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NAVY MIL-Z-85500-1981 ZIRCONIUM CARBIDE《碳化锆》.pdf

1、P Gi - 53 -30 MIL-Z-5500 b W 777990b 0123b3 5 W MIL-Z-85500(AS) 6 October 1981 MILITARY SPECIFICATION .- ZIRCONIUM CARBIDE .This specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of D

2、efense. 1. SCOPE. 1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the requirements for zirco- nium carbide. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2.1 Issues of documents. The following document of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, forms a part of this specification to the exte

3、nt specified herein. STANDARDS MIL I TARY MIL-STD- 129 Marking for Shipment and Storage. MIL-STD-1218 ACS Chemicals. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications required by contractors in connection with specified procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activi

4、ty or as directed by the contract- ing officer . ) Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Engineering Specifications and Standards Depa

5、rtment (ESSD) Code 93, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Docu- ment Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. IFSC 6810 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2.2

6、 Non-Government documents. The following document forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated-the issue in effect on date-of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. STANDARDS American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM-E-1

7、46 Standard Method for Chemical Analysis of Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys. (Applications for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadephia, Pennsylvania 19103.) 3. REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 Chemical and physical properties. Properties of th

8、e zirconium carbide shall conform to Table I. TABLE I. Chemical and physical properties. a Property Weight median diameter, micrometers- Fisher average particle diameter, micrometers Zirconium plus hafnium, percent Hafnium, percent Total carbon, percent Free carbon, percent Iron, percent Oxygen Ni t

9、rogen i/ Min 6.0 2.0 87.9 11.3 . . , . . Max 10.0 5.0 2.0 0.5 0.05 0.6 0.8 . . IMSA analysis (Mine Safety Appliance Company, Pittsburg, PA). 3.2 Stability. The zirconium carbide (when protected from contami- nation) shall have a storage life of 18 months from date of delivery to the procuring activi

10、ty. .- 3.2.1 Storage life extension. The storage life of an individual lot (see 6.3.1) may be extended for an additional 18 months provided the zirconium carbide, upon retest, sucessfully meets the requirement for weight mean dameter. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

11、itted without license from IHS-,-,-. . MIL-Z-85500 68 m 7797906 0123685 9 m Number of containers in lot 100 or more 51-99 11-50 1-10 3.3 Toxic products and safety. Safety regulations and guidelines , aDDicable to the use of zirconium carbide should be complied with to Number of composite samples Num

12、ber of containers s amp 1 e d (primary sample) 10% (nearest whole 5 10 4 10 3 all 2 number) * preclude personal injury and damage to equipment and facilities. 3.4 WorkmanshiE. Workmanship shall be such that the zirconium car- bide is uniform in appearance, of consistent high quality and free from vi

13、sible contamination. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS. 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1), the contractor shall be responsi- ble for the performance of all inspection requirements as Specified here- in. Except as otherwise speci

14、fied, the contractor may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to pre

15、scribed requirements. 4.2 Sampling. The lot shall be sampled in accordance with Table II. TABLE II. Sampling plan. 4.2.1 Primary samples. Physical property tests shall be run on each primary sample (see Table 11). From each container to be sampled, take a sample of approximately one pint by repeated

16、 fillings of an aluminum tube approximately 3/4-inch in diameter and long enough to reach the bottom of the container. Fill and seal a one pint glass jar with sample. Label each jar with the date, lot number, and container number. of any primary sample to pass all of the physical-properties tests he

17、rein shall result in rejection of the lot represented. Failure 4.2.2 Composite samples. Chemical property tests shall be run on Blend each composite thoroughly each composite sample. ber of composites shown in Table II. by manipulation of the container. Label each composite with Roman Divide the pri

18、mary samples equally into the num- 3 F Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-Z-5500 h W 777770b OL236b O W MIL-Z-85500(AS) I Y numerals, also include date, lot numbers, and manufacturers container identification numbers. The remainder

19、of the primary samples shall be retained pending acceptance or rejection of the lot. Failure of any composite sample to pass all of the chemical-properties tests herein shall result in rejection of the lot represented. 4.3 Quality conformance inspections and tests. Quality conformance inspections an

