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本文(NAVY MIL-V-24740 (1)-1993 VALVE SAFETY BOILER REMOTE PILOT OPERATED FOR SHIPBOARD USE《舰载使用遥控操作试验锅炉阀的安全性》.pdf)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIL-V-24740 (1) m 9999906 15b14b 629 m INCH-POUND MILITARY SPECIFICATION VALVE, SAFETY: BOILER, REMOTE PILOT OPERATED, FOR SHIPBOARD USE This amendment forms a part of MIL-V-24740(SH), dated 31 May 1990 and is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy and is available

2、 for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 7, line 3 after “table II“ add “for superheater valves and table 11-1 for low drum valves“. PAGE 10 TABLE II, Style 18, Delete Ship hull number “AE 27-29“ and substitute “AE 26- 29, AS 39-41“. TABLE II, Style 22, Del

3、ete Ship hull number “AOE 5-7“ and substitute “AOR 1-7“. TABLE II, Style 23, Add “AD 41-44“ to applicability. PAGE 11 TABLE II, Style 25, Add “LAD 1-5“ to applicability. PAGE 12 Add new pages 12a, 12b, 12c and 12d blank. Delete page 12 and substitute page 12e with changes marked in right margin PAGE

4、 16, Add to end of paragraph: “Each pilot valve shall be supplied with a gag. II PAGE 17, line 4: Delete “3,5 percent“ and substitute “2 percent“, PAGE 19 4.3, line 2: Delete “class and style“ and substitute “contract“. PAGE 21 4.6.2(b), last line: Delete “that specified“ and subst

5、itute “33 cc/hour from either the safety valve or the pilot valve“. Preparing activity: Navy - SH (Project 4820-N092) 1 of 1 FSC 4820 AMSC N/A DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

6、t license from IHS-,-,-MIL-V-24740 (1) W b 3856347 565 W MIL-V-24740(SH) AMENDMENT 1 12a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-V-24740 (LI m 9999906 1856148 4T1 m MIL-V-Z4740(CH) AMENDMENT 1 n : Y d E r o v- m u) 5 L U 1 U m ci m U C u)

7、 U IC ? m m O In C .C .C n Y un CU o u) o L- o) o.- mr o) c mu m3 L m-caoom av-zrv 23$tO$ uu - mm c -cou UmNC 3 .C .C ow-wu ro - om -? -c w rm ow-rum U- wm = oco0 -mNC c d .C .C -Y- u)- 3- Er2 o- rm -YI C- .-.+rum x w U N M - - M N c .1, b 2 In In 0 O N In YI c! 5? O - b O Io N c u) u) -0 ao UM U u)

8、 u) -0 UM mo N N - u) u) -0 Ub mo M In JO3 OM $5 22 2 U c r U O -. n U 9 I r 7 o N o r o N u-3 O o h o o Yi N U 3 U U O 0. N - u) u) -0 UM mo N - rn u) u) -0 mo wm N N c u) -0 Wb mo U In 2 r 5? A ? 2 r U -. 9 7 9 N : 9 D N in O c 3- M U a ! U N u) u) -0 UM mo U u) u) mo -0 UM N N c VI -0 Ub mo In In

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10、u) -0 UM ao N : m u) u) -0 ao um N N c u) -0 Ub mo o0 In . - n 2 U - A U 8 t ; 0 1 - 3 U n f c O U c) I 0. E u D D. N r u) u) -0 UM mo M u) m0 -ln U- N u) mo -0 wm b In ? 5 0 A n .? 7 O o 3 U n 3 c n o o m in o! 3 U U O m N P u) u) -0 UM mo N M - u) u) - I O O 0 i n 3 . n 3 n c o O b v ? O ? N c u)

11、u) mo -0 UM U u) u) mo -0 UM N N c u) u) U4 ma -a G c q. U- z. LO A- - U O r r I O U -. o r r -. r o N r & O N in Yi f- c 3- M U a U O b N - u) u) -0 UM ao N M c u) u) -0 UM mo N N u) u) mo -0 Ub N b Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-

