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1、Lesson 11Food in China,Whats your favourite food? Why do you like the food?,Free Talk,Lead-in,Presentation,Beijing Duck,a Chinese treasure,Lanzhou noodles,Do you want to taste them?,认知学习目标:The new words.,online 在线的 especially 尤其;特别 treasure 宝物;财富 end 最后 product 产品;结果 worth 有价值的 taste 尝起来 true 真实的;正确

2、的 once 从前;一次 supper 晚餐,The new Phrases.,go online 上网 get back from 回来 a lot of/lots of 许多 hand-made 手工的 look good 看起来不错 taste great 尝起来好极了,预习成果展示,1根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词1. Beijing Duck is a Chinese t_. 2. I _(曾经) went around the world. 3.It t_ delicious. 4. The house is _(价值).half a million dollars. 5. Man

3、y people like our new_(产品).,reasure,once,astes,worth,product,2.英汉互译. 上网 _ be worth doing_ 手工面条_ 看起来不错 _ 尝起来好极了_ 从回来_,go online,值得做某事,hand-made noodles,look good,taste great,get back from,1. Beijing Duck takes a lot of work to make. ( )2. Some people eat noodles for breakfast in China. ( )3. Paul onc

4、e had Beijing Duck in his city. ( ),Listen and write true(T) or false(F).,T,T,T,课堂研讨助学,It takes a lot of work, but the end product is worth it.它花费很多工作,但成品很值得。1)take,花费,主语为物,常用于句型it takes sb. some time to do sth.,做某事花费某人多少时间。It takes me an hour to finish the work.它花费我一小时完成这项工作。,Language Points,2)be w

5、orth +名词,表示“值得”It is worth 100 yuan.它值100元。be worth doing sth.,值得做某事The book is worth reading.这本书值得读。,2They look good and taste great! 它们看起来不错,尝起来也棒! look, taste均为系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。类似的还有:feel,觉得;smell,闻起来;sound,听起来;become,变得 The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来动听。,I like all the books, _ (especial) this o

6、ne. 2. The dress looks nice. It is worth _ (buy). 3. Jim often _ (go) online. 4. The dish _ (taste) very good. 5. They are our new _ (product).,当堂训练检测,especially,buying,goes,products,用所给词的适当形式填空,tastes,Homework,你还知道哪些其他的美食呢,请借助互联网的帮助,来介绍一下你的美食吧。,Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。,


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