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1、第二课时 Section A ( 3a-3c ),.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Jim eats ( eat ) breakfast at six oclock every day. 2.What time does she go ( go ) to school? 3.There are two groups ( group ) in our class. 4.He never gets up late on weekends ( weekend ). 5.She usually ( usual ) gets up at five oclock.,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1

2、.杰克晚上在湖边锻炼。 Jack exercises in the evening by the lake. 2.他在7:30去上学。 He goes to school at half past seven . 3.她在上学日总是早起。 She always gets up early on school days. 4.你的好朋友什么时候吃晚饭? What time dose your good friend eat/have dinner?,5.托尼起床很晚,并且从来不吃早饭。 Tony gets up late and never eats breakfast.,.单项填空 ( C )

3、 1.I like taking shower before breakfast every day. A./;the B./;/ C.a;/ D.a;the ( B ) 2. ? Its eight oclock. A.Whats the time is it B.What time is it now C.What time it is now D.What is it ( C ) 3.Although( 尽管 ) he lives far from school,he always on time. A.go to school B.go school C.goes to school

4、D.goes school,( A ) 4. do you often exercise? On Sunday afternoon. A.When B.How C.Why D.What ( C ) 5.In group, am never late. A.we;my B.our;my C.our;I D.we;I,.完形填空 Rick has a happy family.In the 1 he usually gets up at five.He 2 a shower and then he has breakfast at five forty.His parents usually ge

5、ts up at five, 3 .They take a walk and take a shower.Then they 4 breakfast.After 5 ,Ricks parents go to work.Rick goes to school.They never have lunch at home.In the afternoon,Rick 6 home at 4:00.His parents usually come 7 home at 5:00.They have dinner at 8 .In the evening,Rick always watches TV.But

6、 his parents dont let him watch TV.He must do 9 homework first,and then he can watch TV.He always 10 to bed at 9:00. ( A )1.A.morning B.evening C.noon D.afternoon ( B )2.A.does B.takes C.gets D.plays,( B )3.A.either B.too C.also D.all ( C )4.A.buy B.ask C.have D.make ( D )5.A.dinner B.lunch C.supper D.breakfast ( A )6.A.gets B.goes to C.comes D.runs to ( D )7.A.at B.to C.from D.back ( C )8.A.four twenty B.twenty four C.six twenty D.twenty six ( C )9.A.our B.her C.his D.their ( B )10.A.comes B.goes C.wants D.joins,


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