12、 U C U w -1 U E? c on e-1 NN mrn - - mrn NN 1010 c 109 100 O0 VIYI rn VIVI xc *- O0 VIM .Y* 33 uu U O0 9.0. NN c o) v) -0 um mo NN Mm c VI mo -0 UM NN c : NN VI mo -0 u10 9% MIL-V-24740 (1) 99999Ob 185b149 338 I c c c 4 VI o. u c VI VI -0 um mo c v) n -0 UM mo VI u) mo -0 u10 MIL-V-24740(CH) AMENDME

13、NT 1 U u -iL LU .o u3r ln- rovui3.O UUUQE- E 0.53.5: 12c Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-U-24740 (1) m 9999906 1856150 05T m MIL-V-2474O(SH) AMEMDMENT 1 I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12d Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr

14、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-V-24740 (1) 9999906 L5bL.51 T9b MIL-V-24740(SH) AMEMDMENT 1 33.13 Press= Unless othenvise specified (sec 6.2), safety valves shall be designed and onstmcted to one of the standard preburcs specified in 33.13.1 and, as applica

15、ble. 33.13.1 600 pounds (nominal) staadard Valva for use on boilers baving drum pressures 326 1bh2 to 675 lbb2 (for which the safety valve popping pressure may cxcctd 675 lb/ia2, but willnot exceed 735 1bhn2) shall be designed for a pressure of at least 735 Ibh2 and an operathg temperature of at kas

16、t 1575 degrees Fahrenheit for superheater valves and an operating temperature of at least 512 F for drum valves. 33.132 150 pounds (nominai) stabdard Vahtts for use on Wiers having dmm pressum of 676 to 1600 lbb2 for which tbc safety valve popping pressure may exceed 1600 Ib/n2, but will not exceed

17、1700 Ibh2 shall be constmeted for a pressure of at kast 1700 1bh2 and an operating temperature of at kast loo0 F for superheater valves and an operating temperature of at least 615 F for drum valves. 33.1.4 Shut dawn md ELart up. If maintenance requiring disassembly is required, means shall be provi

18、ded to relieve all pressurecontaining pockets without creating a hazard to personnel. if lay up or maintenance on the valve or its boiler can adversely affect its performance by loss of primary fluid, or other causes, the design and construction shall incorporate means for properly pladng the system

19、 into service, when ntcessary. Venting or other means used shall not constitute a hazard to personnel. Such means used sball be foolproof to eliminate the possibility of adversely affecting normal senice. Items such as petcocks shall be unacceptable. I I 332 Shipbard miironmetal corrditions. Safety

20、valves shall be designed and constructed to perform their required functions in a reliable manner wben installed and operatcd OD board Navy ships under the following shipboard arrangements and environmental conditions, which shall be understood to prevail simultancousiy and to occur in any combinati

21、on. 3321 Installation orientation. The valve shall be configured for installation in either the athwartships or the fore-and-aft orientation. 33.22 Atmmpbere. nie valve shall be constantly exposed to a marine environment that shall be understood to include extremes of ambient temperatures, high humi

22、dity ia an at-sea atmosphere, and conditions conducive to electrolytic corrosion of dissimilar metais. 3323 High impact sbocl he total safety valve system shall be designed and constructed to withstand high impact shock that might k caused by popping, firing of tbe sbips own armamebt and noncontact

23、underwater explosions of near-miss aerial bombs, torpedoes, and mines. Under such conditions, it shall remain functionally reliable. As a result of such $bocks, tbe vave rbdl cause DO adverse effect to tbe boiler. The valve shall pass type A sbock test for grade & class I equipment in accordanct wit

24、h MILS-901. NAVSHIPS 2SMO-U) may be used as a guide in the design of shock resistant Naval quipment. 33Z4 Vibration. The valve shall be exposed to ship environmental vrbrations. It shall meet the type I vibration requirements in accordance with MGSTD-167-1. 12e Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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