1、JINCH-POUND1MIL-W-5088L10 May 1991SUPERSEDINGMIL-1+-5088K24 December 1984This specificationMILITARY SPECIFICATIONWRING, AEROSPACE VEHICLEis amroved for use by all Departmentsand Agencies of the Dep distribution is unlimited.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou
2、t license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-5088LSPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-I-631MIL-I-3190MIL-C-3607a71 MIL-C-3643MIL-C-3650MIL-C-3655MIL-B-5087MIL-E-6051MIL-C-6136MIL-E-7080MIL-T-7099MIL-F-7179MIL-I-7444MIL-C-7762MIL-B-7883MIL-T-7928MIL-S-8516Insulation, Electrical, Synthetic-Resin Composi-tion, NonrfgldInsulatio
3、n Sleeving, Electrical, Flexible,Coated, General Specification forConnector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, SeriesPulse, General Specification forConnectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series HNAssociated Flttlngs, General Speclflcaton forConnectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series LCConnector, Plug and
4、Receptacle, Electrical(Coaxial, Series Twin), and Associated Fittings,General Speclflcation forBonding, Electrical, and Llghtlng Protection,for Aerospace SystemsElectromagnetic Compatibility Requirements,SystemsConduit, Electrical, Flexible, Shielded,Aluminum Alloy for Aircraft InstallationsElectric
5、 Equipment, AircraftInstallation ofTerminal, Lug and Splice, Crfor Alumlnum Aircraft NreSelection andmp Style Aluminum,Finishes, Coatings, and Sealants for theProtectIon of Aerospace ldeaponsSystems, GeneralSpeclflcatlon forInsulation Sleeving, Electrical, FlexibleCompass, Installation ofBrazing of
6、Steels, Copper, Copper Alloys, NickelAlloys, Aluminum and Aluminum AlloysTerminals, Lug and Splice, Crimp Style, CopperSealing Compound, Polysulflde Rubber, ElectrlcConnectors and Electric Systems, Chemically Cured2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
7、from IHS-,-,-MIL-I+5088LSPECIFICATIONS (continued)MILITARY (continued)MIL-I-8700MIL-C-22520MIL-H-22759MIL-I-23053MIL-S-23190MIL-S-23586MIL-I-23594MIL-M-24041MIL-C-25516MIL-C-26637MIL-C-39012MIL-C-39029MIL-T-43435a71 MIL-C-49142a71 MIL-A-5533!IInstallation and Test of Electronic Equipment inAircraft,
8、 General Specification forCrimping Tools, Terminal, Hand or PowerActuated, Wire Termination and Tool Kits,General Specification forWire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-i nsulated, Copperor Copper A11oYInsulation Sleeving, Electrical, Heat Shrink-able, General Speclflcatlon forStraps, Clamps and Mounting Ha
9、rdware, Plasticand Metal for Cable Harness Tying and SupportSealing Compound, Electrical, Sillcone Rubber,Accelerator RequiredInsulation Tape, Electrical, High Temperature,Polytetrafluoroethylene, Pressure-sensitiveMolding and Potting Compound, Chemically CuredPolyurethaneConnectors, Electrical, Min
10、iature, Coaxial,Environment-resistant Type, General Specifica-tion forConnector, Coaxial, Radto Frequency, Series LT,General Specification forConnectors, Coaxial,Specification forContacts, ElectricalIffcatlon forRadio Frequency, GeneralConnector, General Spec-Tape, Lacing and TyingConnector, Plug an
11、d Receptacle, Electrical,Trlaxial, Radio Frequency, General SpecificationforAdapter, Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency,(Between Series and Within Series), GeneralSpecification for3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-i a MIL-S-23190
12、(MS3368Identification strap, see or a MIL-I-3190 glass braid. The markershall not be used as an electrical insulating device. The markers shall beused as follows:(NOTE: tIiIL-S-23190(MS3368) identification strap shall notbe used within cables, groups, harnesses or bundles, )a. Cables upon
13、which identification cannot be printed shall beidentified by printing the identification code (and individualwire color, where applicable) on a markqr placed external tothe outer covering at the termnatlng end or a common jacketshall be identified with printed markers at each end and atintervals not
14、 greater than 3 feet. Individual wires within acable shall be identified wlthln 3 inches from theirtermination.14Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-14-5088Lb. Wires on which identification cannot be marked shall beidentified by print
15、ed markers at each end and at Intervals notgreater than 3 feet.c. Wires for which the Identifications are reassigned afterinstallation In the aircraft may be reidentlfied by markers atthe termination of each wire segment. It is not necessary toreidentify such wires throughout their lengths.
