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1、12019 年中考英语:短文语法首字母综合填空精选(四)含答案AIm sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you collect old things and turn them into new things. It sounds like magic. B 1 in fact its very scientific. How it all works? The first thing is to collect items that can be recycled. Soda cans are ma

2、de out of metal. Some bottles of juice are made out of g 2 . Magazines and newspapers are made out of paper. Bags are made out of plastic. Many o 3 old things can be recycled,too. Lets get back to the process(过程)of recycling. Once you put all your items in a recycling factory. There,the materials ge

3、t separated. They go into d 4 piles. There are special machines that crush(挤压变形)each pile together. The materials c 5 into square cubes(立方体). They are really heavy. It is h 6 for humans to carry them. Companies buy these cubes and turn them into n 7 products. Now lets take a closer look at how old p

4、aper is transformed(改变形态). First the paper is torn(撕)into tiny p 8 . Then a special water with chemicals is poured onto them. The fibers start to stick together. In time,a completely new roll of paper is c 9 ! If there were things written or printed on the first paper,they disappear. Recycling keeps

5、 our planet healthy. It reduces waste and saves money. It a 10 saves energy. You can do your part. So just remember the golden rule:always recycle your products!参考答案1.But 2.glass 3.other 4.different 5.change6.hard 7.new 8.pieces pleted 10.alsoB2I am now a good student in my class. But you dont know

6、1 I started senior English in the beginning, I found it difficult and quite different 2 what we learned in junior school. 3 _ the help of my teacher, I realized the 4 (important) of English, so I 5 (decision) to learn English well. From then on, every morning I recited English words, 6 (listen) to E

7、nglish tapes and did a lot of 7 (exercise). My English teacher 8 is good at 9 (make) her class lively and interesting, is happy to see this.Now I have made such great progress in my English study that I am 10 (much) interested in learning it than before.Keys: 1._ 2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 1

8、0. _参考答案: 1、how 2、from 3、with 4、importance 5、decided 6、listened 7、exercises 8、who 9、making 10、moreCAre you eager to be a person who has a good memory? People who enjoy their wonderful memory often do well in their studies and work. These people only have to spend a few m_1_ on a page and will keep w

9、hat they read in mind. Here are some things you can do to improve your memory. Try these:Be more observant(善于观察的). Some people who said to have a bad memory dont r_2_ have memory problems. They just dont take time to notice the details. If you pay more attention to the details. youre sure to have a

10、much clearer memory of events. A little exercise that you could do is to p_3_ memorizing lists of things, such as the things 3you are going to buy in a supermarket, or even the ingredients(原料)printed on your biscuit box.Do more activities such as puzzles, word g_4_, and learn a new language. These a

11、ctivities will further improve your brain functions and will help you improve your memory.Try to have more free time. When you are t_5_, probably you are to have a weaker focus. Find ways to get rid of stress, so your brain will be clearer and ready to have new i_6_.Get enough sleeping hours. You ne

12、ed at least seven hours of sleep every night. Give your brain cells a chance to r_7_ the damage done by a days tiring work. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and grains. Do your best to be healthy, and these foods help you improve your memory.【参考答案】1. minutes 2. really 3. practice/practice 4. games 5.

13、tired 6. ideas/ information 7. repair / reduceDHave you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seems d_1_to you? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find the whole world _2_ to you.On a sunny morning, you plan to

14、have a walk to relax y_3_. Just before you go out, it s_4_starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why not sit down and e_5_ the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and

15、 farmers will have a good harvest.A_6_everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do; life isnt a bed of roses. Its very common to meet difficulties on the w_7_to success. In fact, difficulty isnt terrible. The real terrible thing is that we are afraid of it. Difficulty is l_8_a spring (弹簧). If yo

16、u are w_9_, it will be strong. So when you meet difficulties, dont give up. Instead, you should face 4them with a smile.Attitude(态度) d_100_ everything. With an optimistic (乐观的) attitude, life is easy and pleasant. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _【参考答案】1. dark 2. smiling 3. yourself 4. suddenly 5. enjoy6. Although 7. way 8. like 9. weak 10.decides


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