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1、12019安徽中考英语:介词和介词短语选练( B )1.(2018蚌埠三模)Can you come to my party this evening?Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare _my exams.Aof Bfor Cabout Dwith( C )2.(2018安庆三模)Its good for us to drink milk_ the morning.Aat BonCin Dfrom( C )3.(2018安徽导向预测三模)What do you often do _ classes to relax yourselves?We often do so

2、me running or listen to music.Ain BthroughCbetween Damong( A )4.(2018圣泉中学模拟)Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane.Thats true.I never go travelling _ a book.Awithout BfromCon Dabout( B )5.(原创题)Chinas first homebuilt aircraft carrier(航空母舰)hit the water in Dalian _ the morning of April 2

3、6,2017.Ain BonCat Dto( A )6.(原创题)Why are most children under too much pressure?Because their parents always compare them_ others.Awith BbyCat Dfor( A )7.(改编题)Last Tuesday,Li Ming and I did a survey about our classmates birthdays.Most of them were born _ August,2002.Ain Bon Cat Dof( B )8.(改编题)My fath

4、er has a habit of jogging (慢跑) _ the river for an hour in the morning.Abetween Balong2Cover Dthrough( B )9.(原创题)My math teacher is always strict _ me _ my homework.Awith; with Bwith; inCin; with Din; in( B )10.(原创题)My son is interested _ sports. He often plays basketball and he is _ a basketball tea

5、m.Ain; in Bin; onCat; in Dat; on( B )11.(原创题)Why do you look sleepy?I watched a talk show last night, I didnt go to bed_12 oclock.Ain BuntilCfor Dduring( B )12.(改编题)Do you know Victory Day in China? Yes,its _ September 3rd _each year.It tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate wars.Ch

6、inese people will never forget the history.Ain; on Bon; /Cat; / Don; in( D )13.(2018芜湖三模)Father brought his little boy to a concert.But he was too young to sit _ the whole concert.Afor BwithCduring Dthrough( B )14.(改编题)Daddy,Ive run out of my pocket money.I spent 100 yuan _ some favorite books.OK.He

7、re you are.But make sure you save money as well.Afor BonCwith Dat( D )15.(2018合肥 50中模拟)Theres one taken by the River Seine _ these photos.Can you find it out?Aexcept BincludingCbetween Damong( C )16.(改编题)A bird flew into the kitchen _ the window.Aacross Babove 3Cthrough Dunder( C )17.(改编题)More and m

8、ore people are getting interested _ WeChat (微信). Me, too. We can communicate more freely. Aby BaboutCin Dfor ( A )18.(原创题)Jim comes from America, but he can talk with his fans _ Chinese.Really? How excellent he is!Ain BonCfor Dto( A )19.(2018马鞍山模拟)This is a private letter _ Tom.Nobody else can open

9、it.Afor BwithCfrom Dabout( B )20.(原创题)When is TFBOYS concert, do you know?Its _eight oclock _ the afternoon of June 18th.Aat; in Bat; onCon; in Din; on( A )21.(原创题)I have something important to tell my friend.You can talk with him_ the phone.Aon BatCin Dwith( A )22.(原创题)It was really helpful _ him t

10、o take the cat to the animal centre _ a rainy night.Aof; on Bof; atCfor; on Dfor; at( A )23.(改编题)Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City _ the airport.Aat BunderCon Dwith( C )24.(原创题)It is careless _ him to make the same mistake again.I think it is important _ him to be more careful

11、 next time.Ato; for Bof; to4Cof; for Dfor; of( C )25.(改编题)Your best friend is really talented _ learning foreign languages.Yes,he is also good _ other subjects.Ain; with Bat; forCin; at Dat; to( B )26.(原创题)The boy dislikes the novels _.He never reads them.Aafter all Bat allCabove all Dfirst of all(

12、D )27.(原创题)Though Linda was late for school this morning,_,she usually gets up very early every day.Aas for Bat firstCin the end Din fact( D )28.(原创题)The story he told us happened_the night of May 5.Ain Bat Cby Don( D )29.(原创题)The chemicals in the vegetables and fruit are good_our health.Afrom BwithCof Dfor( C )30.(原创题)John often asks his teacher_help.Ato Bwith Cfor Don( C )31.You can improve your English_reading more.Ain Bwith Cby Dof


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