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1、知识点十 from.to.的用法 教材原文 He was President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.他从199 4年到1999年是南非的总统。 from.to.是固定搭配,意为“从到”,可以连接时间,也可以连 接地点。例如: The ship sails from Hong Kong to Macao.这艘船从香港航行到澳门。 We are busy from eight oclock to ten oclock.我们从8点忙到10点。,例 (2016上海中考)The local community centre is open Monday to

2、 Saturday. A.in B.from C.for D.on 解析 本题考查介词搭配。from.to.表示“从到”。 答案 B,be动词的一般过去时 一般过去时是我们在初中阶段学习到的一种重要的时态,也是期中、期 末考试以及中考中的常考点。一般过去时用于描述过去发生的动作或 存在的状态。本模块的语法重点是be动词的一般过去时。 1.be动词的一般过去时的句式变化 be动词包括am,is和are,am,is的过去式是was,are的过去式是were。它的 一般过去时的句式变化是这样的:,David was happy yesterday.昨天戴维很开心。 David wasnt happy

3、 yesterday. 昨天戴维不开心。 Was David happy yesterday?昨天戴维开心吗? Yes, he was.是的,他很开心。 No, he wasnt. 不,他不开心。,2.There be句型的一般过去时的句式变化,There was a pond in the village ten years ago.十年前这个村庄有一 个池塘。 There wasnt a pond in the village ten years ago. 十年前这个村庄没有池 塘。 Was there a pond in the village ten years ago?十年前这个村庄

4、有一个池 塘吗? Yes, there was.是的,有。 No, there wasnt. 不,没有。,bored, boring,I dont like the lecture.Its too boring.我不喜欢这个讲座,它太令人厌烦了。 I had nothing to do this afternoon, so I felt very bored.今天下午我无事可 做,所以我感到很无聊。,例 (2018四川成都外国语学校期中)Everyone is with this film. They all feel sleepy. A.boring;bored B.bored;boring

5、 C.interesting;interested D.interested;interesting 解析 根据题干中的“他们都觉得困乏”可推断,每个人都厌倦这个无 聊的电影了,可先排除C和D;修饰Everyone要用bored,修饰film要用bor- ing,故答案为B。 答案 B,令人怀念的“家乡和童年” 素养呈现 家乡是一个人出生和长大的地方,童年也是最令人怀念 的。童年的生活总是充满美好的回忆。谈论小时候的事情就成了学生 之间经常交流的话题,也是学生比较感兴趣的话题。 和不同地区或国家的同龄人一起分享我们的童年生活是一项值得提倡 的活动,不仅能够让我们体会到分享的乐趣,还能培养我们热

6、爱家乡的 情感,更能使我们开阔视野,了解不同地区或国家的文化、教育和生活 等。,素养解读 本模块的话题是“描述家乡和童年”。在Unit 1的对话中, 来自中国的Lingling和来自英国的Tony介绍了自己的家乡、小学以及 小学老师等;Unit 2的课文以Betty的口吻讲述了她在美国的家乡昆西小 镇的生活。 在平时的练习和考试中,我们经常会接触到以“描述家乡和童年”为话 题的语篇材料,常见的题型有阅读理解、任务型阅读和短文填空。让我 们结合短文填空题型来看一下两者是怎样结合的吧。,典例剖析 (2018广东广州顺德区第14周教研联盟) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意

7、义 相符的单词。 My name is Mike. I was 1 in Australia. Im 12 years old now. Last winter I went to Beijing 2 my parents. Beijing is 3 of the biggest cities in North China. I often heard of 4 in my hometown, but I never saw it. Yesterday morning when I went out 5 my house, I saw everything was 6 . How fantas

8、tic the snow was!Our garden looked very beautiful. It was Sun- day yesterday, 7 I didnt go to school after breakfast. Some of my friends came round and we made a big snowman. It had a red big nose and,two black eyes. Someone put 8 old hat on its head. I 9 a photo of our snowman. I was going to send

9、10 to my friends in Australia later on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案解析 1.born 我是在澳大利亚“出生”的,故所缺的词是born。 2.with 去年冬天我和我父母一起去了北京,表示“和一起”要用 with。 3.one one of.表示“之一”,故所缺的词是one。 4.snow 根据下文的snowman可知所缺的词是snow。,5.of go out of.意为“从出去”。 6.white 我看到一切都是“白色的”,故所缺的词是white。 7.so 昨天是周日,“所以”早饭后我没有去上学,故所缺的词是s

10、o。 8.an 有人在它的头上放了“一个”旧帽子,表示“一个”要用不定冠 词,old前所缺的词是an。 9.took take a photo of.意为“拍一张的照片”,再结合一般过去 时的时态可知所缺的词是took。 10.it 我打算把“它”发给我在澳大利亚的朋友,故所缺的词是it。,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.She was born in a small (村庄). 2.(2016山东滨州中考)The Party members should be (严格的)with themselves. 3.Lily is very (友好的)to us and we all lik

11、e her. 4.I dont like classical music.I feel (无聊的)when I listen to it. 5.The shoes are not (舒服的)and I think I need to buy a pair of new shoes.,答案 1.village 2.strict 3.friendly 4.bored fortable,.单项选择 1.(2018山东济南历城区期中)When do you usually exercise? I usually exercise six fifteen to seven in the morning.

