1、II1I,.IIIbVALVES ,1. SCOPEMIL-V-2433Z(SHIPS)1 hly 1966MILITARY SPeCIPCATIONANGLE RSLIEF, POR LIQUID SESVICk!(NAVAL SHIPBOAfLO)1.1 *. This specification covers spring loaded lelif val Te% of totnlly enclczedspring pressure tight construction for liquid service (except hydraulic oil) . ,1.2 Classifica
2、tion. Relief valves shall be of the following grades, as pecified(see 6.2):Grade A - Ferrous.Grade B - Nonferrous.1.3 . Rltings shall he a71 s specified in s.4.1 through 3.4.2 (see 6.2).2. APPLIcABLE CQCUMENTS2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on dste of Invitation for bid$ orrequest
3、 for proposal, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein.SPL?CIFICATIONSFEDESALw-N-286 - Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Allo , Wrought.tQQ-N-2e8 - Nickel-Copper Alloy and Nic cl-Copper-Silicon Alloy Castings.MILI :TARYNIL-s-901 - Shock Tests. H. 1. (High-impact); SMpboard Mchnev t Equi
4、pmentqd Srstems , Requl rem. nts For.M1L-IF-1OOOIZ - Drawings, Engineering and Associated Lists.MI L-F-1183 - Fittings, Tube, Cast eronze, silver-sraing.MI L-M-1 S071 - Manuals Equipment and Systems.NIL. M-16S76 - Uetal , G“”: Cssti”gs.MI L- F-2004Z - Flanges, Pipe, Bronze (Silver-SrszinS) .!41L-C-Z
5、01S9 - Copper-Nickel Alloy (70-30 and 90.10) : Castines.MIL-F-z4227 - Fitti.W and Flanges. cast BrOnZe. silver- BraZins suitable fOrultrasonic 1n5pecti0n.STANDARDMl LITARYMI L-sTU-167 - Mechanical Vibrations of Shipbosrd Equipment.(Copies of s edifications, standards , drawings, tnd publications req
6、uired by suppltaraIgin connection wit specific r.acuremenc functions should be obtained from the procuringactivity or as directed by t e cOntraccing Of ficer. )2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification tothe extent Speclfled hcreln. unless otherwise indicated,
7、 the issue in effect on date ofinvitation far bids or request for proposal shal 1 apply.NATfONAL BUREAU OF STANOARUSNnndbook 1128 - Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services.(Application for copies should be a71ddressed to tbe Superintendent of Documents,Government Printing Office, Washington, O.
8、C. 20402. )0N1FOFS4 CLA2SIFICATION CONJ417_71WUniform Freight Classification Rules.(Aiplicatian for COPieS shOuld be addressed tO the unifO cl$ifict”20n c=mittec.202 Union Station, s16 W.s t Jacks.n BOul*vrd. chic80. llinoi 6606.1FSC 4820,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe
9、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-,J-:,.I i. T141L-v- Z4SS2(SHIPS) -4.AMERICAN SOCISTT FOR TESTING AND HATERIALS (ASTM)A1OS - Forged or Rolled Steal Pipe Flanges. Forged Fittings, and Valves and partsfor High-Temperature Service.A193 - A1loy-Stc!il BoltinS 14sterials for High Temperature Service.
