subjected to a s3t spray test in accord,ce with Specification Q*&151, for a period of 6 hours. At the completion of this test, the launcher shall be allowed to dry at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, after which it shall be

44、 subjected to the following tests: Operational Ch3ck - The launcher su1 be operated dectrically with a 20 volt, 20 millieecond impulse and a record kept of any malfunction. “Safen Arming - With the arming mechanism set on e%fe, the force required to pull the swivel loope of a stand

45、ard Naval arming wire out of the arming wire re- -*- tainers shall be measured. This force shall not be less than four pounds nor Liore than eight5 - pounds. - _z 4 -. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Positive. Arming - The

46、electrical arming mechaniem shaL1 be ener- gized with 20 volts D.C. an the fact that the a.rming wire retainers are “armedH, verified. 4.13 Overload Test - 4.13.1 Downward Load - The launcher shall be loaded in a vertically downward direction, with respedt to equipment to the yield strength specifie

47、d for the item. launcher shall then be unloaded and operated at room temperatura with rated voltage applied. The launcher shall then be loaded to destruction. This value shall not be less than the ultimate strengthspecified for the item. The 4.13.2 Urward Load - Paragraph 4.13.1 shall be repeated ex

48、cept that the loads shall be applied in a vertically upward direction. rihl be replaced by a suitable hardened steel pin. cept$ that tb loads shall be applied in a forward direction. 4.13.3 Forward Load - Prior to conducting thie test, the standard shear pin Paragraph 4.13.1 shall be repeated ex- 4.

49、13.4 barward Load - Paragraph 4.13.1 shall be repeated except that the loads shall be applied toward the rear. 4.18.5 Transverse Loading - Paragraph 4.13.1 shall be mpmted except that the loads shall be applied in a transverse direction. Bots: Loats shall be applied in the mner indicated in FiNe 10 Fon and aft and traneverse loads shall be applied at 8. distmce from the launcher equivalent to the distance of the center of gravity of the heaviest rocket speci

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