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本文(NAVY O-F-499 D-1985 FLUX BRAZING (SILVER BRAZING FILLER METAL LOW MELTING POINT)《助熔剂铜焊(低熔点银铜焊填充金属)》.pdf)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、O-F-499DFebruary 6, 1985SUPERSEDING-.FLUX,O-F-499CJanuary 17, 1963(See 6.4)FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONBRAZING,(SILVERBRAZINGFILLERNETAL,LOWMELTING POINT)This specificationwas approvedby the Assistant Administrator,Officeof Federal Supply and Services,General Services Administration,for theuse of all Feder

2、al agencies.1. SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION1.1 Scope. This specificationcovers low-melting-pointfluxes for use withsilver brazing fillermetal in brazing ferrous and nonferrous metals, excludinglightmetals and their alloys.1.2 Classification.1.2.1 Types. The brazing fluxes covered by this specificationsh

3、all beof the following types as specified (see 6.2):Type A flux - Fluxing agent for aluminum bronze.Type B flux - Fluxing agent for general usage exceptfor aluminumbronze.-2. APPLICABLEDOCUMENTS2.1 The followingdocuments,of the issue in effect on date of invitationfor bids or request for proposal, f

4、orm a part of this specificationto theextent specifiedherein:Federal SpecificationsQQ-B-654 - Brazing Alloys, Silver.PPP-B-576 - Boxes, Wood, Cleated, Veneer, Paper Overlaid.PPP-B-585 - Boxes, Wood, Wirebound.PPP-B-591 - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard,Wood-Cleated.PPP-B-601 - Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywo

5、od.PPP-B-621 - Boxes,Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner.PPP-B-636 - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard.PPP-B-640 - Boxes, Fiberboard, Corrugated,Triple Wall.PPP-C-186 - Containers, Packaging and Packing for Drugs,Chemicals, and Pharmaceuticals.PPP-T-76 - Tape, Packaging, Paper (For Carton Sealing).FSC 3439Provid

6、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499DFederal StandardsFED-STD-123 - Narking for ShipmentFED-STD-313 - Material Safety Dataand Submissionof.(CivilAgencies).Sheets; Preparation(Activitiesoutside the Federal Governmentmay obtain copies of F

7、ederalspecifications,sLandards, and commercialitem descriptionsas outlinedunderGeneral Informationin the Index of Federal Specifications,StandardsandCommercial Item Descriptions. The Index,which includescumulativebimonthlysupplements as issued, is for sale on a subscriptionbasis by the Superintenden

8、tof Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402.)(Singlecopiesof this specification,and other Federal specificationsandcommercial item descriptionsrequiredby activitiesoutside the Federal Governmentfor bidding purposes are availablewithout charge from General ServicesAdmin-istrat

9、ion BusinessService Centers in Boston, MA; New York, NY; Philadelphia,PA;Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Fort Worth, TX;Houston, TX; Denver, CO; San Francisco,CA; Los Angeles, CA; and Seattle,WA.)(FederalGovernmentactivitiesmay obtain copies of Federal standardi-zation doc

10、uments and the Index of Federal Specifications,StandardsandCommercial Item Descriptionsagencies.)?liliraryStandardsMIL-STD-105 -NIL-STD-129 -from establisheddistributionpoints in theirSampling Proceduresand Tables for InspectionbyAttributes.Marking for Shipment and Storage.(Copiesof military specifi

11、cationsand standards requiredby contractorsin connectionwith specific procurementfunctionsshould be obtained from theprocuring activityor as directed by the contractingofficer.)Federal RegulationsCode of Federal Regulations (CFR)CFR Title 29 - OSH.A,U.S. Departmentof Labor, General Industry.CFR Titl

12、e 49 - Departmentof Transportation (DoT)Rules andRegulations for the TransportationofExplosives and Other Dangerous Articles.(The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Federal Register (FR) arefor sale on e subscriptionbasis by the Superintendentof Documents,U.S.Government PrintingOffice, Washin

13、gton,DC 20402. Reprints of certain regula-tions and applicationforms for registrationof ecologicpoisons may be obtainedfrom the PesticidesRegulationDivision,EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,Washington, DC 20460.)2.2 Other publications. The followingdocument forms a part of thisspecificationto the exten

14、t specifiedherein, The issues of the documents,hichare indicatedas DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the currentDoDISS and the supplementthereto, if applicable.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499r)ASTMD 3951 - Commercial P

15、ackaging,Pracr.iceFor. (DoD adopted)L (Applicationfor copies should be addressed to ASTM, 1916 Race Street,Philadelphia, PA 19103.)(Industryassociation specificationsand standards are generally availablefor reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groupsand using Federal a