10、A194 - Carbon and A11oY Steel Nuts for Bolts for nigh-Pressure and High-Temper-a71ture Set-vice.AZ16 - cs+wh-stctl Castings W tablc for Fui On welding fOr Hish-TemOer*tureAzl? -AZ30 - CA231 - CAzSZ - CA276 - HService.A120T steel CSSCIIIAS for Press.re-Containing parts suitable fOr High-Temperature S
11、ervice.srbon-Steel V.al Ve Spring QualitY Wire.:hro8ium-V8nadium Alloy Steel! Spring sire.Sir-iuA-VanadiWm Steei Valve Spring Quality Wire.iet-lled a71nd Cold-Finished St. nless and Neat Resisting Steel Bars.a?ion-Rcsist, n$ Steel S ring Wire.Etlc Steel castings for igh-Temperature Service.mu - chrm
12、iumfvctel corroA35: - Ferritic ind A.stenitB21 - Naval Br$+4s Rod, Bar, #md Shapes.Bbl - S:ets or Vnlve Bronze Castings.B164 - Nitkel-Copper ALioy Rod and Bar.B166 - Nickel-Chromium- Iron Alloy Rod and !far.Application for copies should b= a71ddressed to the American Society for Testing .sndMaterial
13、s, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pe. 19103).ONITE;J;TES OF AMERICA STANUAROS tf,4STITUTE USAS)Steel Pipe F1.nges a71nd Flanged Fittings.(Application for copies should be addressed to the United States of America St.ndardsInstitute, 10 East 40th Street, Ndw York, N. Y. 10016).1Technical society tnd
14、 technical association specificsrionsgc”erally .svailabla far reference from libraries. They are a71ls.groups and us ins Federal agencies).3. RSQUI P.E?4ENTSI 3.1 De fi”icions. The following definitions are applicableand standards aredistributed amonu technicalT Lto this specification.3. 1.1 Set r.x
15、sure. The pressure at which the valve hesins to open.pounds per sqag. (Wig).Expressed in3: 1.2 Set i?ressure tolerance. The permissible plus or minus dcvi. tion from thespecified set pressure. Expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) or as a percent of thesot pressure.3. 1.3 Set pressure range. Th.
16、s range over which tbe set press.rc can he adjusted withrhe inst.lleil spring.3. 1.4 Accumulation. The incroa.se in pressure, 8ho.e th. s.t prcssur. , required t.pass rated flow. Expressed in psi or ss a pcrccnt of the sot pressure.J.l. S Accumulation Dress .r The scc Frc.6s IJrc plus the :!CC. ZIUI
17、UI ion. Esprcsscd Inpalg.3. 1.6 Blowdown. The dccrcr,sc in pressure hciow the set press.re, required for thevalve to reseat. Expressed in psi or as a percent OK the s.t pressure. The nccumlationa“d blowdomr, estahlxsh the operating band of the relef valve at a pnrtic”lar sectxng.3.1.7 Blowkom pressu
18、re. Th. set pressure minus the hiowdown. Expressed in psig.3.2 Valve. descririon. This specification covers self-contained, single seated,s ring loakd reliefRvalves, where the inlet pressure is sensed under and directly operatest e spring loaded disc.3.3 Maccrials of construction. Matcri.ls shall bc
19、 us specified in table 1. Allmateials shall be su%tahl e for the intended prcss”rc and shall bc sclccced co prevcnlgallxng, seizing, or ezce5sivc wear hotwcc. p:trts. This Spccirication is not intended to (JCrstrictive, pr. vIdins provoscd alter.otc matcri:, ls will prov,.ic sntisf. ccory service.Na
20、val Ship lS”ginecri”g Center (NAVSI:C) (Auxili”ry Lquipmcnt DrmIIch) approval is required forthe .s. of any alternate matcrinl. -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 . . .,3.43.4.MI L-V-24 SS2(SH1PSTable 1 - List of materials.t t I Grade
21、 P,Applicable docuwmntsASTM 1rBOdy , bonnet , ASTM A105 grade 11.nd yoke ASTM A216 grade WCBASTN A217 grade WC1, WCSASTM ASS 1 grade CF3 ,cFMI, CF8 , CF8V MI L- C-201S9. . .MJ1-AI-16S76w-N-288 composition SDisc and seat ring ASTM A276 types 302, 30S, 304, 316, 431, 440A# ; grsde CF3, CFM4, CF8, cF8M
22、qQ. N.288stem k;: A; types s03 , ASTM B164ASTN k276 types S03,. . . . . . . .303SeASTM LIZISprings ASIU A3.S1 ASTM fI164ASTM A21S. ASTM 8166ASTM A230 ASTM P.31XASTM A313Body bolts ASTf4 A193 grad. 87 ASTM B2and nuts ASTM A194 grade ZN QQ-N-Z86 class A.I2ksizn and con%trucz$o1 nlcc ratings and end co
