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本文(NAVY MIL-W-3947 B-1969 WEIGHT AND BALANCE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR GUIDED MISSILES AND SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES《导弹和航天器运载火箭的重量和平衡控制系统》.pdf)为本站会员(orderah291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MIL-W-3947B I4.W 99799Ob 0292LL2 b -/5-d/ s- 35-25 MIL-W-3947B 3 October 1969 SUPERSEDING 15 October 1963 SUPERSEDING MIL-w-3947 1 March 1955 MIL-W-3947A MILITARY SPECIFICATION WEIGHT AND BALANCE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR GUIDED MISSILES AND SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES * This specification is mandatory for use b

2、y all Departments and agencies of the Department of Defense 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification requires the establishment of a weight and balance control system to provide for the management of mass characteristics programs and to facilitate the preparation and submission of data as speci- fied herein.

3、 The term Weight and BalanceIl as used herein is intended to include terms relating to mass and mass properties. 1.2 Classification. The vehicles for which the requirements appIy (but are not limited to) are of the following categories: Guided Missiles. Surface to Air, Air to Surface, Surface to Sur

4、face (Ballistic Type), and Air to Air Guided Missiles and combinations thereof (such as Underwater to Air types). Space Launch Vehicle. Booster Vehicles employed for launching satellite or re-entry payloads. - Other. Configurations not covered in the above categories but for which the system require

5、ments may be adaptable - such as Orbiting Space Vehicles. Under this configuration, provisions may be made for extending the requirements of this specification to space vehicles by developing the capsule (or payload) weight breakdown into a separate form and attaching it as a supplement to MIL-STD-1

6、76 Part I as the payload or carried mass of the Space Launch Vehicle. 2 e APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following specifications and standards of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification: FSC 1410 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

7、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_- MIL-W-3947B SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-M-8555 - Missiles, Guided: Specification for Design and Construction, General MIL-Q-9858 - Quality Control System Requirements STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-176 - Weight and Balance Data Reporting Forms for Guided Missiles

8、 and Space Launch Vehicles 3 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Procedure Certification. During preaward negotiations or immediately following the contract award, representatives of the prime contractor and/or associate contractors shall con,sult with the procuring agency in certifying the procedure for the managemen

9、t of an overall mass characteristics program. At ,this time the requirements stated herein may be modified as agreed by the procuring agency and prime contractor and a determination made as to the specific requirements for the program. the design objectives may be reviewed with respect to personnel

10、assigned, adequacy of measuring devices and facilities, program check points to assess associate and sub-contractor responsibility, techniques to be initiated to offset adverse mais characteristic changes and other aspects of the program as may be appropriate or review by the procuring agency. In ad

11、dition, the contractors plan for meeting 3.2 The prime contractor or system contractor shall be responsible for insuring that all associate and subcontractors provide a high degree of weight and balance control for their respective systems and that there is an appropriate interchange of data to supp

12、ort the integration of sub-units into the complete system. systems (reference datum) of al1 associate contractors to ensure that the balance calculations have been properly integrated for the complete vehicle. He shall also be responsible for correlating the reference 3.3 Personnel and Equipment. Fo

13、r all contracts requiring compliance with MIL-W-3947 the contractor shall establish and maintain a weight and balance control system by: (a) Assigning technically competent personnel who shall have responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of this specification. (b) Providing necessary equipmen

14、t and measuring devices essential to mass property determination. 3,4 Weight and Balance Control Data. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-W-3997B 19 W 777770b 0292334 T 3.4.1 Submission of Data. The submission and tvue of data sha

15、ll be in including feasibility study, proposal, experimental, prototype, production, and operational phases. the procuring agency except Status Reports which are submitted for information. Required data shall be in the hands of the procuring agency on or before the date specified. The schedule or in

16、terval of submission for Actual Weight Reports shall be determined by the procuring agency based on the quantity of vehicles under contract and the rate of delivery. Generally, a report is required every four months on production contracts. distribution shall be as specified by the procuring activit

17、y. are titled as follows: All data shall be submitted for acceptance by The number of copies and Weight Reports (a) Estimated, (b) Calculated, (c) Status, (d) Actual, (Detail and Intermediate). Operational Weight Data are titled (a) Pre-Flight Weight Report, (including Loading Data and Check-Off Lis

18、t), (b) Post-Flight Weight Report, (c) Propellant Loading Weight Report, (d) Field Weight Coordination System and (e) Critical Performance Weight Error Analysis. - furnish a running-derivation of the vehicle weight for each draft of the specification until the weight status of the final draft is rep

19、resented. The running derivation shall be based on the design proposal (on prototype or actual data when available) and shall be furnished on the Status Report Form MIL-STD-176 Part III. A tabulation shall be appended summarizing the weight changes involved. upon which the weights are based shall be

20、 attached. A list of weights of Government Furnished Equipment preparation, model, contract number, report number, contractors name, applicable serial numbers (contractors and government). Summary. Table-Summarize the weight center of gravity, balance calculations, and inertias for weight em