16、gencies.)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text ofthis specificationand the referencescited herein, the text of this specifi-cation shall take precedence,3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Materials and composition,3.1.1 Brazing fluxes shall be compounded from chemicals of technicalgra

17、de or better, and shall be free of all foreign substances in excess of theimpuritiesnormally contained in the materials. Type A flux shall be composed of technical-gradesalts (chlorides,fluorides, and berates) having the followingelements and ratios:Elements atios:/Lithium -.-.- 1.0Potassium

18、-.-.- 23.3Zinc -3.6Boron -”- 9.4Fluorine -24.4Chlorine -.-.- 13.7Aluminum -.-.-.-.- 0.8II Allowable variationspermitted for each element,plus or minus 10percent.3.1.2 Water content shall not exceed 35 percent by weight.3.1.3 Sodium shall not be present in sufficient amount to cause glarewhen used.3.

19、1.4 The compositionsof fluxes shall be so adjusted that the hydrogen-ionconcentration (pH) (in the as received concentration)shall be as follows:Type A - 3.0 to 7.5,Type B - 7.0 to 10,0,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499D3.2 Cons

20、istency. Fluxes shall be in the form of a thick creamypaste ofuniform consistencyand shall not contain lumps or crystals largerthan willpass through a U.S. sieve 40-mesh screen. Fluxes shall have a brushableconsis-tency after they have been stirred. Supernatant liquid, if any, shallbe mixed inwith t

21、he bulk of the flux.3.3 Stabilitv. Stability shall be such that the flux will conformtothis speci-after storage in the original unopened containersfor a 12month period (see 6.3).3.4 Performance.3.4.1 Nettability. Fluxes shall be capable of completelywetting aclean, dry metallic surface (see

22、.3.4.2 Fluxingabilitv. Fluxes shall be capable of protectinga clean,ry metallic surfacefrom oxidation during heating. Fluxes shall be sufficientlyactive at a low enoughtemperature that the flow of silver brazing fiIIermetalshall be unimpededby any residual metallic oxides when using the following:(a

23、) Type A flux and silver brazing filler metal QQ-B-654 flowingandactive from 1100 to 1600 degrees Fahrenheit (F).(b) Type B flux and silver brazing filler metal QQ-B-654 flowing andactive from 1050 to 1600F.These functions shallpersist throughoutthe temperature range of brazingoperations (see 4.4.4.

24、2.1)and shall not be attended by undue bubblingorgassing. Flux residueshall be easily removablewith warm water and a lightbrushing action or by immersion ha suitable chemicalsDlution (see4.,2). Temperature indications. In the course of applyingheat toflux-coatedsurfaces,incr

25、ease in temperatureof joint a75embers will causephysical changes in the appearance of the flux. The following is presentedfor information:Temperature (“F) Indications200 - 250 Water boils off550 - 650 Becomes white or750 - 850 Starts to boilpuffy1000 - 1100 Becomes transparent3.4.3 Adherence. Flux s

26、hall not shrink and ball up or crack upon beingheated. When molten, it shall maintain sufficient affinity for a cleanmetallicsurface to insure adherencethereto during heating through a temperatureof notless than 1300F(see4. and . The flux shall maintain its activity and conti

27、nueto exhibitfluxing and adherenceability after 10 minutes at brazing temperatureto theextent necessary to conduct the tests as specified in,1 or by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499D3.4.5 Quality of joints. Lap

28、 joints shall be producible,with the lowmelting filler metals as specified in QQ-B-654 and flux conformingto this spec-ification, in which the aggregate area of defects (voidsplus inclusions)shallnot exceed 15 percent of the area of the faying surface and the maximum lengthof a defect shall not exce

29、ed 15 percent of the overlap distance (see4. Material safety data sheet. The contractingactivity shall be provideda material safety data sheet (MSDS) at the time of contract award. The MSDS isform OSHA-20 and found as part of FED-STD-313. The !ISDSshall be includedwitheach s

30、hipm-nt of the material covered by this specification.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in thecontract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspectionrequirements as specified herein, Except as otherwise specified in the

31、contract, the contractormay use his own or any other facilitiessuitable forthe performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unlessdisapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to performany of the inspectionsset forth in the specificationwhere such inspectionsare d

32、eemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribedrequirements.4.2 Sampling for quality conformance inspection.4.2.1 Inspection lot. For purposes of sampling,a lot shall consist ofL all flux of the same type manufactured as one batch and offered for deliveryat the same time. Each