23、nnections. The inlet r.t$ngs for grade A valves shsll.he in accordance wItl! USAS H16 5 Grade A valve shall have flanged inlet and outlet CCIII- ., !,ecrions in acc. rdmce with OSi.S B16 .S. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the “inlerratings and end connection, for grade B VSIVC. sha h= in .cOrd
24、ance with tahle ly.Tab Ie 11 - Inlet ratings and end connections for grade B vmlves.Ion pp1ication5 he,= .Itraso”ic test inspecion of silbr.azed joint isrequired, NIL-F-24227 shall be used i“ lieu of NIL-F-1183. When union c.d connections art. sperified, the union nuts and tallpiece sha31h. f
25、.r”ished. O“Jy the pertinent dimensions of the documents listed in table 11 appy.M de.,.,. . T *.MI L- V-24332 (SHIPS)3.4.4 Internal trim. Vmlve seats may be se srnte or integral with the valve body.$Vslvca without separate seat rings shall have suf icient metal, at the seat sect ion, to ,/permit in
26、stallation of a71 sepatate seat.ring if required a71s a service repair. Seat ringsshall be threaded in and shall be easi lY replaceable, using hand tools, nftcr a71xtendedservice. The seat rin shsll shoulder against the body to provide a positive pressuretightjoint in which the threads are not used
27、to seal. Mhere a71 nonmetallic seal is used betweenthe body and seat rini, m sland or cavity 3hall be provided in either the body or seat ringto insure proper retention of the seal, The stem or stem and disc assembly shall be topguided (all guides sltall be on tfie discharge sde of the seat), Guidin
28、g surfaces (bushingsa71nd posts) shall have the proper hardness, finish, concentricity, parallelism, clearances,length and ri idity to revent bindin or seizing end to insure proper seating under al 1operati”, ce”$itio”s. %, .,i,.m.” ! req.ire.ents sh.il be maintained with inter.h.nfie.ableparts and
29、Undet mr tolerdnce $tack.-w condition. Where the valves are intended for ser-vices where the aparating tetiper.atures do not exceed 2SO” F. , a nonmctall ic seating f.atqreshall be Idcotporited in eittitr the disc or seat.3.4.S - Springs sha?l be desigmd so that they will not be fully compressedduri
30、ng any nor8a opetstion or adustmerlt of the valve. When removed md compressed solid,tbe s rings shall not exhibit a $ermanent set exceeding 0.010 inch per inch of free springleiigt , measuted 10 minutes after release of the spring. Spring ends sh.li be squared andground.i$io;4;gm,=zos; thrads shall
31、ccmfo” . H.mfbook H28. !fhere necessary, Pr.;i,=ted to prevent the acctdentnl ioosenint *f threaded parts.thremis whsll not be used.3.4.7 Interchangeability. Ali parts hcvin tbe sm. manufacture r-s part nmmber shouldbe directly Interchan e.ble wfth. each other with respect to instnllacio” md perform
32、ance *.J!should not require se ectiom, fitting, or msckiining of any kind. Where machining is re.quired a71fter installation of a seat rin or guide in order to maintain critical concen-tricity or alignmerlt dimensions, detailed j“str”ctions must be provided with each repairpart. ?. S.4. .9 Hand lift
33、ing device. Valves shall he designed so that they may be operated byhand fqr testing purposes with an inlet pressure of 7S percent of the set pressure. Thenecessary lever or tool shall be furnished as part of each valv. .3. 4.9 Stuffing boxes. A stuffing box on the valve stem shall “ot b. permitted.
34、 Astuffing box on the shatt of the hand Ii fti”g device, which will have no effect on ther.lief valve setting, shall he required.3.4.10 Ga Nbere required for system test purposes, a gagging deviceto be supplied with the valve (see 6.2) V. Ives shall he capable ofbci”g gagEed wthout alteration of the
35、 set point. The gagging screw shall be provided witha knurled or wxng nut type head to discourage the “se of wrenches when gagginE tbe valve.The gaEgi”g device slpll be designed to minimize the p.ssihility of overlooking its removalafter test and shall include a tag or .atber warning to this effect.