20、d tests shall consist of the following: a. Tests of Table I properties (see 4.4). b. Inspection of filled containers (see 4.5.1). c. Visual inspection (see 4.5.2). 4.4 Test methods. Tests shall be performed using apparatus, reagents, and procedures specified herein. The use of alternate apparatus, r

21、ea- gents, or procedures shall require prior written approval of the procur- ing activity. All American Chemical Society (ACS) reagents shall con- form to MIL-STD-1218. 4.4.1 Weight mean diameter. Apparatus. a. MSA particle size analysis equipment, or equal. b. Codex Number 3128 logarithmic

22、probability graph paper, or equal. Reagents. a. Chlorobenzene, American Chemical Society (ACS) reagent. b. Surfactant - Twitchell Base 8240 (Emery Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio), or equal. c. Benzene, ACS reagent. Determination of weight median diameter. Weigh a 0.008 gram (gm)

23、sample onto a tared flat glass plate. Add one drop of Twitchell Base 8240 surfactant. Disperse the sample for 1 minute with the blade of a steel spatula. Using the sharpened edge of the spatula, place the sample in a MSA transfer chamber. Add approximately 1 milliliter (mi) of MSA feed liquid (prepa

24、red by mixing chlorobenzene and benzene in a 60:40 volumetric ratio). Holding the chamber firmly between the thumb and index finger, shake briskly for 30 seconds to bring the sample into 4 r f Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-Z-855

25、00 b m 7777706 0323687 2 m suspension. sis tube and test in accordance with the following schedule at 25 degrees Celsius (OC). Introduce the sample into a 0.75-millimeter (mm) MSA analy- MSA Centrifuge. revolutions Der minute Diameter, 300 600 1200 1800 Micrometers Min:Sec Min:Sec Min:Sec Min:Sec 15

26、 9 5 3 2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 O: 15 0:28 1:34 1: 10 2:08 2:50 2: 11 2:24 5:58 End Point 15 : O0 The sample height (h) in the capillary of the analysis tube shall be read at each size interval and at the end point (hmax). The cumulative weight percent greater than the stated diameter (percent d) is determin

27、ed as follows : percent d = - x 100 max h Average the percent d values of duplicate runs and plot on Codex logarith- metic probability graph paper. the percent values. be that size in micrometers at the 50 percent point on the distribution curve. Plot the stated sizes in micrometers versus The weigh

28、t median diameter of the distribution will 4.4.2 Fisher average particle diameter. Apparatus. Fisher subseive sizer and associated equipment, or equal. Determination of Fisher average particle diameter. Weigh exactly 6.73 gm into the Fisher sample tube containing a porous plug covere

29、d with a Fisher filter paper disc. Mount the tube on the instru- ment rack and pinion attachment. Compress the sample to a porosity of 0.45 to 0.47 using a torque wrench. til the tip of the rack pointer coincides with the sample height curve Move the Fisher chart laterally un- 5 - Provided by IHSNot

30、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-Z-85500 68 777770b 0323688 LI MIL-Z-85500 (AS) . on the chart. Move the sample tube to the analysis position and clamp in place. Turn on the instrument, previousiy calibrated with the Fisher Ruby Calibrator. After th

31、e water in the manometer has reached its maxi- mum height, raise the pointer to just cover the water level. Read the size in micrometers at the tip of the pointer directly from the chart. Report the average of two analyses as the Fisher average particle diameter. 4.4.3 Zirconium. The zirconium conte

32、nt shall be determined by dif- ference (i.e., sum of the measured elements except hafnium subtracted from the total). 4.4.4 Hafnium. The hafnium content shall be determined by X-ray fluorescence, or equal. a. Conditions Analytical line Hf 1 L1 Background 41.00 C rys ta 1 LiF 200 Medium Va cum Count

33、time 40 sec Anode material Cr Kv 50 Ma 30 Detector Scintillation Collimator Fine . Vessel Steel plus carbon disk b. Sample preparation Borax - beads 1. containing 5 g LiB407+ 0.2 g sample 2. containing 5 g Li2B407 + 0.2 g sample plus known amounts of pure HfO2 (1 percent, 2 percent, 5 percent) 6 - .

