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1、知识点五 marry的用法 教材原文 He married in 1582 and had three children.他在1582年结的 婚,并有3个孩子。 marry作动词,意为“结婚”,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 例如: Will you marry me?你愿意同我结婚吗? He did not marry until he was thirty.他到三十岁才结婚。 拓展 get married 结婚 be/get married to sb.=marry sb.和某人结婚 派生词:married adj. 结婚的;已婚的,注意 marry是短暂性动词,不能和时间段搭配。

2、若表示“结婚多长时 间”要用be married。例如: They have been married for five years.他们结婚五年了。 =They got married five years ago. 他们五年前结的婚。,例 (2018四川成都外国语学校期中)Michelle Barack, and they ve got two daughters called Malia and Sasha. A.marries to B.is married to C.marries with D.is married with 解析 表示“和某人结婚”要用marry sb.或be/g

3、et married to sb.,由此可 推断正确的答案是B。 答案 B,知识点六 successful的用法successful是形容词,意为“成功的”。successful可以修饰人,也可 以修饰事或物。例如: My uncle is a successful businessman.我的叔叔是一位成功的商人。 His latest movie is very successful.他最新的那部电影很成功。 拓展 succeed v.成功 success n.成功;成功的人/事 successfully adv. 成功地,例 (2017甘肃兰州中考)用所给词的适当形式填空 The roa

4、d to (succeed) is to work honestly. 解析 本题考查succeed的名词形式,即success。通向成功的路就是踏 实地工作。 答案 success,知识点七 begin to do sth.的用法 教材原文 He became a successful actor and began to write plays. 他成 了一名成功的演员,开始写剧本。 begin to do sth.意为“开始做某事”,它的同义表达有begin doing sth., start to do sth., start doing sth.。例如: They began/sta

5、rted to sing and dance. =They began/started singing and dancing. 他们开始唱歌跳舞。,例 After making the birthday cake, my mother began lunch. A.prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.prepares 解析 本题考查“开始做某事”的表达方式。begin to do sth.和begin doing sth.都是正确的表达。 答案 B,.根据首字母和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.We all know that Ma Yun is a r (富有的)

6、person. 2.Im going to learn a foreign l (语言). 3.(2018安徽合肥庐阳区期末)After they kept working for years, they were s (成功的)at last. 4.My grandmother d (去世)last year. 5.They want to b (建造)a new bridge. 6.The children mustnt play with f (火). Its dangerous. 7.I finished reading the p (剧本)and said that it was a

7、 good one.,答案 1.rich 2.language 3.successful 4.died 5.build 6.fire 7.play,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Most people know Jackie Chan is a famous (act). 2.(2016河南新郑七校期中联考)My grandfathers (die)made me very sad. 3.My brother and I (visit)my aunt near the sea in 1999. 4.I hope your new product will be very (success).

8、5.My aunt and her husband got (marry)last year.,答案 1.actor 2.death 3.visited 4.successful 5.married,.单项选择 1.You can still see his plays English and many other lan- guages. A.with;with B.in;in C.with;in D.in;with 答案 B in 在这里表示“用(语言)”。 2.(2018吉林长春五十二中期末)What do you think of Chinese? Oh, I think its a

9、very difficult . A.sport B.person C.country D.language 答案 D 问句问的是“你觉得中文怎么样”,中文属于一种“语言”, 故所缺的词是language。,3.(2018辽宁大连中山区期末)William Shakespeare was . We can still see his plays in many languages today. A.comfortable B.successful C.beautiful D.traditional 答案 B 四个选项的含义分别是:comfortable舒适的;successful成功 的;be

10、autiful美丽的;traditional传统的。根据题干中的“我们现在仍然能 看到他的许多语言形式的戏剧”可推断,他是“成功的”,故答案为B。,4.(2018河北中考)The bread is really delicious. Thank you. I it myself. A.make B.made C.will make D.am making 答案 B 本题考查动词时态。句意:面包真的很好吃。谢 谢。我自己做的。根据本题语境可知,“做面包”这个动作发生在过去 的某个时间,故要用一般过去时。,5.After they ate the birthday cake, they began

11、 . Everyone was happy. A.sing B.sings C.sang D.to sing 答案 D begin to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“开始做某事”,故答案为D。 6. (2017江苏宿迁中考)My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other very much. A.have been married B.got married C.were married D.have got married 答案 A 句意:我爷爷奶奶结婚六十多年了,他们彼此很相爱。根据 for over 60 year

