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1、知识点十二 and so on的用法 教材原文 There are catalogues for almost anything you needlike clothes, toys, computers, things to cook with and so on.对于你需要的几乎 任何东西都有目录像衣服、玩具、电脑、做饭用的东西,等等。 and so on意为“等等”。例如: I like red,black and so on. 我喜欢红色、黑色,等等。,例 根据汉语翻译句子 他喜欢游泳、钓鱼,等等。解析 本题考查and so on的用法,该短语表示“等等”。 答案 He likes s

2、wimming, fishing and so on.,特殊疑问句 1.定义 特殊疑问句是指以who,what,whose,which,when,where,why,how 等疑问 词开头,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。回答时,不用yes或no,而是用 一个句子或短语来回答。 2.特殊疑问句的两种语序 如果疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语 序是陈述句语序。 Who is the girl?那个女孩是谁? Whose bike is broken?谁的自行车坏了? 如果疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:特殊疑问词+,一般疑问句? What time do yo

3、u usually get up?你通常几点起床? Why do you like swimming?你为什么喜欢游泳? 例 (2018山东临沂经济开发区期中) do you want to go to the movies? Lets go at 6:00. A.What B.When C.Where D.Why 解析 本题考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据答语“让我们六点去吧”可 推断,问句问的是“你想什么时候去看电影”,故所缺的特殊疑问词是 when。 答案 B,take, pay, spend, cost,It took me two hours to finish the work. 完成那

4、项工作花了我两个小时。 My sister spends much money on clothes. 我姐姐花了许多钱买衣服。 You have to pay fifty yuan for the book. 你买那本书要花50元。 The bike cost me two thousand yuan. 这辆自行车花了我两千元。,例 (2018山西农大附中期中)How long does it take you to finish your homework every day? I usually two hours on it. A.spend B.pay C.take 解析 答语的含义

5、是“我通常花两个小时完成家庭作业”,根据主语I 以及其后的on it可知,应用spend。 答案 A,不同形式的“购物”方式 素养呈现 购物是一个和生活息息相关的话题。在购物之前要进行规 划和预算,在购物时要学会对比要买的商品,要学会讨价还价等,以培养 自己在独立生活方面的自理能力。 提到购物,就不能不提“网购”。随着网络时代的迅猛发展,“网购” 也走进了千家万户的生活,成为当今的主流消费方式之一。我们在享受 网购带来的乐趣和便利的时候,不要忘记网上购物还是有一定的潜在风 险的,在网购时要提高警惕。,素养解读 本模块的话题是“购物”。Unit 1的对话以为妈妈挑选礼 物而引出了购物的话题;Un

6、it 2的课文是关于网上购物的介绍,提到了网 购的利与弊。 “购物”是在听力和口语中最常出现的话题。对话的内容通常围绕要 买的物品、颜色、价格、尺码等信息而展开。在解题时要注意阅读设 空前后的语句,以确定正确的答案。,典例剖析 (2018安徽合肥庐阳区期末) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中 有两项为多余选项。 Shop worker: 1 Lingling:Yes. Id like a pair of shoes. Shop worker:What colour do you like? Lingling: 2 Shop worker: 3 Lingling:S

7、ize 32. Shop worker:How about this pair? Lingling: 4,Shop worker:Of course. Here you are. Lingling: 5 Shop worker:Only 35 yuan. Lingling:Its cheap. Ill take it. A.May I try it on? B.How much is it? C.Will you take it? D.What size do you take? E.Blue, please. F.Can I help you? G.What about this one?,

8、答案解析 1.F 此处所缺的句子是鞋店工作人员的招呼语,故所缺的句子是F,该 句的含义是“我能帮助你吗”。 2.E 问句问的是“你喜欢什么颜色”,故所缺的句子是E。 3.D 根据答语“32码”可推断,所缺的句子是问尺码的,故所缺的句子 是D。 4.A 结合上下文可推断,玲玲要求试穿一下,故所缺的句子是A。 5.B 根据答语中的“只要35元”可知,所缺的句子是询问价格的,故所 缺的句子是B。,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.You can (收到)the products soon. 2.The apples are very (新鲜的). 3.There are many things

9、 in the (超市). 4.We send letters by (邮寄). 5.I cant find my mobile phone (在任何地方).,答案 1.receive 2.fresh 3.supermarket 4.post 5.anywhere,.单项选择 1.(2017江苏盐城期末)I like hiking in the forest because the air there is pretty . A.free B.thin C.fresh D.high 答案 C 根据题干中的“我喜欢在森林里远足”可推断,因为那里的 空气很“新鲜”,故所缺的词是fresh。,2.(

