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1、第4课时 Unit 5Unit 8,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.panda n. 熊猫 2.tiger n. 老虎 3.elephant n. 大象 4.lion n. 狮子 5.giraffe n. 长颈鹿 6.animal n. 动物 7.cute adj. 可爱的;机灵的 8.lazy adj. 懒惰的;懒散的 9.smart adj. 聪明的 10.beautiful adj. 美丽的;美好的 11.kind n. 种类 12.Australia n. 澳大利亚,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过

2、关检测,13.south n. 南方 adj. 南方的 14.Africa n. 非洲 15.pet n. 宠物 16.sleep v.弄死 24.newspaper n. 报纸 25.soup n. 汤,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,26.wash v. 洗 27.movie n. 电影 28.drink v.喝 n. 饮料 29.tomorrow n. 明天;未来 adv.在明天 30.pool n. 游泳池;水池 31.supermarket n. 超市 32.study v. 学习;研究 33.American adj. 美国的;美洲的

3、n. 美国人;美洲人,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,34.other adj. 另外的;其他的 pron. 另外的人(或物) 35.young adj. 幼小的;年轻的 36.child n. 儿童(pl.)children 37.miss v. 怀念;思念;错过 38.wish v. 希望 39.delicious adj. 美味的 40.rain v. 下雨 n.雨水 41.windy adj. 多风的 42.cloudy adj. 多云的 43.sunny adj. 晴朗的 44.snow v. 下雪 n. 雪 45.message n.信

4、息;消息 46.problem n.困难;难题 47. again adv. 再一次;又一次,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,48.dry adj. 干燥的 49.warm adj. 温暖的 50.visit v. 拜访;参观 51.Canada n. 加拿大 52.summer n.夏天;夏季 53.vacation n.假期 54.Europe n. 欧洲 55. country n.国;国家(pl.) countries 56.winter n. 冬天;冬季 57.Russian adj. 俄罗斯的 n.俄罗斯人;俄语 58.hotel n.

5、 旅馆;酒店 59.restaurant n.餐馆,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,60.hospital n.医院 61.street n.大街 62.pay v.喜爱 73.money n.钱,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.Australia n.Australian adj.澳大利亚(人)的 2.Africa n.African adj.非洲(人)的 3.forget v.remember(反义词)记得;想起 4.danger n.dangerous adj.危险的 5.use v.usef

6、ul adj.有用的 6.man n.men(复数) 7.study v.studies(第三人称单数) 8.young adj.old(反义词)老的 9.child n.children(复数) 10.rain n.rainy adj.有雨的;多雨的 11.windy adj.wind n.风 12.cloudy adj.cloud n.云 13.sunny adj.sun n.太阳;阳光,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,14.beauty n.美 beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的 beautifully adv.美丽地 15.sout

7、h n.南southern adj.南方的 16.friend n. 朋友friendly adj.友好的friendship n.友谊 17.easily adv.容易地easy adj.容易的 18.relax v.放松relaxed adj.感到放松的relaxing adj.令人放松的 19.keep v.保持kept (过去式)keeper n.饲养员;保管员 20.follow v.跟随following adj.接着的 21.sleep v.瞌睡的asleep adj.睡着的,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,22.important

8、adj.重要的unimportant adj.(反义词) importance n.重要性 23.quiet adj.安静的quietly adv.安静地 24.person n.个人personal adj.个人的 25.visit v.参观;拜访visitor n.参观者 26.spend v.花费spent (过去式/过去分词),单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.kind of 稍微;有点儿 2.get lost 迷路 3.be in(great)danger 处于(极大)危险之中 4.cut down 砍倒 5.be made of 由制

9、成(能看出原材料) 6.go to the movies 去看电影 7.eat out 出去吃饭,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,8. take a message 捎个口信;传话 9. call (sb.) back (给某人)回电话 10.on vacation 度假 11.across from 在对面 12.in front of 在前面 13.enjoy reading 喜欢阅读 14.at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口 15.listen to 听 16.have to 不得不 17.follow the ru

10、les 遵守规则,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,18. read a newspaper 阅读报纸 19.make soup 做汤 20.drink tea 喝茶 21.right now 立刻;马上 22. turn right/left 向右/左转 23.go along (the street) 沿着(这条街道)走 24.spend time 度过时光,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.大象是泰国的象征之一。 The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.

11、2.他会用两条腿走路。 He can walk on two legs. 3.你在做什么? What are you doing? 没什么事。 Not much. 4.所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时晚上是一样的。 So its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. 5.近来可好? Hows it going? 6.听起来你玩得很高兴。 Sounds like youre having a good time.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,7.你想和我一起吃饭吗? D

12、o you want to join me for dinner? 我很乐意。 Id love to. 8.你能否叫他给我回个电话? Could you just tell him to call me back? 9.我想给你打电话,但电话坏了,所以我就给你写信了。 I want to call you but my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you. 10.为了到达那里,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。 To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.,单词必会,词汇拓

13、展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,11.生活中最美好的事情是免费的啊! The best things in life are free! 12.我正坐在水池边喝着橙汁。 Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. 13.我在加拿大的姑姑那里玩得很开心。 Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.现在进行时 (1)你现在在干什么? What are you doing n

14、ow? 我在做作业。 I am doing my homework. (2)她在干什么? Whats she doing? 她在做飞机模型。 Shes making a model plane. (3)他们在打篮球吗? Are they playing basketball? 是的,他们在打篮球。/不,他们没打篮球。 Yes,they are./No,they arent.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,2.“ there be ”结构 (1)附近有银行吗? Is there a bank near here? 有的。在格林大街上。 Yes, t

15、here is.Its on Green Street. (2)你家附近有餐馆吗? Are there any restaurants near your house? 是,有的。邮局的前面就有一家餐馆。 Yes, theres one in front of the post office.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,表达偏好 What animal do you like? I like koalas. Why do you like koalas? Because theyre very cute. Do you like lions?

