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1、P! I L-W- I 9 I 506 ( OS 1 I I February 1977 5upersedinq MILITARY SPECIFICATION M I L -W - I 9 i 5A Piep 1 30 January 1962 W I RE, I NSULATED, HARD DRAWN COPPER This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Department

2、s and Agencies of the Department of Defense. /- I. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers procurement of a special purpose, hard drawn copper conductor, polyethylene-insulated, nylon- jacketed wire. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMEiJTS * 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents of the issue in effec

3、t on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a Dart of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Federa I * L-P-390 QQ-W - 343 Mi I itary MI L-R-324 I STANDARDS Mi I i taiy MI L-STD- I05 Plastic, Molding and Extrusion Material, Polyethylene and Copolymers (Lo

4、w, Medium and High Density) Wi re, E lectr ica I and FJoneI ectr ica I Copper ( Un i nsu I ated 1 Reels, Cable (Reels DR-5, DR-7, DR-15-B, RL-I59/U) Sampling Procedures and Tables fcir Inspection by Attributes Goneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and dny pertinent data which m

5、ay be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, Standardization Division (611), Indian Head, Marytand 20640 by using the self-addressed Ctandardiza- tion Document Improvqmerit Proposal (DD Form 14?6) appearinq . at the end of this document

6、or by letter., Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-LSLSOB bL W 7797706 0087508 3 W - Conduc- tor size M I L-W-I 9 I 5OB(OS 1 Diameter of Po I yethy Iene Na I I Diameter of Insulated Rare Conductor Th i cknecs Conductor -1 I I I I I

7、MIL-STD-129 Marking for ShiDment and Storage #I9 #24 (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 0.0355 0.3359 0.03

8、63 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.0535 0.0579 0.062 0.0199 0.0201 0.0203 0.008 0.011 0,016 0.040 0.0421 0.044 3. REOUIREMENTS 3. I Description. The wire described by this specif ication consists of a solid hard drawn copper conductor insulated with polyethylene and jacketed with nylon. 3.2 General requirements

9、. 3.2.1 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requi- sition, or order, all materials shall conform to the requirements listed below. 3.2. I. I Conductor. The conductor shal I be hard-drawn copper in accordance with 00-W-343. The conductor shall be continuous and free from splices. 3

10、.2.1.2 Insulation. The insulation shall consist of extruded, * heat stabilized, non-oxidizing polyethylene compound in accordance with L-P-390, Type II, Grade 7. There shall be no repairs or patches in the insulation. Jacket. The jacket shall consist of a transparent, heat stabilized, non-ox

11、idizing polyamide (nylon), applied over the polyethy- !ene-insulated conductor by a continuous extrusion process to insure a smooth, tight-fitting, flexible and abrasion resistant covering. There shall be no repairs to or patches in the jacket. 3.2.2 Dimensions. Wire lengths will be specified in the

12、 contract, recuisition, or order. Other dimensions shall conform to TABLE I and wi II be specif-iec! in the contract, requisition, or prder. TABLE I. Homi na II il II 1. 2 o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-LS15OB 61 111 7777906

13、0087509 5 = DC Resistance OHMS/M Ft Max at or cor- rected to 2OoC (68OF) 8.5 , TABLE I (CONTINUED) c. Tensile Strength Lbs.,Min. 32 Nom i na Cond uc. tor Size (AWG) Min. 0.004 #I9 #24 Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max. 0.0055 0.0065 0.066 0,0689 0.072 . Nylon Wall Thickness Diameter of Finished I Wire 0.003 I

14、 0.0055l 0.009 I 0.050) 0,0531 10.056 I I 1 27.0 I 20 I 3.2.3 Gages. The contractor shall provide himself with whatever gages are necessary and adequate for manufacture use to insure that the wire will meet the dimensional requirements of Table I, 3.2.4 Marking. Each length of wire shall be assigned