10、2017湖北黄冈5月月考)How much does your brother buying this T-shirt? 100 yuan. A.pay B.spend C.take D.cost 答案 B 本题考查pay, spend, take, cost的区别。根据主语your brother 以及其后的buying可推断,所缺的“花费”是spend,故答案为B。,3.(2016广西南宁中考)What colour is your bag? A.Its yellow. B.Its nice. C.Its old. D.Its big. 答案 A 句意:你的包是什么颜色的?是黄色的。根据题

11、意 可知选A。 4.(2016天津一中期中)We have a lot of homework . We are very busy today. A.to do B.doing C.to doing D.do 答案 A 句意:我们有许多家庭作业要做,我们今天很忙。本题考查动 词不定式作后置定语时的用法,故答案为A。,5. (2017云南中考) ? I want to buy a pair of sports shoes. A.Whats wrong B.What can I do for you C.How much is it D.What does it look like 答案 B 句

12、意:我能为你做些什么?我想买一双运动鞋。根 据语境可知,应该选择B项。,.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.What s would you like? Large, please. 2.I want to buy the dress, but Id like to t it on first. 3.Whats the p of the skirt? Its eighty yuan. 4.Im going top two hundred yuan for these books. 5.I sent him a letter, but I didnt r his letter.,答案 1.

13、size 2.try 3.price 4.pay 5.receive,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.There are some (超市)in the city. 2.These vegetables are very (新鲜的). Would you like to buy them? 3.(2016浙江嘉兴实验中学片区期中)Its not (安全的) to swim in the river. 4.It is a new way of (购物). 5.Dont (比较)me with my friends.,答案 1.supermarkets 2.fresh 3.safe 4.s

14、hopping pare,.根据汉语意思和所给的提示词语翻译句子 1.我想要半公斤苹果。(would like,half)2.有苹果、橘子和香蕉等。(and so on)3.你有做饭用的东西吗?(cook with)4.我打算订购一些关于绿色食物方面的书。(order,about)5.你需要多少盒牛奶?(box),答案 1.Id like half a kilo of apples. 2.There are apples, oranges, bananas and so on. 3.Do you have things to cook with? 4.I am going to order s

15、ome books about health food. 5.How many boxes of milk do you need?,.情景交际 (2017广西南宁四十九中期末) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A:What can I do for you? B: 1 A:This way,please. 2 B:I dont like black.Do you have other colours? A:Other colours? 3 B:Can I try on the yellow one? A: 4 B:Look at the price. Its 289 yu

16、an. Thats too much.,A: 5 There is a sale on today.Everything is half price. B:OK. Ill take it. A.What about this one? B.Id like to buy a sweater. C.But wait a minute. D.Certainly. E.Oh,yes. We have blue,yellow and white ones. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 15 BAEDC,.根据汉语意思翻译句子 1.你喜欢什么颜色?2.我想买三盒巧克力。3.你喜欢网上购物吗?4.你

17、打算怎样节约用钱?5.我会通过邮寄的方式把礼物送给你。,答案 1.What colour do you like? 2.I want/would like to buy three boxes of chocolate. 3.Do you like online shopping? 4.How are you going to save money? 5.I will send the present to you by post.,.任务型阅读 (2018安徽合肥瑶海区期中) 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Dear Betty, I have to say sorry to you. I

18、 cant go shopping with you today. I have to do a lot of work, so I cant go home early. I need you to do some things for me. First, your brother is at Grandmas house. Pick him up before six in the af- ternoon, because he has a piano lesson at 6:30 pm. Take him there, too. Af- ter that, you need to do

19、 some shopping for your birthday party tomorrow. I need some fruit to make juice, and I also want to make a big cake. Re-,member to buy some chicken. Im going to cook fried chicken for you. Thats your favourite food. Here is the shopping list. 2 kilos of oranges Milk 1 kilo of bananas Some butter 8

20、apples Some eggs 2 bags of sugar 3 kilos of meat Your father will go home at about 7:30 pm. You can call him to pick you up at the supermarket. If you have any questions, give me a call. See you later. Love, Mum,1.What lesson does Bettys brother have?(at most 7 words)2.How many kinds of things are t

21、here in the shopping list?(at most 6 words)3.What will Bettys mother make for Bettys birthday party?(at most 11 words),答案 1.He has a piano lesson. 2.There are eight. 3.She will make juice, make a big cake and fried chicken.,1.(2018天津和平区期中, 30, ) ? Yes, please. Id like to buy a black coat for my fath

