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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,话题剖析,写作积累,典题链接,小试身手,第 5 课时 Section B (Self Check),本单元的话题为“谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好”, 旨在锻炼大家熟练运用情态动词 can 的句型。与之相关的话题作文主要为写招聘广告和推荐信。写作时可以根据具体要求和提示表达意图和介绍自己。,.相关短语积累。 1擅长于 _ 2善于应付的;对有办法 _ 3结交朋友 _ 4在某方面帮助 ( 某人 ) _ 5拨打找某人 _,be good at,be good with,help (sb.) with sth.,help (sb.)

2、 with sth.,call sb.at,.相关表达积累。 1我擅长 _ 2我想参加 _ 3你能唱歌或跳舞吗? _ 4放学后你忙吗? _ 5如果你想加入我们,请拨打找我们。 _,Im good at,I want to join,Can you sing or dance?,Are you busy after school?,If you want to join us,please call us at,.相关佳句积累。 1Do you like to talk with kids? 2What club do you want to join? 3Do you have time on

3、 the weekend? 4Can you talk to them and play games with them? 5We need you to help with sports for Englishspeaking students.,假设你是 Big School 乐队的负责人,你们乐队需要五名会唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴并且英语水平很好的音乐人。有意者请联系 Mr.Bean。他的电话号码是3420093,电子邮箱是 mrbean 。 请根据以上内容写一则题目为 “ Musicians Wanted for Big School ” 的招聘启事。词数60左右。,【思路点拨】,表达意图,

4、能力要求,联系方式,We need five good musicians for Big School!/We need.for.!,Can you sing? Can you dance?Can you play the piano? Are you good at English?,You can call Mr.Bean at 342-0093. His e-mail address is mrbean .,We need five good musicians for Big School!Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the p

5、iano? Are you good at English? Do you love music? If you want to join our club, you can call Mr.Bean at 3420093.His email address is mrbean .You can also send him an email.,【高分模板】,Musicians Wanted for Big School,格林学校音乐中心 ( Green School Music Center ) 因发展需要,决定招聘一批校内艺术人才。请你根据以下招聘要求,写一篇英文招聘启事,以帮助他们招聘到优

6、秀的学生艺术人才。词数60左右。 招聘要求: 1擅长唱歌、跳舞; 2会演奏小提琴、吉他、钢琴等; 3周一下午联系赖斯女士 ( Ms.Rice ),电话8009898。,at 8009898.,_,Students Wanted for Green School Music Center,We want students for our school music center. Are you good at,singing or dancing?Can you play the violin or the guitar ? Can,you play the piano or the drums?Please come to our music center,and talk to Ms.Rice on Monday afternoon. Or you can call Ms.Rice,


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