16、 Short wires and cables less than 6 Inches In length need notbe identified In the aircraft, but shall be completely Identified on thedrawing. For developmental mdel aircraft, wiring identlfcaton may beprovided at junction and termination points only.a71 For protected harnesses and
17、 shielded, jacketed multi-conductorcables and when using nonsignificant wire identiflcatlon, color coding or itsalphanumeric equivalent may be interchanged within the same harness. Thealphanumeric equivalent of the color code shall be in accordance withMIL-STD-681. See paragraph in Appendix
18、 C for an example of apha-numerlc equivalent of color coding.3.9.4 Connector Identlficatlon. Connectors shall be identified tofacilitate mating. All plugs shall have a nonmetallic band affixed to thewire group, cable or harness. This band shall bear the P and J numberidentification of both the plug
19、and the mating receptacle and the equpmentnomenclature. The band shall be wthln 6 inches of the plug. All receptaclesshall be Ident!fled with a “J” number on both sides of the structure, adjacentto the receptacle. Receptacles, such as test and power, to which a matfngplug Is not attached, shall have
20、, fn addition, the function of the receptacleidentified on the plug staleof the structure.a71 3.9.5 Hire sze color code system. kihenapproved by the procuringactivity, a wire size color code system as specified be?ow may be used tofacilitate control of the wire size. Hhen a wire size color code Is u
21、sed, thewire Insulation shall be Identified with the appropriate color by one of thefollovdng methods. Only one method may be used for each vehicle.a. Solid colored.b. Dlstlnctlvely color banded.c. Dlstlnctlvely striped.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic
22、ense from IHS-,-,-MIL-ki-5088LThe wire sze color code is as follows:a71 Size Color Size26 Black (see 3.8.8) 10Blue (see 3.8.8) 8:; Green 620 Red 418 White 216 Blue 114 Green o12 Yellow3.10 Wlrlng installation. Design of the wiring Installatconform to the following precedence:1st - Safety in fllght.C
23、o1orBrownRedBlueYellowRedWhiteBlueon shall2nd - The ease of maintenance, removal and replacement of thew!rlng.3rd - Cost effective aircraft production.Wlrlng shall be fabricated and installed so as to achieve the follow!ng:a. Maximum rellabllfty.b. Minimum Interference and coupling between systems.c
24、. Acsesslbillty for inspection and maintenance.d. PreventIon of damage.The ease of maintenance, removal and complete replacement of wire harnessesshall be given consideration In the wiring design.3.10.1 Arranqementof wirlrq. Mrlng shall be arranged in groups andbundles to facilitate installation and
25、 maintenance. Indlvldual groups shallbe spot tied, and when these groups are bundled the spot ties shall not beremoved.a71 3.10.2 Bundle and group size. As a design objective, bundles and groupswithin clamps shall be no more than 2 inches in diameter. 141rlngto highdensity connectors may be run as a
26、 single group, provided all of the utrlng inthe group is pertinent to a single item, equipment or system. Hlqh density harness size. The number of wires In high densityharnesses shall be llmlted only by efficient and good design. The use of wiresizes larger than 16 is discouraged unless ther
27、e are also smaller wires in thesame harness.16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-5088L3.10.3 Inspection and maintenance. In open wiring, groups shall beinstalled to permit replacement of the group without removal of the bundle.High
28、 density harnesses-shall be designed so that they are readily replaceablein sectons.3.10.4 Facility for changes. Hhere required by the procuring activity,the wiring for specified systems shall be installed so as to be readilyremoved and wiring for new systems readily installed, when system changes a
29、reundertaken. The Installation of the wlrlng shall be such that only the equip-ment and wiring related to the change have to be disturbed.* 3.10.5 Dead ending. Each undesignated wire end shall be dead ended withMS25274 caps or with Insulation in a manner acceptable to the procuringactivity. Dead end
30、ing shall take place within four to SIX inches ofconnectors o feedthrough bushings.3.10.6 Routlnq. Nlrlng shall be routed to ensure reliability and tooffer protection from the following hazards:a.b.c.d.e.f.9.h.t.Chafing.Use as handholds or as support for personal equipment.Damage by personnel moving
31、 within the vehicle.Damage by stowage or shifting of cargo.Damage by battery or acid fumes and fluids.Abrasion In wheel wells where exposed to rocks, ice, mud, etc.Combat damage (to the maximum extent practicable).Damage by moving parts.Harsh environments such as SWAMP areas, high temperatures, orar
32、eas susceptible to slgnlflcant fluid or fume concentration.3.10.7 Slack in wlrinq. In addltlon to slack provided for drip loops(3.11.8), slack shall also be provided to meet the requirements of Slack requirements shall be met on every production vehicleas well as experiment
