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1、单元语法专练,时间的询问及表达 1.时间的询问: ( 1 )英语中常用what time或when对钟表上的时间或某具体时刻进行提问。例如: What time do you get up every day?你每天几点起床? At six oclock.六点。 ( 2 )对日期、月份或年份进行提问时只能用when。例如: When is Childrens Day?儿童节是什么时候? On June 1st.6月1日。,2.时间的表达: ( 1 )整点的表达:基数词+oclock,oclock可以省略。例如: 7:00 读作seven oclock 或seven ( 2 )非整点的表达一般分

2、两种: 直读法:由前往后依次读出数字,即先读时钟再读分钟。用基数词表示。例如: 6:20读作six twenty 区读法:把钟面分成左右两个半区,以分钟数来区分。小于30分为右半区,大于30分为左半区。右半区:分针数+past+时针数“几点过几分”;左半区:( 60-分针数 )+to+( 时针数+1 )“差几分到几点”。其中30分常用half来表示,15分常用a quarter来表示。例如: 10:20 读作twenty past ten 1:40读作twenty to two 3:30 读作half past three 2:45读作a quarter to three ( 3 )上午和下午

3、的表达:a.m.表示“上午”,p.m.表示“下午”。,频度副词 1.常见的频度副词有:always( 总是 ),usually( 通常 ),often( 经常 ),sometimes( 有时,偶尔 ),seldom( 很少 ),hardly( 几乎不 ),never( 从不 )等。 2.用法:用在be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前。例如: He is always late for class.他总是上课迟到。 He never eats ice-cream.他从不吃冰淇淋。,.单项填空 ( D )1.What time is it? It is . A.an hour B.six

4、past half C.half to six D.ten to four ( A )2.When do you take a shower on Sundays? At . A.a quarter past six in the morning B.half a quarter in the morning C.seven tenth oclock in the morning D.a quarter in the morning ( C )3.What time does he play the piano? 3:20 in the afternoon. A.In B.On C.At D.

5、For,( B )4.She eat meals by herself because she is only one year old. A.never can B.can never C.cant never D.never cant ( D )5.My father to others.So our neighbors all like him. A.smile always B.smiles always C.always smile D.always smiles,.根据句意填入适当的疑问词或频度副词 1. What time does he get up? At half past

6、 five. 2. When does he go to school? From Monday to Friday. 3. When do they eat breakfast? At a quarter to seven. 4.She gets up early,so she is never late for school. 5.He is a good student.He always hands in his homework on time. 6.What do you usually do on weekends? I usually visit my grandparents

7、. 7.I usually eat eggs for breakfast,but I sometimes eat bread for breakfast on weekends. 8.The weather is too dry.It never rains for one month.,8.The weather is too dry.It never rains for one month. 9. What time is the meeting? At about 2:00 p.m. 10.My sister always/usually/often goes to bed early

8、because she needs a lot of sleep every day.,.按要求完成句子,每空一词 1.Tony will go shopping at 8:30.( 对画线部分提问 ) What time will Tony go shopping? 2.I run in the morning.( 对画线部分提问 ) When do you run? 3.When do they play computer games?( 改为同义句 )What time do they play computer games? 4.He doesnt eat candy,because it is bad for his teeth.( 改为同义句 ) He never eats candy,because it is bad for his teeth. 5.I go to bed at eight forty.( 改为同义句 ) I go to bed at twenty to nine .,


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