33、batch shall be given a unique code number or designation.4.2.2 Sampling for examinationof filled outer shipping containers. Arandom sample of shipping containers filled with unit packages shall be selectedin accordancewith MIL-STD-105 at inspection level I and acceptablequalitylevel = 2.5 percent de

34、fective to verify compliancewith Sampling for examination of filled unit packages. Prior to packingor upon satisfactorycompletionof examinationof filled shipping containers,arepresentativesample of filled unit packages shall be selected in accordancewithMIL-STD-105 at inspection level I

35、and acceptable quality level = 2.5 percentdefective to verify compliancewith Sampling for tests. One jar of flux shall be selected at randomand used in the quality conformancetests as specified in Quality conformance inspection.4.3.1 Examination of filled outer shipping contain

36、ers. Each of the filledshipping containersselected in accordancewith 4.2.2 shall be examined fordefects of construction,unsatisfactorymarkings and proper closure. Any filledshipping containerwith one or more defects shall be counted a defective unit.If the number of the defective filled shipping con

37、tainers exceeds the acceptancenumberfoz therepresentedbyappropriatesampling plan and the results evalu-ated as specified in,5 Certificateof test. A certificateof quality conformanceinspectionshall be furnishedfor each lot. The certificateshall be signedby a respon-sible company employee

38、verifyingthat the quality conformanceexaminationsandtests were conductedand that all requirementsof this specificationhave beenmet.4.6 Inspectionof packaging. Sample packages and packs, and the inspection of the preservation-packaging,packing and marking for shipment and storageshall be in accordanc

39、ewith the requirementsof section 5 and the documentsspecified therein.5. PREPARATIONFOR DELIVERY(The preparation for delivery requirementsspecifiedherein apply onlyfor direct Government acquisition.)-5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be level A, C or cormnercial,as specified -(see 6.2).8Provided by IHS

40、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499D5.1.1 Level A packaging5.1.1.1 Unit packaging, Brazing flux shall be furnishedin 8 ounce or 1-pound capacity as specified (see 6.2), glass or plastic jars of the kide-mouthtype, equippedwith screwcap closure a

41、nd shall conform to class 1, style 2 ofppP.C-186The closure shall be either plastic or COmbinatlO11metal and seaiswhich shall not affect or be affected by the product packaged. The cap shallbe tightened to the degree required to prevent loss of contentsby evaporationor leakageduring handling,shipmen

42、t and storage. Intermediatepackaging. The jars silallbe fiberboardboxes conformingto PPP-B-636,type CF, class-weather-resistant,in quantities as specifiedby the procuring activity. The boxes shall be pro-vided with pads, partitions,and linersmade from double-facedcorru

43、gated fiber-board of the same material as used in the box. The bottom and top pads shallbe not more than 1/16 inch smaller than the inside lengthand width of the box.Partitions shall be half-slottedstyle and full height. The cells formed bythe partitions shall be of size that the unit containerscont

44、act all four sidesof the cell and, if required,additional cushioning shall be effecced by inser-tion of cellulosewadding or similar non-hydroscopicmaterial to prevent movementwithin the boxes. The liners shall be of one-piece constructioncovering thesides and ends of the box and shall be the same he

45、ight as the partitions.Corrugation for the linershall be horizontal. When tape is used, closure shallbe accomplishedusing two strips conformingto PPP-T-76. Tape shall be of2 inch width and shall be applied to top and bottom seams. If the bottom of the1 container is closed with staples or adhesive,on

46、ly a single piece of tape on thetop seam is required.- 5.1.2 Level C. The material shall be packaged as specified for levelAexcept that intermediatepackages shall be of the domestic (non-weavher-resistant) type or grade.5.1.3 Commercial. Brazing flux shall be furnishedin 8 ounce or 1 poundcapacities

47、 as specified (see 6.2) and shall be packaged in accordancewithASTM D 3951 and in conformanceto DoT regulations.5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, C or commercial as specified(see 6.2).5.2.1 Level A. Flux packaged as specified (see 5.1) shall be packed incontainers conformingto any one of the

48、 following specificationswith containertype or class (if not specifiedherein) style or grade selection at the optionof the contractor:Specification Type or classPPP-B-585 Class 3PPP-B”601 Overseas typePPP-B-621 Class 2Boxes shall be closed, strapped or banded in accordancewith the applicablebox specificationor appendixthereto. The gross weight of the boxes shallnot exceed 200 pounds.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-O-F-499115.2.2 Level B. Flux, packaged as specified (see 5.1) shall be packed incontainer

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