12、 A.in B.on C.at D.from 答案 D 本题考查介词的用法。答语的含义是“我通常早上六点十 五到七点锻炼身体”,根据from.to.的结构可知答案为D。 2.Its a talk.I feel when I talk with them. A.boring;boring B.bored;bored C.boring;bored D.bored;boring 答案 C 本题考查boring和bored的区别。第一空意为“令人厌烦 的”,要用boring修饰talk;第二空意为“厌烦的”要用bored。故答案为 C。,3. (2017广西南宁十八中3月月考)English is v

13、ery . I cant study it well. A.easy B.different C.difficult D.cheap 答案 C easy简单的;different不同的;difficult困难的;cheap便宜的。根 据本题语境可知,英语很难,我学不好它。故所缺的词是difficult。 4. (2017天津和平区期末) is very important to learn how to ask for help politely. A.It B.This C.That D.He 答案 A 本题考查it作形式主语时的用法,根据“Its+adj.+to do sth.”的结构可知

14、答案为A。,5. (2017湖北武汉黄陂区部分学校5月月考)What does your uncle look like? . A.He is a doctor B.He is forty years old C.He is tall and thin D.He works in a bank 答案 C 问句问的是“你叔叔长什么样”,四个选项中只有C是符合 题意的答语。,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.His father is a little (严厉的)with him. 2.This is my (卧室).Isnt it beautiful? 3.She was in the g

15、arden ten minutes (以前). 4.There is a beautiful (湖)near the town. 5.The (作家)often asks his children to do those things by them- selves.,答案 1.strict 2.bedroom 3.ago 4.lake 5.writer,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. (2017江苏南京求真中学第一次月考)Our new neighbours are very kind and (friend)to us. 2.Some (village)wanted to move to

16、the big city. 3.I dont like classical music.I always feel (bore)when I listen to it. 4.My parents (be)at home yesterday. 5.The shoes are too tight for me.I feel (comfortable)when I wear them.,答案 1.friendly 2.villagers 3.bored 4.were 5.uncomfortable,.按要求完成句子 1.There was a big house.There were ten roo

17、ms in it.(合并为一句) There was a big house in it. 2.There were two stores in the town last year.(对画线部分提问)stores there in the town last year? 3.They were at school last Sunday.(改为否定句) They at school last Sunday.,4.She was in the classroom with her classmates.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯 定回答) in the classroom with her cl

18、assmates? Yes, . 5.There were some trees in the past.(改为否定句)any trees in the past. 6.There was a pond in my hometown ten years ago.(改为一般疑问句)a pond in your hometown ten years ago?,答案 1.with ten rooms 2.How many;were 3.were not 4.Was she;she was 5.There werent 6.Was there,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. (2016吉林长春外国语学校

19、期中)对于学生来说, 按时完成作业是很重 要的。 It is very important students finish their homework on time. 2.(2016陕西西北大学附属中学期末)老师对我们要求严格。 Our teacher is us. 3. 三年前我离开了伦敦。 I left London . 4. 会议将会从三点持续到五点半。 The meeting will last three oclock half past five. 5.我期待着能再次见到你。 Im meeting you again.,答案 1.for;to 2.strict with 3.t

20、hree years ago 4.from;to 5.looking forward to,.短文填空 (2018山西太原期末) 从方框中选出适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。每个词 或短语只用一次。 staying,weather,visit,lovely,free,often,can,to relax,milk,her Jennys grandparents are healthy and they live in a countryside. The 1 there is always great. It is sunny all year round(全年). Jenny l

21、ikes to 2 them on weekends. Her grandparents are happy to see 3 . Last Sunday, she went there again. In the morning, she helped her grand- parents 4 a cow and feed chickens. She loved to do them because the animals were 5 . After that, she went to the supermarket with her,grandfather. They 6 go shop

22、ping together. Its far from their house so they 7 only get there by car. Jenny loves 8 in the countryside. Its a good place 9 . And she thinks the best things in life are 10 like sunshine and the clean air. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 1.weather 2.visit 3.her 4.milk 5.lovely 6.often 7.can 8. st

23、aying 9.to relax 10.free,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. (2017河南郑州外国语中学期中)他的父母对他总是很严格。 His parents are always him. 2.学习一些食品安全方面的知识是很重要的。learn some knowledge about food safety. 3.我有太多家务活要做,所以我不能和你一起去看足球赛。 I have too much , so I cant go to the football match with you.,4.这是一座有一间起居室和一间浴室的大房子。 This is a big house a and a

