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1、话题十一 科普知识与现代技术、 通讯 第 章 话题组块总复习 Topic 11 Popular science and modern technology & Communications话题语言基础知识归纳 单词 一、科普知识(Popular science) 1. _ n.科学 2. _ n.技术 3. _ adj.有价值的 4. _ v.联系;连接 5. _ 6. _ n./v.回答 7. _ n.科学家 science technology valuable connect website reply scientist单词 8. _ n.模型 9. electricity

2、n. _ 10. chemical adj.化学的 11. wire n.电线 12. battery n.电池 13. experiment n.试验;实验 14. data n.数据 15. modern adj.现代化的 model 电 短 语 1. _ 组成;构成 2. _ 把添加到 3. _ 关闭 4. air conditioner _ 5. turn.into 变成 6. washing machine 洗衣机 7. power station 发电站 be made up of addto turn/switch off 空调 单词 二、发明(Invention) 1. _ v

3、发明 2. _ v发展 3. _ v创造 4. _ n机器人 5. _ v比较 6. _ v控制;管理 7. inventor n发明家 8. distance n距离 invent develop create robot compare control单词 9. petrol n.汽油 10. practical adj.实用的 11. replace v.取代;替换 12. discover v.发现 短语 1. _ 依赖;取决于 2. _ 浏览 3. _ 而不是 4. search for 搜寻;查找 depend on look through instead of单词 三、现代通讯

4、(Modern communication) 1. _ n信息 2. _ n工具 3. message n_ information tool 信息;消息 短语 1. _ 移动电话 2. _ 通过邮件 3. _ 在网上 4. _ 邮局 5. _ 支付 6. _ 收到的来信 mobile phone by email on the Internet post office pay for hear from四、著名科学家(Famous scientists) 科学家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achievements) Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特爱因

5、 斯坦(德) Physics 物理学 Relativity 相对论 Energy Conservation Law 能量守恒定律科学 家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achievements) Marie Curie 玛丽居里(法) Chemistry 化学 Radioactive Elements: radium, polonium 放射性元素:镭, 钋 Thomas Alva Edison 托马斯阿尔 瓦爱迪生(美) Electrics 电学 lamp 电灯 phonograph 留声机科学家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achi

6、evements) Galileo Galilei 伽利略伽利 雷(意大利) Astronomy 天文学 Free Fall Law 自由落体定律 Galileo Telescope 伽利略望远镜科学家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achievements) Charles Robert Darwin 查尔斯罗伯 特达尔文(英) Biology 生物学 Theory of Evolution 进化论 On the Origin of Species 物种起源科学家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achievements) Isaac N

7、ewton 艾萨克牛顿 (英) Physics 物理学 Law of Universal Gravitation 万有引力定律 Newtons Laws of Motion 牛顿运动定律科学家 (Scientists) 领域 (Fields) 成就 (Achievements) Stephen William Hawking 斯蒂芬威 廉霍金(英) Physics 物理学 Black hole 黑洞 A Brief History of Time 时间简史 1. I send emails to my friends and play computer games. (WY 7AM7) 点拨:

8、send sth. to sb.send sb. sth.意为 “发送/寄某物给某人”。 仿写:她每周都给我发电子邮件。 She _ every week. 写作句型仿写sends me emails / sends emails to me 2. The World Wide Web allows people to send various types of files, such as texts, photos and videos by the Internet, so more and more people started to use it in the 1990s. (WY

9、9AM9) 点拨:allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做 某事”; more and more 意为“越来越”。 仿写: 你不该让你的孩子看这类电视节目。 You shouldnt _ this kind of TV programmes. 我们的城市正变得越来越漂亮。 Our city is becoming _. allow your children to watch more and more beautiful 3. So, few people had the chance to learn to read. (WY 9AM9) 点拨:have a/the cha

10、nce to do sth.意为“有 (一个)做某事的机会”。 仿写:我有一个在英国学习的机会。 I _ in Britain. have the chance to study 4. And every night, I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. (WY 9AM9) 点拨:before是连词,意为“在之前”, 引导时间状语从句。 仿写:你回家之前必须要打扫好教室。 You must clean the classroom _. before

11、 you go home5. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. (RJ 8AU7) 点拨:there will be意为“将有;会有”,是 there be 句型的一般将来时,可与 there is/are going to be互换。 仿写:明天将有一场运动会。 _ tomorrow. There will/is going to be a sports meeting 6. Some will look like humans, and others might look like

