
上传人:吴艺期 文档编号:1089233 上传时间:2019-04-08 格式:PPT 页数:5 大小:2.14MB
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1、校园暴力现如今经常出现在全世界各地的校园里。这些暴力因素威胁和恐吓着学生们,给他们的日常学习和生活造成了极大的伤害。你听说过校园暴力吗?又或者你和你周围的朋友们经受过校园暴力吗?对此你怎么看?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1What do you think of the school violence(暴力事件)?2Where did you know about the school violence?3What did you or your friend do when you met the school violence?

2、4Why are students afraid of the bad guys(坏人)?5What shall we do to stop the school violence in the future?,B中学生英语法制周刊正在征集一篇渗透法制的英文篇目,请以“Stop the School Violence”为题,写一篇不少 于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1包含A部分所有信息;2请尽可能详细地阐述你对校园暴力的看法,并且在防止校园暴力事件发生的方面给出意见和方法;3文中不得出现真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A1.I think the school violence is harmful

3、.2I knew about it from the newspaper.3I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it. 4Because the bad guys are strong and powerful. 5We shall learn more about the antischoolviolence rules.,B Stop the School ViolenceNowadays,many students are suffering from the school viol

4、ence,so we should stop the school violence.As a student,I think the school violence is harmful and I can always know about it from the newspaper.I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it.Ive found that the bad guys are strong and powerful,so were afraid of them and threatened by the violence.However,we must spread the related laws to protect ourselves and we can ask teachers to give us some tips on preventing the school violence in class.All in all,the more we learn about the antischoolviolence rules,the safer we will be in the future.,


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