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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip?,核心词汇,新知探究,基础自测,阅读提升,第3课时 Section B(1a1d),1博物馆 n_ 2火;火灾 n_ 3油画;绘画 n_ 4消防站 _,museum,fire,painting,fire station,重点词汇 1fire n火;火灾 fire 作物质名词“火”讲时是不可数名词,作“炉火,火灾”讲时则是可数名词。常用短语:be on fire 着火;make a fire 生火。如: The shopping mall was on fire yesterday. 那家购物中心昨天着火了。 Lets make

2、a fire. 咱们生火吧。 2painting n油画;绘画 相关词形变化:paint (v绘画)painter (n画家;绘画者)painting (n油画;绘画),【辨析】painting,drawing,photo和picture (1)painting 指用油漆、涂料、颜料绘成的图画。 (2)drawing 指用铅笔、钢笔等作的画。 (3)photo 指用相机拍摄的照片。 (4)picture可以涵盖painting,drawing和photo所指的内容。,.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1We visited the _ (博物馆) yesterday. 2The _ (火) st

3、ation is across from the hospital. 3She has a lot of Chinese _ (油画) 4Dont _ (担心) about her.I can help her with her math. 5_ (幸运的是),all the students in our class passed the exam.,museum,fire,paintings,worry,Luckily,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1They _ (watch) TV at home last weekend. 2He _ (study) for the math

4、test yesterday evening. 3How was _ (Jim) trip to Hangzhou? It was terrible. 4It rained a lot, so we _ (not have) so much fun there. 5Last week we went to the zoo and _ (take) some photos there.,watched,studied,Jims,didnt have,took,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1上周六你们去购物了吗? _ you _ _ last Saturday? 2昨天我们参观了消防站。

5、We _ _ _ _ yesterday. 3简和她哥哥上周末爬山了。 Jane and her brother _ _ _ _ _ 4三天前劳拉去乡下了。 Laura _ _ _ _ three days ago. 5前天托尼参观了一个艺术博物馆。 _ _ _ _ Tony _ _ _ _,Did,go,shopping,visited,a,fire,station,climbed,a,mountain,last,weekend,went,to,the,countryside,day,before,yesterday,visited,an,art,museum,The,.单项选择。 ( )

6、1. What _ they _ last weekend? They played ball games. Ado; do Bdo; did Cdid; do Ddid; did ( ) 2. _ Tom _? Yes, he did. ADid; went fish BDid; go fish CDid; go fishing DDoes; go fishing ( ) 3. He rode a horse and _ a mountain. Aclimb Bclimbs Cclimbed Dclimbing,C,C,C,( ) 4. They _ and saw many old pai

7、ntings. Awent to the zoo Bvisited a museum Cvisited a fire station Drode a horse ( ) 5. _ you at home this morning? No, I _ AWere; wasnt BWere; werent CWas; wasnt DWas; werent,B,A,.语法填空。 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。 I had a busy weekend._1_ Saturday morning, I listened to music.In the after

8、noon, I _2_(do) my homework._3_ was a little difficult.On Saturday night, I _4_ computer games.And on Sunday morning, I played baseball _5_ my sister.Then _6_ the afternoon, I went to the library.I _7_(read) a book about English.On Sunday night, I _8_ TV.I saw _9_ interesting game show. My weekend was busy, _10_ it was relaxing. 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_,On,did,It,played,with,in,read,watched,an,but,


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