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1、Section B,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 6 Im watching TV.,Section B,pool,supermarket,课前自主预习,race,host,study,state,Section B,dragon,any,other,young,miss,wish,Section B,delicious,still,American,Americans,shop,shopping,man,men,child,children,Section B,watch the boat races,make zongzi,Dragon Boat Festival,在河里,在游泳池

2、里,给某人读故事,Section B,swimming,Is,in a pool,with,Section B,like any other night,is reading a story to,Section B,T,T,F,Section B,F,F,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,Section B,1 other adj. 另外的;其他的 pron.另外的人(或物),辨析 other, the other, others与the others,活学活用,Section B,2017呼和浩特There are fifty students in Class One. Twenty of the

3、m are boys; _ are girls. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Danother,B,【解析】考查不定代词。句意:在一班有五十名学生,二十名是男生,_是女生。空白处表示(两部分中的)另一部分,表示剩余的全部,故选B。,Section B,2 miss v. 怀念;思念;错过,观察 I miss my grandma very much. 我非常想念我奶奶。 Dont miss the train.不要错过火车。,探究 miss作动词,意为“怀念;思念;错过”。,拓展 Miss作名词,意为“女士;小姐”。,Section B,图解助记,活学活用,S

4、ection B,I _ my grandparents very much. So I want to visit them. Ajoin Bleave Cmiss Dlisten,C,Section B,3 wish v. 希望,观察 They wish to study in New York. 他们希望在纽约学习。 He wishes me to play sports every day. 他希望我每天做运动。 I wish I were you. 我希望我是你。,辨析 wish与hope (1)wish 作动词,意为“希望”。常用结构: wish to do sth.希望做某事(一

5、般表示一种不能实现的愿望) wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事,Section B,wishthat 从句(从句要用虚拟语气) 另外,wish 还可作名词,意为“愿望,希望”。 Best wishes to you!向你致以最美好的祝愿! (2)hope作动词,意为“希望”。常用结构: hope to do sth. 希望做某事(表示一种可以实现的愿望) I hope to go to bed early. 我希望早点儿去睡觉。,Section B,hopethat从句 They hope they can play tennis after school. 他们希望放学后能

6、够打网球。 注意:无hope sb. to do sth.结构。,活学活用,Section B,He hopes _ in the river. Ato swim Bhim to swim Cme to swim Dus to swim,A,Section B,1 The mother is reading a story to her young children.这位母亲正在给她年幼的孩子们读故事。,句型透视,探究 read sth. to sb.意为“读/朗读给某人听”。,Section B,辨析 read, watch, see与look 以上四个词都有“看”的意思,其区别在于:,Se

7、ction B,活学活用,Look! My father is _ a newspaper in the living room. Areading Bseeing Cwatching Dlooking,A,Section B,2 but theres still “no place like home”. 但是“千好万好还是不如自己的家好”。,探究 “no可数名词单数”相当于“not a/an可数名词单数”;“no可数名词复数”相当于“not any可数名词复数”。,拓展类似谚语: East or west, home is the best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。,Section B

8、,活学活用,There are no apples in the basket.(改为同义句) There are _ _ _ in the basket.,not any apples,Section B,3 Here is a picture of my family. 这是一张我的全家福。,探究此句为倒装句,其正常语序为“A picture of my family is here.”。here引导的倒装句有两种:全部倒装和部分倒装。 句中的be 动词要与名词或代词在数上保持一致。,Section B,Here is a schoolbag. 这是一个书包。 Here are your letters. 这是你的信。 Here you are. 给你。,Section B,活学活用,翻译下列句子 (1)Here it is. _ (2)Here comes the bus. _,它在这儿。,公共汽车来了。,Section B,课文回顾,making zongzi,boat races,reading a story,soccer,cousin,


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