24、 bathroom. 5.两年前他搬到了纽约。 He moved to New York .,答案 1.strict with 2.Its important to 3.housework to do 4.with;living room 5.two years ago,.任务型阅读 (2017天津滨海新区期中) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。(每空限填一词) Rose was born on February 29th,2004. By 2010, her parents had 6 birthday parties for her. But most(大多数)of them were o

25、n February 28th. One day, she knew that only February 29th was her real(真实的) birthday. It comes every four years,so she didnt want to have birthday parties on February 28 th any more. After that, she had only one party. That was in the year 2012. On that day her grandparents,all her uncles,aunts and

26、 cousins came to her home to celebrate her birthday. She got so many presents. She thinks its much more interesting to have a birthday party every four years.,1.Rose was born February and she is years old in 2010. 2. February 28th,2010, Roses parents had the birthday party for her. 3.Her real birthd

27、ay was on . 4.Rose thinks it is to have a party four years. 5.Rose got so many presents from her cousins,grandparents, and on her birthday.,答案 1.in;six 2.On;sixth 3.February 29th 4.interesting;every 5.uncles;aunts,1.(2018北京西城区期末, 16, )Both Peter and I born in 2005. A.are B.were C.will be 答案 B 句意:我和彼

28、得都出生在2005年。根据一般过去时的时态可 知所缺的词是were。 2.(2018吉林长春九台区期中, 35, )Ms. Miller is strict her students and also strict her work. A.with;about B.for;with C.with;with D.of;for 答案 A 本题考查短语搭配。句意:Miller老师对她的学生很严格,对她的工作要求也很严格。根据be strict with sb.和be strict about sth.的搭配可知答案为A。,3.(2018天津和平区期末,22, )Hello, Lucy! Tom in

29、 your class? No. But we in the same class two years ago. A.Is;are B.Is;were C.Was;are D.Was;were 答案 B 句意:你好,露西。汤姆在你们班吗?不在,但是我们 两年前在同一个班。根据本题语境可知,问句的时态是一般现在时,故 第一空要用Is;根据答语中的two years ago可知此处为一般过去时,故所 缺的词是were。,4. (2017湖北孝感孝南区期末, 26, )It is very important for us English well. A.learn B.learns C.learn

30、ing D.to learn 答案 D 句意:对我们来说,学好英语是很重要的。根据Its+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.的句式可知答案为D。,1.(2018重庆巴南区七校共同体第二次月考,24, )Her little brother could nice pictures when she only three years old. A.drew;is B.draw;was C.drew;was D.draw;is 答案 B could是情态动词,后跟动词原形,先排除A和C;再根据题干中 的“当她只有三岁的时候”可知,时态是一般过去时,故第二空所缺的 词是was。,2.(20

31、18吉林长春五十二中期末, 47, )Susan, is important to practice speaking English after class. A.it B.one C.that D.this 答案 A 句意:苏珊,课后练习说英语是很重要的。根据“Its+adj.+to do sth.”的句式结构可知所缺的词是it,it是形式主语,真正的主语是其 后的动词不定式,故答案为A。,3. (2017安徽合肥四十二中第一次月考, 28, )When was your sister born? She was born the morning of July 3rd, 2005. A.

32、in B.on C.at D.to 答案 B 根据设空处后的“2005年7月3日早上”可知所缺的介词是 on,故答案为B。,1.(2018黑龙江哈尔滨中考, 3, )Hi, Helen. When were you born? I was born February, 2003.Im 15 years old. A.on B.in C.at 答案 B 本题考查介词的用法。根据设空后的“2003年2月”可推 断,所缺的介词是in。,2.(2018内蒙古呼和浩特中考,5,)Do you find yourself getting im- patient or with people over un

33、important things? A.bored B.boring C.tiring D.angrily 答案 A 句意:你发现自己由于不重要的事情正变得对人没耐心或厌 烦吗?be bored with sb.对某人感到厌烦。boring令人厌烦的;tiring 累人 的;angrily生气地。,3. (2017湖北黄石中考,36,)In the future, robots will do jobs in place of people in order not to get us . A.bored;bored B.boring;boring C.boring;bored D.bored

34、;boring 答案 C 本题考查boring和bored的区别。句意:未来,机器人将会代替 人做无聊的工作,为的是不让我们觉得无聊。修饰jobs要用boring,修饰 us要用bored,故答案为C。,4.(2016四川攀枝花中考,35,)My English teacher is always strict us. A.in B.at C.with D.about 答案 C 句意:我的英语老师对我们总是很严厉。本题考查be strict with sb.的固定搭配,该短语意为“对某人要求严厉”,故答案为C。,1.(2018福建中考,35,)Karl Marx is a great thin