22、er. A.How much is it B.Can I help you C.What colour do you want D.What would you like 答案 B 答语的含义是“是的。我想给我爸爸买一件黑色的外套”, 此处所缺的句子是“我能帮助你吗”,故答案为B。,2.(2018山西太原期末, 28, )My daughter is 1.60 meters tall. should I buy for her? I think you can take the medium one. A.How much B.What kind C.What size 答案 C 句意:我女儿

23、身高1米60。我应该给她买多大尺码的? 我觉得你可以买那个中号的。根据答语可知,符合题意的特殊疑问短 语是what size,故答案为C。,3.(2018北京四中期中, 24, )We need to the shoes before we decide to buy them. A.turn on B.look for C.try on D.wait for 答案 C 四个选项的含义分别是:turn on打开;look for寻找;try on试穿; wait for等待。根据语境可知,在我们决定买鞋之前,我们需要“试穿” 一下,故答案为C。,4. (2017广西南宁四十九中期末, 38,

24、) is your new skirt, Lingling? Small. A.What colour B.What size C.What class D.What time 答案 B 根据答语“小号”可推断,问句问的是玲玲的新裙子是“多 大尺码”的,故所缺的特殊疑问短语是what size。,1.(2018安徽合肥五十中新校期中, 23, ) are these apples? 10 yuan a kilo. A.What size B.How much C.How old D.How many 答案 B 根据答语“一千克10元”可推断,问句问的是“这些苹果多 少钱”,how much用于

25、询问价格信息,意为“多少钱”,故答案为B。,2.(2016吉林长春外国语学校期中,5,)My mother works in a big . You can buy many nice things there. A.station B.club C.library D.supermarket 答案 D 结合本题中的“你在那里可以买到很多好东西”可推断,相 应的地点是“超市”,故supermarket符合题意。,3.(2016江苏淮安淮阴区期末, 23,)My parents about 2,000 yuan for my bicycle last week. A.spent B.took C

26、.cost D.paid 答案 D 句意:我父母上周花了大约2,000元买了我的那辆自行车。主 语是my parents,再结合其后的for my bicycle可知,所缺的词是paid。,1.(2018北京中考,3,) do you usually go to school, Mary? By bike. A.When B.How C.Where D.Why 答案 B 句意:玛丽,你通常怎么去上学?骑自行车。此题考 查特殊疑问词的用法。when什么时候;how怎么样;where 在哪里;why 为什么。根据答句的意思“骑自行车”,可知应该选择询问方式的词 how。,2.(2018江苏南京中考

27、,11,)Do you have this T-shirt in a small ? Im afraid not. It only comes in medium. A.size B.colour C.material D.taste 答案 A 句意:你有这件T恤衫的小号吗?恐怕没有。它只有 中号。本题考查名词词义辨析。size尺寸,大小;colour颜色;material材 料;taste味道。根据答语中It only comes in medium.可知,此处询问衣服 的大小,故选A项。,3.(2018新疆中考,30,)Wow, your sweater is very beautiful

28、!How much is it? Thank you. It me 30 dollars. A.spend B.paid C.cost D.take 答案 C 句意:哇,你的毛衣非常漂亮!多少钱?谢谢。它花了 我30美元。本题考查动词辨析。“sth. costs(sb.)+金钱”意为“某物花 了(某人)多少钱”。,4.(2018四川成都中考,32,)I got up early this morning my grandma at the airport. A.to pick up B.picking up C.picked up 答案 A 句意:为了去机场接我奶奶,我今天早晨早早起床了。本题

29、考 查非谓语动词的用法。由句意可知,本空应用动词不定式作目的状语, 故本题选A。,5. (2017河南中考, 34, )Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Su- san just stands there and watches us sure we dont break anything. A.make B.made C.to make D.making 答案 C 本题考查非谓语动词。根据本题语境可知,Auntie Susan就站 在那里看着我们,为的是确保我们不会打碎任何东西。此处要用to make表示目的。,6.(2016山东济南中考,43,)Do y

30、ou like the songs by Taylor? Yes. Country music nice and full of feelings. A.sounds B.listens C.hears D.looks 答案 A 本题考查感官动词的用法。和主语country music“乡村音 乐”搭配的感官动词是sound“听起来”。,1.(2018贵州铜仁中考, 22, )Can I help you? The pants look very nice. Can I ? A.try it on B.try them on C.try on it D.try on them 答案 B 和th