36、3.4.11 Accessibility. Valves shall be a71ccessible for sdj.strue”t 4 repair withc.”crequiring re.aov*l from the line, except in the cae of full noz. Ie dcsit?ns.3.4.12 valve .di.st!aent. Men”% %hni I he provided for Sdjusting the Setting with tlIevalve under pressure. he adjusting screw shall hnve r
37、ight hand threads so tb.t .I.ckwis.r.at. tlcw! increases the set pressure. The adjusting device shall he provided with a locknutand cap, or other suitable means, to prevent accidental ch.nge of adjustment.3.S Performance. Unless otherwise specified (vee 6.2) , thu per fnrnoncc rcquirenencsshall be i
38、n a71ccordance with 3.S.1 through Sot pressure rang. . For set presaurcs tq! to 2S0 psin, the set prcsswre sh.11be adjwt.hle aver a range .t plus or minus 10 percent and for sot prcsures o.cr 2S0 psig.tbe set pre%,ure shall he mfjustal,le over a rnnc of plus or minns 5 pcrccmt wichoucreq
39、uivinn repl.ccm. nt 0 nny inccrm parts.3. 5.2 Or. ti.n. wh. re pro,crly i“s. tr.llcd in .acc”rd.”cc with the limitations specifiedb the V.l VO m.n”tact”rcr, relief valves shall .pcrar. over the o“tirc flow range withoutc ntter. Valve op=ninf, and closing may ho gradunl nnul i, proportion to tho inle
40、t pressure.Valve shall resent tihtly whc” the i“lct pvossu is r.du d ro the I,low!knm pressure. T.” I4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-LII - L.MI L-V-24332 (SH2PS)5.S.3 Set oressure tolermnco. The set pressure toleranca, plus or minus,
41、 shall notexceed 2 psi or ./ percent of t he sOt pr. ss. r., whichever is Br0St81.3.S.4 Accumulation. valves shell be sized to psss the capacity specified (sea 6.2)without pernltting tho fnlet pressure to excaed the a71ccumulation limit sptclfied On f ikure 1.3.s. s Blowdowt!, valves sh.11 operate s
42、atisfactory with . blomdwn not exceeding thatpermitted by it sure 1.3.S.6 seat tifihtncss. Va2ves with a nonmetallic sesting feature shall s.zat tightly(defined *S no Vi$ib le leakage over a71 Z minute period) with an inlet pressure equal to theminimum blowdown pressure, permitted by figure 1 for th
43、e applicable ettini?. valves incor-porating a75etal-to-metal seatinK shall not have mare than 10CC per hour per inch of seatdi-ecer leakage.3.5.7 Installation limitations. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) , v-lve operationshsll not be adversely a71ffected by a71n inlet pressure loss up to 2S per
44、cent of the reliefvalve blomdown, a dischsrge pressure buildup up tQ 20 percent of tbe set pressure or both.Wltere the installation will subject the valve to Xrester piping restrictions, cbis inform-ation a73ust be included in the co”cract or order.s.6 Shock snd vibration. Valves shall be dc5i ned t
45、o meet the H.1. mechanical shockrequirements of grade %STD-ib7.A, C2C.SS I of MI L-S-901 and vi ration requirements of type 1 of MI L-Kequirenents for shock a71nd vibration testing shall be as specified (see 6. 2).3.7 w.1.7.1 Body a.rkinRs. The ma” fsct. rers name or trademark and the body material
46、com-and outlet) %;l be s. or #org*d integral with the valve body or stmtped on the O.D ofposition sha o ct or for ed inmrl with the VSIVO body. The ize and acing (lnler2be flanges.3.7.2 Identification plates. Each valve shall have an identification plate permsnent2yattached to a71? exposed posltl On
47、 on the valve. The identification plate shall be made of acorrosion-resistant material and shall cone.in the following information or a space therefor:(i)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)Manufacturers name or trademark.Rated capacity at the applicab le setting, a71ccumulation, a71nd fluid temperature.Bodv ma
48、terial Coumosltion.Seion dimensions, end connect ion detail, a71nd clesrance dimensionsrequired for disassembly.Note my previous shock, vibration, or first nit te5t a71PProval.Recmuended a71ssembly, torques, or ether equivalent procedures, for making upall joints and threaded assemblies.sProvided by
49、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-n1IIMIL-v-24332(SH1PS)3. 8.2 Fins drawin. Pinal drawings and certification d-to sheets shallT, ubmittedto the procuring a71ctivity for approval within 60 days after date of c.mtr. cc.drowings shall be in a71ccordance with types !1 and III of M1L-D-1OOOI2 .ZC. PL for extent ofdat.il. Only the information required in 3.
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