21、pty, gross weight at lift off or launch and other important discrete points of the flight profile. required. (See paragraph 5.1.1 through of MIL-STD-176). required including Appendix I. (See paragraph 5.1.2 through of tare, net weight, arm andmoment for longitudinal, vertical and la

22、teral center of gravity. Provide a list of the items to be added or subtracted I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-3947B 14 9799906

23、0292LLb 3 = Authorized Chses. All Authsr zed changes to weight empty or mission load applicable to a report shall ind cate the weight group to which the weights are allocated. listed, separately. Changes shall be identified by contract change desig- nations and by subject. Change Order (ECO)

24、, numbers, etc., or correspondence references may be used for pending changes. The definition of authorized changes may differ with the procuring agency, however, in general a change to guarantees will not be allowed unless it is over and above the requirements of the contract specification. Incorpo

25、rated pend ng changes shall also be Engineering Change Procedure (ECP), Engineering Government Furnished Equipment. Provide a tabulation of the specified weight of all Government Furnished Equipment for the.Estimated and Calculated Reports. For Actual Weight Reports, tabulate the actual weig

26、hts of this equipment and determine the net under or overweight. Drawings and Views. Provide views in elevation and plan locating and identifying the following (Inboard Profile and General Arrangement Drawings may be used if-the following are included): (i) Principal structural stations of

27、the body, wings and stabilizing surfaces, including location of the sectionalization joints provided for shipping and handling purposes. (2) Sections of the missile as sectionalized for shipping and handling, identified by capital letters and descriptive names. (3) Reference datum for the longitudin

28、al vertical, and lateral moment arms. (4) Locations of jig, leveling, and weighing points, as specified in MIL-M-8555 . (5) Longitudinal, vertical, and lateral scales inLinches from each reference datum. (6) control, including maximum angle of variation in the thrust. Thrust line (or cone) for each

29、propulsion unit and reaction type (7) Major items of equipment, fuels and/or propellants. (8) Significant lengths, heights, widths, and diameters. (9) Major equipment, main engines and supports, control devices, propellant systems, armament and auxiliary power units. (10) Types of construction and m

30、aterial used in each major structural section and tanks. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-appendixes shall reflect all modifications subsequent to the actual weighing and prior to delivery. tabulation of modifications made in the abo

31、ve specified period including their effect on the actual and guaranteed weight and balance and the The data shall include a detailed I contractor responsibility under or overweight. A tabulation by sections of structure and all items of equipment therein including weights, arms and moments (longitud

32、inal, vertical and lateral). tfmiscellaneous“ item to arrive at the total weight and moment of each section as prepared for shipping or handling. Equipment not included in the above shall be listed under a I 34.2.13 Status Reports (MIL-STD-176 Part III) Fill in as required (See paragraph 5.1.3 of MI

33、L-STD-176) I Substantiating Data. These data shall include analytical, statistical and empirical methods as used by the contractor to justify his design and weight derivations. study and proposal phases. For airborne systems, weights shall be given for all elements of the system. (or other

34、launch vehicles) installation, the effect of the weights of the fixed and expendable elements on the normal extreme balance conditions of the vehicle shall be derived. It is to be furnished primarily for Then proposed for specific aircraft Tolerance and Dispersion Data. When required by the

35、 procuring agency: (a) Submit - System tolerance requirements based on an assessment of the requirements of each sub-system (weight cog., M.I., P.I., Principal Axis Angles, Perpendicularity, dynamic consideration, etcb). (b) Submit a summarized statistical analysis showing the degree of accuracy of

36、the weight, cegb location,mass moment and products of inertia and the computation method employed. (6) A statistical error analysis of the physical measuring methods or procedure employed in ascertaining the actual mass characteristics shall be prepared (and referenced in the Actual Weight Reports)

37、prior to implementation with substantiation as to cost, method of calibration, etc. (d) Submit - statistical compilation of actual measured values for R REVIEW ACTIVITY PREPARING ACTIVITY Air Force - 11, 70 Amy - MI (Project 1410-0042) 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe

38、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-3947B 8 U H a al LI *rl 1 w al ffi v) al Y m o *FI e c H x o CJ D 2 u) (ou h . x xx nn ma UV . NJNNNNWNN“ hlw . e e 4 4 4- 4- .+ 4- .+ .+ .+ .+ a. . eno*ct; u. u) m *rL rt u) . .Oe u.g o: . - 88 . h. $ 2, LI u al e o . . 0 O O A u 6 o, m 11 Provided by IHSN

39、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-3947B I Q 3 2 H .rl m U o .d a fi H x a, u 2, 8 U H -= m hd xxx x x x xx xx x x xxxxx x x xx xx x x x x xx x xx xx xxxx x xx xx x 4 CI v P 04 rlwm?tn 2 r. com rlrl 2 22 2 ?Y? ? ? ? ? ?Y Y . . . . . . . . . . . ?

40、? + ? ? ? ? : MMMMM m m mm mm m mm m i h Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-3947B I, x xo V x x xx m x x xx 8 E art U a xx xx fi 1-I v1 a .rl M v1 U 4 m .rl u m V o 8 r“r U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 196p393.0&/21i4 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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