31、e pants“裤子”搭配的代词是them,先排除A和C;再结合 them的位置可知答案为B。,2.(2018四川泸州中考, 5, ) It about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth. A.pays B.costs C.spends D.takes 答案 D 句意:光要花费大约八分钟时间从太阳到地球。根据“It takes some time to do sth.”的句式结构可知答案为D。 3. (2017北京中考,23, ) did you stop playing? Because I was

32、 tired. A.How B.Why C.When D.Where 答案 B 本题考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据答语“因为我累了”可 推断,所缺的特殊疑问词是why。,4.(2016江苏淮安中考,5,)Excuse me, I take the magazine out of the reading room? Sorry, you cant. Just here, please. A.must B.would C.may D.need 答案 C 结合本题语境可知,说话人问的是“我可以把这本杂志带出 阅览室吗”,要用情态动词may,故答案为C。,.根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词 1.他以邮寄的方

33、式把礼物寄给了我。He sent the present to me . 2.如果你想要帮助,可以随时给我打电话。you need help, you can give me a call . 3.我妈妈很忙,她有许多家务要做。My mother is busy and she has a lot of . 4.为了保持健康,他每天锻炼身体。He takes exercise every day . 5.你打算搬到安静的地方吗?Are you going to move ?,答案 1.by post 2.If;at any time 3.housework to do 4.to keep fi

34、t/ healthy 5.somewhere quiet,.短文填空 (2016浙江宁波中考) 根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式 (每空一词)。More and more teenagers are using the Internet nowadays, but some of them arent using it in a proper way. If you follow these suggestions, it ll be much 1 (安全的)than you might think. Do not give your password to oth

35、ers and never give out your home 2 (地址), real name, age, school or phone number to those 3 (陌生人). Do not share your 4 (私密的)information in Moments(朋友圈). Never answer unwanted 5 (电子邮件).,Be 6 (小心的)when you are using public Wi-Fi or scanning QR code (扫二维码). Never go and meet anyone you met online 7 (没有)

36、your parents permission and never go 8 (单独地). Keep a separate credit(信用)card just for 9 (购物)online. This will make it easier to 10 (取消)if something bad happens and your other credit cards can still be used unaffectedly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 1.safer 2.address 3.strangers 4.private/person

37、al 5.emails 6. careful 7.without 8.alone 9.shopping 10.cancel,.阅读理解 “Who needs a shopping centre if you have Taobao?”says Wang Wei,28, a writer in Beijing. Taobao,Chinas largest online shopping site,has become an important part of Wang Weis life. She spends lots of money on Taobao. A growing number

38、of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young work- ers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home-use products are the most popular online. It was reported that 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last,year,

39、eighty percent through Taobao. And on November 11th,over 91 bil- lion was spent on Taobao during only one day. Taobao means “looking for treasure”in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players. You may question the security of onli

40、ne shopping.Wang said,“Its very safe and convenient. Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money. You can al- so get your money back if you want to return the product.”,1.Wang Wei . A.is a popular star B.spends much money on Taob

41、ao C.thinks it is unsafe to shop online 2.Most people shopping online are . A.young B.parents C.men 3.The underlined word“security”has the same meaning as . A.pleasure B.safety C.journey 4.What is the best title for this passage? A.Online shopping in China B.Wang Weis Life C.Where to Shop,答案 1.B 根据第

42、二段中的“She spends lots of money on Taobao.”可知,她 在淘宝上花了很多钱,故答案为B。 2.A 根据第三段中的“Most online shoppers are students or young workers.”可知答案为A。 3.B 结合本段的描述可推断,你或许会对网上购物的“安全性”有所 怀疑,security的含义是“安全性”,同safety,故答案为B。 4.A 通读全文可知,本文讲的是中国的网上购物,故答案为A。,.书面表达 你喜欢网络购物(online shopping)吗?请你写一篇文章,描述你对网络购 物的认识。 包含如下内容: 1.网

43、络购物是一种新的购物方式。 2.网络购物在年轻人中很受欢迎。 3.网络购物的优势。 4.网络购物的劣势。 5.你对网络购物的态度。,要求: 1.必须包括上述要点。 2.词数为70左右。,答案 One possible version: Online Shopping Online shopping is a new way of shopping. It is popular among young people. It has many advantages. We can buy almost everything on the Internet. We can also find some cheap things on the Internet. But online shopping is not always perfect. Sometimes the product is not very good. We can only see the pictures, but we cant touch the product with our own hands. I think online shopping is a good way. It makes our life easy. It is changingour way of life.,


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