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1、Section B,Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,重点单词,听单词,核对你的答案 1gold n金子;金币 adj. 金色的 2emperor n皇帝 3silk n丝绸;丝织物 4underwear n内衣 5nobody pron. 没有人 n小人物,Section B,6stupid adj. 愚蠢的 7cheat v欺骗;蒙骗 n骗子 8stepmother n继母 9wife n妻子;太太 10husband n丈夫,Section B,11whole adj. 全部的;整体的 12scene n(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景

2、 13moonlight n月光 14shine v发光;照耀 15bright adv. 光亮地;明亮地 adj. 明亮的;光线充足的,Section B,16ground n地;地面 17lead v带路;领路 18voice n声音 19brave adj. 勇敢的;无畏的,Section B,词形变换,听下列单词变形,核对你的答案 1wifewives (复数) 2husbandwife (对应词) 3wholehole (同音词),Section B,4shineshone (过去式) 5leadled (过去式)leader (名词) 6bravebravely (副词),Sect

3、ion B,重点短语,听短语,核对你的答案 1keep sth. for oneself 自己保留某物 2make sth. for sb. 给某人做某物 3a fairy tale 童话 4the rest of the story 故事的其余部分 5make a plan to do sth. 制订计划做某事,Section B,6hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事 7in the moonlight 在月光下 8go to sleep 入睡 9come with sb. to the forest 和某人一起去森林 10get wood 砍柴 11notuntil

4、 直到才,Section B,12get to 到达 13drop sth. along the way 沿路扔某物 14be/get lost 迷路 15shine bright 照耀 16pieces of bread 面包片 17on the ground 在地面上,Section B,18never mind 没关系 19find ones way out 找到出路 20lead sb. to a place 带领某人去某地 21be made of 由(材料)建造 22voice from inside the house 来自房子内部的声音 23part of sth. 某物的一部

5、分,Section B,重点句型,听,并跟读下列句子 1这个故事是关于一位喜爱衣服的皇帝的。This story is about an emperor who loves clothes.,Section B,2妻子告诉她的丈夫,全家都会死掉,除非他把孩子们留在森林中死去。The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. 3你听见我们的继母计划要害死我们了吗?Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us?,Section B,4直到你们到了森林再吃它。Dont eat it until you get to the forest. 5不要紧!坚持走就行。Never mind! Just keep walking.,Section B,6它正把我们引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果建造的美妙的房子。Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and candy.,Section B,


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