15、 a designating - serial number polyethylene insulation. This number shal I identify the length of wire throughout the jacketing process, testing and shipping. a tag containing the following information will be secured to the wire: (I), the AWG size; (21, the serial number; (31, the total footage; (4

16、1, the conductor resistance per thousand feet; and (51, the insulation resistance per thousand feet of wire. by the contractor immediately after the application of the Prior to packaging, 3.2.5 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising between this sDecification and any specificatio

17、ns, publications, or drawings 1 isted herein shal I be referred in writing to the procuring agency or appointed agent for interpretation and clarification. 3.3 Performance. The fol lowing performance rebuirements shal I aDply to the insulated and jacketed wire. 3.3.1 Direct-Current Resistance. The.w

18、ire shall meet the D.C. resistance requirements of TABLE I. 3.3.2 Insulation and Jacket. The insulation and jacket shall be applied in such a manner that they are concentric with the conductor (see TABLE I). The insulation and jacket shall be free from splinters, blisters, and other non-homogeneitie

19、s visible to the normal eye. Spark. The insulated wire shall withstand without breakdown, both before and after jacketing, the dry spark-test voltage specified in 4.3.2. I. Dielectric Strength. The completed wire shall withstand without breakdown the dielectric strength test specifie

20、d in Insulation Resistance. The completed wire shall exhibit an insulation resistance of no less than 20,000 megohms per thousand feet of wire. o _. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M I L-We.19 I 50B(OS 1 3.3.3 Tensi

21、le Strength. The insulated and jacketed wire shall meet the minimum tensile strength requirements of TABLE 1. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspec

22、tion requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. inspections set forth in the specifi

23、cation where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. of product, the term llotl shal I mean “inspection lot“, i .e., a col lection of units cf product submitted by a supplier for government inspection. Unless oi-herwise specified, the

24、 number of units of product in “inspection lots“ shall be as determined by the government inspector and may differ from the quantity designated in the contract or order as a lot for production, shipment, or other purpose. * The Government reserves the right to perform any of the 4.1.1 Lot Size. As a

25、pplied to government inspection of units 4.1.2 Rejections. Failure of the wire to meet all the requirements and tests of this specification shall be considered cause for rejection of the reel, and failure of the sample of wire to meet all of the require- ments of this specification shall result in t

26、he rejection of the inspection lot from which the sample was selected. 4.1.3 Sampling, Unless otherwise specified, and when applicable, the samplins plans and procedures used by the Government Inspector in the determination of the acceptability of products submitted by a supplier for Government insp

27、ection will be in accordance with MIL-STD-105. 4.2 Classification of Tests. Production tests shall be conducted by the manufacturer under the supervision of the-government inspector on each reel of wire being submitted for acceptance under the contract. Reels which fail to comply with any one of the

28、se requirements shall be excluded from those reels to be submitted to the Government Inspector for acceptance inspection. r. 4.3 Accenfa nce I nspect i on. 4.3.1 Test Conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the wire shall .- be subJeited to production tests at room,ambient temperature and humiditv.

29、4.3.2 Test “rocedures. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-._ * Dry spark test. A dry spark test shall be made on each length of wire, both before and after application of the nylon jacket. The test shall consist of passing the

30、wire through a chain-electrode potential of 7500 volts root mean square (rms) at commercial power frequency. Electrode length must provide for one foot of effective length for each 300 feet per minute of wire speed to provide for expo- sure to test voltage of 0.2 second minimum. constitute a failure

31、. spark test device which subjects the insulation to an alternating e Any flash-over shall * Spark test device. The spark test device with fault detector shall be capable of detecting an artificial fault of 0.001 second duration when tested with a series capacitance of 150 microfarads, The

32、 sparker shall be tested to determine its response capability to the above requirements by using a device consisting of a 0.001 timing strip moving past a needle point with a 8.2 air gap at 6000 volts rrns potential. The sparker shall detect a minimum of 25 consecutive flash- overs to be considered

