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1、Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,Module 2 Experiences,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,课前自主预习,German,Germany,mix,move,send,sent,sent,mixed,mixed,king,queen,France,French,ancient,miss,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,old,misses,与不同,现在;此时此刻,玩得开心,for example,so far,all over the world,count down,wo

2、rk for,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,a fifteen-year-old American boy,in many ways,They have been to many interesting places.,They find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.,Arabic is different from English in many ways.,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,So far, they hav

3、e learnt to speak German,French, Chinese and Arabic.,B,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,B,A,A,B,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 send v. 派遣去;命令去,观察 The company has offices in many countries, and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China before. 这家公司在很多国家都设有办事处,公司以前把彼得派往 德国、法国和中国工作过。 探究 send sb

4、. to do sth.意为“ ”。 send为动词,意为“ ”,其过去式与过 去分词均为sent。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,派遣某人做某事,派遣;命令去,拓展 (1)send sb. to sp.意为“派某人去某地”;send for意为“派人去叫”;send sth out意为“分发,发射”。 His son found him and send for help. 他儿子找到了他,然后向人求救。 (2)send还有“发送;寄出”的意思。 He sent the letter by airmail.他寄的是航空信。 图解 s

5、end一词多义,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(1)单项填空 My husband always _ me flowers every week before we got married, but now he never _ Asends; does Bsent; does Cwas going to send; do Dsent; do,解析 B 句意:我的丈夫在结婚前总是每周给我送花,但是现在不送了。根据“before we got married”可知,第一空应该用sent;第二空根据now和he可知用does。故选B。,活

6、学活用,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(2)改为同义句 My son often sends me a short message every week. My son often _ a short message _ me every week.,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,sends,to,2 Germany n. 德国,观察 The company has sent Peter to work in Germany. 公司派彼得去德国工作过。 探究 Germany是

7、名词,意为“ ”;其形容词是 German,意为“德国的”。German也可作名词,意为“德 国人;德语”,作“德国人”讲时,其复数形式是 Germans。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,德国,拓展 (1)表示“某国人”的名词变复数时,直接在其后 加s的有AmericanAmericans(美国人); AustralianAustralians(澳大利亚人); RussianRussians(俄罗斯人); CanadianCanadians(加拿大人)等。 (2)由ese 结尾的表示“某国人”的名词,其单复数同形 的有Chinese(

8、中国人), Japanese(日本人)等。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(1)单项填空 Are all the students from _ in your class? No, there are only 3 _in our class. The others are from other countries. AGermany; Germen BGermany; Germans CGerman; Germans DGerman; Germany,活学活用,解析 B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你班里所有的学生都来自德国吗?”“

9、不,我们班只有3个德国人。其他人来自其他国家。”Germany意为“德国”;German意为“德国人”,其复数形式为Germans,故选B。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(2)用 German或Germany填空 They were born in _ and they are _. _ is their mother language.,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,German,Germans,Germany,5 miss v. 惦念;怀念;想念,观察 They hav

10、e friends all over the world, but they also miss their friends in the US. 他们在世界各地都有朋友,但是他们也想念在美国的朋友。 The boy still missed the toy in the box. 这个男孩还在惦念箱子里的那个玩具。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,探究 miss作及物动词,意为“惦念;怀念 想念”,其 后接名词。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,一语辨异 Miss Green

11、missed the last train, she felt sad and missed her parents a lot. 格林小组错过了最后一班火车,她感到很难过,非常思念她的父母。,活学活用,1. 写出画线单词的词性及汉语意思 (1)I really miss her! I cant wait to see her! _ _ (2)All of the students wont miss Miss Lius lesson. _ _ _ _,动词 思念,动词 错过,名词 小姐,2.单项填空 2016孝感Dont the chance when you can catch it, o

12、r you will regret. A. guess B. miss C. remember D. allow,答案 B,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,句型透视,1 Mike Robinson is a fifteenyearold American boy 迈克罗宾逊是一个十五岁的美国男孩,探究 该句中的“fifteenyearold”是由“数词名词 (形容词)”构成的复合形容词,常用作前置定语,数词、 名词与形容词之间要用连字符连接,中间名词要用可数名 词 。 He is a tenyearold boy. 他是一个十岁大的男孩

13、。 It is about a fiveminute walk. 大概是步行5分钟的路程。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,单数,拓展 当“数词名词形容词”作表语时,三者间则不 用连字符连接,名词要根据实际情况使用其单复数形式。 He is 1.89 metres tall. 他身高一米八九。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(1)2017泰安 It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each yea

14、r.Atenday Bten dayCten days Dten days,活学活用,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,答案 A,(2)The river is about_. A. 6,000 metres longB. 6,000metreslong C. 6,000metrelongD. 6,000 metre long,答案 A,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,探究 have been to 意为“_”,后可接 表示次数的词(如once,twice,three times等

15、),表示“ 去过某地几次”。它也可与just, never, ever等连用。 He has been to England three times. 他去过英格兰三次。,2 They have been to many interesting places.他们去过很多有趣的地方。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,曾经去过,辨析 have/has been to与have/has gone to,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(1)2016龙东 May I speak to

16、Mr Lee?Sorry, he Harbin. He the city for two days.A. has been to; has been inB. has gone to; has been toC. has gone to; has been in,活学活用,解析 C 答句句意:他去哈尔滨了,他已经在那儿待了两天了。have gone to sp.表示“已经去了某地,还没有回来”,have been in表示“持续待在某地的状态”,故选C。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,(2)2016临沂 “I want to go t

17、o Mars(火星), because its a place that no one _ to before,” said Carson.Ahas gone Bhas beenCwas Dwent,答案 A,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,探究 “finditn./adj.to do sth.”意为“觉得/ 认为/发现做某事”。当不定式作find, think, feel, consider等动词的宾语,且有名词或形容词作宾语补足语 时,常用 作形式宾语,此句型可与 “find/think/feel/considerthat从句”结构

18、相互转 换。,3 they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.他们发现在单词的拼写和发音方面很难。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,it,Some students find it difficult to study English. Some students find (that) it is difficult to study English. 一些学生认为学英语很难。 Bill Gates feels it his duty to help the poor. Bil

19、l Gates feels (that) it is his duty to help the poor.比尔盖茨觉得济贫是他的义务。 I think/consider it wrong to do it like that. I think/consider (that) it is wrong to do it like that. 我认为那样做是错误的。,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,活学活用,We find _ impossible to get there before 8 oclock. Aus Bit Cthis Dth

20、at,答案 B,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids. & Unit 3,Mike and Clares 1_ in Cairo,They 2._ Cairo with their parents two years ago.,They have 3._ many interesting places, such as the 4._, the palaces and towers of 5._ kings and queens.,They have 6._ to learn Arabic and its different from English 7._,They will move back to 8._ and they are happy about this.,experiences,moved to,visited/been to,Pyramids,ancient,begun,in many ways,the US,课文回顾,


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