16、 Yes,I do./No,I dont. 谈论正在做的事情 1.What are you doing? Im doing my homework. 2.Whats she doing? Shes washing her clothes.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,谈论天气 Hows the weather? Its raining./Its sunny. 问路和指路 1.Excuse me.Im new in town.Is there a restaurant near your house? Yes,there is.Its on Ce

17、nter Street. 2.Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the library. 3.How does Lisa get to the library from her home? To get there,she should go along Long Street and turn left on North Street.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1.There are some children (孩子) playing games under the t

18、ree. 2.New York is the city that never sleeps(睡眠). 3.He was a shy boy,but he grew to be a strong and confident man(男人). 4.Its been rainy(有雨的) all day today. 5.Relax and enjoy(享受) the dinner.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Thanks to your help,we were able to finish the work ea

19、sily(easy). 2.Look at the monkeys (monkey)in the zoo!They are jumping up and down. 3.It is cloudy (cloud).Maybe it will rain later. 4.These animals are in danger (dangerous) of becoming extinct.Its time for us to save them. 5.Dont forget (forget) to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.,

20、单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,三、完成句子 1.他们喜欢在寒假去滑冰。 They like going skating in the winter vacation. 2.和外国朋友说英语时,不要害羞。 Dont be shy when you speak English with foreign friends. 3.有一些欧洲的参观者正在湖边拍照。 There are some European visitors taking photos along the lake. 4.这只小猫咪虽然有点懒惰,但却十分友好。 The little ca

21、t is kind of lazy ,but it is very friendly. 5.今天天气怎么样?晴朗暖和。 Hows the weather today?Its warm and sunny.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,四、按要求完成句子 1.The tigers are a little scary.(同义句转换) The tigers are kind of/a bit scary. 2.The students are playing basketball on the playground.(就画线部分提问) What a

22、re the students doing on the playground? 3.It is sunny today.(就画线部分提问) Whats the weather like today? 4.There is a post office near here.(改为一般疑问句) Is there a post office near here? 5.The supermarket is next to the hospital.(就画线部分提问) Wheres the supermarket?,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点1message n.信息;消息,词语冲关,句型冲关,辨析mes

23、sage,news与information,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点2spend v.花(时间;钱等),词语冲关,句型冲关,辨析spend,cost,take与pay,词语冲关,句型冲关,词语冲关,句型冲关,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点3enjoy v.享受;喜爱,词语冲关,句型冲关,归纳enjoy的用法 作“欣赏,享受,喜爱”讲,后跟名词或动词-ing形式。enjoy还可以作“使过得快活,使得到乐趣”讲,常与oneself搭配。如: I enjoy reading these books very much. 我很喜欢读这些书。 Are you enjoying yourself? 你玩得高兴吗

24、?,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点1Hi!Hows the weather in Beijing?你好!北京的天气怎么样? Its sunny.天气晴朗。,词语冲关,句型冲关,归纳“Hows the weather?”的用法 Hows the weather?意为“天气怎么样?”其中how为疑问副词,weather是不可数名词。答语常用“Its+表示天气的形容词.”。常见的表示天气的形容词有:Hows the weather?=Whats the weather like?其中what为疑问代词,后加介词like。如: How was the weather yesterday?= What was

25、 the weather like yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点2Hows it going? 近来可好? 归纳“Hows it going?”的用法及答语 本句是询问对方处境或事情进展如何的习惯用语,后面可跟介词短语 with sb./sth.,可与“How is everything?”互换。 Hows it going with Marys study? 最近玛丽的学习情况怎么样? 该句型可根据不同情况来回答: Pretty good!相当不错!/非常好! Great!很好! Not bad!还不错! Just so-so.一般般。 Terrible

26、!太糟糕了! Everything is going well.一切进展顺利。,中考话题作文微讲堂系列制定计划 难忘的初中生活即将结束,请以“My Plan for the Coming School Year”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你初中结束后一学年内的打算。 要求:1.语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁,词数不少于80词; 2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计算。 体裁分析这是一篇写计划的文章,属于应用文范畴,写这篇文章时,首先可以开门见山,直接引出话题,然后分步骤写出详细内容。,审题指导细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息: 1.仔细研读所给书面表达的标题及提示内容可知,要求写出初

27、中毕业后一学年内的计划。描述将来的计划要用一般将来时,人称用第一人称。 2.所写计划内容尽量丰富、全面,可以涉及学习、生活、交友等方面的内容,不要局限于某一点。 3.根据内容使用“总分总”式构思,开头点明主题,中间分点谈论计划,最后表决心,呼应主题。力求做到语言流畅、结构完整、层次分明。,写作提纲,素材积累 1.I feel like playing basketball with my best friends after class. 2.The summer vacation is coming,and I prepare to visit my grandparents in the

28、countryside. 3.My classmates decided/made a decision to help the people in the old peoples home. 4.I will go abroad for further study. 5.Therell be a game in our school this week. 6.I am looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 7.I havent made up my mind whether to go skating or not. 8.I

29、have arranged a one-day trip. 9.Itll take about two hours to get there by bus. 10.We will climb the mountain if the weather is fine. 11.Lets make a plan for the coming vacation together. 12.Im determined to study hard in the coming year.,我的作文 My Plan for the Coming School Year How time flies!I have

30、finished my study in the junior high school and I will start my new life in a new school. Now Id like to share my plan with you. First,it is important to do well in all subjects,especially some new subjects.Ill work harder at them to improve my grades.Second,Ill try to take part in some after-class activities and make more friends.Third,to have a strong body,Ill try to do as much exercise as I can. Im sure I can do better in the coming school year.,


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