33、effective. A unit sinilar to Entwistle Manufac- turing Corporations Sparker-Testing Unit, Type AC-KV, has satisfied the above test. Conductor Resistance. The direct-current resistance of the completed wire shall be measured for the requirements of TABLE I. The resistance of th

34、e conductor shall be measured for each complete length produced under this specification. * Dielectric strength test. Each length of completed wire shall be wound on a reel and the entire length of wire, except for approximately one foot of each end, shall be immersed in a 0.5 percent soluti

35、on of a wetting agent such as Aerosol, in water at a temperature not to exceed 3OoC (86OF). At the end of four hours of soaking, and while still in the bath, the wire shall be tested by applying a potential difference of 2500 volts rms at 60 Hz between the conductor and the surrounding water. This p

36、otential shall be applied for not less than one . minute. Any breakdown shal I constitute a failure. Insulation Resistance. Upon completion of the tests in, and while the reel is still immersed, insulation resistance measurements shall be made with a megohm bridge or galvanometer and

37、 a direct-current potential of 100 to 500 volts, The insulation resistance shall be greater than 20,000 megohms per thousand feet of wire. Tensile Strength, A test sample from each length of finished wire shall be obtained by cutting a specimen from a point no less than ten (IO) feet from th

38、e outside end of the reel. The sample s$alI be placed in a tensile testing machine and stretched at the lowest speed practicable until the wire breaks. Breaking shall be considered rupture of the insulation or conductor, whichever occurs first, free length of wire between the grips of the testing ma

39、chine jaws shall not be less than six (6) inches. The wire shall meet the minimum breaking strength requirements of TABLE I. The Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-17350B 61 W 7777706 0087532 5 W M I L-W-I 9 I 506 (h 1- Vis

40、ual and Dimensional Inspection. The wire shall be inspected to the extent possible to verify that the requirements of 3.3.2 are met. from a point not less than IO feet from the outside end of the reel, shall be checked dimensionally for conformance to the requirements of be used to determine conduct

41、or and finished wire diameters. Insulation and jacket wall thicknesses shall be determined by use of anmoptical . instrument, such as a toolmakers microscope, of sufficient accuracy to determine thickness withim f .O002 inch. A wire sample obtained from each length of finished wire, and , TABLE I. A

42、 micrometer caliper or an instrument of equal accuracy shall r 5. PACKAGING 5.1 a separate DR-5 reel conforming to MIL-R-3241. Each length of #24 AWG wire shall be wound on a separate RL-159U reel conforming to MIL- R-3241, except for wire length in excess of 35,000 feet which shall be would on a DR

43、-5 reel. Wind and tension shall be uniform to facilitate unreeling. length of at least 36 inches measured from reel center, and sha.11 be protected by insulating tubing if it passes through the metal drum or flange of the reel. The protective tubing shall extend, for at least three inches on either

44、side of each point of contact. Reel Winding. Each length of #I9 AWG wire shall be wound on The inside end (standing end) of the wire shall have a free 5.2 Packaging and Packing, manner as to be acceptable to common carriers and to insure adequate pro- tection during shipment and storage. Wire reels

45、shall be packaged in such a 5.3 conta i ner 6. NOTES 6. I Labeling and Marking. shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129 (see also 3.2.4). Each reel of wire and the shipping Intended Use. The wire is intended for use as a portion of the communication circuit between certain ordnance equipments

46、. 6.2 Ordering Liata. Procurement documents should specify the specific title, number and date of this specif cation, and.exceptions to this specification. Attention of contracting officers is called to the need for specifying acceptable maximum and minimum wire lengths. 6.3 Changes from previous is

47、sue. The margins of this specification are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (additions, modifi- - cations, corrections, deletions) from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these

48、notations. .are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue. - Bidders and contractors Custod an: Navy - OS 6 I, c WERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1877-703.020/15*2 Preparing Activity: Navy - OS Project Number: 6 I45-N274 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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