34、i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-If MIL-Z-85500 68 W 7777906 0123689 b W 4.4.5 Total carbon. micro-Pregl combustion The total carbon shall be determined by the technique, or equal. 4.4.6 Free carbon. a. Approximately The free carbon

35、shall be determined as follows: 1 to 2 gm of sample are weighed into a platinum crucible. then heat on a sand bath. Nitric acid is added dropwise until sample is dissolved. Distilled water is added and the contents of the crucible are quantitatively rinsed into a porcelain fil- ter crucible. Filter

36、crucible and contents are then dried in an oven at 105OC. dd 25 cm3 of concentrated hydrofluoric acid and b. The filtration residue is carefully scraped off with a sharp spatula (the bottom of the crucible has to be completely white if this is properly performed), onto a porcelain com- bustion boat

37、and the carbon content determined by the micro- Pregl combustion technique, or equal. - Iron The iron content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 146 using a 1.000 gm sample that is first calcined in air. Dis- solve the oxide in about 20 cm3 of hydrofluoric acid by gently heating. After co

38、mplete dissolving, cautiously add 10 cm3 of sulfuric acid and boil the solution to dense white fumes. Continue as described in the ASTM method. 4.4.7 4.4.8 Oxygen. The oxygen content shall be determined by the micro Unterzaucher combustion technique, or equal. 4.4.9 Nitrogen. The nitrogen content sh

39、all be determined by the Dumas method, or equal. 4.5 Examinations. 4.5.1 Inspection of filled containers, All filled containers shall be inspected prior to shipment or use for accuracy of markings and for defects in containers and closures. All defective containers and clo- sures shall be repaired o

40、r replaced, and contents therein shall be re- inspected prior to shipment or use. 4.5.2 Visual inspection. All samples shall be visually inspected to determine conformance to the requirements of 3.4. 4.6 Records. Certification and test data shall be prepared as re- quired by the procuring activity (

41、see 0.2.2). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-Z-5500 68 W 7777906 OL23b70 2 W 5. PACKAGING. 5.1 Packaging and packing. Unless otherwise specified in the pur- chase order(see 6.2.1), packaging and packing of the zirconium carbide sha

42、ll be in accordance with commercial practice to ensure carrier accept- ance and shall be of suchconstruction and materials that the contents will be adequately protected against loss or contamination. 5.2 Marking for shipment. Unless otherwise specified in the pur- chase order (see 6.2.1), each ship

43、ping container shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-129. Container marking shall include the following: a. b. C. d. e. f. g. The suppliers lot number. Procuring activity purchase order number. Container identification (applied in numerical sequence as the containers are fil

44、led). Date of manufacture. Manufacturers Code Ident. Net and tare weight of the container. Material identification. 6. NOTES AND CONCLUDING MATERIAL. 6.1 Intended use. The intended use of the material described herein is as an ingredient in solid propellant formulations for rocket motors. 6.2 Orderi

45、ng data. 6.2.1 Procurement requirements. Procurement documents should specify the following: a. Title, number and date of this specification. b. Responsibility for inspection and inspection facilities if dif- ferent than 4-1. c. Special packaging, packing, or shipping requirements, if appli- cable (

46、see Section 5). 8 -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-Z-B5500 68 W 9999906 OL2369L LI I 6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in a procure- ment which incorporates a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423)

47、 and invokes the provisions of 7-104.9(n) of the Defense Acquisition Reg- ulations (DAR), the data requirements identified below will be developed as specified by an approved Data Item Description (DID) (DD Form 1664) and delivered in accordance with the approved DD Form 1423 incorporated into the c

48、ontract. When the provicions of DAR-7-104.9(n) are not invoked, the data specified below will be delivered by the contractor in accordance with the contract requirements. fication is cited in the following paragraphs: Deliverable data required by this speci- Paragraph Data Requirement Applicable DID

49、 4.6 Certification UD1 -A- 23264B Test data DI-T-4024 (Copies of DIDs required by the contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 6.3 Definitions. 6.3.1 - Lot. At place of manufacture, a lot consists of one batch (6.3.2) or a uniform blend of two or more batches. At place of delivery, a lot consist

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