12、snakes. (RJ 8AU7) 点拨:someothers意为“一些另一 些;有的有的”,属于列举情 况。 仿写:公园里有许多人。一些人在跑步, 另一些人在放风筝。 There are a lot of people in the park. _ _ Some are running, and others are flying kites7. It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. (RJ 9全 U6) 点拨:It is believed that意为

13、“人们认 为”,其 中 it是形式主语,真正的主语 是 that 引导的从句。类似的句型还有: Its said that“据说”, Its reported that“据报道”。 仿写:人们认为吸烟会致癌。 _ smoking can cause cancer. It is believed that 8. Dr.Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. (RJ 9全 U6) 点拨: teach sb. to do sth.意为“教某人做某 事”。 仿写

14、: 我的奶奶过去常常教我制作曲奇饼。 My grandmother used to _ cookies. teach me to make 9. These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. (RJ 9 全 U6) 点拨: encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某 人做某事”。 仿写:安妮很小的时候,她的父母就鼓励 她学习跳舞。 Annies parents _ _ when she was very young. encouraged her to learn to dan

15、ce 10. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. (RJ 9全 U6) 点拨: fromto意为“从到”。 仿写:从北京到广州有很长一段路。 Its quite a long way _ _. from Beijing to Guangzhou 原创时文精选 15 CCBAC 【文章长难句翻译】 句子:Robots can help us to do tedious work like sweeping floors, washing dishes and cooking m

16、eals, so that we can have more time to do the things that we are interested in. 翻译:_ _ _ 机器人可以帮助我们做一些枯燥的 工作, 如扫地、洗碗和做饭等, 我们就可 以有更多的时间做我们感兴趣的事。 备考演练 Task 1 完形填空 15 DBCDA 610 CBADC Task 2 阅读理解 15 DBACA Task 3 配对阅读 15 CFGAD Task 4 短文填空 1. are 2. on 3. their 4. time 5. but 6. a 7. old 8. send 9. stay 10

17、. backTask 5 读写综合 1. Rice University 2. a/one year 3. make friends and listen to music 4. 1.54 5. teachers and parents B. 书面表达(本题 15分) 当前,中学校园里刮起了一股“手机 风”。 中学生应不应该带手机到学校?人们 看法各异。某英文网站就这一话题发起了 讨论,请你跟帖发表自己的看法,内容包 括: 1. 你的一次因带手机到校而影响学习的 经历(事情的经过及结果); 2. 呼吁大家合理使用手机。写作指导 时态:_ 人称:_ 一般过去时、一般现在时 第一人称 Taking

18、 Mobile Phones to School 第一段:因带 手机而影响学 习的经历 第二段:呼吁 合理使用手机激活词汇 1. 合理地 _ 2. 放松 _ 3. 玩游戏 _ 4. 发信息 _ 5. 把带到 _ 6. 确保 _ 7. 和交流 _ 8. 查找信息 _ 9. 听音乐 _ properly relaxplay gamessend messagestaketo make surecommunicate withsearch for information listen to music句型点拨 1. finditadj.todosth ., it作形式宾语, 意为“发现做某事”。 【例

19、子】我们发现在一个小时内完成这项 工作是不可能的。 We found it impossible to finish the work in one hour. 【翻译】我发现知道如何正确使用手机很 重要。 I find it important to know how to use mobile phones properly.2. if 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。 【例子】如果交通灯是红色的,你必须停 下来等一等。 If the traffic light is red, you must stop and wait. 【翻译】如果我们要带手机去学校,就必 须确保不在课堂上使用它们。

20、 _ _ _ We must make sure that we dont use mobile phones in class if we take them to school.参考连接词 but, so, and, as a result, whats more 实战演练 Nowadays, more and more middle school students take their mobile phones to school.I took my mobile phone to school last term. I always used my mobile phone to p

21、lay games in my free time. Sometimes I sent messages in class and didnt listen to the teachers carefully. As a result, I kept falling behind day after day.From my experience, I find it important to know how to use mobile phones properly. We must make sure that we dont use mobile phones in class if we take them to school. And we shouldnt play too many games on the phones. We can use them to communicate with our parents and help us with our studies, such as searching for information on the Internet. Whats more, we can relax ourselves by listening to music.


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