12、s可知,时态是现在完成时,先排除B和C;而且要用延续性 的be married,故答案为A。,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.The old man was very (富有的)when he was young. 2.He can speak several (语言)such as English and French. 3.There was a forest (火灾)last week. 4.(2016山东聊城文轩中学第二次月考)I spend eight hours (建造) my house every day. 5.The boy could read five (诗歌)w

13、hen he was two years old. 6.(2016广东广州番禺执信中学期中)Never give up and you will be (成功的).,答案 1.rich 2.languages 3.fire 4.building 5.poems 6.Successful,.单项选择 1.(2018北京昌平临川育人学校期中)Jim, can you me a story English? A.speak;speak B.talk;with C.say;use D.tell;in 答案 D 句意:吉姆,你能用英语给我讲个故事吗?和story搭配的词是 tell,意为“讲故事”;in

14、 English意为“用英语”,故答案为D。 2.(2017山东济南槐荫区期末)Did you see any cows on the farm? Yes. I quite a lot. A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see 答案 B 本题考查动词时态。根据本题语境可知,时态是一般过去时, 故saw符合题意。,3.What Betty in the summer? She visited her aunt near the sea. A.does;do B.did;did C.does;did D.did;do 答案 D 由答语可知问句是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,其结构为:

15、疑问 词+did+主语+动词原形? 4.(2016广东深圳锦华实验学校期中)If you study hard and get everything ready, you will be . A.successful B.terrible C.bored 答案 A successful成功的;terrible糟糕的;bored无聊的。题干中提到 了“如果你努力学习,准备好应对一切”,由此可推断,“那你就会成 功”,故答案为A。,5.Mary and her husband for ten years. A.have been married B.married C.got married D.

16、have married 答案 A 由for ten years可知要用have been married。故答案为A。,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.安徒生是世界上最著名的作家之一。 Andersen was one of the in the world. 2.杰克毕业时决定当一名医生。 Jack a doctor when he finished school. 3. (2017陕西西北大学附中期末)这部电影在全世界都受欢迎。 This film is popular . 4.他两岁时开始学习阅读。He to read when he was two years old. 5.他们打算明年

17、结婚。They are going to next year.,答案 1.most famous writers 2.decided to be 3.around the world 4.began/started to learn 5.get married,.短文填空 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,请将单词填写在相应的 横线上。每词限用一次。 nineteen, feel, become, write, job, decide, from, spend Maupassant (莫泊桑)was one of the famous writers of short novels i

18、n the 1 century in France. His novels made readers 2 excited and hap- py. During his school days, he decided to 3 a writer. Then he began to write something. Because of the Franco-prussian War (普法战争), he had to stop 4 . After the war, he went to Paris to look for a 5 . He found a job as a clerk succ

19、essfully. When he was in Paris, he met some,great writers and learned a lot 6 them. Maupassant was too busy and he had no time to writer stories. Then he made a 7 . He gave up the job and 8 all his time on writing. At the age of thirty-four, he became quite famous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.,答案 1.ninet

20、eenth 2.feel 3.become 4.writing 5.job 6.from 7.decision 8.spent,.按要求完成句子 1.The man joined the army.(改为否定句)The man the army. 2.He started to learn to swim.(改为一般疑问句)he to learn to swim? 3.She became famous two years ago.(对画线部分提问)she famous? 4.She could speak English.(对画线部分提问)could she speak? 5.The man

21、 began to work when he was 20 years old.(改为同义句) The man began to work 20.,答案 1.didnt join 2.Did;start 3.When did;become 4.What language 5.at the age of,.任务型阅读 (2017贵州铜仁中考) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成15小题(每空一词)。 Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a person who was interested in Chinese medicine. Li Shizh

22、en often saw that people fell ill. He decided to study medicine so that he could help people who were ill. Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. He found that many of the old medical books were full of mistakes. So his wish was to write a new one. He did his best to study medical science. He st

23、udied not only herbs (草药) in his own garden, but also the wild ones. He set out to collect herbs and field.,talk with old peasants. He learned a lot from curing (治疗) patients. After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen finished his great work Ben Cao Gang Mu (本草纲目). At that time he was sixt

24、y. His book is now one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world. 1.Li Shizhens father was in Chinese medicine. 2.Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to help the people. 3. Li Shizhen found that there were some in the old medical books. 4. Ben Cao Gang Mu is a book about . 5.Li Shizhen made great to people all over the world in the medical,答案 1.interested 2.sick 3.mistakes 4.medicine 5.contributions,


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