33、al models. In production wire harness fabricaton,provisions shall be incorporated into the harness design and fabricationprocess to ensure that the Installed harness meets these requirements withoutthe need for straining, forcing or modifying the harness. Connector termination. When wtring i
34、s terminated In aconnector or terminal junction (excludlng RF connectors), a minmum of 1 inchof slack for complete connector replacement shall be provided. This slackshall be between the connector and the second wjrng support clamp. TheI-Inch slack requirement shall be Interpreted to mean that with
35、the connectorunmated and the first wiring support clamp loosened, the wiring will permit17Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-5088Lthe front end of the connector shell to extend 1 Inch beyond the pointnormally required to properly m
36、ate the connector. Slack for replacement ofpotted connectors shall be, as a minimum, the length of the potting plus one -inch. Lug termination. At each end of a wire terminated by a lug, aminimum length of slack equal to twice the barrel length of the lug shall beprov!ded. For copper wire, s
37、ize 2 and larger, and alumnum wire, size 4 andlarger, the mlnlmum length of slack shall be equal to one barrel length of thelug. The slack shall be In the vicinity of the lugment of the lug by maintenance personnel. Strain prevention. The wlrlng instato prevent strain on wires, junctions and
38、 supports. Free movement. The wiring installatment of shock and v!bration mounted equipment.and available fo replace-latlon shall be designedon shall permit free move- Wire shiftlnq. The wlrlng installation shall permit shiftingof wiring and equipment necessary to perform maintenance
39、 within the vehicle.3.10.8 Electromagnetic compatibility. Hiring, including RF and antennacables, shall be routed so as to minimize electromagnetic Interference Inaccordance with MIL-E-6051.3.10.9 Ignition. Flexlble metallic conduit of a type specificallyapproved by the procuring activity shall be u
40、sed for magneto cable clrcults.Magneto ground cables (except the induction vibrator output cable) shall not _run through conduit or junction boxes containing other cables.3.10.10 Compass deviation. Hiring and ground return paths shall beinstalled so as not to cause a compass devlatton exceeding that
41、 allowed byMIL-C-7762. Each wire carrying direct current in the area of compasses or thesenstive pickup elements of compasses shall have a corresponding groundreturn wire twisted with it to neutralize the magnetic field.3.10.11 Assembly. Lug terminated wire shall be Installed so as toreduce human er
42、ror In assembly to adjacent terminals, Control of wire lengthfran tfe-down points, fanning strips, or different size stud holes arepreferred to dependence on code Identification.3.10.12 Sensitive circuits. Sensitive circuits such as low-power levelsignal circuits shall be kept separate from other cl
43、rcults at junctions. Thisshall be accomplished by usttgseparate connectors for the sensitive circuitsand by having at least one grounded terminal stud between sens!tive circuitsand other circuits on a cmn terminal board. Electroexploslve subsystem wlrlnq. All circuits associatedwith electro
44、exDlosive subsystems shall be routed in twisted shielded pairs.All crcults and junctions-shall be shielded without discontinuities or gapsIn the shleldlng. Wire shields shall be bonded around the circumference ofconnectors. All firing and control circuits associated with ordnance andexplosive subsys
45、tems shall be kept separate from other clrcults at junctions.18Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-14-5088L3.10.12.2 Electroexploslve subsystem wiring (for Air Force use). Allfiring and control circuits associated with ordnance and ex
46、plosive subsystemscontained within junction boxes shall be coded with a red stripe in accordancewith FED-STD-595, color 11105.3.10.13 Power systems. Electrically unprotected wiring of the primaryelectrical power system shall not be bundled or grouped with distributioncircuit wiring. Wiring from two
47、or more sources shall not be in the samebundle or group to prevent a single damage from affecting more than one powersource.3.10.14 Essential equipment. Hiring to each system which must operateto maintain fllght control of the vehicle under normal or emergency condttonsshall be separately routed fro
48、m other wiring. Essential engine circuits shallhave their wiring so routed as to prevent damage to any circuit for one enginefrom affecting circuits of any other engine. Propeller circuits shall berouted separately from all other circuits.3.10.15 Parallel circuits. The procuring activity may specify
49、 parallelcircuits for specific eauipment circuits and feeders to load centers. Wiringto equipment performing ”duplicate functions shall be run in separate bundlesto prevent damage to one system affecting the other. On airborne vehiclesthat employ dual or multiple redundant MIL-STD-1553 multiplex data bussystems, the redundant data bus cables shall be run in separate bundles androuted to prevent damage to on
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