35、ker. Do you know ? In 1818. A.where he was from B.when he was born C.how he learned foreign languages 答案 B 句意:Karl Marx是一个伟大的思想家,你知道他什么时 候出生的吗?在1818年。本题考查宾语从句。从答语“In 1818.” 可知,问题应当问时间,因此宾语从句的引导词用“when”,故选B。,2.(2017四川内江中考, 22, )Last Tuesday, Li Ming and I did a sur- vey about our classmates birthdays

36、. Most of them were born Au- gust, 2002. A.in B.on C.at D.of 答案 A 句意:上周二,我和李明做了一个关于我们班同学的生日的调 查。他们中大多数人生于2002年8月。根据设空处后的“2002年8月” 可知,所缺的介词是in。,3.(2016湖南永州中考,29,)It is important us to make full use of time. A.for B.of C.with 答案 A 句意:充分利用时间对我们来说很重要。It is+adj.+for+sb. to do sth.与It is+adj.+of+sb. to do

37、 sth.的区别在于:for表示“对于”,of前的 形容词表示人的品质,important“重要的”不表示人的品质,故选A项。,.把下面的英语句子翻译成汉语 1.We are looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.2.My parents were very strict with me when I was young.3.She is very friendly to us and patient with us.4.Its necessary to compare English with Chinese in English study.5.Ye

38、sterday I went to the school where I worked ten years ago.,答案 1.我们期待着明天与他会面。 2.我的父母在我小的时候对我很严格。 3.她对我们很友好,也对我们很耐心。 4.在英语学习中,把英语和汉语做比较是很有必要的。 5.昨天我去了我十年前工作过的学校。,.图文搭配 Li Yang had a three-day holiday during the Qingming Festival. On the first morning,he cleaned his room. That made his mother very happ

39、y. In the af- ternoon,he did his math homework. It was not difficult,so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. Then he read a book for an hour. On the evening of the second day,he went to his aunts with his parents. They had a big dinner there. The next morning,he went swimming after gett

40、ing up. Usually he goes swimming twice a week. After lunch he went to the school playground and played football with his friends.He keeps in good health by doing so. In the evening,he watched TV at home and then put the books in his schoolbag for the school day. What a good holiday Li Yang had!,根据材料

41、内容把下面选项(A、B、C、D、E)排序。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 15 CDEBA,.阅读理解 (2017山东济南槐荫区期末)Hello,Im Bob. I have three good friends. They did different things last Sunday.,1.John,Amy and Mary are Bobs . A.cousins B.friends C.teachers D.students 2.Last Sunday,John . A.left home at 8:30 in the morning B.did not have a good

42、day C.cleaned the house and cooked lunch D.took a walk before lunch 3.Amy met her old friend Sarah last Sunday and they . A.watched an exciting baseball game B.watched an interesting movie C.made some Chinese food at home D.ate dinner in a nice restaurant,4.Mary and her brother had to go home quickl

43、y because . A.the weather got rainy B.their parents were not at home C.they were very tired D.they wanted to visit their grandpa 5.From the passage,we know last Sunday. A.John spent time with his grandparents B.Amy arrived home at eleven oclock C.Mary didnt eat anything for lunch D.John,Amy and Mary

44、 all had great fun,答案 1.B 根据文章开头的“Hello, Im Bob. I have three good friends.”可 知答案为B。 2.C 根据John描述中的“I helped them clean the house.”和“After that, I cooked lunch.”可知答案为C。 3.D 根据Amy描述中的“.and then we had dinner in a nice Chinese restaurant.”可知答案为D。 4.A 根据Mary描述中的“Unluckily, it began to rain at about ten

45、 o clock. We had to go back home quickly.”可知答案为A。 5.A 根据John描述中的“.I took a bus to my grandparents home.”以 及其后的描述可知答案为A。,.书面表达 (2017北京西城区期末) 根据中文和英文提示,用英文写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词 的短文。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。 人人都有与家人共度的美好时光,新世纪英语学习网正在开展主题为 “爱的回忆”的征文活动。请你写一篇征文,分享一下你的故事,内容 包括:你与家人一起做过的最快乐的一件事是什么,它发生在什么时候,

46、你想对家人说点儿什么。 提示词语:happy,remember,love,提示问题:1.What was your story? 2.When did it happen? 3.What do you want to say to your family?,答案 One possible version: When we talk about happy time in our childhood,I always think of bedtime stories. I cant remember when my parents started reading stories to me,bu

47、t I do remember every night when I went to bed Mom or Dad would read stories to me. Nice pictures,interesting stories,soft light,and my parents loving voices made up my happy time.Now I can read stories by myself but I still feel my parents bedtime stories are the most beautiful in the world. I really want to say to my parents,“Thank you Mom and Dad. I love you.”,


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